In this paper we described TStore, a web tool
serving as a Trace-Base Management Systems. The
originality of TStore resides on its performance and
in the transformation facilities on M-Traces that it
offers. We presented the four modules of TStore.
The Storage Manager receives messages containing
M-Traces from the clients and stores them in the
database. The Querying System retrieves M-Traces
from the database to answer queries of client
applications. The Transformer contains different
functions to produce transformed M-Traces. The
Security Manager ensures M-Trace protection and
the distribution of roles and privileges. The major
contribution described in this paper is the
customized transformation approach based on the
Finite-State Transducer (FST) principle for M-Trace
transformations. We proposed to use FST as a way
to represent signatures of users’ behaviours.
Our experiments showed that storing multiple
obsels as a chunk is better than storing them
separately. It shows also that the execution time and
the memory usage for obsels storage have
logarithmic growth. The implementation of TStore
is still in progress and a lot of services should be
added. Future work will involve developing a
querying language that allows answering different
users’ requests. We need to develop our FST
Transformation approach and try to define them
automatically. A user interface is one of the
important things to be provided since it allows users
and admin to browse and manage M-Traces
according to their privileges. Currently TSore only
supports XML messages so we want to add new
formats. Lastly, we want to develop a visualization
module that helps to view and analyze M-Traces.
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