Figure 6: Logical and physical view of the application ar-
when we create the tasks. The Figure 6 presents an
example using four (4) computing nodes.
The state space is the basic model on which most
verifications are built. The constructed state space is
modular. It can be used to verify behavioural proper-
ties in the hole activity diagram or just on some ac-
tivities. The properties to verify can be basic such
as reachability, deadlocks, liveness and home state.
We can adopt the approach presented in (Boukala and
Petrucci, 2011) to verify such properties in the dis-
tributed and modular state space. Functional prop-
erties have to be extracted and translated from the
SysML requirements diagram to temporal logic such
as LTL and CTL. Various works have been proposed
to verify LTL and CTL formulas in distributed and
modular state space (Latvala and Makela, 2004).
The paper presents a modular and distributed verifica-
tion approach for formally verifying complex systems
described by SysML activity diagrams. A technique
for mapping the SysML activities to Petri net have
been proposed. The mapping is guided by the call be-
havior actions. The modular verification is enabled
by analysing each activity using its related Petri net
module. For enabling the verification of complex and
composite activities a modular and distributed verifi-
cation technique have been proposed to overcome the
state space explosion problem. As future works, it is
important to consider the process of extracting prop-
erties as temporal logic formulas from the SysML
requirement diagram to complete the approach pre-
sented in this paper.
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