Composition of Domain Specific Modeling Languages
An Exploratory Study
Edmilson Campos
, Marília Freire
, Uirá Kulesza
, Adorilson Bezerra
and Eduardo Aranha
Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, PPgSC / CCET, UFRN, Natal, RN, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, IFRN, Natal, RN, Brazil
Keywords: Domain Specific Languages, Model Composition, Experimental Software Engineering.
Abstract: This paper presents an exploratory study in the context of composition of domain-specific modeling
languages (DSMLs). It aims evaluating a composition method using Ecore-based DSMLs based on xText
tool. The study was performed applying the method to modelling a composition of DSMLs from the domain
of controlled experiments in software engineering. The study consists of four different DSMLs, whose
ultimate goal is to generate executable workflows for each experiment subject. The study results present: (i)
new adaptations that can be incorporated into the method in order to enable its application to the xText
context; and (ii) a brief comparison of the method application using xText and XML based approaches.
The development of software systems using domain-
specific languages (DSLs) has increased in the last
years. DSLs raise the abstraction level and bring
facilities for generation of models or source code. It
can contribute to increase the development produc-
tivity, and it also facilitates a precise definition of
concerns within a particular domain (Lochmann and
Bräuer, 2007). The successful development and
customization of DSLs depend on the effective
collaboration between several stakeholders as well
as a flexible and coherent problem domain con-
ceptualization (Hessellund et al., 2007). In complex
projects, the use of a single DSL is usually insuffi-
cient to deal with several views and perspectives of
the software system modeling, thus the usage of
multiple DSLs can be interesting and useful in such
context. As a consequence, there is an increased risk
of consistency loss among several models elements,
requiring greater concern with regard to this issue.
Consistency maintenance among models is one of
critical challenges involved on DSLs composition.
In this way, new methods and tools must provide
support to address their composition.
Recent research work has explored the con-
sistency problem between models (Mens et al.,
2006) (Nentwich et al., 2003); (Bézivin and Jouault,
2005). However, many of them have not explicitly
addressed the problem of DSLs composition.
Hessellund and Lochmann (2009) were one of these
few works that proposed a specific method to deal
with multiple DSLs. However, although the method
had been applied in some case studies (Hessellund et
al., 2007); (Lochmann and Grammel, 2008), they
have only reported experiences and case studies with
XML-based DSLs composition. Hence, there is a
need to conduct new assessments of existing meth-
ods of DSL composition considering new scenarios
and mainstream technologies.
This paper presents an exploratory study that
aims to assessing the DSL composition method
proposed in (Hessellund and Lochmann, 2009). Our
study focuses on the method application for the
composition of DSMLs based on xText and Ecore
metamodel from the Eclipse Modeling Framework.
The method was evaluated in the development of
DSLs for the domain of controlled experiments
modeling in software engineering. It involves the
combination of four different DSLs proposed to
automate the controlled experiments execution by
generating executable workflows for each experi-
ment subject. As a result of our study, we have
adapted the original method in order to consider
specificities of Ecore-based DSLs. In addition, we
also discuss several issues that still need to be ex-
plored in the DSL composition context.
Moreover, Section 2 explains some background
topics. Section 3 describes the exploratory study, the
DSLs and some additional discussions. Finally,
Section 4 concludes and suggests possible future
Campos E., Freire M., Kulesza U., Bezerra A. and Aranha E..
Composition of Domain Specific Modeling Languages - An Exploratory Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004321401490156
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2013), pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-8565-42-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 DSL Composition
The development of software systems with the ap-
plication of DSLs has brought new challenges to the
software engineering. The complexity of modern
software systems has motivated the adoption of
multiple DSLs in order to address different perspec-
tives from existing horizontal and vertical software
domains. However, there are several questions re-
garding the adoption of multiple DSLs that still need
to be explored and investigated (Hessellund, 2009).
Their study explored four kinds of constraints
DSLs that was identified in a study case realized in
Hessellund et al, (2007). They are these: (i) Well-
formedness of individual artifacts, when an element
presence and attribute declaration depends on the
presence of other elements or attributes in that same
context; (ii) Simple referential integrity across
artifacts; (iii) References with additional
constraints, when a reference has an additional
constraint; and (iv) Style constraints.
For Bézivin and Jouault (2005), constraints vio-
lation may be still classified according to the
severity level which can be errors or warnings.
Errors are serious violations and they invalid the
model whereas warnings just indicate a problem, but
they don’t invalidate the model. Other levels can
also be defined to improve the violations accuracy.
2.2 The DSL Composition Method
Aiming to solve the listed problems, a specific
method was proposed (Hessellund and Lochmann,
2009) for dealing with multiple DSLs. The method
divides the composition development in three steps:
(i) Identification; (ii) Specification; and (iii) Appli-
cation. We adopted the method in our exploratory
study whose purpose was to compose DSLs to
model controlled experiment in the experimental
software engineering context. Below we present the
method overview and in the Section 3 we explain
more details about the study.
Identification: This is the first method step and its
purpose is to uncover the overlaps between different
DSLs. Overlaps among two or more languages
happen when there is a reference among their
models, i.e. one DSL references another DSL. This
identification can be made manually or automatic,
with some support tool, such as the SmartEMF
(Hessellund, 2007) proposed with the method.
Specification: The purpose of this step is to
implement the connections identified previously,
according to the reference type. The specification
may be: (i) partial when only the overlaps among
models have to be encoded; or (ii) full when the
whole system needs to be encoded and represented
in a common format. Supporting tools are also re-
quired in order to perform the encoding.
Application: The application step makes visible the
method adoption gains distributed in three areas: (i)
navigation; (ii) consistency checking; and (iii)
guidance presentation. The navigation is simply the
way to navigate between models; the consistency
checking is a more advanced kind of application and
it allows to check integrity rules; and the guidance is
a well-explored concept in programming IDEs to
present suggestions, errors and warnings so this
concept is also availed in this investigated method.
This section presents an exploratory study conducted
aiming to investigate the Hessellund and
Lochmann’s method in the context of Ecore-based
DSLs. Our study involves the composition of differ-
ent DSLs used to modeling the domain of controlled
experiments. The modeling of controlled experi-
ments is used in a model-driven approach to gener-
ating specialized workflows for each experiment
subject according to the experiment design (Freire et
al., 2011); (Freire et al., 2012). The composition
method has been applied to promote the metamodels
integration from each one of the defined DSLs.
Figure 1: Approach overview.
Figure 1 presents an overview of our model-
driven approach for modeling of controlled experi-
ments. It is presented from two perspectives: plan-
ning and execution. The planning perspective aggre-
gates a series of DSLs that are composed to model
an experiment. These DSLs are used to specify ex-
periments with their respective processes and met-
rics during the experiment planning phase. After this
step, the experiment modeling with DSLs is used to
generate specialized workflows and web forms re-
sponsible to promote the execution of the experi-
ment and monitoring of the subjects’ activities.
Figure 1 also presents this execution perspective.
The mapping between the perspectives is imple-
mented by means of model-driven transformations,
which are not presented in this paper because it is
out of scope. In this work, we are more interested in
the application of the composition method to the
DSLs from the planning perspective.
3.1 Study Activities
The main aim of our study was to apply the compo-
sition method to a still unexplored scenario, collect
and evaluate the results and lessons learned. Our
study was organized into the following activities:
DSL Definition: The DSLs were defined to
address the software engineering experimental
field. They have been proposed based on current
research work of our research group when
conducting controlled experiments;
DSLs Composition: We adopt the method pro-
posed (Hessellund and Lochmann, 2009)
adapting it for our scenario to implement the
DSLs composition;
Analysis of the results and discussions: Our
study can be characterized as a qualitative
analysis that contrasts the results of our study
with a previous study (Hessellund et al, 2007).
3.2 DSL Definition
A controlled experiment is an experimental tech-
nique that allows us to test a research hypothesis and
the cause-and-effect relationship between the varia-
bles (dependent and independent) involved in the
study environment. In this context, we have been
motivated to propose a customizable and extensible
support environment for conducting controlled ex-
periments. Our first aim has been the planning and
execution stages. Based on the know-how of our
research group carrying out controlled experiments,
we have specified a set of DSLs, which allows mod-
eling a controlled experiment. These DSLs were
developed with xText (, a
model-driven framework for the DSLs development.
Each DSL has its own syntax and semantics and
they can be used alone or combined.
Altogether we used four DSLs. Their grammars
are presented in detail in (
DSL Composition, 2012).
The first one, ProcessDsl, is used to define the pro-
cedures to be followed to collect the needed data
from the subjects in a controlled experiment. The
second, MetricDsl, allows specifying metrics related
to some of the dependent variables of the specified
experiment and that it will be collected during its
execution. The other, ExperimentDsl, is defined for
the ESE context and it basically allows setting the
treatments and the control variables that are required
for the specified experiment. A treatment can be
composed of the combination of one or more factors
that can have different control levels. And the last
one defined DSL, called QuestionnaireDsl, allows
specifying questionnaires with the aim of collecting
feedback from the experimental subjects.
3.3 DSL Composition
The composition method application in our DSLs
context required some adjustments. Most of them
were applied in the original proposal to adapt the
method for considering Ecore-based DSLs. We have
used the modeling of two controlled experiments to
evaluate the application of the composition method.
This section presents the experiments modeling and
discussions about the method application.
3.3.1 Controlled Experiments Modeling
The DSLs have been used to model two different
controlled experiments. The first experiment in-
volves the comparison of the development produc-
tivity using the Java and C++ programming lan-
guages. It has been adapted from Wohlin et al
(2000) and was used as an initial validation of our
model-driven approach. The second experiment
aims to investigate the comprehension of configura-
tion knowledge specification in three existing prod-
uct derivation tools. It was conducted in cooperation
with the Software Engineering Laboratory from
PUC-Rio, Brazil (Cirilo et al., 2011). Next we detail
of both experiments.
a) Programming Languages Experiment
Modeling. The goal of this first experiment was to
compare the development productivity using the
Java and C++ languages. The experiment considers
as its control factors, the two languages, the systems
under development and the different subjects. The
two languages are also the treatments of our
experiment. The language and system factors were
still subdivided in two levels each one. We used the
Java and C++ languages as the language levels. For
the system control factor, we use two systems of
different levels of complexity. The first one, called
Phonebook, has a reduced number of use cases. The
second one, called Event Management System, has a
greater degree of complexity. The participants were
randomized for the experiment, as well as the sys-
tems and languages, according to the Latin Square,
the statistical design selected. At the end, each
subject performed the same activities sequence with
the two systems using in each treatment a different
language (Java or C++). Figure 2 shows the experi-
ment modeling using ExperimentDsl.
Figure 2: Programming Languages Experiment modelling.
In each treatment, the subjects received an input
artifact containing the use cases specification of one
random system (according to the Latin Square) and
then each one of them had to perform the following
activities, with the selected language:
(i) Use Case Project: It involves the tasks to de-
sign the reference architecture and the user in-
terface, according to the use case specification;
(ii) Use Case Implementation: It contains the tasks
responsible to codify the implementation arti-
facts designed in the previous activity;
(iii) Perform Use Case tests: This activity involves
the development and execution of test cases for
each use case implemented.
Figure 3: Simple Process modeling fragment.
This set of activities, tasks and artifacts are the
simple process used to perform this experiment.
Figure 3 presents a fragment of this process model-
ing using the ProcessDsl. It shows the process
lifecycle with its activities arranged in the execution
order and tasks grouped by activity. Moreover, the
process modeling contains the definition of artifacts
and roles involved in each task. This process has
only a role that represents the experiment subject.
The process is part of the experiment, as well as the
metrics related to this process. In this experiment,
three metrics were considered for analysis: (i) the
time spent to design the use cases; (ii) the time spent
to implement each use case; and (iii) the time taken
to prepare and execute test cases.
b) Configuration Knowledge Experiment
Modeling. The second modeled experiment was
performed in collaboration with another research
group and is described in (Cirilo et al., 2011). The
aim of experiment is to investigate the
comprehension of configuration knowledge in three
product derivation tools (CIDE, GenArch+,
pure::variants) in the context of software product
line (SPL) engineering. A SPL (Clements and
Northrop, 2011) represents a software family from a
particular market segment that shares common
functionalities, but that also defines specific
variabilities for members (products) of the software
family (Czarnecki and Helsen, 2006). Features are
used to capture commonalities and discriminate
variabilities among SPL systems. A feature can be a
system property or functionality relevant to a
stakeholder. The product derivation (Deelstra et al.,
2005) refers to the process of building a product
from the set of code assets that implement the SPL
features. The selection, composition and
customization of these code assets based on a set of
selected features constitute a SPL configuration and
the way to perform this configuration changes
according to the adopted automated tool. The speci-
fied experiment investigates the adoption of deriva-
tion tools with distinct approaches in order to ana-
lyze the configuration knowledge comprehension in
each one.
This experiment was modeled (DSL Compostion,
2012) using our DSLs such as the previous
experiment. Its experimental design is a three-
dimensional Latin Square. There are three factors
(tool, SPL and subject) with three levels each one.
The tool factor represents the three tools that have to
be compared. They also constitute the treatments of
the experiment. The SPL factors are modeled as
three distinct values: OLIS, Buyer Agent and eShop.
Each SPL has been developed using different
frameworks and technologies. Finally, the subject
factor represents the experiment participants. All the
participants need to analyze a different SPL imple-
mentation for each one of the three distinct treat-
ments. The order and combination of the tool/SPL
pair under evaluation for different subjects are ran-
domly selected according to the Latin Square. Sev-
eral SPLs are used to avoid that the participants get
used to the same one from one treatment to another
(the learning effect) and this could cause influence
on results. There are three processes (set of activi-
ties) related to the experiment, one for each treat-
ment. Each process defines ten activities linearly
linked. During the experiment execution, the sub-
jects need to perform the task answering a question
about the comprehension of configuration
knowledge on each activity. The only metric meas-
ured in the experiment is the time spent by each
subject to perform the activities in each process,
only the correct answers were considered during the
analysis of the experiment.
This experiment has also some questionnaires
that were applied after and before the experiment
activities or at the beginning or end of the experi-
ment. Altogether there are five questionnaires, one
applied before the experiment beginning and four
applied after each process activity and after experi-
ment end of the experiment. All they were modeled
using the QuestionnaireDsl. Figure 4 shows the
specification of one of these questionnaires applied
before the execution of the SPL implemented using
Jadex framework. It has questions about the sub-
jects’ expertise level. A relationship to the process
name (BuyerAgentProcess) is realized.
Figure 4: BuyerJadex questionaries modelling.
3.3.2 Composition Method Application
1) Identification: As it was said in Section 2, the
purpose of the identification step of the composition
method is to discover overlaps between the DSLs
that we are interested to compose. Our expertise in
the ESE domain was useful to perform the manual
identification that was adopted since the automatic
type is not currently supported by xText framework.
The analysis resulted in the identification of eight
reference points between the metamodels, which are
illustrated in Figure 5 and discussed below.
ProcessDsl is the only that does not reference
another one. For this reason it can be used to specify
processes from distinct domains such as software
development or experiment process or even a busi-
ness process. ExperimentDsl, in its turn, needs to
reference the processes, metrics and questionnaires
that are part of the experiment. A questionnaire is
referenced in an experiment and modeled with
QuestionnaireDsl. Each questionnaire may reference
one or more processes. Moreover, the MetricDsl is
always related to a process and must indicate the
artifacts, activities or tasks of this process that have
to be considered for measurement. Here we identify
a typical reference case with additional constraint
where the referenced element in the metric has to
respect the restriction of being an artifact, activity or
task in the existing related process.
Figure 5: Overlaps between the metamodels.
Although some overlaps depend on the addi-
tional restriction for validation, as in the case of
MetricDsl, all overlaps identified in our study are
from the simple references type. There are no exist-
ing complex connections cases, where a DSL relates
to another one requiring a certain semantic condi-
tion. Accordingly, we have two possible strategies
for implementing these overlaps, the explicit or
implicit references (Hessellund, 2009).
2) Specification: In our study, the encoding was
performed using special features from xText and
some additional validations written in the Java lan-
guage. It was not necessary to recode any DSL
grammar, since they were already created in the
same environment where we were implementing the
specification. In the case of SmartEMF, the tool
imported the metamodels and therefore was needed
to perform their complete specification in order to be
able to know all the DSLs grammar.
Natively, xText offers the possibility that a
metamodel imports another one thus implementing
the explicit references among models. Since we are
working with DSLs based on Ecore metamodel,
xText has a model generator created for each gram-
mar and responsible for the equivalent Ecore meta-
model generation. To perform the importing, it is
only needed to inform the grammar model generator
path to create the reference. After that, each refer-
enced metamodel can be recognized by an alias
name making possible to refer explicitly anyone of
its elements. Figure 6 illustrates an ExperimentDsl
grammar fragment after the composition.
An alternative implementation would be to
continue using STRING values as implicit reference
since there are some validations to check whether
the referenced value corresponds to a valid element
in another DSL. This solution was used for the
method application in XML-based approaches, using
SmartEMF. However, with xText, we have chosen
the first strategy because of the several integrated
features provided by the tool during the DSL speci-
fications, such as pop-ups automatic generation with
reference names suggestions functioning as a guide.
Figure 6: ExperimentDsl referencing ProcessDsl.
For MetricDsl and QuestionnaireDsl it was
followed the same strategy used in ExperimentDsl.
However, as seen in the metrics language there is
some references with additional constraints, which
demand the creation of extra validation routines.
That is the case of the references to artifacts, tasks or
activities that depend on the process to which the
metric is related. In Ecore-based grammars, the
model generator creates also equivalent Java classes
to each DSL model element beyond helper classes
with specific function, such as formatting, valida-
tion, and so on. We used these xText features to
encode additional restrictions just in case they are
necessary. Figure 7 shows examples of these rules
implemented using the Java language. The code pur-
pose is to recover all the related process Tasks and
iterate over them so that it can check the additional
restrictions to validate them.
Figure 7: Validating method for the TaskMetric element.
class was auto-
matically generated by xText after grammar compi-
lation and we added to it only the validation meth-
ods. Figure 7 shows this class fragment focusing on
checkTaskIsValid(Metrics metrics)
that was created to validate the tasks in the metrics
DSL. Similarly, two other methods were
implemented to validate activities and artifacts.
3) Application: This is last method step and it
consists on applying the composition that was
codified in the specification step. The application is,
used for navigation, maintenance and guidance.
Navigation is a visualization and communication
resource between models. The xText framework
does not provide very sophisticated navigation
functionalities, but it allows specifying links among
languages through of their reference points. It is
based on the code navigation features from Eclipse
platform, which do not provide graphical views but
presents interesting interaction capabilities.
A maintenance checking is the method key-point
because it allows examining whether the restrictions
are maintained or violated. This consistency
checking is consequence of the encoding performed
on the specification step and it becomes visible from
the xText alert resources. The xText can provide
warnings or errors guidance and also pop-ups with
suggested values (Figure 8) or suggested repairs
(Figure 9) during the typing.
Figure 8: Pop-up with reference suggestions.
Figure 9: Pop-up with error and repair suggestions.
We also investigated the xText support for the
four restrictions types listed in the case study per-
formed by the method authors (Hessellund and
Lochmann, 2009). For the restriction related to the
well-formed artefacts issue, the xText uses the DSL
grammar to confront the syntax used in the
modelling in order to check missing attributes or
incorrect syntax. In case of failure, error alerts are
displayed, for example, when in a task modelling in
the ProcessDsl is not informed the process name
before the description attribute. Figure 10 show that
error messages present guidelines for the correction.
If it is required to present custom messages, extra
validation routines can be created such as we have
made for the additional restrictions of the MetricDsl.
Figure 10: Pop-up indicating not well-defined artefacts.
The second restriction type, the simple referential
integrity, is the constraint that is better supported by
xText since using explicit references, these become
known by the framework. Thus the integrity
validation among models only requires code imple-
mentation in the case of references with additional
restrictions, such as presented in the next paragraph.
References with additional restrictions occurred
in our study only in the MetricDsl. In this current
step, these restrictions result in similar effects to
others, but with customized alerts messages presen-
tation. The warnings and error messages are used to
validate the constraints and are introduced through
pop-ups conforming encoded in the specification
step. Figure 11 illustrates the metrics modelled using
MetricDsl for the Configuration Knowledge experi-
ment. We can see that the ReplyTimeOLIS metric is
related to the OLISProcess process but its attribute
activityBegin refers to an activity (Question1) that
belongs to another process, BuyerAgentProcess. An
error message was displayed as a result of the exe-
cution of the validation routine created in the speci-
fication step. The error is shown even whether the
activity is a valid activity in other process. It does
not make sense for this metric to refer to activities
from different processes.
Figure 11: Metric modeling violating additional
The last restriction type is the style constraint.
The specification of this restriction also needs
validation methods but it was not identified any case
in our exploratory study. We could imagine a style
that prevents processes to be typed with lowercase
start letter. As this rule would not be an actual style,
its violation would generate only a warning.
3.4 Results and Discussions
After the method usage, we can reflect about some
preliminary results about its applicability. Our re-
sults are general enough to make them applicable to
existing Ecore-based DSLs, specially when
developed using xText. Moreover, it was also
possible to apply the method in a context that does
not require the usage of SmartEMF tool as it was
originally proposed by the method.
Table 1 presents a comparison results summary.
The first column lists the points used to analyse both
tools. The second column shows the results obtained
with the performed SmartEMF studies (Hessellund
et al., 2007); (Hessellund and Lochmann, 2009). The
results obtained for the xText are presented in the
third column. Next we discuss several issues related
to the adoption of SmartEMF and xText for the DSL
composition context.
Table 1: Comparison between SmartEMF and xText.
Features \Approach SmartEMF xText
DSLs types
XML-based Ecore-based
Support for DSL
implementation and
only composition,
DSLs imported
implementation /
Support type for
manual or
Specification type
full Partial
Support type for
SmartEMF’s tree
Eclipse IDE’s
Guidance type
warning / error warning / error
Except for semantics references
Changes applied to the Method. The method
application required performing some changes to
your original specification. The main changes
occurred in the specification and application steps
due to the replacement of SmartEMF tool for xText
framework. We have decided to implement simple
references identification using explicit references
encoding type that had been not explored by the
original method. They argue that this kind of
composition brings strong coupling between the
models, since it forces changes in the metamodels
thus bringing difficulties to the reuse of the DSLs.
However, in our approach, this weakness was not
critical, since we can still reuse our DSLs (see
“DSLs Reuse” discussion). Furthermore, using
explicit references, the xText automatically verifies
all the possible references thus improving the
validation capabilities of the DSLs composition.
There are some cases where the xText requires
additional implementation compared to SmartEMF.
This is the reference with additional constraints case.
However, only the overlaps are encoded, i.e. partial
specification, because the grammar is already known
by the tool. The references classification type issue
is not proposed in the method, but in other related
work (Hessellund et al., 2007). In our work, we have
applied this classification together with the method
to evaluate and adapt it in the context of the xText
DSLs Reuse. We have applied the method on a
specific scenario, but some of our specified DSLs
could be reused in other contexts. The
ExperimentDsl can be used to model experiments
from other domains. The MetricDsl, on the other
hand, is always related to a process; whereas the
QuestionnaireDsl, by definition, also may or not be
related to processes. Finally, the ProcessDsl is the
only independent DSL in our approach that does not
reference any other. Because of that, it can be reused
in different contexts, such as in the modelling of
software or business processes.
If we think about the modelling reuse level, the
processes, metrics and even questionnaires modelled
for a given experiment using our DSLs can be
completely or partially reused in the context of other
experiments. Hence, despite reuse has been not
explicitly investigated in this study, there is a great
opportunity to explore the reuse of the specification
of an experiment using our DSLs.
Variability in DSLs. In the Configuration
Knowledge Experiment modelling, there were three
processes related to the experiment, where each one
is related to a specific SPL implementation, which
represents one factor of the experiment. During the
workflows generation, these processes will vary
conform the randomized selected SPL for the
treatment, thus it represents a variation point. The
identification of these variabilities is important in
our approach in order to support their specification
and customization. In the case of our Experiment
Software Engineering DSLs, for example, we plan to
explicitly specify such variabilities in the DSLs in
order to support the customized generation of
workflows for each subject according to the
experiment statistical design, for example, Latin-
This paper investigated the composition DSLs
problems through an exploratory study using a
proposed method. Our study focuses on the
application of the method for the composition of
Ecore-based DSLs implemented using the xText
framework. The composition method was applied in
the modelling and composition of DSLs that allow
specifying and executing controlled experiments in
the experimental software engineering domain. Our
main contributions were: (i) the evaluation of the
investigated method in a new context comparing to
the previous one; and (ii) the two experiments
specification using the DSLs composition that
supports the modelling of different perspectives of a
controlled experiment.
As future work, we intend to extend our model-
driven approach to completely support the workflow
generation. Furthermore, we will investigate
techniques and mechanisms to explicitly model
variabilities in these DSLs in order to address the
customized generation of workflows for subjects
according to the chosen experimental statistical
This work was partially supported by the National
Institute of Science and Technology for Software
Engineering (INES,, funded by
CNPq under grants 573964/2008-4, 560256/2010-8,
and 552645/2011-7.
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