Medical and Nursing Staff Perspectives on an Electronic Health
Record Implementation in Hospital Outpatient Departments
A Qualitative Study in Four English Hospital Trusts
Kate Marsden
, Tony Avery
, Sarah P. Slight
Nicholas Barber
Division of Primary Care, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
School of Pharmacy, UCL, london, U.K.
Keywords: Hospital Outpatient Departments, Electronic Health Records, Qualitative Study, Implementation.
Abstract: Objective: The authors sought to investigate the attitude of the staff using computers in outpatient
departments and whether their perceptions altered as a result of the NHS Care Record Service (CRS)
implementation. Design: Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and observations. Participants:
A total of 70 interviews were undertaken representing a broad range of staff involved in the outpatient
department including doctors, nurses, managers, medical records staff, clerks and IT staff. In addition, 361
hours of observations were carried out in the outpatient departments over a six week period. Setting: UK
Results: This study highlighted the dependence that outpatient department staff placed on IT and the
complexity of issues surrounding their use of computer systems. All outpatient staff used a computer to
some degree in their work and were relatively computer literate but recognised that there were problems
with the technology such as the length of time it took to get information from the system, the number of
times it crashed and the lack of interoperability between different systems. The implementation of the NHS
in one trust created additional problems for the outpatient staff, especially during the rather protracted
bedding-in time. As the software was more complex than the previous system, it required a greater number
of clicks to find the information needed. The added scale and complexity of the NHS CRS was perceived to
have resulted in an overall slower system, with problems finding relevant patient information on the screen.
The clinic booking system configuration created difficulties with double or triple booking of clinics or
clinics cancelled. During this process, staff did not feel that senior managers were listening to their
concerns. Conclusions: The outpatient department has different and unique requirements which must be
considered during the development stage of any new electronic health record system. IT development
processes must acknowledge that new software systems require a degree of maturity and undergo testing in
the different departments prior to the implementation process. Staff need to feel part of the software
implementation process and their problems addressed to reduce stress and anxiety. The software design
flaws described decreased the acceptance of the NHS CRS by staff but it is important to recognise that staff
opinions and views may change over time as the system becomes embedded and matures.
Many hospital staff now use computers for at least a
part of their work and the hospital outpatient
department is no exception in being dependent on
some IT. Outpatient departments provide care to
enormous numbers of people and for most of those
patients, it is their principal care providing
department in the hospital. The number of patients
seen is rising year on year; between 2008/09 and
2009/10, activity had risen 12% to 19,746,222
appointments. (Audit Commission, 2009)
There have been several studies exploring the
barriers and frustrations associated with the
implementation of the Electronic Health Record
(EHR) in hospitals (Moody et al., 2004); (Dillon et
al., 2005); (Scott et al., 2005); (Kossman, 2006);
(Firth et al., 2008); (Holden, 2009); (Boonstra and
Broekhuis, 2010) although few have concentrated on
the outpatient department (Joos et al., 2006) or
explored the attitudes of staff when confronted with
a change over from a known computer system to a
different one. Staff acceptance is now recognised as
Marsden K., Avery T., P. Slight S. and Barber N..
Medical and Nursing Staff Perspectives on an Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospital Outpatient Departments - A Qualitative Study in
Four English Hospital Trusts.
DOI: 10.5220/0004321803940398
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 394-398
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
integral to the organisational change process and is
considered crucial for any successful
implementation of Information Technology (IT).
(Miller and Sim, 2004); (Jensen and Aanestad, 2007)
This study was part of a larger programme of
research to evaluate the implementation of the
National Health Service Care Record Service (NHS
CRS), the central plank of England’s NHS
ambitious National Programme for Information
Technology (NPfIT). The NPfIT sought to leverage
the potential of IT to provide better quality, safer
and sustainable healthcare. (Robertson et al., 2011);
(Robertson et al., 2012) The key aim of the
Programme was to replace paper records with life-
detailed digital records, which can be shared across
healthcare organisations. (Robertson et al., 2010);
(Cresswell et al., 2011); (Sheikh et al., 2011).
In the context of undertaking the wider
evaluation of the implementation and adoption of the
NHS CRS, (Sheikh et al., 2011) we sought to (i)
explore the completeness of medical records in the
outpatient department (forthcoming separate paper),
and (ii) investigate the attitude of the staff to using
computers in the outpatient department, and
whether their perceptions altered as a result of this
The qualitative study was undertaken at four English
trusts, which had expressed an interest in
implementing NHS CRS, and it encompassed eight
hospital outpatient departments.
2.1 Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection took place in the outpatient
departments of participating trusts between May
2010 and December 2010. If a trust had more than
one hospital site, then the main (adult) outpatient
departments were selected.
Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with
a range of key stakeholders who were purposively
sampled and included doctors, managers, nurses, IT
staff and clerical staff. Interviews ranged in length
from five minutes to an hour, were audiotaped (with
permission), and transcribed verbatim. An
information sheet explaining the purpose of the
study and a consent form were supplied to all
participating staff. The researcher also undertook
observations and took field notes in the outpatient
Interview transcripts were imported into NVIVO
9, a data analysis and visualization tool designed to
assist with qualitative analysis (Bazeley, 2007)
where they were coded and then thematically
analysed. Major themes common to different groups
of interviewees were identified and explanations
built for recurring patterns and associations.
Because of substantial delays in the
implementation of the NHS CRS, only one trust
actually implemented the outpatient department
software module and the researcher was able to
obtain the perspectives of staff five months after the
implementation of the system.
Seventy interviews in total were undertaken and, in
addition, 361 observation hours were carried out
over a six week period.
Whilst staff understood that the computer system
was a tool to improve the outpatient department
work-flow and assist them in their work routine,
those interviewed frequently expressed frustration in
the problems they faced with using the computer.
This section will highlight the key issues that
impacted on staff in all four trusts using their current
computer systems. It will then explore the effects of
the implementation of the NHS CRS in the
outpatient department of the one trust that deployed
the new system.
3.1. Staff Perception of Their Current
All the hospitals in this study already used a
computer for one or more processes and, in general,
the outpatient staff considered themselves computer
literate. However, paper-based medical records still
dominated in all four trusts and the lack of
interoperability between different software systems
meant that patient information was accessed only via
several different and separate systems. Frequently,
this resulted in all computer based information being
printed out and placed in the medical record when
preparing each clinic.
Many staff complained that, at times, the system
was unreliable. In one trust, the computer was
known to freeze suddenly which was not only
frustrating for the staff, but had the potential to
disrupt the clinician-patient consultation. The staff
expressed exasperation when the system failed and
crashed, as ‘everything is dependent on your PAS
system’ (Interview8). Staff also complained that the
systems, at times, were ‘frustratingly slow
3.2 Following Implementation
of the New System
During the course of the research study, one trust
implemented elements of the NHS CRS which
included the outpatient department module. This
section will briefly examine some of the issues that
staff in the outpatient departments experienced when
confronted with changing over from one computer
system that was well established to a newer and
more complex one. Initially, the staff had been
positive about the changeover to the NHS CRS but
the software problems affected their attitude and
confidence in the new system. One manager spoke
for others stating ‘the trust has lost a big opportunity
in terms of capturing the moment.’ (Interview51).
Whilst not every person was negative, there was
little praise for the new system ‘I think the
principle’s a good idea […] but I just don’t feel as
confident as I once did.’ (Interview50)
3.2.1 Training
Whilst some staff believed that the training they had
received had been adequate, others felt it has been
too soon and did not help them with what they
needed to know.
The staff required crib sheets and step-by-step
guides but at the time few were available. Within
each outpatient department, the staff tended to
support each other through the difficult period
following go live. As one nurse explained ‘if
somebody finds something out they actually all tell
each other and they’ll actually work together.
(Interview44) This support structure enabled many
to carry on despite the stressful situation they were
faced with during the implementation period.
3.2.2 Issues with the New System
This new system was considered even slower than
the previous one, it crashed frequently and took so
long to retrieve information. Staff complained that
the complexity of the system challenged their work
processes and that interoperability between systems
remained a problem. More clicks were needed to
retrieve the desired information which was then
difficult to view, ‘the screens are badly laid out, the
data is badly laid out across the tabs on the screen
(Interview56). In addition, the terminology on the
new system was changed for common clinic
expressions such as ‘peg board’ instead of ‘screen
and ‘withdrawn’ instead of ‘cancelled’ causing
further confusion for staff.
3.2.3 Clinic Booking Information
Fundamental to the outpatient department is an
efficient booking system for outpatient
appointments. The configuration of the new system
meant that the staff who booked the clinic saw
different information to the outpatient department
staff. This created confusion, sometimes resulting in
patients arriving for clinics that did not exist or
clinics being double or treble booked with all
patients arriving at the same time or no patients
arriving for a clinic.
3.2.4 Senior Management Support
Staff in the outpatient department tried to alert
senior management of the problems they were
having but they felt that no one was listening to
them, ‘nobody seems to be hearing us so we’re
either not speaking the same language, we’re
speaking a foreign language, or we’re not being
heard for a reason’ (Interview47).
3.2.5 Professionalism Attacked
As a consequence staff felt that their professionalism
was being attacked, ‘We were trying desperately
hard to keep the clinics running, get the patients
seen, be there with the patients whilst they’re being
examined and being seen and we can’t do that if
we’re chasing round after […] a computer system
that won’t deliver what we’re looking for
3.2.6 Safety Issues
With the implementation of the NHS CRS some of
the clinical staff expressed concern that the
confusion with the new system created potentially
unsafe issues for the patients. As one nurse said,
safety mistakes are being made which weren’t
before,’ (Interview49).
One of the consultants also complained that he
was very concerned about the safety aspect of the
new system, ‘The system is not working to some safe
way and we have to find ways around it to make
things safe’ (Interview42).
4.1 Main Findings
This study highlighted the dependence outpatient
department staff placed on IT and the complexity of
issues surrounding the use of computer systems.
Whilst papers have studied clinicians’ attitudes
relating to the implementation of software, (Dillon et
al., 2005); (Whittaker et al., 2009) few studies have
explored the practical problems experienced by the
staff (Boonstra and Broekhuis, 2010) during any
implementation period.
All outpatient staff expressed frustration that the
poorly designed software often impacted negatively
on their workload and this decreased the acceptance
of the NHS CRS by staff. They raised concerns
about (i) the length of time it took to get information
from the system, (ii) the number of times it crashed
and (iii) the lack of interoperability between
different systems.
Staff found that they had to alter their work
practices, rather than the technology fitting into their
work processes (Cresswell et al., 2012). According
to Buntin, (2011) the human element is crucial to a
successful software implementation. Although staff
in this study appeared willing to embrace the new
system, the implementation process brought with it a
number of challenges altered their attitude to the
new system.
One of the main strengths of this study was the
large number of different staff involved, who
provided a wealth of information and knowledge
about the practices and procedures undertaken in
each trust. Data was collected across a number of
different speciality outpatient departments, thus
providing a more complete picture in the different
research sites. This helped to provide a
comprehensive picture of the issues staff faced when
using the hospital electronic systems.
The main limitation to this research was that the
implementation of the new NHS CRS took place in
only one trust, this being due to the well-publicised
delays in the NPfIT. The lack of benefits may have
been unique to the site as the trust was still
undergoing a transitional period of implementation.
It is therefore important to recognise that staff
opinions and views may change over time as the
system becomes embedded.
Staff expressed their frustration that computer
systems did not assist the effective running of the
clinics. The implementation of the new computer
system in the one trust studied appeared to cause
additional delays and problems for the staff in the
outpatient department and placed extra stress on
Sheikh et al (2011) acknowledged how the
political pressure to implement the NHS CRS meant
timelines were rushed and therefore software was
implemented prematurely. A greater maturity of the
new system may have prevented some of the
problems experienced by staff at this trust.
Many of the issues raised here have been
mirrored in other studies (Kossman, 2006);
(Boonstra and Broekhuis, 2010) thus demonstrating
the importance of learning from previous
implementations. Jensen and Aanestad (2007) stated
whilst the benefits to EHR can be considerable, the
implementation of any new system can be erratic
especially when the system fails to meet the need of
the healthcare professionals. This study
complements those results and highlights that with
any major change in software, staff need to be
involved throughout the process.
The outpatient department has different and
unique requirements which must be considered
during the development stage. It is essential that
there are adequate test runs prior to any major
implementation to identify potential problems and, if
necessary, the software not implemented until all
such problems are satisfactorily dealt with. Should
any occur during the initial stages of implementation
then they must be given top priority for
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