(a) Interception started (b) Interception stopped
(c) Hitting (d) Return
Figure 6: The different movements composing a ball hitting
task in the real robot.
Based on attractor dynamics, an autonomous mech-
anism of timed movement generation was imple-
mented for a ball hitting task. The approach was eval-
uated in simulation and successfully brought onto a
real manipulator, enabling the robot to repeatedly in-
tercept and hit a ball rolling on an inclined plane. Sta-
bility and targetted instabilities are inherent properties
of the nonlinear dynamics for trajectory generation
and behavioral organization through which the gen-
erated behavior can be updated online and adjusted
depending on the current situation. This behavioral
flexibility enabled the robot to perform the hitting task
autonomously. The system is capable of responding
quickly and flexibly to changes in the sensed environ-
ment or movement conditions while keeping timing
stable. Limitations in the system’s performance were
primarily due to the small framerate imposed by the
employed camera. The robot’smodest maximal speed
affected the hitting performance on the real robot.
We are currently working on overcoming these
limitations by improving the vision system’s predic-
tion performance through a faster camera and so, an
improved Kalman estimation system. We will also
transfer the implementation to a new robotic platform,
the KUKA lightweight arm, which permits much
faster movements and is, therefore, a more suitable
platform for this application.
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