Management of Multiple Data Streams in Sensor Networks for Medicine
Jan Sliwa and Emmanuel Benoist
Bern University of Applied Sciences, Quellgasse 21, CH-2501 Biel, Switzerland
Sensor Networks, Data Management, Quality Assurance, Medical Research.
In this paper we discuss the privacy aware management of data streams generated by wireless sensor networks
(WSN) in medical applications. Such data are primarily used to ensure the direct health support for a specific
patient. They can also be used for other purposes, like quality assurance of applied devices and comparative
evaluation research of medical treatments. Considering the novelty of the WSN-based medical application,
every information helping to improve the service is extremely useful. As privacy in medicine is an important
issue, care should be taken to harmonize the legal requirements with the medical necessities. Data used for
different purposes have different characteristics, different users and different access rules. Therefore the raw
data stream has to be split and processed (condensed, anonymized, etc.) in various ways dependent on the use.
The access to data has to defined differently for different output data streams.
This paper shows the problems regarding data man-
agement in wireless sensor networks (WSN). We will
concentrate our attention on the applications in the
medicine. For brevity, we use the term sensor net-
works’ but we should not forget that such networks
often also contain actors (or actuators) - devices act-
ing directly on the patient, like defibrillators or in-
sulin pumps. In this paper however we focus on
the incoming data streams. In our previous papers
we have discussed the ethical aspects of enhancing
human organisms with technical instruments (Sliwa
and Benoist, 2011b) and presented this overwhelm-
ing development in a historical perspective (Sliwa and
Benoist, 2011a). We present here a basic introduction
to this subject, a broader overview (with further refer-
ences) is given in the aforementioned papers.
The development in the area of medical WSN
based systems is driven by some enabling technolo-
gies. New devices permit measuring physical and
chemical properties that were until now difficult to
treat. They can also act on the human body in new
ways, like stimulating the heart or dosing a medicine.
Local networks permit the devices to cooperate and
wide area networking allows them to exchange data
with a hospital or a data center. Reducing power
consumption, energy harvesting and remote powering
permit a long term functioning.
The basic configurations are: Body Area Net-
works (BAN) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
A BAN consists of a set of wearable and im-
plantable devices carried by the patient. They can
measure the health parameters (sensors) or act on the
body (actors or actuators). They exchange data with
a data aggregator (typically a smartphone) that sends
periodical reports to the hospital or alerts it in the case
of an emergency.
In the AAL scenario the patient lives in a home
equipped with stationary medical devices that provide
a supporting environment. In this way an elderly per-
son may live longer in his/her familiar environment
and still have an adequate level of security.
In this paper, first we set the problem of the data
management in a productive deployment of medical
WSN systems. Then we explore the various uses of
the data generated by them: direct health support,
quality assurance and medical research. For each of
these uses we discuss the characteristics of the re-
lated data stream and analyze to whom, when and how
should they be available. Finally, we outline some re-
search challenges related to the data management fac-
ing the specialists who develop, deploy and operate
such systems.
In this paper we want to discuss the aspects of the
managements of the data generated by the sensor net-
works in medicine. Presently, medical applications of
Sliwa J. and Benoist E..
Management of Multiple Data Streams in Sensor Networks for Medicine.
DOI: 10.5220/0004325403990402
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 399-402
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the WSN are in the experimental phase. The technical
challenges are immense, therefore most efforts con-
centrate on solving specific problems, ranging from
the design of the sensors resistant to a hostile chemi-
cal environment via studying the propagation of the
electromagnetic waves in the human tissue, energy
harvesting for a long-term unattended operation to the
development of efficient signal processing algorithms
- and many more. In the experimental phase, the sys-
tems are installed and monitored by skilled and moti-
vated technical and medical specialists, including the
designers themselves. The data sets are small and are
accessed by a small number of trusted scientists.
After the large scale deployment the situation
changes radically. The systems are installed and oper-
ated by less specialized personnel. Their operation is
not supervised. Data sets are large and the number of
possible users increases. It may be tempting to inte-
grate the systems using the bottom-up approach, just
combining the available elements in a working sys-
tem. It seems however to be now the right time for
some more general reflections, setting the goals and
analyzing the requirements.
In the area of data management, we argue that fol-
lowing uses of the collected data should be consid-
direct health support
quality assurance
medical research
A reference scenario, used throughout this paper,
is a Body Area Network for treating heart problems.
A hospital diagnoses the patient, defines a treatment
based on a WSN system and delivers a set of de-
vices to him/her. It may be just a wearable device
handed out with a short instruction, or an implantable
device that requires an operation. The data aggrega-
tor (a smartphone) is configured by the hospital staff.
The used devices are well defined, the patients and
their devices are registered. A patient is related to
a main hospital handling his/her case, called here a
home hospital, where the patient’s records are stored
and which is called in case of an emergency. Thanks
to a cooperation with other hospitals, the patient may
be also treated in a remote location, if an emergency
occurs there. The hospital, or a group of hospitals, op-
erate a registry that helps to evaluate statistically the
quality of the implemented devices and the correct-
ness of the applied treatments.
Our experience in managing medical data used for
multiple purposesby various user’s groups is based on
the platform for medical registries that we have de-
veloped and operated for about 10 years (R¨oder et al.,
2006). Its goal is to store the patients’ records and to
make the anonymized extracts available for research.
The architecture based on the physical separation of
personal and clinical data enhances the privacy pro-
tection (Sliwa and Benoist, 2012). Currently we in-
put data using fairly static online forms. Nevertheless,
this experience is useful for solving similar problems
arising in the WSN field, regarding storing and pro-
tecting data, controlling the access and presenting in
various ways for various user groups.
3.1 Data Characteristics
The basic goal of medical WSN systems is provid-
ing health support for specific patients. The delivered
information can vary with respect to its quantity and
temporal characteristics. It may consist of single val-
ues, signal waveforms or images. A local unit can
process the continuous waveforms and extract fea-
tures from them - either calculate general properties
or detect events. Data may come from one or from
many sensors, it may be also a combination of them
or a sequence of events. For example, when a drug
is automatically delivered into blood, the timing of its
propagation and of other chemical reactions to it may
be important.
Sensor data may just periodically report the health
parameters with no special action required. They may
also detect emergencies - in this case an action has to
be taken. This action may be executed by actuators
on the patient remotely controlled from his/her home
hospital, or it may involve real people and equipment.
In the latter case it is necessary to know the actual lo-
cation of the patient, and the task has to be assigned to
the nearest cooperating hospital. This example shows
us that real-life deployment of a health support sys-
tem requires important organizational measures and
merely technical solutions are not sufficient.
3.2 Data Access
For regular treatments the patient’s case can be han-
dled by his/her home hospital. The difference in com-
parison to the traditional way is data transmission via
a wireless channel and data storage that both occur
automatically. Long distance data transmission from
the data aggregator has to be protected like any se-
cure wireless transmission. The problem is the trans-
mission between the sensors/actors and the data ag-
gregator. These miniaturized, low power devices can-
not support the same level of security measures (like
strong encryption) due to their limited capabilities.
When data reach the hospital, they are treated in
a similar way as other data in a clinical information
system and haveto be protected accordingly. They are
stored on disks accessible to the system operators and
are visible to the personnel that normally is allowed
to see them.
A different class of problems appear when an
emergency service is needed in a remote location as
in the example mentioned above. First, a network
of cooperating institutions that agree for a mutual as-
sistance has to be defined. Then, procedures of the
transfer of the patient’s history are necessary. The in-
tervening team has to know all relevant information,
and have it available fast. When the case is closed, the
home hospital needs the update of the patient’srecord,
data at the remote hospital have to be removed as no
more necessary. Similar problems are being solved in
the European e-Health Project epSOS
4.1 Data Characteristics
Data collected from the medical WSN can be used to
evaluate the quality of the deployed equipment. Al-
though they are thoroughly tested and formally ap-
proved, only the actual operation can give us infor-
mation about long term results, unforeseen adverse
reactions and rare incidents. If an unexpected event
happens it may have various causes, just to name a
few: mechanical problem - fixture loosened, part bro-
ken; fluid sensor dirty, nozzle clogged; poor usability
of the user interface - display unreadable, small keys,
dialog unclear; battery depleted too fast; no phone
signal available; external attack.
Some faults can be diagnosed on the basis of the
analysis of the sensor messages. In an optimal case,
an intelligent device performs regular self tests and
informs about the possible and actual problems, but
often a problem analysis by a human is necessary.
Industrial networks, like train control systems, peri-
odically test their integrity. They have also well de-
fined real-time properties. In a similar way, a health
supporting system has certain temporal requirements,
depending on the severity of the treated disease.
The named problems can be fixed in very differ-
ent ways, like upload of a corrected software version,
device replacement, device redesign or organizational
changes. Therefore in order to keep track of the qual-
ity problems and solutions a registry is necessary.
1 (visited on 2012-10-26)
Medical software based devices pose challenging
problems to the statistical analysis. One of the prob-
lems is assuring a reasonable size of a statistical sam-
ple of comparable, uniform enough data. The prod-
ucts are often upgraded, therefore there are not so
many identical devices deployed. Even when only a
software bug on a device is corrected, the device be-
haves differently, so formally speaking, it is not the
same device as before.
Moreover, a patient has not just one device, but
a set of cooperating medical devices together with a
specific model of a smartphone with specific phone
applications loaded. Because of the interdependen-
cies of the elements, any change of any element
makes a different system, a different case to be evalu-
ated. Because of this confused, dynamically evolving
situation, the definition of the analysis processes re-
quires an involvement of humans that understand the
underlying problems.
4.2 Data Access
The analysis of the data for quality assurance needs
no personal information about the patients, therefore
should be performed on anonymized data. This is en-
tirely true if we are interested just in the number of
faults for a device model. If we want to find the cause
of a problem, the procedure is more similar to an anal-
ysis of an airplane crash. Still, the name of the patient
is not relevant, but we may need supplementary infor-
mation, for example what is his/her diet, does he/she
any physical exercises, what is his/her age, gender,
education level. If in case of an emergency no help
came, or it came too late, it may have been caused by
a software bug on the device, a loss of phone signal,
inefficient information flow at the hospital or no free
ambulance. Therefore it may be necessary to perform
the analysis of the case at a very detailed level, also
with the access to the raw sensor data.
General statistical analysis is best performed by a
team of independent researchers, trained in medicine
and statistics, understanding information and commu-
nication technology. For a precise analysis of a tech-
nical fault, representatives of the producers may have
to be involved. The scenario outlined above shows
that an interdisciplinary problem needs an interdisci-
plinary solution.
We also see how important, and how difficult it is
to define the rules what data should be available, to
whom and under what conditions.
5.1 Data Characteristics
Data collected by the WSN-based systems can be fi-
nally used for medical research. As the approval pro-
cess for intelligent software-based devices is not as
strict as for drugs (chemicals), it is important to eval-
uate the merits of various devices in their actual ap-
plication. Apart of comparing specific models, it is
interesting to determine if a treatment method pro-
vides expected results. In the case of drugs we ex-
pect healing or at least slowing down the progress of
the disease. In the case of medical devices the effect
may consist of enhancing the quality of life, reduc-
ing the costs and effort for routine measurements and
consultations, improving the security or delaying the
transfer to a nursing home.
The information about the effectiveness of such
systems is important for the hospitals applying them
and having to choose the best one. It is also impor-
tant for approval institution in order to reevaluate the
deployed systems (postmarket vigilance) and to as-
sess the costs, especially if they are covered by public
funds. Furthermore, this informationcan serve the de-
vice developers and scientists in choosing the viable
directions for further research.
5.2 Data Access
In the medical research the identity of the patient has
no relevance, therefore anonymized data should be
used. It is much more important to accumulate data
from many medical institutions, related to systems of
many producers. Also combining data from various
sources is useful. For example, correlating medical
data with data about lifestyle or social environment
may give clues about the causes of good or poor ef-
fectiveness of the systems. Of course, such corre-
lated data permit to re-identify the patients if enough
is known about their cases. It is however counterpro-
ductive to obfuscate data used for scientific research.
Bad data may lead to bad, harmful conclusions. It is
therefore much more important to control the group
of people allowed to access data, recording suspi-
cious queries and limiting the size of detailed, non-
aggregated data sets accessible to any single person.
It may be also useful - under certain conditions -
to retrieve specific patients. Normally statistics is in-
terested in the typical cases, not in the outliers. It may
however happen, that some patients or some groups
of them respond differently to a treatment. In the
case of drugs, it could be a patient having an unex-
pected resistance to the disease. In such a case, a
more profound analysis of previously not considered
factors could help to understand unknown aspects of
the treatments.
Managing data - collecting, storing and distributing -
will be a major issue in the real-life deployment of
the medical applications based on the wireless sensor
networks. We can name here some of the problems to
be solved:
compressing raw data streams for different recip-
ients and for different purposes
designing a hardware and software architecture
for storing and querying large amounts of data
protecting the data stream on its way end-to-end
from the sensors to the final destinations
removing the patient’s identity from the data
while still permitting to retrieve the detailed case
if necessary
defining a reasonable and enforceable privacy
protection scheme permitting quality assurance
and medical research
developing secure and portable calculation and
communication intensive applications for the
organizing the cooperation between the data pro-
ducers and data users
In this paper admittedly more questions are posed
than resolved. We expect to take an active part in pro-
viding the answers.
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