User Profiling of People with Disabilities
A Proposal to Pervasively Assess Quality of Life
Eloisa Vargiu
, Luigi Ceccaroni
, Laia Subirats
, Suzanne Martin
and Felip Miralles
Barcelona Digital Technology Center, C/ Roc Boronat 117, Barcelona, Spain
Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Research Centre, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Northen Ireland, U.K.
User Profile, Quality of Life Assessment, Sensor-based Telemonitoring, Home Support, BNCI.
This paper presents and discusses an ongoing work aimed at defining the profile of people with disabilities,
i.e., automatically assessing their quality of life, through a sensor-based telemonitoring system. To illustrate
how the approach works, a case study is presented and discussed.
Profiling users comes from the need to acquire infor-
mation about habits, preferences, tastes as well as de-
mographic data of the users of a service or a system
(Godoy and Amandi, 2005) (Armano et al., 2010).
In healthcare domain, profiling users helps health-
care providers, medical doctors, and carers to improve
their knowledge about the patients and personalize
treatments and tasks, accordingly. In our view, a rele-
vant part of the profile of people with health diseases
is their Quality of Life (QoL); i.e., the subjective ex-
periences or preferences expressed by an individual
in relation to specified aspects of her/his QoL, with
a particular reference to the health status (Sutherland
and Till, 1993). Therefore, we propose to use the as-
sessment of QoL of patients as a proxy of the defini-
tion of their profile.
Currently, to assess QoL, several questionnaires
have been proposed and adopted; users are asked to
answer to a predefined set of questions about their
mental and psychological status and feeling. Al-
though they are largely adopted, answering them
could become tedious and annoying for users. An-
swering them could also be impossible in cases of se-
vere impairment of the user. Hence, other solutions
need to be investigated. Telemonitoring is a way to
assess QoL at distance (Clark et al., 2007). Telemoni-
toring can be useful to collect information on patients’
health-status parameters that provide a measure of
their QoL and their level of functional diversity, tak-
ing into account not only functional and cognitivefac-
tors, but also psychological, social, and participation
In this paper, we present a proposal to pervasively
assess QoL automatically gathering standardized in-
formation by a sensor-based telemonitoring system.
This proposal is part of the research carried out within
, an EU project about physical and so-
cial autonomy of people with functional diversity,
in which Brain-Neural Computer Interfaces (BNCIs)
and other assistive technologies are used. BackHome
supports the transitions from hospital care to post re-
habilitation at home to discharge (Daly et al., 2012).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a viewof the background. In section 3, we
describe a scenario aimed at highlighting how the ap-
proach illustrated in Section 4 can be put in practice.
Section 5 presents the proposed case study. Section 6
ends the paper with conclusions and future work.
2.1 Definitions
QoL (sometimes refereed to as Health-Related QoL
or HRQoL) is defined by the subjective experiences
or preferences expressed by an individual, or mem-
bers of a particular group of persons, in relation to
specified aspects of health status that are meaning-
ful, in definable ways, for that individual or group
(Sutherland and Till, 1993). According to (Gotay and
Moore, 1992), QoL is a state of well-being defined
Vargiu E., Ceccaroni L., Subirats L., Martin S. and Miralles F..
User Profiling of People with Disabilities - A Proposal to Pervasively Assess Quality of Life.
DOI: 10.5220/0004330003520357
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 352-357
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by two components: (i) the ability to perform every-
day activities, which reflects physical, psychological
and social well-being, and patient satisfaction with
levels of functioning, and (ii) the control of disease
and treatment symptoms. Also, as Lerer (2000) sug-
gests, e-health consumers are now empowered by an
increased ability to obtain health information via the
Internet, with the main objective to maintain the high-
est possible level of QoL.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
QoL as the individuals’ perception on their position
in life within the cultural context and the value sys-
tem in which the individuals live and with respect to
their goals, expectations, norms and worries (WHO,
2007). It is a multidimensional and complex concept
that includes personal aspects, like health, autonomy,
independence, satisfaction with life and environmen-
tal aspects such as support networks and social ser-
vices, among others.
QoL could also be considered as a dynamic and
changing concept that includes continuous interac-
tions between the person and the environment. Ac-
cordingly, QoL in ill people is related to the interac-
tion among the disease, the patients’ character, the
change in their life, the received social support, as
well as the period of life in which the disease appears.
Healthcare organizations use several tools to ac-
quire QoL-related information. These tools make use
of specific terms, which are sometimes ambiguous:
descriptor, grade, index, indicator, parameter, ques-
tionnaire, scale, score, and test. The terminology used
in this paper is defined as follows and is part of an
ontology, which we defined (and encoded in OWL 2
(Hitzler et al., 2009)) based on standard nomencla-
tures and ontologies (Ceccaroni and Subirats, 2012):
Indicator: a (subjective or objective) parameter,
category, or descriptor used to measure or com-
pare activities and participation, body functions,
body structures, environment factors, processes,
and results (e.g., dressing).
Index: a combination of indicators, questionnaires
and possibly other indexes. The function repre-
senting this combination gives as summarizing re-
sult a score (e.g., Barthel index).
Item: a single question or concept (e.g., Mobility).
Questionnaire (or instrument or test): a set of
questions (or items) answered using a scale (e.g.,
Scale: a mapping between some ordered (qualita-
tive or quantitative) values (or grades) and their
description. These values are used to answer
questionnaires (e.g., I have no problems in walk-
ing about, I have some problems in walking about,
I am confined to bed).
2.2 Questionnaires for Assessment of
Quality of Life
Several questionnaires have been proposed and
adopted to assess QoL. Let us summarize here the
most widely adopted:
The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire (Murphy
et al., 2000) comprises 26 items, which measure
the following broad domains: physical health,
psychological health, social relationships, and en-
The EQ-5D-5L questionnaire (The Euroqol
Group, 1990) was developed by the EuroQol
Group in order to provide a generic measure of
health status. Applicable to a wide range of health
conditions and treatments, it providesa simple de-
scriptive profile and a single value for health sta-
tus that can be used in the clinical and economic
evaluation of healthcare as well as in population
health surveys.
The RAND-36 questionnaire (Hays et al., 2001)
is comprised of 36 items that assess eight health
concepts: physical functioning, role limitations
caused by physical health problems, role limita-
tions caused by emotional problems, social func-
tioning, emotional well-being, energy/fatigue,
pain, and general health perceptions.
The Short Form (36) Health Survey (SF-36v2)
(Ware et al., 2001) is a questionnaire about patient
health status and is commonly used in health eco-
nomics in the quality-adjusted life year calcula-
tion to determine the cost-effectivenessof a health
treatment. The SF-36 and RAND-36 include the
same set of items, however the scoring of general
health and pain is different (RAND et al., 1992).
The Barthel questionnaire (O’Sullivan and
Schmitz, 2007) is used to measure performance
in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). It uses ten
variables describing ADLs and mobility. The
higher the score derived from this questionnaire,
the greater the likelihood of being able to live
at home with independence following discharge
from hospital.
2.3 Existing Standardization Efforts
Several standard terminologies and classifications ex-
ist, which can be used for an interoperable rep-
resentation of QoL. Some examples are: the Sys-
tematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms
(SNOMED CT); the Unified Medical Language Sys-
tem (UMLS); the International Classification of Dis-
eases version 10 (ICD-10); and the International Clas-
sification of Functioning, disability and health (ICF)
defined by the WHO. In addition to terminologies and
classifications, information models such as the virtual
Medical Record (vMR) contribute to solve interoper-
ability problems in the electronic exchange of QoL
Several questionnaires are used to evaluate func-
tioning, disability and health. The ICF classifies these
concepts, specifies their range of values, and can be
used to solve interoperability problems among health
institutions that employ different measuring question-
naires. To this aim, questionnaire items can be en-
coded to ICF concepts following the standardization
methodology proposed by Cieza et al. (2005). Diffi-
culties in mapping clinical questionnaires to standard
terminologies and ontologies in the rehabilitation do-
main (e.g., data from questionnaires having a finer
granularity than ICF categories) have been addressed
in (Ceccaroni and Subirats, 2012) and (Subirats et al.,
2012). ICF core sets are subsets of the ICF that have
been created according to specific pathologies or re-
habilitation processes. Core sets are useful because,
in daily practice, clinicians and other professionals
can use only a fraction of the about 1400 categories
found in the ICF.
The next real case may illustrate the urgent need for
automatic, interoperable assessment of QoL for peo-
ple with disabilities caused by neurological disor-
Chara is a woman in her thirties who used to be
a painter. She was so gifted that she could earn a liv-
ing from painting. About eight years ago she started
to have difficulties holding her paint brush. She was
diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
She was devastated because it meant that in the near
future she would no longer be able to paint. She be-
came tetraplegic and artificially ventilated, and she
was so depressed that she refused treatment when di-
agnosed with pneumonia. Luckily, she survived and
just recently had her first session with BNCI-based
Brain Painting (M
unssinger et al., 2010). We let her
speak: “Here is my feedback to my first brain painting
image. I am deeply moved to tears. I have not been
able to paint for more than five years. Today I again
had butterflies in my stomach, a feeling that I have
Names have been changed for privacy reasons.
missed so much. I was so sad; I was plagued by fears
of loss. For me the picture I have created is so very
typical me, no one else paints in my style, and despite
five years of absence, I’m simply an artist again. I’m
back to life!”
To achieve an automatic and interoperable QoL
assessment for people like Chara, several actions need
to be taken, as part of our proposal.
Before her discharge from the hospital, therapists
ask her to answer some questions in order to have an
initial assessment of her QoL according to selected
. At home, Chara, with the help of a care-
giver or of her relatives (but no BNCI experts), is
able to put/remove a BNCI system as well as other
wearable sensors. In so doing, she can: control a
sensor-based smart home, participate in social net-
works, carry out cognitive rehabilitation, and inter-
act with a telemonitoring system. The telemonitor-
ing system acquires all relevant data about Chara and
transmits them to a remote therapist for future anal-
ysis. In particular, the system monitors the follow-
ing daily activities: interaction with home automation
devices, communication with relatives and friends,
movement around home, and the rehabilitation tasks
assigned by the therapist. The telemonitoring system
continuously analyses the data gathered by the sen-
sors in order to send alarms in case of detection of ab-
normal events, if any, and to keep informed the ther-
apist about the performed activities. Furthermore, the
system analyses all the data to assess the QoL. In case
of QoL worsening, the system sends an alarm to the
therapist, who might see it necessary to take action or
to change the therapy.
As already mentioned, currently, approaches to assess
QoL rely on questionnaires, which the user is peri-
odically required to answer. The more the user fills
the questionnaire, the more the QoL trend is updated.
Moreover, the more the questions, the more the QoL
trend is accurate. Unfortunately, this process could
become tedious and annoying for the users, especially
if they are asked to do that frequently; with the poten-
tial consequence of users who stop answering ques-
tionnaires or give less accurate answers. To take into
account these issues we propose, after a basic profile
has been defined, to adopt a sensor-based telemoni-
toring system to automatically fill it.
This is a one-time questionnaire.
4.1 The Approach
The proposed approach falls in the domain of Am-
bient Assisted Living, which fosters the provision of
equipment and services for the independent or more
autonomous living of people with disabilities, via
the seamless integration of info-communication tech-
nologies within homes and residences, thus increas-
ing their physical and social autonomy and reducing
the need for hospital readmission. In particular, the
proposed approach is aimed at acquiring personalized
information through data coming from: (i) a BNCI
system that allows monitoring ElectroEncephalo-
Gram (EEG), ElectroOculoGram (EOG), and Elec-
troMyoGram (EMG); (ii) wearable, physiological,
and biometric sensors, such as ElectroCardioGram
(ECG), heart-rate sensor, respiration-rate sensor, Gal-
vanic Skin Response (GSR) sensor, EMG switches,
Wii remote, and inertial sensors (e.g., accelerometer,
gyrocompass, and magnetometer); (iii) environmental
sensors (e.g., temperature and humidity sensors); (iv)
smart home devices (e.g., wheelchairs, lights, TVs,
doors, windows and shutters); (v) devices that allow
interaction activities (e.g., a desktop PC); and (vi) de-
vices to perform rehabilitation tasks (e.g., a robot).
In this way, the system is able to monitor the evo-
lution of the users daily life activity at home, once
discharged from the hospital Vargiu et al. (2012).
Specifically, the wearable sensors allow to monitor fa-
tigue, spasticity, stress, and further user’s conditions.
Environmental sensors are used to monitor tempera-
ture and humidity, as well as the movements (motion
sensors) and the physical position of the user (loca-
tion sensors). Smart home devices enable physical
autonomy of the user and help her/him carry out daily
life activities. An Internet-connected device allows
the user to communicate with remote therapists, ca-
reers, relatives, and friends through Skype, email, or
social networks (i.e., Facebook and Twitter). Other
devices that allow some kind of interaction and stim-
ulation activities are also taken into account, such as
devices to play games, listen to music, paint, or per-
form other activities.
4.2 Kinds of Data
If the user explicitly agrees, the logs of communica-
tion, social, and all other activities are used to study
the behaviour and the mood of the user. In this way,
the system is able to pervasively assess the QoL of
the user automatically filling a selected standard ques-
tionnaire. Two kinds of data are considered: moni-
torable and inferable. On the one hand, all data that
can be gathered from the wearable, home automa-
tion, and environmental sensors, as well as the BNCI
system (i.e., without relying on direct input from the
user) belong to the former category. This kind of data
allows, for instance, to answer the question “How
well are you able to get around?”
. On the other
hand, all data inferred by analysing data retrieved by
the system (e.g., by considering activities performed
by the user while interacting with a social network)
belong to the latter category. This kind of data allows,
for instance, to answer the question “How satisfied
are you with yourself?”
Let us note that this does not imply that moni-
torable and inferable data are necessarily monitored
or inferred. In fact, in BackHome we decided to not
monitor nor infer some data (such as, those related
to self-care and sleeping activities), due to privacy is-
sues. Moreover, users can decide to switch off the
monitoring of any descriptor.
Among the several state-of-the-art questionnaires, ac-
cording to the constraints of BackHome, we made
a preliminary study by considering the EQ-5D-5L
questionnaire (The Euroqol Group, 1990)
. The EQ-
5D-5L is a brief, self-administered, two-page ques-
tionnaire. The first page contains ve items describ-
ing health status across five dimensions: mobility,
self-care, usual activity, pain/discomfort, and depres-
sion/anxiety. The second page has a visual analogue
rating scale on which the respondent marks an as-
sessment of her/his overall health. Each dimension
is divided into ve levels which, when taken together,
define a total of 3125 (5
) unique health states. The
responses to the ve items in the EQ-5D-5L can be
scored using a utility-weighted algorithm (Williams
et al., 1995), which has been recommended for use in
economic evaluation. The EQ-5D-5L, therefore, pro-
vides two single-index measures of health, the rating
scale, and the EQ-5D index, ranging from 0 to 100
(Brooks, 1996).
According toGeyh et al. (2007), Table 1 shows the
translation of the selected questionnaire into the ICF
categories. The visual analogue rating scale, which
refers to how good or bad the user feels her/his health
is “today”, can be also translated on “emotional func-
The ICF classification allows us to “zoom in” in
each EQ-5D-5L dimension and better study its corre-
spondence with the data introduced in Section 4.2:
Item number 15 of the WHOQOL questionnaire
Item number 19 of the WHOQOL questionnaire
An ad-hoc questionnaire is currently under definition.
Table 1: The translation of the EQ-5D dimensions into the ICF categories.
EQ-5D Dimension ICF Category
d4 - mobility
d450 - walking
d498 - mobility, other specified
d5 - self-care
d510 - washing oneself
d540 - toileting
d540 - dressing
Usual Activities
d6409 - doing housework, unspecified
d7609 - family relationships, unspecified
d839 - education, other specified and unspecified
d8509 - remunerative employment, unspecified
d9209 - recreation and leisure, unspecified
b152 - emotional functions
b280 - sensation of pain
b289 - sensation of pain, other specified and unspecified
Anxiety/Depression b152 - emotional functions
Monitorable Data
Mobility. Through the adoption of environ-
mental location sensors, the system is able to
know the position of the user, time after time. It
is worth pointing out that, in BackHome, users
are typically on a wheelchair, thus the walk-
ing activity is not of interest here. To detect
the position of the wheelchair and its move-
ments RFID tags will be embedded into the
wheelchair together with following sensors.
Usual Activities. Being human-computer-
interaction made through a BNCI system, it is
possible to monitor all the activities performed
by the user on the PC and while interacting
with smart home control and communication
devices. In other words, the system is able,
through the BNCI system, to know which ac-
tion is performed.
Inferable Data
Usual Activities. The user can interact with
her/his family and friends through the support
of a communication system (e.g., Skype) or
social network (e.g., Facebook and Twitter).
Thus, suitable text mining algorithms can be
adopted to infer the family and friends relation-
ship status.
Pain/Discomfort. Text mining algorithms, ap-
plied on social networking and communication
activities, can also be adopted to assess the de-
gree of pain or discomfort.
Anxiety/Depression. Changes observed in
habits of daily life activities can be studied
to assess anxiety or depression. The degree
of anxiety/depression can be also inferred by
analysing data on fatigue, spasticity, stress,
and further user’s conditions retrieved by the
BNCI system and the other wearable sensors.
Moreover, analogously to pain and discomfort,
anxiety and depression can be inferred by the
system by adopting suitable text mining algo-
rithms on the performed social activities.
In principle, also self-care activities can be moni-
tored by relying on suitable sensors. Nevertheless, in
BackHome, for privacy issues, the end-user decided
not to monitor such activities. In so doing, to have
information about the self-care activities and the cor-
responding status of the user, direct questions must be
Being interested in profiling people with disabilities
by assessing their QoL, in this paper we proposed
an approach to automatically assess QoL by relying
on a sensor-based telemonitoring system. A case
study, which relies on the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire,
has been presented. The case study allows us to clar-
ify how a given questionnaire can be automatically
filled by relying on a sensor-based telemonitoringsys-
This is an ongoing work; we are currently setting
up the sensor-based telemonitoring system and we are
also selecting, according to the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria defined in BackHome, the end-users who
will test the overall system and who will be asked
to test the proposed pervasive QoL assessment ap-
proach. Finally, we are planning to assess the validity
of the proposed approach with respect to the tradi-
tional filling of questionnaire.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s, Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013, BackHome
project grant agreement n. 288566.
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