Ontologies for Authoring, or Authoring Ontologies?
Diana Arellano
, Javier Varona
and Volker Helzle
Institute of Animation, Filmakademie Baden-W¨urttemberg, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Ontologies, Storytelling, Knowledge Representation, Content Authoring.
In the last years the use of ontologies has broaden to areas that until some time ago were unthinkable, like
storytelling or context/content representation. The main problem with the use of ontologies is that the user
responsible of authoring the story needs to input every single element that is required for the story to make
sense. Depending on the case, this might be a tedious task. However, once it is done, different stories can
be developed by reusing the already defined concepts. The objective of the paper is to provide examples of
applications where the use of ontologies conveyed “authoring effort” with satisfactory results. We also state
our opinion of why is it better to use ontologies for such tasks, explain our own experience with an use case
and propose ideas of what could be enhanced, or taken from other areas, to improve the authoring process.
Storytelling, the interactive art of using words and ac-
tions to reveal the elements and images of a story,
while encouraging the listener’s imagination (Na-
tional Storytelling Network, nd) is an area that has
received special attention during the last years. Ac-
cording to (Peinado et al., 2004), the automatic con-
struction of story plots has always been a longed-for
utopian dream in the entertainment industry. Many
factors need to be taken into account to produce en-
gaging narrative, and when it comes to automatic
storytelling, creativity and methodology are two el-
ements that go together hand in hand.
Other reasons that have led researchers to find bet-
ter techniques for automatic storytelling, or automatic
content creation, deal with economy, improvement
and independence of the narrative generation.
From the economical point of view, reducing the
times for story creation might translate into reduc-
ing costs. Having a tool that permits fast generation
of stories, without an specialised author, would be a
great asset (e.g. stories in video games for Human-
Computer-Interaction (HCI) applications).
Automatic and intelligent storytelling can also
be beneficial in the resultant quality of the product.
Imagine the plot of a story where the event A causes
the event B, which in turn causes the event C, and so
on. If the author could have a software solution that
allows him/her to change just a portion of the story
and get the subsequent logical changes, then new and
original plots might arise.
If these scenarios were accomplished, that would
lead to an independence of the narrative generation,
where the author and the machine would deal with
the creation of not just one story, but as many as the
logic behind the storytelling generation allows.
Our intention with this paper is twofold. First we
will review and analyse different works that have ap-
proached storytelling through ontologies. Then we
will present our opinion in this matter based on our
experience developing a system for creation of daily
life-based stories. Our position is that although the
use of ontologies results in “authoring effort”, the ob-
tained results can open the insights of story generation
to a broader audience with more creative outcomes.
If we take a look at some of the English dictionaries,
we see that authoring is defined as the process of cre-
ating content in any kind of media: books, websites,
or magazines. This process is performed by a per-
son, the author, who can be aided by using authoring
tools. An authoring tool is usually a piece of software
that facilitates, enhances or guides the author in the
creation of content.
Arellano D., Varona J. and Helzle V..
Ontologies for Authoring, or Authoring Ontologies?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004330503640369
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 364-369
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Conversely, the conceptof ontology belongs to the
field of philosophy since Aristotle characterised it by
the study of existence, a compendium of all there is
in the world. Nowadays, it has evolved in great mea-
sure in computer science related fields as artificial in-
telligence (L´opez et al., 2008), ubiquitous comput-
ing (Heckmann et al., 2005), body movement of vir-
tual characters (Garc´ıa-Rojas et al., 2006), and con-
text representation (Benta et al., 2007). An ontology
is defined as an explicit specification of an abstract,
simplified view of a world to represent. It specifies
both the concepts related to this view and their inter-
relations (Obrenovic et al., 2005).
In this regard, we will analyse how two different
fields as ontologies and storytelling have merged as
a response to the problems and needs in the story-
telling world. From our perspective, content and con-
text are part of the storytelling in the sense that “con-
tent” would be what conforms the story, and “context”
what situates the character in a given scenario.
The following subsections explain the difference
between “authoring ontologies” and using ontolo-
gies for authoring”. The first one deals with the cre-
ation of the ontology itself, and to be effectively done
it requires expert knowledge; the second uses ontolo-
gies as the mechanism or tool for authoring the con-
tent of the stories.
2.1 Ontologies in Authoring
The creation of new stories, scenarios and situations,
requires not only a great amount of creativity, but also
a lot of methodical work in order to keep the story
interesting and meaningful.
In analogy to a puzzle, a finished story could be
seen as the assembled puzzle, while the ontology
would be the compendium of the pieces of the puzzle
that depending on how they are placed fit together, or
not. Nevertheless, thanks to the power of inference of
the ontologies, these pieces can be correctly assem-
bled in different ways giving a variety of logical re-
sults. This would be achieved through “ontology en-
gineering”, which is described by (Chen et al., 1998)
as a research methodology that enables the accumu-
lation of knowledge and supports knowledge reuse
and sharing. The ultimate purpose of ontology en-
gineering is to “provide a basis for building models of
all things in which information science is interested
in the world” ( (Mizoguchi and Ikeda, 1996) cited
in (Chen et al., 1998)). Therefore, ontologies and
story authoring can be conveniently combined given
that the first provides the method and the structure,
while the latter provides a quasi unlimited number of
scenarios to be described and inferred.
Among the researchers that haveworkedin the au-
thoring of ontologies, (Dimitrova et al., 2008) tried to
overcome the author’s need of expertise and knowl-
edge on ontologies for creation of content by devel-
oping ROO. ROO (Rabbit to OWL Ontology author-
ing) is a user-friendly tool that guides the authoring
of a conceptual ontology, which is then converted to
a logical ontology in OWL. As a result, none of the
ontologies created by inexperienced authors were us-
able without modifications. That led Dimitrova et al.
to consider the involvementof domain experts and ad-
ditional support besides the existent error messages.
(Konstantopoulos et al., 2009) proposed ELEON,
a system for ontology authoring that enables authors
with domain expertise, but no technological exper-
tise, to create a new application domain and the cor-
responding ontologies. Their domain of application
was cultural heritage repositories in order to automat-
ically generate adaptable and customised textual de-
scriptions of the cultural objects for a variety of audi-
ences and purposes. As a result, the ontology helped
to automatically infer missing profile parameters, al-
leviating the burden of explicitly providing all neces-
sary details for large numbers of objects.
Other authoring tools include ONTO-
TRACK (Liebig and Noppens, 2005), which
combined a graph-based hierarchical layout with an
instant reasoning feedback in one single view. Liebig
and Noppens chose this approach because, in their
opinion, the most natural layout for an ontology is a
hierarchical layered graph. As a result ONTOTRACK
constituted a first step towards an easy-to-use interac-
tive ontology editor, even for non-experienced users
and especially large ontologies.
In the same direction, the SWAT project devel-
oped a number of techniques and tools focused on
users who wished to encode or query knowledge with-
out deep understanding of RDF, OWL, or other spe-
cialist languages. From a system that generates math-
ematical word problems (Williams, 2011), to a tool
that allows users to read and edit axioms in natu-
ral language - SWAT Tools Verbaliser (Third et al.,
2011), their aim was to facilitate the ontology’s au-
thoring process.
2.2 Authoring based on Ontologies
In this section we review the other side of the coin:
works that haveused ontologies for authoring content,
specifically for creation of stories and narrative.
One of these works is the The Virtual Story-
teller (Swartjes and Theune, 2009). The Storyteller
is a multi-agent story generation framework based on
the emergent narrative approach, which states that
stories emerge from character behaviour. The au-
thoring system is implemented in an three-step it-
erative cycle: idea generation, implementation and
simulation. Regarding ontologies, the Virtual Sto-
ryteller makes use of a number of OWL ontologies:
The Storyworld Core upper ontology for the story-
world simulation knowledge, the Fabula upper on-
tology that defines elements of the fabula (e.g, Ac-
tions), domain-specific ontologies that determine sub-
classes of the Storyworld Core or Fabula ontolo-
gies, and Presentation-specific ontologies containing
classes and properties for specifying a lexicon and
common sense rules for natural language genera-
tion (Swartjes, 2010).
DGiovanni is another open source multi-agent ar-
chitecture for building interactive dramas. It uses
OWL ontologies to support the creation of different
stories and to feed the system with story-related in-
formation (M¨uller, 2011). In DGiovanni the user is
another actor of the story. Nevertheless in the author-
ing process to generate a new story, the user needs to
create the ontology with all the story-related concepts.
DRAMMAR is an ontology of drama presented
by (Damiano et al., 2005), which integrates the ba-
sic aspects of drama with agent-based theories. The
ontology consists of two levels. The directional level
encodes the specific traits of drama in a Drama-unit
(<Plot, Direction, Actor>). The actional level un-
folds the rational and the emotional perspective in
terms of the facts in the Drama-unit, the goal of the
Drama-unit and the attributes of the characters. These
facts can be actions, characters and character beliefs,
which allow the elicitation of emotions according to
the OCC model (Ortony et al., 1988).
Nakasone et al. (Nakasone and Ishizuka, 2006)
also presented a generic storytelling ontology model,
the Concept Ontology. They defined a set of topics in
which the story, or part of the story, is based. These
topics are linked through a pseudo-temporal relation
that ensures a smooth transition between them. As
this ontology was for storytelling, the defined classes
were related to scenes, acts, relations, characters of
the story and their roles. Its main advantage was that
it provided the elements for creating a story according
to narrative principles.
As it occurs in most of the situations in life, the so-
lution to a problem might have advantages, disadvan-
tages, and working elements with a not so suitable
approach. In the case of storytelling, content genera-
tion and ontologies something similar occurs; that is
why we have entitled this section “The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly”, because as in the movie of the same
name, the good and the ugly end up working together
to achieve a goal, whereas the bad is always around
until someone makes it disappear.
Our own experience during the development of
ontologies has allowed us to get a better perspec-
tive of the advantages and difficulties faced by expert
and non-expert domain users and developers. In the
next subsections we will present our opinion about
the good, the bad and the ugly things when working
with ontology-based storytelling. In further sections
we will express our conclusion about the topic and
propose what would be the path to follow in order to
make the “bad” disappear.
3.1 The Good
Storytelling and content authoring have become a
very mature and engaging area of research thanks to
the efforts of different groups and persons who have
contributed along the years to make it the way it is.
This fact itself is a good sign that the field is evolving
and fruitful results have been achieved.
One example is the number of upper ontolo-
gies that have been developed for definition of story
elements, context representation or emotion elic-
itation. Proof of this are the upper ontologies
DOLCE (Gangemi et al., 2002), SUMO (Niles and
Pease, 2001), SOUPA (Chen et al., 2004), or the up-
per ontologies DRAMMAR and the Concept Ontol-
ogy, mentioned Section 2.
An important aspect of ontologies is that they pro-
vide the knowledge base that is needed to give struc-
ture to the stories, while adding the “surprise” factor
by inferring unexpected situations from this previous
knowledge. Therefore, having well-defined ontolo-
gies with enough instances of their classes and rela-
tions provide an almost unlimited universe of stories
that can be elicited in much less time.
It is precisely this power of inference what makes
ontologies so suitable for automatic storytelling. In-
ferring new knowledge from already existent one pro-
vides the computational creativity needed in this field.
Moreover, the new techniques for translating ontol-
ogy language into natural language convertontologies
into a powerful resource for content creation and con-
text representation in storytelling.
In addition to the above, the possibility of defin-
ing affective elements in the ontologies gives stories
another dimension, in which the characters and the el-
ements of the world are seen nearer and closer to our
experiences. The elicitation of emotions, the person-
ality of the characters or the mood of the story are im-
portant for storytelling, and the fact that they can be
achieved through ontologies makes them even more
suitable, as it results in more empathetic and engag-
ing stories.
3.2 The Bad
The drawbacks of ontologies are related to the pro-
cess of authoring by non-expert users and the con-
sequences of bad-defined ontologies. In some cases,
users are presented with the task of enlarging ontolo-
gies by adding new concepts and relations that would
be used in new stories. If the user is a domain expert,
then this task does not represent a major challenge.
The problem is when the user is not an expert and
needs to learn and understand the language and tools
to construct the ontology.
That is the case of the“Virtual Storyteller” (Swart-
jes and Theune, 2009) where the user needs to work
directly on the ontology, and if necessary, to update
the files with the ontology rules written in Prolog. Al-
though the results obtained are of great quality thanks
to the iterative process it follows, it might result over-
whelming for a user with no experience in the area.
According to (Liebig and Noppens, 2005), users
are faced with comprehension problems such as the
proper use of role hierarchies, the influence of tran-
sitive roles on reasoning, or the effect of domain and
range restrictions. All this entails a significant amount
of system failures caused by implicit modelling con-
flicts or misunderstandingof the inference algorithms.
Furthermore, the consequencesof those faulty axioms
usually remains hidden until the system is used or in-
tensively tested.
Another issue is the unpredictability of the sys-
tem (Peinado and Gerv´as, 2006). It means that if the
automatic storyteller infers new situations that are not
logic or have no coherence with the narrative struc-
ture, then the research effort can claim little merit.
That is why exhaustive tests should be performed to
measure the originality of the resultant stories and im-
prove the representation of the fictional world.
3.3 The Ugly
As “ugly” we have categorised all those procedures
and methodologies that are tiresome for the user to ac-
complish. For instance, the creation of new instances
or individuals for the ontology classes, or even worse,
the definition of new classes and relations for a story
that cannot be inferred from the actual knowledge can
be time consuming and bothersome. Specially when
newlogic rules need to be formulated in order to come
up with the correct meaning of a story.
Evidence of this is the work of (M¨uller, 2011),
which despite producingveryreliable results, requires
extensive authoring in order to define new instances
of story and context elements. Nevertheless, once all
the instances are created, the events can be generated
very straightforward.
A second aspect that can be considered as incon-
venient is the lack of universality in certain concepts.
An example is the representation of the plot struc-
ture. There are a number of theories like the ones
of Vladimir Propp, Lakoff or Barthes (Peinado et al.,
2004), that propose different type of grammars and
representations. Therefore, if an ontology does not
cover a specific plot structure, then the whole pro-
cess of ontology authoring has to be realised, leading
to the problems faced by non-expert users developing
In this section we will give an overview of the de-
velopment and evaluation of ontologies for our Con-
text Representation framework. For more details the
reader can refer to (Arellano et al., 2011).
The objective of our work was to describe the
context (inner context, based on the Belief-Desire-
Intention (BDI) theory plus personality traits; and
outer context, which is the world and its entities) of
virtual characters. To that end, we proposed a se-
mantic framework where we authored two ontologies.
The personalityEmotion ontology considered all the
concepts that define a character from a psychological-
affective point of view —goals, preferences, social
admiration with other agents, and personality (inner
world). The event ontology described the environ-
ment that surrounds the character (outer world) and
the occurring events in terms of four w-questions:
what happens, where it happens, who are the actors,
and when it happens (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Context Representation with Ontologies.
The difference between our approach and the ones
in the Section 2 is that we combined in one system
both the influence of the outer and inner world of the
character to simulate its context. Furthermore, we can
use these relationships to trigger new emotions in the
To prove that our ontologies and the contextual
module we implemented have the potential to feasible
reproduce any given context and elicit corresponding
emotions, we carried on a perceptual experiment. For
that purpose, we chose three scenes of two movies
eon (1994, directed by Luc Besson) and Downfall
(2004, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel), which were
simulated in our framework. The goal was to repro-
duce the same context and content manifested in those
scenes, and to achieve the same emotional output as
the one experienced by the real actors. The script ex-
cerpts of both movies (with the scenes emotional out-
put) were taken from (Schapp, 2009).
From both movies scenes, we extracted the events,
character’s preferences, descriptions of the locations
and admiration among characters, in order to intro-
duce them in our Context Representation module.
The correspondence between the resultant emotions
and the emotions manifested by the actors in the
scenes was a hint that our framework indeed repro-
duced the movies context and the right emotional out-
put. The emotions for each scene of L
eon were fear,
pity and sadness, respectively; and for the Downfall
were fear, discourage and disappointment.
The same approach for evaluating our framework
was taken using a a scene extracted from the Robert
Aldrich’s film What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
From the specific scene that presented the two sisters
Blanche and Jane, we defined 5 events: (1) Blanche
is hungry, (2) Jane enters Blanche’s bedroom with
a closed tray, (3) Blanche is alone with Jane in the
house, (4) Blanche does not believe that Jane is capa-
ble of putting a rat in the food, (5) Blanche opens the
tray and sees the rat, (6) Jane hears Blanche opening
the tray. These events were introduced in our frame-
work, generating a set of emotions in the main char-
acter of the scene (Blanche), which corresponded to
the emotional states of the real actress. For instance,
in the event (4) the emotion with greatest intensity
was gratification (intensity = 0.64), indicating that
Blanche does not think that a not satisfactory event
will occur, but she is not sure. This emotion can be
manifested by a slightly smiling face, which is the fa-
cial expression of Blanche in this exact part of the
These results demonstrated that it is not only pos-
sible the use of ontologies to create and simulate sto-
ries. Moreover, they can be used to establish the re-
lationships between both the outer and inner world of
the characters, becoming a tool to extract and manip-
ulate the affective states of those characters, and their
influence in the development of the story.
The ugly aspects of our framework corresponded
to the authoring of new instances to create new sto-
ries. Although we tried to make the interface as intu-
itive and straightforward as possible, it was still time
consuming. However, automatic techniques, like con-
tent extraction or data mining, could be applied to re-
duce the process to the selection and reuse of existing
instances, instead of creating new ones.
Ontologies constitute a powerful tool to represent
knowledge and thus can be applied to a large number
of fields. Nevertheless, this power comes with great
responsibilities, which forces an accurate definition
of concepts, relations and rules in order to achieve
logical results. For its part, storytelling, content au-
thoring and their automation is a very ambitious goal
that is being approached by leaps and bounds thanks
to a general iterative process, carried on by the re-
Nevertheless, there are still too many concepts to
be described, too many theories to be implemented,
too many rules and cases to define in order to achieve
better inference. All of this would permit the genera-
tion of stories where the user has little to do; or on the
contrary, where the author can have a lot of creative
influence but little effort.
Ontology-based storytelling is an area that still has
much to offer, but it will be possible only by the join
effort of the professionals that work on it. Ontolo-
gies represent knowledge, and the larger the knowl-
edge the better the results that can be obtained. In
the same direction, ontologies which are compati-
ble among each other, with different levels of refine-
ment regarding concepts definitions, and that contain
a number of instances for different story domains,
would allow the production of different and numer-
ous stories without the need of low-level authoring.
Perhaps the way to go would include the addition
of other technologies or fields that can help develop-
ers and authors with little, or no experience to lessen
the burden of creating new ontologies from scratch,
or enlarging them with new data. For instance, com-
bining ontologies with web semantic and data mining
can improve the authoring process, allowing the ex-
traction of information and creation of new concepts
in a more automatic way.
In a different note, there are some areas that can
benefit from the use of ontology-based storytelling
like computer graphics (i.e. video games) or HCI,
where simple stories are required to perform differ-
ent experiments. For instance, a generic evaluation of
user perception usually demands having a context or
a story the user can work with. Thus, having a tool
for the authoring of simple plots within a specialised
domain can enrich and facilitate the whole procedure.
In conclusion, a good alliance between ontologies
and storytelling has been already created, and it is our
task as researchers to enrich and improve it to make it
better and applicable to a larger number of fields.
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