Agents and Analytics
A Framework for Educational Data Mining with Games based Learning
Harri Ketamo
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Tiedepuisto 3, Pori, Finland
Eedu Ltd, Satakunnankatu 23, Pori, Finland
Keywords: Educational Data Mining, Learning Analytics, Games based Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: This paper focuses on data mining and analysis framework behind Eedu elements mathematics game. The
background of the game is in learning-by-doing, learning-by-teaching and to some extent learning-by-
programming. The data modelling behind the game is based on semantic networks. When all the skills and
knowledge is modelled as semantic network, all the data mining can be done in terms of network analysis.
According to our studies, this approach enables very detailed and valid learning analytics. The novelty value
of the study is in games based approach on learning and data mining.
Experienced teachers are aware that when a pupil is
asked to teach another pupil, both pupils learn. This
fact has not been applied enough in educational
games, mostly because of a lack of technology and
game AI that enables players to teach conceptually
challenging themes still remaining easy-to-use game
play. Furthermore, we know that children are ready
to do more work for their game characters that what
they are ready to do for themselves. This goes also
for learning.
In terms of constructive psychology of learning,
people actively construct their own knowledge
through interaction with the environment and
through reorganization of their mental structures.
The key elements in learning are accommodation
and assimilation. Accommodation describes an
event when a learner figures out something radically
new, which leads to a change in his/her mental
conceptual structure. Assimilation describes events
when a learner strengthens his/her mental conceptual
structure by means of new relations (Mayer, 2004).
In economical game theory (Shoham and
Layton-Brown, 2009) an agent behavior is widely
studied in terms of Nash equilibrium. In this the
agents are assumed to know the strategies of the
other agents, and no agent has anything to gain by
changing only its own strategy. A theory about
existence of finite number of agents and their
arbitrary relations based on other agent (Dukovska
and Percikova, 2011) describes a set of attributes or
properties that are useful when evaluating the agent
behavior: 1) every agent is an entity, 2) every agent
exists even it does not have a physical
characteristics, 3) every agent chose to be in a state
of direct knowledge with other agent according to its
free will and 4) every agent is different from others
in what it is.
Behavior modeling has a long research
background: Neural and semantic networks, as well
as genetic algorithms, are utilized to model a user's
characteristics, profiles and pat-terns of behavior in
order to support or challenge the performance of
individuals. Behavior recording have been studied
and used in the game industry for a good time. In all
recent studies the level of behavior is limited, more
or less, to observed patterns (Brusilovsky, 2001);
(Houllette, 2003). Furthermore, agent negotiation
and it’s scripted behavior (Kumar and Mastorakis,
2010) as well as agent based information retrieval
(Popirlan, 2010) in web-based information systems
has been studied for a long time.
In this study, user behavior, competence and
learning were seen as Semantic (neural) network that
produces self-organizing and adaptive
behavior/interaction. The behavior is evaluated in
terms of the theory about existence of finite number
of agents. The AI technology developed, emulates
the human way to learn: According to cognitive
psychology of learning, our thinking is based on
conceptual representations of our experiences and
Ketamo H..
Agents and Analytics - A Framework for Educational Data Mining with Games based Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004331403770382
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 377-382
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
relations between these concepts. Phenomena when
the mental structure change is called learning.
The data mining and analytics are based on this
semantic modeling. When all the skills and
knowledge is recorded as semantic network, all the
mining can be done in terms of network analysis.
The novelty value of this study is in approach: to
build games based technologies that enable easy
construction of intelligent and human like
behaviours and so enables detailed analysis of
learning achievements.
The background of eedu elements is in learning-by-
doing, learning-by-teaching and to some extent
learning-by-programming. The approach is learner
centric: the game introduces mathematics in a way
that learner can build his/her mental conceptual
structures by adding new concepts into known ones.
Technically it is relatively easy to produce
games, but designing games that are pedagogically
valid, and still attracts pupils, is challenging. No
matter what is the technological implementation of
game, the story behind the game is the key element
for motivational game play. That’s why interactive
exercises can’t be converted into games by just
adding background characters. Nevertheless,
entertaining games can’t be converted into education
by only adding calculator instead of guns; that
breaks the story.
Eedu elements connects learner into things they
can experience on daily basis when teaching
knowledge for their game characters. The game
characters learn like humans do: inductively case-
by-case by building relations between new and
existing concepts. The AI consists of teachable
agents: Each game character is a teachable agent that
learns through interactions and evaluations during
the gameplay. Computationally the AI is based on
semantic neural networks. The advantage of the
method is in extensibility and scalability of learning:
the AI can learn knowledge, behavior and strategy
even in undefined domains (Ketamo, 2011).
The background of eedu elements is in learning-
by-doing, learning-by-teaching and to some extent
learning-by-programming. The approach is learner
centric: the game introduces mathematics in a way
that learner can build his/her mental conceptual
structures by adding new concepts into known ones.
According to cognitive psychology of learning,
people actively construct their own knowledge
through interaction with the environment and
through reorganization of their mental structures.
When the player is responsible for character’s
mental development, he/she records also his/her
mental conceptual structure during the gameplay.
Eventually, we can say that while teaching his/her
virtual character, learner reproduces a conceptual
network about his/her mental conceptual structures.
A teaching phase consists of a question creation
and evaluation – pair. Each teaching phase adds new
relations into the conceptual structure. Furthermore,
if the concept is not taught before, the new concept
is also added into the conceptual structure during the
teaching phase. The following example briefly
describes the development of conceptual structures
in the agent’s mind during teaching phases. The
understanding of how an agent’s conceptual
structure develops during playing is important in
order to be able to interpret the results of the study.
Each teaching phase is recorded in a semantic
(conceptual) network within the game AI with one
or more ‘is (not/option) related to’, ‘is (not) bigger’,
‘is (not) equal’, etc. relations. The following
example is based on is (not) bigger and is (not) equal
At first, the player teaches the relation between 1
and 1/2. The question, created by the player is: “Is ½
smaller than 1?” The agent does not have previous
knowledge, so it will guess. In case it guesses “true”
and the player’s evaluation is “Correct.” The relation
“½ is smaller than 1.” is formed in the conceptual
structure (Figure 1a). The same would occur in a
case where the agent guesses “False” and the player
evaluates “Wrong”.
In the second teaching phase, the player teaches
a relation between 0.3 and ½, with the question “Is
0.3 bigger than ½?” The player knows that the
question is false, but the agent answers (guesses)
“True”. So the player evaluates “wrong” and the
agent determines that the correct answer is either
“0.3 is equal to ½” or “0.3 is smaller than ½”. The
conceptual network in the agent’s mind grows by
both of these relations (Figure 1b).
In the third teaching phase a player forms a
question in another way and asks “is 0.3 equal to
½?”. Again, we know the statement is false. The
agent can guess that statement is either “true”
according to an “is_equal_to” relation or “false”
according to a “is_smaller_than” relation. The agent
guesses “false”. When the player evaluates the
answer as “correct”, the agent determines that
correct answer must be either “0.3 is smaller than ½”
or “0.3 is greater than ½”. After adding relations into
conceptual structure, the agent knows that the
correct answer is “0.3 is smaller than ½” because it
is the mode (average) relation (Figure 1c).
Figure 1: Semantic network and its development during
the teaching phases.
In the fourth teaching phase the player asks, “Is 70%
smaller than ½?” and on purpose, s/he teaches it the
wrong way. The agent guesses that the statement is
“true” and the player evaluates the answer as
“Correct”, which forms an “is_smaller_than”
relation in the conceptual structure (Figure 1d).
In the fifth teaching phase the player starts to
correct the conceptual structure. S/He asks again,“ Is
70% smaller than ½?”. According to previous
teaching, the agent knows that the answer is “true”.
Because the player now knows that it is incorrect
answer, the player evaluates it as “incorrect”. In this
case the agent determines, that 70% must be equal to
½ or 70% must be greater than ½. After adding
relations, the conceptual structure has all the
possible comparing statements (Figure 1e) and
basically behaves like an empty structure.
In the sixth teaching phase, the player asks for
the third time, “Is 70% smaller than ½?”. Because
there is no strongest relation, the agent guesses
“true”. The player evaluates it again as “incorrect”.
Again, the agent determines, that 70% must be equal
to ½ or 70% must be greater than ½ and adds those
relations to the conceptual structure (Figure 1f).
In the seventh teaching phase, the player decides
to change the question to, “Is 70% more than ½?”.
The agent guesses “True”, because ‘is_equal’ and
‘is_greater_than’ do contain the same probability.
The player confirms that the answer was correct and
one more “is_greater_than” relation was added into
the conceptual structure (Figure 1g). After that the
agent knows that the correct answer is “70% is
greater than ½”, because such a set of relations are
the strongest.
Figure 2: Eedu elements UI.
Technically eedu elements is a client-server solution
where the client operates in a presentation layer
(graphics, sounds and user interface) and the server
operates with game mechanics and artificial
intelligence (AI). This kind of architecture enables
different devices and user interfaces (UI) connect to
the game. In eedu elements, the UI is build with
HTML5 and optimized for iPad, so it is compatible
with browsers that implements full HTML5.
Unfortunately at this point, only Chrome and Safari
works perfectly and Firefox do have some minor
challenges. Most important advantage is that it is
possible to produce native applications from
HTML5 to iOS, Android, Windows Mobile and
MeeGo (figure 2).
One of the special focuses has been scientific
proof of concept: The educational outcomes as well
as motivation towards teaching virtual pets has been
studied under laboratory experiment settings. In
general, more than 60% of players increases their
skills remarkably during the two hours gameplay
(Kiili et al., 2011). The outcome in natural learning
environment with possibility to longer gameplay is
even greater: In fact, the best outcome is achieved
when there are enough breaks and informal
discussions between game play (Ketamo and Kiili
The most important finding is that assessment
done according to learning data collected during the
game play correlates with assessment done with
traditional paper tests (Ketamo, 2011). Because of
this, we can produce detailed diagnostic information
about learning. This assessment information is
meant for parents and teachers, not for the children.
Games and other virtual environments can provide
relevant and meaningful information for individual
learner, his/her parents, teachers and finally for
educational system in an national level. In following
we focus on 1) in-game analytics for player, parents
and teachers and 2) analytics tool for national
curriculum development.
In-game analytics tool (figure 3) is meant for
parents or teachers to quickly observe what learner
has taught for his/her pet. The visualization shows
correctly taught concepts in the upper part of the
skills -area and wrongly taught concepts in the lower
part of the area. The quantity of the teaching is
visualized in a way that concepts that are taught a lot
appears in the right side of the area and little taught
concepts on the left side. Quantity of teaching also
mens that what more relations a concept do have,
that more right it is located. Concepts that has not
been taught do not appear in the skills -area.
When focusing on dependencies between the
taught of conceptual structure and pupils
achievements measured with traditional paper tests,
we can find out that the taught conceptual structure
is strongly related to paper tests score received after
game play (0.4<r<0.7) with all tested content on
mathematics and natural sciences. This is an
important result in terms of reliability of the game as
assessment/evaluation instrument.
In the game, the content in one level represents
approximately one school week in Finnish school.
Player can get one to three stars when completing
the level. One star represents satisfactory skills,
three stars represent good skills.
Figure 3: In-game analytics tool. On the upper screenshot
a relatively good progress in 1st grade number concepts.
On the lower screenshot a parent or teacher can observe
difficulties with odd nominated fraction numbers.
However, the results of the gameplay are always a
bit fuzzy: player can have just good luck and receive
three stars with two stars performance. Furthermore,
once and a while a nearly perfectly taught game
character can have non-optimal performance
because of one difficult task. So the
evaluation/assessment with eedu elements in a single
level is only indicative, but completing a whole
grade requires skills that would be required to pass
the same grade in a Finnish school.
In figure 4 a summary on progress in 1st grade
according to Finnish curriculum is visualized. The
idea is to show the pupil, parents and teacher the
current position in game play and progress in terms
of curriculum. This progress in terms of curriculum
also shows diagnostic assessment: green characters
represents good skills, yellow characters represents
average or satisfactory skills, while red characters
shows themes that are not opened or not completed
Figure 4: World scale analytics.
Figure 5: Misunderstood numbers and the strongest
dependencies between misconceptions.
Figure 6: Frequencies on correct answers, wrong answers
and avoiding the number. Unclear means that in some
cases an individual player has understood such number
correctly while in other cases he/she has not.
Analytics for national curriculum development.
When summarizing the individual game
achievements, schools and national level policy
makers can receive analysis about competences and
skills in general level. They can apply this in order
to develop their teaching instructions or formal
curriculum. Our goal is not to rank countries, we’ll
provide information for developing the practice. The
full analytics shows all the countries we do have
data to analyze (Figure 4).
We apply PISA data in general positioning, but
when going inside our data, the analytics are that
detailed that we can point out general bottlenecks of
education. No matter how good some country is in
PISA, there is always something to improve: e.g. in
Finland there is an interesting bottleneck related to
fraction numbers with odd nominator (figure 5).
These numbers mediates or connects nearly all
difficulties related to converting numbers between
decimal numbers, fraction numbers and percent
numbers. In other words, in Finland we should pay
attention on how to teach odd nominated numbers.
When going deeper in details, wrong answers or
misconceptions are not the only relevant factor
explaining learning outcome. According to data
received form gameplay, avoiding number (or
concept) indicates directly poor performance in such
concept. In figure 6 some of the numbers and
frequencies avoiding the numbers during the
gameplay are presented. In fact we can see that once
again the most avoided numbers are the odd
nominated fraction numbers.
Games and interactive virtual environments can
offer much more than just entertainment, they can
provide relevant and meaningful information for
individual learner, his/her parents, teachers and even
for whole educational system in an national level.
This, however, requires careful planning and years
of research on game design and game and learning
In Eedu elements, the game itself and data
modeling is designed to support educational data
mining. The analytic tools are embedded into the
game and they provide real time analysis on learning
process, difficulties in learning and challenges in
curriculum. Future research consist of (big) data
collection and experimental studies in order to
validate the framework in real life context.
One major challenge within educational games is
fragmentation: as long as there are one game for
multiplying, another for subtracting and third for
geometry, we can be sure that games will not
produce any added value on learning analytics or
curriculum design.
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