From 7 to 77
I Teach You and You Teach Me!
Tiago Amaral
and Isabel Machado Alexandre
Instituto de Telecomunicações & Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL),
Av. Forças Armadas, 1646-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Interactive Digital Storytelling, Serious Games, Human-Computer Interaction, Autonomous Agents,
Abstract: This paper presents a project that aims to devise an innovative interactive application, more precisely a
serious game, covering the topic of financial education. The topic is quite relevant nowadays, not only in
Europe but worldwide, and is also one of the major issues on most government’s agendas. The aim of this
application is by using a storytelling framework devise a collaborative platform, where people from 7 to 77
acquire or enhance their financial skills. To do this, the application tackles several research fields such as
interactive digital storytelling, collaboration human-computer interaction, autonomous agents, etc.
The presence of stories in our live existence is a fact,
and any of us can tell a story about his/her own life.
Throughout our life development the use of stories
start assuming a bigger importance since it helps
children to explore new situation, to understand the
world that surrounds them. The safe environment of
fantasy tales and make-believe activities helps them
to explore situations that they are usually afraid to
experiment in real life.
Nevertheless, new forms of make-believe and
fantasy take place in their lives: video games,
computer games, and the opportunity to participate
in dramatic games and theatre performances at
school. There is evidence that through these games
children learn to master all the new knowledge, and
to socially relate with their peers. Further, dramatic
play promotes social competence, emotional
development, or general well-being of the child, by
enhancing each child’s capacities of imagery and
developing overt social and behavioural skills.
The use of narrative is not only present in
children’s learning environments, since it is common
to devise role play training sessions for the
acquisition of a specific skill. Moroever, serious
games have appeared with the aim of developing
innovative games that deal with themes of different
areas (such as, medical and health training,
education, cultural training and public awareness
(Zielke et al., 2009).
Based on these finding, it is clear that drama
education is an excellence medium to convey
learning and knowledge acquisition. Taking all these
findings in consideration, it is possible to envision
the application of such methods in financial learning
environment. The research projects developed in the
field of educational storytelling have as their main
goal to portray educational material in an interactive
format that aims to provide a higher level of
engagement of the learners. Learners no longer have
a passive role in their learning process, but they take
part now in interactive and appealing situations, in
which their actions matter. The knowledge
acquisition processes itself in a more implicit and
natural way, since it is now mainly achieved by a
direct exploration and intervention of the learner of
different learning situations. The idea of portraying
financial education topics into a narrative
environment emerges from the success of several
research projects which used a narrative approach
for attaining educational and edutainment objectives.
For example, the Networked Interactive Media In
Schools (NIMIS) project – in particular Teatrix
application (Machado et al., 2005), the POGO
project (Rizzo et al., 2003), etc.) As we have seen
until now, there are strong evidence that supports the
idea of developing a serious game (Michael and
Chen, 2005) aiming at financial literacy
Amaral T. and Machado Alexandre I..
From 7 to 77 - I Teach You and You Teach Me!.
DOI: 10.5220/0004333605870591
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 587-591
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
improvement for children and even older kids, but
what about the adults and seniors? In the field of
narrative intelligence, it is common to have virtual
learning environment where the aim is to train
people in a specific simulated context (see for
example (Riedl et al., 2008) and (Swartout et al.,
2006), etc.), but to promote the acquisition of
mastery in a particular subject is more difficult.
Even more difficult, is to find an application that
aims to cover a target public from 7 to 77 years old.
The problem of a universal interface for all is under
study for some time (see for example (Stephanidis,
2001)), but since the nature, medium of usage of the
applications is in constant change, there aren’t yet a
well-established set of guidelines. Also, in the case
of elderly people there still exists a low level of
computer literacy. This project tackles another
important issue, when considers that each interaction
should be collaborative, which means that two
players must join efforts to succeed in the game. The
notion of collaboration has been vastly explored, and
there are strong findings that it improves the learner
progression, but sometimes there is the need for
mediation (Roschelle and Teasley, 1995). With the
purpose of mediation, we introduced an internal
social network that aims to provide the space for the
players to clarify/reflect their intentions on the
game, in order to proceed in the interaction or even
to elicit new interactions with different players. This
internal social network is a medium to achieve a
social meaning construction (Stahl, 2006).
The aim of this project is to develop a computational
platform that promotes a better understanding of
financial literacy. This issue is increasingly relevant
given the economic and financial situation that all
countries, particularly in Europe, are going through.
In 2005 (OECD), the OECD published a study on
financial education at an international level, with the
aim of boosting the development of financial literacy
of consumers by indicating best practices to be
implemented at by each countries.
Since 2009, as a result of the financial crisis,
financial literacy has been increasingly recognized
as an asset to the individual (
Portugal, the Bank of Portugal held a questionnaire
on the Financial Literacy of the Portuguese
population, in 2010, in order to assess the attitudes
and behaviors of the Portuguese population in the
management of personal finances and their financial
knowledge (SFLPP, 2011). In parallel the National
Plan for Financial Training (2011-2015) (PNFF,
2011) was established in Portugal, aiming to
improve the level of financial literacy of the
population, promote the adoption of adequate
financial attitudes and behaviors, increase well-
being and contribute to financial stability and
economic growth. This plan also sets out various
target groups: students in elementary, high-school
and university, vulnerable groups and general
population. Given this reality, the idea of
researching and developing an interactive computer
application that empowers financial education from
7 to 77 years old has emerged. This application aims
at being both entertaining and educational, thus
inserting itself in the field of edutainment, which
intends to make the convergence of entertaining
activities, for example through video games, and
educational objectives, the first being the ideal
vehicle for presenting educational topics (Addis,
2005). More recently, this type of application has
been coined as serious games, which are meant to be
playful, but their ultimate goal is always learning
(Frasca, 2007).
To have a better understanding of the purpose of
such a wide and different target public, it is
necessary to explain how we envision the interaction
within the application. The application is
collaborative by nature, since each person must
always interact with a second player in order to be
successful in the game. This collaboration is based
on the transmission of knowledge, as has been a
tradition, when the older and wiser members of the
tribe communicated the cultural knowledge to the
youngest (so in every interaction, we will always
have two players with a generation gap between
them). To achieve this collaboration, we must
contemplate the existence of human and artificial
players - conceptualized by autonomous intelligent
agents - so that it is always possible for a given
player to play with the application. Having also as
an inspiration the transmission of knowledge over
time, we envision all interactions through the
generation/construction of narratives. Stories have
always been part of human culture, and although
civilization has passed through several changes
(cultural, evolutionary, etc.), they remain inside and
around us.
Taking these facts into consideration, it is quite
straightforward to imagine the application of
narrative in a learning context, and why not in a
serious game? The narratives will enrich the
application as they will be the vehicle for the
transmission of the literacy concepts, and
simultaneously, stories are created by players, in
order to allow them to translate their
interpretations/perspectives of their interaction
within the application. This interpretation and
perspective can then be shared among the various
players - a social network of the application, which
could be used for future interactions with the
application since two players who share the same
perspective can play together in the future. Again,
these stories will be created either by human players
or by artificial players. Finally, it is necessary to
ensure that the main goal of the application is
achieved; therefore a centralized mechanism for
narrative control must be introduced (Riedl et al,
2008), in order to guarantee that each player’s action
will be meaningful for the achievement of the
pedagogical goals.
This project aims to tackle the problem of how to
improve the financial literacy of people in general,
with serious game. The problem is well known, and
it is present in most countries agenda for the next
couple of years. So it’s relevance for the society in
general, is a fact and an urgent need. From a
computational perspective, the lack of financial
literacy knowledge provides an interesting domain
to explore a set of novel and innovative ideas that
has never been gathered in unique interactive
computational platform. The major computational
issues to be researched and developed within this
project are: - How to use a narrative structure to
present the different concepts associated with
financial education? - What kind of narrative
structures are the most appropriated to provide
different experiences for the players, in their
different interactions? - How can I track the
achievements of each player without being too
intrusive? - Is it possible to create player pattern
profiles in order to provide richer and more
pedagogical interactions? - How can I devise a
graphical user interface that meets the needs of a
target public from 7 – 77 years old? - What usability
problems must be avoided and tracked for the
success of the serious game? - How can we endow
the artificial players with different skills accordingly
to their supposed age? - Is it relevant to provide the
artificial players with different personality traits, to
have a more engaging and rich interaction between
players? - How can we promote a healthy
collaboration between human players, without any
explicit mediation process? - What can be learnt
from the internal social network, for the
improvement or even adaptation of the artificial
agents in order to provide richer and more
pedagogical interactions? - Are the interpretations of
artificial players – the stories being told - as
engaging as the ones from human players? - Are the
artificial interpretations richer enough to elicit new
games with human players?
These different issues can be grouped in four
different areas: interactive digital storytelling,
human computer interaction, collaboration and
social meaning/perspective taking. The area of
interactive digital storytelling, more precisely the
generation of narratives as a medium to convey a
pedagogical message has already been tackled
before (Marsella et al., 2000), (Swartout et al.,
2006), (Vanniniet al., 2010), etc.), but not in the
same way, since in this project we do not aim to
have a unique and general story but to have a
general plot with n-parallel plots that are
interactively created and linked as a result of the 2-
players collaboration. The set of main plot plus
secondary stories are not predefined, they emerge
from the interactions. Nonetheless, in order to
guarantee the achievement of the pedagogical goal a
centralised mechanism is also introduced (similar to
(Riedl et al., 2008)). The creation of stories is also
conveyed in the interpretation of the artificial
player’s interactions. These interpretations are not
only a mere log file of the agent’s actions, but a
story of the experience, which can be affected by the
agent’s personality, mood, age, etc. The human
computer interaction field is also a major issue in the
project, because of the wide and different target
population that it is aimed for. The problem of a
universal interface for all is under study for some
time (see for example (Stephanidis, 2001)), but since
the nature, medium of usage of the applications is in
constant change, there aren’t yet a well-established
set of guidelines. This issue is going to be mainly
tackled through the conduction of a participatory
design (Schuler and Namioka, 1993) with different
age groups and in multiple platforms (mobile,
desktop, laptop, etc.).
At the end of the development, an exhaustive
evaluation is going to be conducted aiming at
gathering a large set of data that can help us to draw
some conclusions on the graphical design decisions
taken. From a collaborative perspective, some issues
must be taken into account since however we
envision a healthy collaborative thread, some
unexpected situations may occur in human-human
collaborative interactions. Behind the definition of
collaborative interaction is the notion of: ”the
collaborative construction of new problem solving
knowledge. Collaboration is a process by which
individuals negotiate and share meanings relevant
to the problem-solving task at hand…. Collaboration
is a coordinated, synchronous activity that is the
result of a continued attempt to construct and
maintain a shared conception of a problem.
(Roschelle and Teasley, 1995), however, since there
isn’t any control over the human free will some
problems may occur. The envisioned problems may
be for instance divergent interpretations of the
interaction, different beliefs about the story being
told, etc. To account for these we envision the
introduction of an internal social network where the
participants can reflect and input their interpretation
of the interaction (similar to (Machado and Paiva,
2002)). This internal social network may be the
medium for sharing each individual meaning but
also a tool for achieving a social meaning
construction (Stahl, 2006). Although, inevitably
useful for dealing with contradictory situations
during gameplay, this social interaction may
endanger the sense of immersion in the game and
within the story context. At the end, this project aims
to achieve results that demonstrate that: - The
application promotes a playful and enjoyable
medium for improving financial literacy across
different age groups. To prove this, a set of
guidelines and financial literacy goals are going to
be established, and a non-intrusive evaluation is
going to be applied. - The narrative approach taken
provides an engaging context for delivering the
financial education topics. - The graphical user
interface designed is well fitted for the target public.
During development several participatory design
sessions are going to be conducted with different age
groups, and at the end an exhaustive study. - The
collaboration provides a valuable medium for
constructing a shared social meaning and for taking
different story perspectives, eliciting a new way of
achieving knowledge.
In this paper, we present an innovative and
interactive application that portrays financial
education topics for a very heterogeneous target
population. The aim of the paper was to discuss the
main ideas of the project and demonstrate how these
ideas can be conceptualised and implemented in a
serious game.
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