(Aceituno, 2009); (Loktev et al., 2008); (Teare et al.,
Although the control of first AO systems were
designed using traditional CPU (Central Processing
Unit) architectures, advances in computer
processing, with the emergence of other kind of
electronic devices as Field Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA) or Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
changed dramatically the approach to this issue.
FPGA technology was considered some years ago as
an option to implement the control algorithm, due to
its inherent pipeline and parallel design possibilities,
low cost, and high speed architectures. FPGA
devices can be easily reprogrammed, providing a
high degree of flexibility in the development phase.
The reduced size of devices nowadays has decreased
the overall size of electronic architectures, opening
possibilities to more lightweight AO systems, which
could be used in small telescopes.
During the last 10 years several research teams
have worked in the proposal of electronic
architectures which use FPGA as central processing
unit (Peng et al., 2008); (Rodriguez-Ramos et al.,
2006); (Saunter et al., 2005). In AO control several
stages are involved, being some of them of high
computational requirements, as VMM (Vectorial
Matrix Multiplication), in order to obtain the
reconstructed wavefront. Reconstruction algorithms
require an iterative process, thus making them
appropriate for pipeline and parallel processing, so
they are suitable for implementation in Digital
Signal Processor (DSP), GPU and FPGA devices.
Research efforts in control systems have mainly
targeted high-end FPGA devices, because their use
was intended for AO systems installed in big
telescopes, where the cost of the electronic
architecture was a minor problem in the overall cost
of the project. Nevertheless, some authors have
focused in low cost FPGA devices and have proved
that latency times can also be reduced, even with
these kind of devices, and have opened the
possibility to their use as a standalone device within
an AO system (Kepa et al., 2008).
2.1 Atmosphere Turbulence
Atmosphere turbulence is the main parameter to
limit the resolution of Earth based telescopes. Air
masses of different sizes moving at various speeds
produce variations in the refraction index of the
incoming wavefronts. As a consequence, these
variations modify the intensity and phase of the
wavefront, resulting in scintillation and blurry
images. One way to measure the turbulence
extension is through the ratio D/r
, where D is the
diameter of the telescope and r
is the Fried
coherence length, which is a parameter describing
the spatial extent of the turbulence. In high
mountains, where air is less turbulent, this ratio
scales with telescope diameter. Nevertheless, in
poorer air, small telescopes have similar D/r
large ones.
Current AO systems reach boundaries in the
isoplanatic area, which is the region of the
observation field where relative changes in the
atmospheric turbulence can be deprecated. Due to
this limitation, in recent years some researchers have
focused in the way to correct aberrations beyond the
isoplanatic area, that is, in wide field of view, and
solutions as MCAO (Multiple Conjugate Adaptive
Optics) and MOAO (Multiple Object Adaptive
Optics) have arisen.
MOAO, MCAO, or hybrid solutions increase the
number of optical elements in the AO systems,
turning it into a more complicated system to design,
to control or to manage. While this is of some
importance in a big telescope, in a low cost small
system this is a big issue, so a study and assessment
of other options in these systems needs to be
addressed. Some authors have proposed the use of a
software approach to extent the isoplanatic patch, as
RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), removing the
need of an optical solution (Weddell, 2010).
2.2 AO System
A traditional AO system is composed of three main
components: control system, wavefront sensor
(WFS) to measure the aberrations, and deformable
and tip-tilt mirrors to correct them mechanically.
The control system, which is implemented in CPU
or other dedicated hardware resource, obtains gain
and phase information of the incoming wavefront
from the sensor, and processes it in order to obtain
signals that will be applied to the actuators of the
deformable and tip-tilt mirrors, to reproduce a
conjugate to the aberrated wavefront. This is a real
time closed loop process.
In order to achieve the real time requirement of
the feedback loop, the whole computation time has
to be within the variation rate of the refraction index
distortions introduced by atmosphere, typically 10
ms for well sited telescopes, but potentially much
shorter for the situations considered herein.