System Support for Privacy-preserving and Energy-efficient Data
Gathering in the Global Smartphone Network
Opportunities and Challenges
Jochen Streicher, Orwa Nassour and Olaf Spinczyk
Technische Universit¨at Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
Privacy, Energy Management, Execution Platform, Collective Apps, Internet Queries.
Smartphones are becoming the predominant mobile computing device of the decade. By end of 2012 more
than 150 million devices have already been sold and the yearly market growth is about 40%. The ubiquity of
the smartphone creates tremendous opportunities for collecting and mining data from end users. Smartphones
are becoming a global sensor network that could answer questions about user (customer) behavior and their
interests, device status, security threats, and a vast amount of derived information such as CO
2 footprints,
traffic conditions, etc. However, so far only very few market-leading companies, such as Apple and Google,
are able to exploit this data source. Even though technologically possible, end user concerns such as privacy
protection, energy consumption, and the general lack of incentives, make it difficult for smaller companies
and private app developers to make use of the smartphone network. This paper will present the vision of
an open system support platform for running flexible “Internet Queries” and “Collective Apps” in the global
smartphone network. We analyze the problems of the current state of the art, derive platform requirements,
and sketch the envisioned platform’s architecture. The discussion will culminate in a list of important research
directions to be followed.
The proliferation of smartphones and similar devices
in home and office environments is a big step to-
wards Mark Weiser’s vision of Ubiquitous Comput-
ing (Weiser, 1991). They provide sensors, actuators,
and decent computational power in everyday situa-
tions and share the Internet as a global communica-
tion infrastructure. It would be a waste of resources
if we used these devices only for individual end users
instead of exploiting the world’s biggest “sensor net-
work” to answer questions of global scale, which we
have never been able to answer before. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the gain of information by mining sensor
data and locally derived data from the vast number
of smartphones in the Internet. As applications of this
data are so manifold, the figure contains only a few
examples and does intentionally not strive for com-
Our discussion of the state of the art in Section
2 will show that a (small) number of market lead-
ing companies are already using this tremendous data
source. Several research projects are also interested,
but have only very limited access. Smaller companies
Figure 1: Examples for sensor data taken on smartphones,
locally derived data, and information that would be avail-
able if the data was collected from the whole smartphone
network (or large fractions).
and private app developers have virtually no chance
to access the smartphone network. It is interesting to
note here that the problem is–at first glance–not tech-
nical. Apps downloaded from a market can techni-
cally access a smartphone’s sensors and transmit the
data via the Internet to a central server. It is more a
Streicher J., Nassour O. and Spinczyk O..
System Support for Privacy-preserving and Energy-efficient Data Gathering in the Global Smartphone Network - Opportunities and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0004339200800085
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 80-85
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
matter of trust, transparency, simplicity, and incen-
tives. We will revisit these points throughout this pa-
The key enabler for our vision is a powerful sys-
tem software that solves the aforementioned prob-
lems. Section 3 will present a sketch of its architec-
ture, while Section 4 will discuss related work and
essential future directions of research that is needed
for the solution and its optimization. If we assume
that the necessary system support was available, two
new classes of smartphone applications could be de-
veloped, which potentially have huge market impact:
Internet Queries. Companies, developers, and
communities could formulate and run queries as if
the smartphone network was their own huge sensor
network. Of course, end-user privacy protection does
not allow to access personal information, such as in-
dividual location traces, but in most cases that is not
relevant for large-scale data mining anyway. As an
example consider a query that determines the global
market share of smartphone hardware vendors. This
information is relevant for various stakeholders who
would clearly accept to pay for it and thus compen-
sate the resources consumed by the query on the data
providers’ phones.
Collective Apps. A new class of apps might appear
in the markets that do not only process data locally,
but analyze the data from all users on central servers.
As an incentiveto provide their data, users will benefit
from the results of the analysis. For example, a hotel
finding app could collect hotel visit statistics from its
users. Based on this data, hotels visited more than
once by the same user could be marked, because this
might indicate customer satisfaction.
The two examples mentioned above show what in-
centives we have envisioned for data providers and
data consumers. They also show that privacy pro-
tection is crucial for the success of these application
classes. We assume that a data provider will trust his
hardware and the system software, but not the vari-
ous data consumers. However, as long as an Inter-
net Query or Collective App does not consume too
many resources–especially battery power–and as long
as it does not transmit critical data, end users are not
harmed by executing it on their phone. However,
transparency with respect to energy consumption and
to the criticality of transmitted data is an important
platform requirement. For the sake of simplicity, data
providers shall be able to configure their privacy re-
quirements, i.e. the amount of data they are willing to
provide, as simple rules that can be used by the plat-
form in order to accept or reject queries automatically
on behalf of the user. This reliefs the data provider
from the burden to understand and accept various dif-
ferent “terms and conditions” with individual privacy
Today most apps provide only local services (e.g.
games) or solely use the Internet to provide users with
a convenient interface to access centrally stored data.
Collective Apps and Internet Queries use real-time or
historical data from a community of mobile users in
order to offer improved services or for data mining
purposes. In this section we present two examples
that can be regarded as prototypes of Collective Apps
and Internet Query applications. Based on these ex-
amples we revisit the concerns about privacy, trans-
parency, simplicity, and the lack of incentives that we
have mentioned in the previous section from the data
provider’s and consumer’s points of view.
Google Maps
. is a web-based map service appli-
cation and technology, which gives the mobile user
the ability to look up his current position on a map of
the environment and to use navigation services. The
location information is determined using one of the
positioning technologies installed on the device such
as GPS, cellular identification, or even its IP address.
By transmitting their location data, users can get the
possible routes to their desired destination. Google
Maps collects user’s data in order estimate how much
time the user needs to reach his destination. Data from
other smartphones is used to evaluate the current and
future traffic situation. Therefore, Google Maps can
be considered as an early Collective App.
Cambridge Device Analyzer
. is an example for
the first prototypes for Internet Queries, whose pur-
pose is research. It collects usage statistics from
geographically distributed devices for statistical pur-
poses. Data from all participants are aggregated at a
central server. This data will then be filtered and ex-
amined in order to extract useful information from it.
Location information is collected by sending the ID
of the GSM cell to which the phone is connected.
2.1 Trust
Currently, smartphone users either have to accept that
an app will have access to certain sensors and system
1 Maps
state or they will not be allowed to use it. There-
fore, many people just accept, even though a bad
gut feeling remains, because they do not really trust
the app developers. Users especially have no influ-
ence on the data that will be transmitted to servers
in the Internet. Other users just do not accept. This
gives big (more “trustworthy”) companies an advan-
tage over small companies or research projects: Based
on the latest statistical expectations by market ana-
lysts, Google and Apple, combined, will capture 98%
of the worldwide mobile market by the end of 2012.
Consequently, this is no problem for Google Maps,
but an important issue for, e.g., the Cambridge De-
vice Analyzer.
The Collective Apps that we are aware of typically
assume that a trusted centralized server or coordina-
tor exists, which collects data from all devices in one
database and anonymizes it before use. However, cen-
tral aggregation and anonymization of data is prob-
lematic, because it increases the number of parties a
user has to trust: For example, the server might be lo-
cated in an untrusted cloud or the communication link
could be not properly secured.
Many proposals have been suggested to avoid this
problem, such as introducing a trusted proxy as a mid-
dle layer between the data sources and the data con-
sumer, which anonymize all data transferred. Yet,
eventually all this boils down to the simple fact that,
as soon as the data has left the smartphone, the user
no longer has control over his data and the analyses
performed on it.
2.2 Transparency
Another cause of privacy concerns, which is related to
trust, is the lack of adequate control over the disclo-
sure of real-time personal information. Most of the
existing location-sharing apps do not detail their poli-
cies for the collection and use of personal informa-
tion. Likewise, Google’s privacy policy ensures that
user information is shared across Google’s network of
sites, which means that the participants’ data is being
collected and processed. It is not yet clear which data
is actually being transmitted, since the whole process
is obscured. In the case of Apple, two developershave
recently discovered that the iPhone has been regularly
recording the device’s location since the introduction
of iOS 4. There is not enough transparency of data
processing in today’s smartphone applications.
A second important transparency issue is the re-
source consumption of the device while collecting
data, especially with respect to battery power. Most
Collective Apps in use today do not take any con-
sideration for conserving the data providers’ battery
power and do not provide an estimate of the overall
resource consumption the user has to expect. For ex-
ample, frequent location updates from and to the mo-
bile deviceconsume a significant amount of its battery
power. Users will not accept Collective Apps if they
have to live with unexpected battery drain.
2.3 Simplicity
Most Internet Queries and Collective Apps today ask
the participant to accept the terms of data processing
and anonymization. However, these documents are
usually long and complicated. Reading the individ-
ual statements is time consuming, tedious, and dif-
ficult for non-experts in law and privacy-preserving
data mining. Google’s new (simplified) privacypolicy
has about 2300 words, not including product-specific
regulations. The description of the Device Analyzer
has “only about 800 words. It should be clear that
dealing with each Collective App separately does not
2.4 Incentives
Some location-based apps, like Google Maps, receive
position information from its participants while pro-
viding them with the desired navigation service in re-
turn. Other apps, e.g. the Cambridge Device analyzer,
collect data solely for research purposes, in which
the data provider might not be interested. Thus, it
provides no direct incentive for the data providers to
share their information. Therefore, only enthusiasts
participate in this effort.
Having identified the roadblocks for Collective Apps
and Internet Queries in the current state of the art, we
will now come up with a set of design principles we
deem suited to address those problems. With these
principles in mind, we will then proceed to sketch
how the respective queries may look like and coarsely
describe the envisioned platform’s architecture.
3.1 Design Principles
Simple Absolute Control. Transparency is not
only about knowing what applications are doing with
a provider’s device and data, but also incorporates
control. Obviously, this comprises the possibility of
opting out of data collection temporarily or perma-
nently at any time. However, providers should also
be able to declare in a more fine-grained manner how
much they are willing to give. Regarding energy con-
sumption, this means control over the additional bat-
tery drain that is caused by data collection. With re-
spect to privacy, a provider should be able to declare
the extent of potentially privacy-critical data he is
willing to disclose. Defining a list of non-disclosable
attributes or even more sophisticated rules should of
course be possible. But regarding the need for sim-
plicity, we need a means to quantify the potential pri-
vacy threat that stems from collected data.
Device-based Privacy. Because we explicitly want
to avoid the need for signing a contract with every
possible data consumer, we have to assume that data
transmitted from the device is accessible for eve-
ryone, forever. Although this sounds like a horri-
ble scenario, we believe that it is actually not too
far away from the current state. Designing our on-
device platform with this assumption in mind, we
are completelyindependentof any external infrastruc-
ture with respect to privacy. Thus, the data provider
only needs to trust his own device, which simplifies
the trust requirement. This, of course, makes classi-
cal anonymization procedures that are based on data
from many individuals more difficult if not impos-
sible at all. However, many envisioned queries are
still possible, since non-critical data like the battery
charge level can also provide important insights if col-
lected on such a large scale. Besides that, research on
privacy-preserving data mining techniques like per-
turbation (Agrawal and Haritsa, 2005) shows that it
is indeed possible to get aggregate values of sensitive
data without abandoning individual privacy.
Flexible Privacy. It is widely accepted that there is
no general method for privacy-preserving data pub-
lishing that also preserves the utility of the data. Gen-
erally spoken, privacy and utility is only possible if
you already know the analysis procedure for the data.
Thus, anyone wishing to issue an Internet Query or
writing a Collective App should be able to specify the
privacy-preservingprocedures himself in orderto also
preserve data utility. To satisfy the need for trans-
parency, the query has to be analyzable with respect
to the quantification of the potential privacy threat.
Modified Stream Semantics. Most work on
privacy-preserving data mining focuses on static,
existing, data. The continuous stream of data from
smartphones poses an additional challenge. Existing
work on privacy-preserving stream mining considers
vertically separated data streams that would have
to be joined to gain access to the whole range of
attributes. In our case, however, we have horizontally
Figure 2: A query example: counting hotel visits.
separated data. In the classic database-oriented view,
all data ever produced by a smartphone would form
a row in the database, with billions of attributes,
smashing any attempt of privacy preservation with
the curse of dimensionality, impeding anonymization
(Aggarwal, 2005) and perturbation(Aggarwal, 2007).
Therefore, the data from one device must never be
perceived as one complete stream. Instead, only
small chunks of the provider’s data may be perceived
as a continuous data stream.
Lazy Transmission. Various work has shown that
it is generally beneficial to transfer mobile data rather
infrequently and in larger bursts. It is even better to
wait for more energy-efficient connections or situa-
tions, where the device is plugged into an AC connec-
tor. However, if queries are time-critical, intelligent
scheduling is needed for trading off power consump-
tion against latency.
3.2 Query Structure
As stated in the previous section, data consumers
should be able to flexibly specify the method used to
enhance the privacy of transmitted data. Since we
cannot expect providers to inspect every query for
potential threats to their privacy, we need to quan-
tify the criticality and identifiability of the generated
data. Thus a query may only use a defined set of data
sources and processing operators with known seman-
tics. Additionally, the data flow from those sources
through different operators has to be specified in a
way that is automatically analyzable.
While there are many possible representations, we
use a data flow graph to explain the query structure.
The query for the Collective App example from the
introduction, the hotel visit count, is depicted in Fig-
ure 2. Some operators are designed to enhance the
privacy compared to the raw data. The red figures af-
ter each processing step are meant to illustrate how
privacy quantification might look like in the future;
currently, they are of course just pure fiction.
Our proposed query language consists of basic op-
erators that may be chained together:
Aggregators. These operators compute an aggregate
value of a time-dependent discretely sampled in-
put value. There are simple ones, like the comput-
ing the average, and advanced ones, like an op-
erator that counts occurrences of discrete values
(hotel names, in our example). Temporal aggre-
gators have to be followed by the fetch operator,
which determines the points in time where aggre-
gate results are actually produced (in the example,
every 3 months; the computation might of course
be done continuously). Thus, two or more aggre-
gators can be synchronized. The purpose of ag-
gregators is to lower the criticality as well as the
volume of the generated data.
Filters. A filter’s purpose is to reduce the data set by
removing attribute values which fulfill a certain
Perturbators. Perturbators distort attribute values
by, e.g., adding random noise. They reduce the
criticality by rendering values unusable with re-
spect to a specific device, but still allow to com-
pute aggregate values for many devices.
Interpreters. An interpreter enriches data semanti-
cally by using publicly available information, and
is always something that could be done also at
the consumers site. However, the resulting data
might offer a better trade-off between utility and
privacy and should thus be part of the standard-
ized processing stage. In our example, the time-
location pair is highly critical and would thus have
to be filtered or perturbed, which renders it unus-
able for hotel rating. However, if we use an inter-
preter to transform the numeric location into a se-
mantic location (e.g., via a geocoder that allows
reverse geocoding), filter everything besides ho-
tels, and use a counting aggregator to record visit
counts for every hotel, we can preserve data util-
ity, while drastically reducing its criticality.
This list is certainly not complete. Besides these oper-
ators, we could also think of mathematical (stateless)
functions, which might also influence the criticality.
Everything that goes into the transmit node in
Figure 2, is sent to interested consumers, together
with a timestamp. An ID for the data stream is
needed, when individual patterns have to be moni-
tored. However, in adherence to our modified stream
semantics principle, the ID is generated randomly and
not a constant value. In fact, the change frequency
of an ID (in our example: one year) has to be con-
sidered during criticality assessment. We have, of
course, to assume that there is a data transport mech-
anism that does not allow linking two stream chunks
with different IDs to the same device. This, however,
is our only assumption regarding the external infras-
tructure’s trustworthiness.
3.3 Architecture Sketch
Collective Apps, as well as general consumers is-
sue queries as described in the previous section. As
depicted in Figure 3, queries are subject to privacy
checks before actually executed. Queries make use of
data sources and operators. Although it is not within
the scope of this paper, we see energy-efficient sensor
management, e.g., for location sensing (Zhuang et al.,
2010) as a crucial ingredient here. Some operators or
data sources might access publicly available knowl-
edge, like the geocoder from our example. Both the
generated data as well as requests for supplementary
data are subject to energy-efficient lazy transmission
scheduling, like it is done in (Ra et al., 2010).
Keeping the privacy issues inside the device, the
off-device infrastructure’s main challenge is to ensure
fairness between all data consumers. It has to in-
telligently distribute queries to devices all over the
planet, keeping track of them and transporting the
generated data back to the consumers. Additionally
similar queries should be combined to reduce the mo-
bile data transfer volume and thus the individual en-
ergy consumption, allowing every consumer to query
a larger set of devices. Due to the large number of
devices, consumers and queries, the common infras-
tructure itself has to be a distributed system, which
brings its own challenges.
To wrap it up, we present the most crucial research
challenges in the pursuit of this vision.
Power models for mobile devices are necessary to
assign energy costs to queries (transparency and con-
trol). Although much work has been done to model
power consumption of hardware components (Zhang
et al., 2010), the cross-layer nature of data collection
yet poses a challenge.
Aggregation and Perturbation are well known
concepts in the data mining community and are
amenable for distributed execution. (Agrawal and
Haritsa, 2005) However, most research is focused
globally on static databases instead of locally on the
data generation site.
Although there is work on privacy quantification
(Venkatasubramanian, 2008; Agrawal and Aggarwal,
2001) for selected privacy-preserving data mining
techniques, a comprehensive approach that allows to
quantify chains of operators does not yet exist. Fur-
thermore, the resulting measures often depend on the
concrete data. Another approach would be to come up
with a model for data- and operator-specific privacy
Figure 3: The proposed architecture.
policies. These policies would impose rules on the
selection of data sources, operators and their parame-
ters. Then, instead of deriving a privacy level from a
query, one would map privacy levels to policies.
In this paper we have presented the vision of a
privacy-preserving and energy-efficient platform for
smartphone applications from an infrastructure point
of view. The platform would exploit theoretical re-
search results from the privacy-preserving data min-
ing community for a very practical goal: An open
global smartphone sensor network. The platform
would enable two novel application classes, namely
Internet Queries and Collective Apps. This might
have a huge impact on smartphone use, for both, the
data providers and data consumers.
The motivation for this work was practical expe-
rience with data collection tasks on smartphones and
the concerns of users we have faced. Our goal is to
perform a step-wise transformation of our own data
gathering infrastructure into the sketched platform. In
parallel we aim at refining the described design. In or-
der to write a self-contained short paper, we have fo-
cused on the smartphone-side of the architecture here.
However, the development of the distributed “com-
mon infrastructure”, which globally processes, opti-
mizes, and dispatches queries, is not less challenging.
Part of the work on this paper has been supported by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the
Collaborative Research Center SFB 876, project A1.
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