On Protection of the User’s Privacy in Ubiquitous E-ticketing Systems
based on RFID and NFC Technologies
Ivan Gudymenko
Faculty of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Customer Privacy, E-ticketing, NFC, RFID.
The issues of customer privacy in e-ticketing systems for public transport based on RFID/NFC technologies
are addressed in this paper. More specifically, having described the target system, the specific privacy threats
are identified and respectively classified. This is performed by analyzing the system under concern against
the specifically defined privacy properties (pseudonymity, confidentiality, unlinkability). The process of the
respective countermeasures development together with the recommendations for their integration into the real
e-ticketing system for public transportation are further discussed.
Different areas of public life are being increasingly
affected by a plethora of technologies which can
be collectively referred to as Ubiquitous Computing
(UbiComp). The latter has already gone far beyond
the initial UbiComp paradigm which is believed to
have been coined by Marc Weiser in his seminal pa-
per (Weiser, 1991).
One of the areas being tangibly affected by
UbiComp is the so-called Electronic Ticketing (E-
ticketing) where a conventional ticket is represented
by an electronic medium
holding a digital proof of
possession of rights to claim a certain service, e.g.
a travel permission. E-ticketing can be used in vari-
ous application areas: public transport, event ticketing
(sport events, concerts), fitness and leisure (ski pass,
fitness studious tickets), etc.
The current paper focuses on public transport sys-
tems which can substantially benefit from incorporat-
ing the e-ticketing concept. In this case, it enables
to automate the process of fare collection (Automated
Fare Collection, AFC) and paves the way to the so-
called seamless travel, when a customer can use a
single e-ticket between different transport companies
possibly across countries in a seamless manner (In-
tegrated Ticketing). E-ticketing has already been in
use in several developed countries around the world.
For example, Dutch OV-Chipkaart (Trans Link Sys-
tems, 2012), London Oyster Card (Transport for Lon-
For example, a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
don, 2012), EZ-Link in Singapore (Land Transport
Authority,2012), Hong-Kong Octopus Card (Octopus
Cards Limited, 2012), etc.
Despite introducing various benefits both for cus-
tomers and public transport companies, e-ticketing
systems raise serious concerns over the invasion of
customer privacy. This problem is in focus of the cur-
rent paper which explores possible privacy threats en-
demic to such systems and subsequently analyzes the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the e-ticketing system under con-
cern. Privacy violation scenarios and privacy threats
together with the generic countermeasures are ana-
lyzed and discussed in Section 3. We briefly review
the related work in Section 4 and conclude the paper
as well as outline future work in Section 5
Before addressing privacy issues in the e-ticketing
system under concern, its concise description is per-
formed in this section creating the necessary basis for
further threat analysis and discussion.
2.1 General System Description
The public transport system under concern consists
of three parts: (1) back-end, (2) front-end, and (3)
a bridging element (i.e. terminals). The back-end
Gudymenko I..
On Protection of the User’s Privacy in Ubiquitous E-ticketing Systems based on RFID and NFC Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004339300860091
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 86-91
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of such a distributed ubiquitous system incorporates
powerful internetworked processing centers control-
ling the system functionality and performing billing,
customer accounts management, etc. (see Back-end
System in Figure 1). E-tickets interacting with the
terminals compose its front-end (see E-ticket, Fig-
ure 1). In order to interconnect front-end and back-
end, a bridging element is needed essentially acting
as a bridge between the two other system components
and being represented by terminals (with incorporated
readers for e-tickets) in the public transport system
(depicted as On-board Reader in Figure 1).
Most of the current e-ticketing systems for pub-
lic transportation adhere to the so-called Check-
in/check-out (CICO) principle for fare collection and
ticket validation (see Check-in and Check-out in Fig-
ure 1). It allows for establishment of flexible billing
schemes in the back-end and facilitates the creation of
various loyalty programs for customers.
It is preferable that the interface between an e-
ticket and a terminal is contactless, since it implies
faster validation times (shorter queues) and the ab-
sence of moving parts which can be worn out (the
service is intended for daily use). It, therefore, pro-
vides a higher degree of durability for the front-end
part of an e-ticketing system. There is set of dif-
ferent contactless technologies which can be used as
enablers of such an e-ticketing system. The most
suitable, however, are two lightweight technologies,
which are based on a similar principle: Radio Fre-
quency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Com-
munication (NFC). The former has already been ex-
tensively used in smart cards area, namely RFID cards
based on ISO 14443 standard (ISO, 2011). NFC is not
so well-established but is also an extremely promising
technology that is rapidly gaining importance in the
area of lightweight contactless communication, espe-
cially in the smart phone industry.
2.2 A High-level Description of a
System Architecture
The e-ticketing system for public transport described
above functions as follows. Firstly, a customer ob-
tains an e-ticket in one of the ticket distribution offices
(see step 1 in Figure 1). Depending on the preferred e-
ticket carrier medium, this can be either a certified ap-
plication downloaded to an NFC-enabled smart phone
and respectively configured or a smart card issued
by a public transport company with a pre-installed e-
ticketing application
. A trip begins when a customer
enters a vehicle and performs check-in by putting the
In a real public transport system, a support for the con-
ventional paper tickets may be required (for example, for
electronic medium with an installed e-ticketing appli-
cation into the vicinity of an on-board reader, or a
terminal (step 2a, Figure 1). On successful e-ticket
authentication, the reader forwards the user ID (u ID)
and its own ID (terminal ID) to the Event Processing
Unit (see Figure 1). The latter registers the check-in
event by adding the time and location (e.g. geograph-
ical coordinates) and temporarily storing the resultant
record. When the trip ends, the same procedure is re-
peated (see step 2b, Figure 1). Event Processing Unit
then sends the combined record (resulted from the
check-in/check-out events) to the back-end over the
backbone network in time intervals according to the
specification of a concrete e-ticketing system
step 3, Figure 1). If a trip consists of several transits,
the aforementioned procedures are repeatedly carried
out. In the back-end, the combined travel records are
stored (Events Storage, see Figure 1) and respectively
processed for billing purposes (Distance Calculation,
Billing). Customer accounts management and travel
statistics analysis are performed in this part of the sys-
tem as well.
The system architecture described above is
generic enough to be used as an abstraction for dif-
ferent real world public transport systems based on
e-ticketing. At the same time, it enables to perform
a privacy analysis of e-ticketing systems for public
transportation, which is done in the next section.
Having described the target system, the issues of cus-
tomer privacy are addressed in this section. Firstly,
the generic privacy threats endemic to e-ticketing sys-
tems are discussed. The possible countermeasuresare
considered in Section 3.2. A further elaboration on
this issue is presented in Section 3.3.
3.1 Generic Privacy Threats in
E-ticketing Systems
Since the notion of privacy is fairly ambiguous and
not easily considerable from a technical perspective,
compatibility reasons). In this paper, however, the focus is
specifically made on e-tickets.
In this case, the system can be organized differently in
terms of the time periods when the combined travel records
are transmitted to the back-end. Two extreme cases can
be distinguished: the online system (immediate transfer of
travel records, always connected to the back-end, e.g. via
a GSM wireless channel) and the offline one (when travel
records are only transferred at certain stationary points, e.g.
at the route final stations ).
On-board Reader
Event Processing Unit
(e.g. GPS-based)
Back-end System
(1) (2a) (2b) (3)
Figure 1: E-ticketing System Under Concern.
Figure 1: E-ticketing System Under Concern.
the following privacy properties similar to the clas-
sic CIA triad in information security (confidentiality,
integrity, availability) are going to be defined below:
(1) Pseudonymity,(2) Confidentiality, and (3) Unlink-
ability. The introduction of these notions enables to
consider privacy from a technical point of view and
therefore facilitates the subsequent process of techni-
cal countermeasures development.
Definition 1. Pseudonymity enables the communicat-
ing entities to perform the necessary information ex-
change without disclosing their Personally Identifi-
able Information (PII) during the communication ses-
sion. In case the exchanged information is persis-
tently stored, its pseudonymized form should prevent
malicious parties from illegal identification of the re-
spective entities. It is, however, possible to perform
subsequent identification
by a special entity with re-
spective authorization to ensure accountability (e.g.
for billing purposes).
Definition 2. Confidentiality of information ex-
changed between communicating entities, which can
also be persistently stored, ensures that the content
of such a conversation is disclosed only to the legit-
imate parties possessing the respective authorization
(e.g. the ones being authorized to use the respective
message decryption key).
Definition 3. Unlinkability prevents a malicious
party from performing linkage of different pieces of
information which pertain to a certain entity (its infor-
mation traces) and are distributed in time and/or space
and therefore from illegally obtaining the entity’s PII.
Analyzing the e-ticketing systems described in
Section 2 against pseudonymity, confidentiality, and
unlinkability, the following privacy threats can be
identified, see Table 1.
In contrast to the anonymity case when the subsequent
identification should not be possible.
Table 1: The classification of privacy threats in e-ticketing
systems for public transportation.
1. Unintended customer identification:
(a) Exposure of the customer ID:
i. Personal ID exposure (direct identification),
ii. Indirect identification through the relevant
object’s ID
(de Chantrac and Graindorge,
(b) Exposure of a non-encrypted identifier during
the anti-collision session
(Bartels et al., 2009);
(c) Physical layer identification (RFID fingerprint-
2. Information linkage;
3. Illegal customer profiling.
The first class of the aforementioned privacy
threats (Unintented Customer Identification) consid-
ers the front-end of a target e-ticketing system. More
specifically, the privacy issues may arise during the
customer’s check-in/check-out (see Figure 1). More-
over, the so-called ”passer-by” attack (illegally ini-
tiating a short communication with an e-ticketing
medium) is also possible. Consider the case of an ex-
posure of a non-encrypted identifier during the anti-
collision session (threat 1b, Table 1) or RFID finger-
printing (threat 1c). The vulnerabilities implied by
this class of privacy threats can be exploited to mount
the following attacks which can be used to infringe on
For example, electronic medium ID (e.g. unique card
number), application ID (the unique identifier of the in-
stalled e-ticketing application), etc.
For example, during the check-in/check-out events.
For instance, using the deviations in the backscat-
ter frequency of an RFID chip as a distinguishing factor,
see (Zanetti et al., 2011).
the customer’s privacy:
Intervening with the Radio Frequency interface
between the e-ticket medium and the terminal:
Communication eavesdropping;
Relay attacks;
Unintended interaction with the e-ticket medium
(also outside the specifically designed locations
for check-in/check-out) in order to compromise
the privacy of its owner (Threats 1b, 1c).
Spoofing the e-ticket medium into interacting
with a malicious reader presenting itself as a le-
gitimate terminal.
Compromising the legitimate terminal (e.g. to
mount replay attacks).
The second class of privacy threats (Information
Linkage) addresses the cases when different pieces
of information
directly and indirectly pertaining to
a customer are combined with the purpose of obtain-
ing an identifiable piece of information. This kind of
(illegal) information processing can pave the way for
subsequent violations of the customer’s privacy and
should, therefore, be considered during the develop-
ment of a privacy-respecting e-ticketing system for
public transportation.
The last threat class listed in Table 1 (Illegal Cus-
tomer Profiling) addresses the issue of (illegal) cre-
ation of customers’ profiles which is not foreseen by
the system specification (e.g. for the loyalty pro-
grams) and therefore endangers the customer pri-
vacy and violates the privacy regulation. An example
would be selling of the collected private user data to
the third parties for marketing purposes, etc.
3.2 Countermeasures Discussion
Having provided a holistic classification of privacy
threats in the previous section, a set of possible coun-
termeasures is discussed below.
We suggest that the classic privacy-preserving
mechanisms are used as an initial point of counter-
measures development, namely:
Anonymization (resp. Pseudonymization) tech-
Zero-Knowledge proofs (e.g. during the e-ticket
authentication or bill computation);
Encryption of the privacy-relevant information;
Data Minimization.
It can be, for example, information traces ”left” by a
customer as a result of the vulnerabilities implied by the
first class of privacy threats listed in Table 1.
It is still an open research question how the afore-
mentioned generic countermeasures can be efficiently
applied to an e-ticketing system (without hindering its
performance) across the system components (back-
end, front-end) in a cross-layered fashion. Most of
the privacy-preserving frameworks developed by the
academia and implemented in real e-ticketing systems
so far are rather tailor made targeting a specific pri-
vacy issue arising in a certain part of a system (e.g.
customer anonymity in the front-end against a semi-
honest terminal). A holistic approach which would
consider the user privacy from the outset treating the
e-ticketing system as a whole is, however, still miss-
In order to address this issue, a preliminary anal-
ysis of possible countermeasures against the privacy
threats listed in Table 1 can be performed. An exam-
ple is shown in Table 2. The resultant set of generic
countermeasures forms the necessary basis for the
further countermeasures elaboration required for the
creation of a privacy-respecting solution.
3.3 Further Elaboration
Having obtained a set of generic countermeasures
against the privacy threats classified in Table 1 (a
holistic overview), a further elaboration is performed,
1. Prioritization of the privacy threats listed in Ta-
ble 1 with their respective countermeasures (de-
termine which issues are of particular importance
in a particular system).
2. Analysis (estimation) of the efficiency of counter-
measures implementation:
(a) A holistic system consideration (back-end,
(b) Trade-off analysis (taking into account threat
priority, item 1) and resolution of possible con-
(c) Registration of privacy threats against which
the respective countermeasures can not be ef-
ficiently implemented in a system
3. Creation of an elaborated set of countermeasures.
Prior to the countermeasures elaboration, it may
be beneficial to formally assign trust levels to the sys-
tem components. In order to ensure that the direct
functionality requirements of a system are satisfied,
we suggest that the back-end is considered to be hon-
est. That is, the back-end can extract and process the
private information containing in the combined travel
This can be further used for privacy risk analysis and
estimation of the system privacy friendliness, e.g. for certi-
fication purposes.
Table 2: Generic privacy threats and possible countermeasures.
Threats Countermeasures
1. Unintended customer identification:
a) Exposure of the customer ID:
i. Personal ID exposure (direct) Privacy-respecting authentication; ID encryp-
tion/randomization; access-control functions (Juels
and Pappu, 2002)
ii. Indirect identification ID encryption
b) Unencrypted ID during anti-collision Randomized bit encoding (Lim et al., 2008b); bit collision
masking (Choi and Roh, 2006; Lim et al., 2008a) (proto-
col dependent)
c) PHY-layer identification Shielding; switchable antennas (Gudymenko, 2011)
2. Information linkage Anonymization (in front-end and back-end): threat 1
countermeasures; privacy-respecting data processing
3. Illegal customer profiling Privacy-respecting data storage (back-end); the same as in
threat 1
records (see Section 2.2) for billing purposes and loy-
alty programs. A bridging element (terminals), to the
contrary, should not be fully trusted, since it is broadly
distributed within the network for public transport and
not always can be reliably secured against attacks
(and manipulations). Therefore, a bridging element
is assigned a semi-honest trust level and treated ac-
cordingly. The e-ticket itself together with its carrier
mediums (smart cards, NFC smart phones), which
form the front-end of a system, is in the possession
of customers, out of the constant control of the public
transport company, and hence is particularly vulnera-
ble to a wide range of attacks. In order to adequately
address this issue and secure the assets of a provider
of a public transport service, the front-end should be
treated as a semi-honest component.
Based on the assigned trust levels, a trade-off be-
tween the protection of the customer privacy (impor-
tant for customers) and system security (in the direct
interest of a public transport company) can be fur-
ther considered. We believe that it can be effectively
performed using the concept of a multilateral secu-
rity (Pfitzmann, 1999; Rannenberg, 2000) which ad-
dresses the issues of negotiation of each party’s pro-
tection goals in a multi-party environment.
There are several works explicitly addressing pri-
vacy issues in public transport systems. For exam-
ple, the authors of (Sadeghi et al., 2008) developed a
cryptography-based solution for a privacy-preserving
authentication (during e-ticket validation) introduc-
ing the so-called trusted anonymizers. The latter can
be used in an add-on fashion by a customer and is
decoupled from the direct functionality of a system.
That is, the e-ticket can still be validated in a non-
privacy-preserving way if the respective customer’s
anonymizer is for some reason unavailable.
In (Hoepman et al., 2010), it was demonstrated
how a protocol for proving anonymous credentials de-
veloped in (Batina et al., 2010) can be applied to the e-
ticketing domain. The solution considers Java Cards
as a carrier medium for an e-ticket and can be used
for a privacy-preserving validation of an e-ticket.
Both of the aforementioned approaches, however,
are targeted at a specific problem (privacy-preserving
e-ticket validation) and do not holistically address the
customer privacy in the public transport environment.
A decent step towards this was made by the authors
of (Heydt-Benjamin et al., 2006) who recognized the
importance of privacy issues in e-ticketing systems
and proposed a formal framework to protect the cus-
tomer privacy using e-cash, anonymous credentials,
and proxy re-encryption. It is unclear, though, if it can
be used in the system described in Section 2.1 which
is based on the check-in/check-out principle and reg-
ular billing (involving the transfer of combined travel
records to the back-end and their subsequent process-
The main focus of this paper is the protection of the
customer privacyin ubiquitouse-ticketing systems for
public transportation based on RFID/NFC technolo-
gies. In order to adequately address this issue, an ab-
straction of a target e-ticketing system was created.
It was subsequently used to holistically consider the
customer privacy across the system components and
to identify the generic privacy threats. The resultant
privacy threats classification, therefore, forms a sound
basis for countermeasures development to protect the
customer privacy in real systems. We provide the dis-
cussion of possible countermeasures together with the
way of countermeasures refinement (elaboration) and
their integration into a final privacy-preserving solu-
Having specified the framework for develop-
ing privacy-respecting e-ticketing systems for public
transportation, we are going to actively use it in future
for the development of our privacy-respecting solu-
tion for such systems. It is still unclear, however, if
all of the identified privacy threats can be effectively
considered within a real system and what the possible
trade-offs are, which is left for the future work.
This work has been funded by the Free State of Sax-
ony and the European Social Fund (ESF). The author
would like to express his gratitude to the colleagues
of Chair of Privacy and Data Security, TU Dresden,
for fruitful discussions and their support.
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