Revisiting the Informed Consent Principle for Data Release
Ilaria Venturini
Sapienze Universit di Roma, Roma, Italy
Consent for Data Release, Personalized Privacy, Privacy Threats.
In this paper the Informed Consent Principle for sensitive information management is revisited under the
perspective of ubiquitous and embedded computing and of personalized privacy. We claim that an Informed
Fair Consent Principle, here proposed, takes into account privacy threats, pointed out in the paper, which
may stem from some granted consent. Potential implementations of the fair personalized privacy are shortly
Privacy has several meanings and does not always in-
volve information. Here the focus is on information
privacy, that is on the right of information owners to
determine when, how and to what extent information
about them is collected, stored, shared, processed,
communicated to others and disseminated (Chen et
al., 2009). It is nowadays well known that privacy,
as well as security, has to face new challenges at ev-
ery technological innovation which facilitates the dis-
semination of information (De Capitani and Samarati,
2006). Besides technological novel open issues which
arise because of the technological evolution, also tra-
ditional notions may need to be revisited because of
novel technologies. This is the case for the consent
notion, which is crucial for the privacy preservation.
Privacy is context dependent at least in a twofold
sense. It depends on local law, though privacy cannot
be limited to compliance to law regulations (some-
times fragmented if not inconsistent (Applebaum et
al., 1987)), and on the application domain. Through-
out this paper, the sanitary context is the considered
application domain. Health related information is
sensitive. Privacy preservation is a traditional issue
in the sanitary context since the formulation of the
Hippocratic Oath. Nowadays, the amount of socio-
sanitary and clinical data is dramatically increasing
also because of ubiquitous and embedded comput-
ing. Worn and implanted devices, as utilized for in-
stance in remote patient monitoring via sensors and
RFID tag-reader technology (Solanas and Castella-
Roca, 2008), generate increasing quantities of data
that will be made available to a growing number of
applications in research, clinical audit, administration
and marketing. Patients are the humans who can be
considered as mobile embedded systems, due to the
smart low-resource devices (digital assistants, health
monitoring devices, pacemakers, etc.) they carry and
on which they depend more or less seriously. Such
devices communicate with back-end systems and data
are gathered in databases or in centralized clinical
data repositories (Fung et al., 2010).
Socio-sanitary systems have been set up which
may connect patients, caregivers, sanitary admin-
istrators, healthcare organizations, pharmacies, etc.
Throughout any regional setting, segments of infor-
mation are maintained by autonomous, networked
clinical information sources having differing internal
structures, database schemata and vocabularies to de-
scribe the notions they use. Such gathered data are
often shared with users who need them for data min-
ing tasks. Patient records are often released to an ex-
ternal medical center for information sharing. Health
data sets are often released for, e.g., various statis-
tics, research purposes, classifiers and education. In
some cases publishers know in advance the kind of
mining work that need to be performed on the re-
leased data, but in other cases they do not. In perva-
sive and cloud computing environments, the patient
control on personal data looses its potential effective-
ness once personal information is managed on servers
located in a Country different from that where the pa-
tient lives. Thus the consents granted by patients have
to be analyzed more deeply for what concerns the au-
thorizations they may determine on information man-
Contributions and Structure of the Paper
The Informed Consent Principle for sensitive infor-
Venturini I..
Revisiting the Informed Consent Principle for Data Release.
DOI: 10.5220/0004340000920097
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 92-97
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mation release is revisited. A privacy threat is singled
out which derives from consents granted by patients
and which has a social privacy impact. A Fair Con-
sent Principle is proposed to overcome the underlined
privacy problem and its effectiveness is discussed.
The paper is structured into ve sections besides In-
troduction and Conclusions. In Section 2, the in-
formed consent for personal data publication is con-
sidered, exemplifying in the healthcare framework. In
Section 3, the problem of the patient consent that con-
cerns other individuals is addressed in the personal-
ized privacy perspective. In Section 4, a Fair Consent
Principle is proposed. In Section 5 fair personalized
privacy is discussed taking into account both privacy
protection and data utility issues. In Section 6 related
work is mentioned.
Since the Hippocratic Oath doctors are obligated to
shield their patients from releasing information about
their diseases. The doctor-centric approach has been
long-standing. Events in the half of 20th century, es-
pecially during World War II, gave rise to the ethical
standard known as Informed Consent, thus moving
towards a patient-centric approach. New principles
that created protections and rights for patients were
incorporated into the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964,
which has been updated several times since its cre-
ation. Current guiding principles are embodied in var-
ious international guidelines. For what concerns the
patient consent for data publication, protection of pa-
tients’ rights to privacy, which was agreed on by the
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE), was published in the British Medical Jour-
nal in November 1995. The statement about the in-
formed consent, which is now included in the ICMJE
Uniform Requirements, follows:
’Patients have a right to privacy that should not
be infringed without informed consent. Identifying
information should not be published in written de-
scriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the
information is essential for scientific purposes and
the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written in-
formed consent for publication. Informed consent for
this purpose requires that the patient be shown the
manuscript to be published.
Since then consent is understood to be informed.
General principles for security and privacy protection
have been formulated for privacy-compliant policies
in order to protect and manage private information
that reside in databases, data repositories, etc. Vari-
ous Informed Consent Principle formulations depend
on geographic locations and national laws. A concise
formulation that is usually in privacy-aware informa-
tion systems states:
’Personal information that has been collected should
have the consent of the information donor.
Consent from patients should be obtained before pub-
lishing personal information about them, whether
or not patients can be identified, at a greater rea-
son if there is any doubt about achieving complete
anonymity. The various aspects that have been ad-
dressed in the published literature concerning patient
consent for healthcare suggest that a consent freely
given by someone with the mental ability to do so is
an ongoing process (Royal College, 2011). Publica-
tion without consent is acceptable in some cases, e.g.,
if the patient is long dead and has no living relatives
or if the patient is unable to give consent. Emergency
situations may require forcing the privacy rules of the
privacy policy in use. Anyway, disclosures without
consent must always be legal and justifiable as neces-
sary (for instance, in case there is a public interest or
a serious unlawful act or a legal process).
Raw data gathered from embedded devices are or-
ganized as records (microdata) grouped as row ta-
bles, with columns as attributes. There are attribute
classes: Identifiers (as complete names, social secu-
rity numbers, passport numbers) that explicitly iden-
tify individuals; Quasi-identifiers (as postal codes,
gender, age) that identify individuals once they are
combined with other information; Sensitive Attributes
(as disease, disability state, financial state, religion)
and Non-Sensitive Attributes. Table 1 (a modified ver-
sion of Table 3 in (Xiao and Tao, 2006)) is a raw data
In Table 1, sta.pneumonia’, stre.pneumonia’ and
’as.hemoph. A stand for staphylococcus pneumo-
nia’, streptococcus pneumonia’ and ’asymptomatic
hemophilia A, respectively.
For the disclosure perspective, microdata undergo
some anonymity process. Specifically, for achieving
de-identification, Identifiers are replaced by numeri-
cal values more or less randomized. However, nowa-
days it is well known that by linking Quasi-identifiers
in de-identified tables with some external data (some-
how available) may determine re-identification. Then
also Quasi-identifiers are somehow anonymized. Sen-
sitive Attributes are unmodified.
Of the two disclosure types, namely identity dis-
Table 1: Raw data table.
Name Age Sex Zipcode Diagnosis
1 Andy 5 M 120 sta.pneumonia
2 Bill 9 M 140 stre.pneumonia
3 Ken 6 M 180 sta.pneumonia
4 Nash 8 M 190 as.hemoph. A
5 Joe 12 M 220 sta.pneumonia
6 Sam 19 M 240 stre.pneumonia
7 Linda 21 F 580 as.hemoph. A
8 Jane 26 F 360 stre.pneumonia
9 Sarah 28 F 370 as.hemoph. A
10 Mary 56 F 330 sta.pneumonia
closure (i.e., discovering that a certain individual is
included in a target table) and sensitive attribute dis-
closure (i.e., associating a sensitive attribute with in-
dividuals ), we here address the second one. Since
privacy is not an all-or-nothing notion, it can be weak
or strong and it makes sense to have privacy lev-
els. Privacy is essentially personalized, as it has been
pointed out in (Xiao and Tao, 2006). A universal
protection level may result as insufficient for some
parties and excessive for others. What will cause of-
fence strongly depends on individuals. To avoid unde-
sired protection, a patient may be allowed to require
a privacy protection under a taxonomy. In Table 2
with anonymized Identifiers, personalized generaliza-
tions have been performed on Quasi-identifiers and
on Diagnosis attribute values. The taxonomy tree, la-
beled at nodes, for Sex is:
P (Person)
ւ ց
F (Female) M (Male)
and for Age is:
[1 : 100]
ւ ց
[1 : 60] [61 : 100]
ւ ց ւ ց
[1 : 10] [11 : 20] [21 : 60] [61 : 80] [81 : 100]
The unmodified (with respect to Table 1) Diagnosis
attribute values in Table 2 mean that all patients have
given their consent to allow releasing the true diagno-
sis for their diseases.
But ’asymptomatic hemophilia A potentially al-
lows association with more than one identifiable indi-
vidual (not necessarily in the same table). An addi-
tional external knowledge about for instance Sarahs
relatives allows the data recipient to know that they
have the same disease, more or less seriously, Sarah
has. Analogously, releasing data on an infectious dis-
ease does potentially compromise the privacy of in-
dividuals who live in close contact with the patient.
Table 2: Personalized Table 1.
Name Age Sex Zipcode Diagnosis
1 [1 : 10] M 120 sta.pneumo.
2 [1 : 10] M [101 : 200] stre.pneumo.
3 [1 : 10] M [151 : 200] sta.pneumo.
4 [1 : 10] M [151 : 200] as.hemoph. A
5 [11 : 20] M [201 : 250] sta.pneumo.
6 [11 : 20] M [201 : 250] stre.pneumo.
7 21 F 580 as.hemoph. A
8 [21 : 60] F [351 : 400] stre.pneumo.
9 [21 : 60] F [351 : 400] as.hemoph. A
10 56 P 330 sta.pneumo.
Thus some patient’s privacy options on sensitive at-
tribute values that involve more than one individual
may compromise the privacy of the involved indi-
viduals. The attacker model here is semi-honest, i.e.
weak for what concerns computation capabilities but
with the possibility of gathering external knowledge.
Therefore, the attacker (may be the data recipient)
might associate (with a probability depending on the
disease nature) a diagnosis in the observed table with
individuals outside the table, by exploiting only exter-
nal knowledge. Thus the attacker is supposed to not
spend work and time to circumvent privacyprotection
mechanisms in order to perform strong attacks.
We term as multicarrier every attribute value that
involves more than one carrier individual. Other-
wise the attribute value is termed as singlecarrier
(e.g., every ’pneumonia’). Actually, ’asymptomatic
hemophilia A’ entails that patient’s relatives (e.g., any
parent, son, brother, sister) have with high probability
the same disease, more or less seriously. All domi-
nant autosomal diseases’ (e.g., Huntingtons disease,
Neurofibromatosis, a form of hypercholesterolemia
and a form of nanism) and ’autosomal recessive disor-
ders’ (e.g., thalassemias) are other examples of multi-
carrier diseases.
A privacy-aware socio-sanitary system might be
unfair towards individuals having a crucial relation-
ship with the information donor but who may even
not know that they have a particular genetic trait.
We say that a consent is fair if it does not potentially
compromise the privacy of others. The Fair Consent
Principle statement we are going to propose is an ex-
tension of the concise Informed Consent Principle in
Section 2.
’Personal information that has been collected should
have the consent of the information donor and should
not compromise privacy of whoever is potentially
identifiable by the donor’s consent.
Notice that potentially identifiable by the donor’s
consent’ is a difficult to quantify privacy threat.
Nonetheless, it increases with increasing ubiquitous
embedded computing, cloud computing. Once bio-
logical scientific results (as DNA) have added the bi-
ological family notion to the traditional legal family,
a patient with a multicarrier disease may not know to
have genetic relatives (e.g., biological fathers, biolog-
ical parents) somewhere and thus may give informed
consent to publish personal genetic data. In most
cases, it may be impossible or impractical to obtain
consent from them. Such relatives could be more and
more easily identifiable once the patient’s data can be
linked to data in remote sites gathered from embed-
ded devices. Moreover, seeking information about the
medical history of a biological family may reveal in-
formation that was not intended for disclosure about
unexpected individuals.
National and international privacy legislation norms
require implementable notions in order to be effec-
tive. Often principles are not a practice also because
of implementation difficulties. The question whether
the Fair Consent Principle can be effective in partic-
ular for what concerns the tradeoff between privacy
protection and released data utility naturally arises.
A strong privacy preservation may determine that
released data become useless. Actually, whereas
adopting the strongest security technology which is
at disposal is never dangerous (although it may have
a high technological cost), the strongest privacy tech-
nological solution might be dangerous in some con-
texts. The contrast between privacy protection and
data utility has received much attention in the last
years. An acceptable trade-off between releasing in-
formation while preserving privacy is a major issue
(Fung et al., 2010). Since medico-sanitary data ac-
cept a low information loss level, hiding or removing
information from them may dramatically compromise
their utility. To support data-mining tasks and to pro-
tect sensitive personal information, some well known
anonymity methods have been proposed. Namely,
suppression of Identifiers has been combined with
generalization or perturbation on Quasi-identifiers.
Specifically, generalizations (e.g., k-anonymity, l-
diversity, t-closeness) essentially consist of grouping
data into broader classes; data perturbation essen-
tially consists of adding noise (e.g., numerical round-
ing, attribute random swapping, partially suppressing
records). Several well-known papers have been pub-
lished on merits and drawbacks of those privacy pro-
tection methods. In (Brickell, 2008) it is claimed,
on the basis of some experimental results, that even
a modest enhancing in privacy protection determines
almost complete loss of data mining utility.
In the multicarrier attribute case, a social and eth-
ical criterion may underline that the consent of just
one element of a group of individuals is not enough.
We here follow neither of the two extreme positions,
namely on the one hand the impractical personalized
policy which could force us to complete the obtained
consent with that of all the remaining components of
the group, and on the other hand the analogously strict
criterion which could force us to suppress a record
with a partial consent. Other solutions are possible
which may be preferred taking into account the appli-
cation domains. Two of them are:
1) generalizing also on Sensitive Attributes under a
2) releasing the actual sensitive values together with
the maximal anonymity for all Quasi-identifiers.
We are going to shortly discuss such potential solu-
1) If generalizations occur inside a taxonomy, we
claim that real-world taxonomies in use have to be
preferred. In the sanitary context, Medical Tax-
onomies are more or less comprehensive hierarchical
medical coding systems which encode disease diag-
noses into medical codes. Such a coding helps ac-
cessing to health records according to diagnoses, pro-
cedures for use in clinical care, health statistics re-
porting, research and education. A review of medical
coding systems is in (Cimino, 1996). No accepted
standard exists for coding patient information. Ma-
jor coding schemes are usually compatible with the
archetypal medical coding system, namely ICD (In-
ternational Classification of Disease). Since medical
knowledge grows with new terms to add and old ones
to discard, ICD is revised at year intervals. ICD-9 and
ICD-10 are the ninth and tenth editions, respectively.
ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification of ICD-10), will
replace ICD-9-CM on October 2013.
After the Health Insurance Portability and Ac-
countability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), using the Health
Care Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
became mandatory. Only the governing body respon-
sible for maintaining the code set has the authority to
provide advice on how to apply a code set.
As in Figure 1, medical codes are numbers such
that, for a finer granularity,digits are added in decimal
place. Usually, decimal from .0 to .7 codes a more
specific core term, .8 codes another category and .9
’unspecified’. In any case, a label is composed of the
286 Coagulation Defects
286.0 Non-specific Hemophilia A
286.01 Asymptomatic Hemophilia A
286.02 Symptomatic Hemophilia A
286.1 Non-specific Hemophilia B
286.2 Non-specific Hemophilia C
286.3 congenital deficiency of other clotting factors
286.4 Von Willebrands disease
286.5 Intrinsic Anticoagulants
286.52 Acquired hemophilia
286.53 Antiphospholipid antibody with hemorrhages
286.59 Other hemorrhagic disorders
286.6 Defibrination syndrome
286.7 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency
286.9 Other and unspecified coagulation defects
Figure 1: Part of ICD-9-CM customized ’Blood Diseases’.
diagnosis term and of its medical code.
In Table 3, ICD-9-CM medical codes replace their
corresponding diseases. The codes for blood diseases
can be seen in Figure 1. The codes in records n.4, n.7
and n.9 have been generalized by replacing them with
the most general code in Figure 1.
Table 3: Table 2 modified by using medical codes for
Diagnosis, with a generalized code for ’asymptomatic
hemophilia A’.
Name Age Sex Zipcode Diagnosis
1 [1 10] M [101 200] 482.4
2 [1 10] M [101 200] 482.3
3 [110] M [151 200] 482.4
4 [1 10] M [151 200] 286
5 [11 20] M [201 250] 482.4
6 [11 20] M [201 250] 482.3
7 21 F 580 286
8 [21 60] F [351 400] 482.3
9 [21 60] F [351 400] 286
10 56 P 330 482.4
A drawback for sensitive attribute generalization
is that it may determine an information loss that might
turns out as unacceptable for data mining applications
in some contexts. Moreover,generalizing sensitiveat-
tributes gives rise to the so called ’divergence’ draw-
back. Specifically, as ’Coagulation Defects’ includes
several variants of blood disease, the certain knowl-
edge about ’asymptomatic hemophilia A’ becomes an
uncertain knowledge about all diseases concerning
blood coagulation. The gain in privacy protection is
questionable. Nevertheless, such a solution might be
preferred in contexts where uncertainty is acceptable
for the data mining to be performed.
2) Releasing the true sensitive attribute values and
maximal anonymity for all the Quasi-identifiers could
balance each other, as in Table 4, under the assumed
Table 4: Non-generalized Diagnosis multicarrier val-
ues while maximally generalized corresponding Quasi
identifiers values.
Name Age Sex Zipcode Diagnosis
1 [1 10] M [101 200] 482.4
2 [1 10] M [101 200] 482.3
3 [110] M [151 200] 482.4
4 [1 100] P [100 1000] 286.01
5 [11 20] M [201 250] 482.4
6 [11 20] M [201 250] 482.3
7 [1 100] P [100 1000] 286.01
8 [21 60] F [351 400] 482.3
9 [1 100] P [100 1000] 286.01
10 56 P 330 482.4
taxonomies for Sex and Age, and an analogous taxon-
omy for Zipcode.
The intended aim of such a solution (may be in-
teresting for some statistical analysis) was to make
anonymous individuals with a multicarrier disease.
The fact that complete anonymity is never yielded
here may be tolerated because the assumed attacker
is semi-honest.
Problems related to the informed consent have been
underlined especially for care delivering, as in (Ap-
plebaum et al., 1987). In the personalized pri-
vacy approach, generalizations under taxonomies of-
ten utilize simple ad hoc defined taxonomies, as in
(Poovammal and Ponnavaikko, 2009), where patients
are allowed to choose among three alternative options
for data release (the true diagnosis, a less informa-
tive diagnosis, no diagnosis at all). In (Bertino et
al., 2005) outsourced medical data are addressed for
the identity disclosure at a non-personalized privacy
setting, together with data ownership protection via
digital watermarking. The binning algorithms there
proposed for the information disclosure control on
Quasi-identifiers exploit a k-anonymity that does not
require all generalization nodes to be at the same level
in domain hierarchy trees representing taxonomies.
The information loss constraint is quantified as usage
metrics for a maximal allowable information loss.
The multicarrier notion formulated in this paper is in
(Chen et al., 2007) as a kind of external knowledge
exploitable to discover sensitive data. Multi-owner
privacy in (Li et al., 2010) and (Ren et al., 2011)
and the multiparty privacy in, e.g., (Chen and Liu,
2009))coverprivacy problems which arise when some
parties jointly are actively involved in a computation
task, usually on the web.
The claim of this paper was to discuss the informed
consent for data release and to point out a social
threat that may stem from some granted patient
consents. A fair consent is proposed to enhance
personalized privacy toward a fair personalized
privacy, hopefully improving privacy protection in
social services. If a privacy-aware system imple-
ments fair personalization, privacy assurance (that
provides how much a party can trust a system as
able to protect privacy) may be enhanced. Patients
who have not enough trust in a health system’s
privacy protection capability might suppress some
relevant information. This could lead to a poor care
treatment and to an increased sanitary risk (e.g., if
an infectious disease is omitted). We also claim that
several implementations of the Fair Consent Principle
are possible and that an acceptable tradeoff between
privacy protection and data utility can be yield if im-
plementations are tailored to the data mining requests.
Further Work. This work, as a position paper, leaves
room for some developments, as for instance specific
implementations, models and policies for a fair pri-
vacy. Let us mention just two scenarios. The one
concerns fair consent policies for health and rights of
donor-conceived children in an ubiquitous computing
environment with weak control on the gathered data
(due to possible data mining in countries with dif-
ferent laws). Such policies involve both technology
and law, technology for effective solutions and for re-
silience to malicious managements. Another scenario
concerns the fair consent model for so called dynamic
data sets gathered from patients monitored via embed-
ded devices during also their movements.
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