I1 3’ UGUAUG 5’
U6 5’ AUACA.....GAUUa... ...cGUGAAGCGU 3’
|||| |||||||||
U2 3’ UAUGAUg....CUAGAAu..........gCACUUCGCA 5’
I2 5’ UACUAAc 3’
Figure 10: A modified human snRNA U2-U6 complex in the splicing of an intron, as reported in (Zhao et al., ). Bases
indicated by small letters are missing from the interaction. From left to right: g-c and a-u are missing due to the condition
2 ≤ u = v ≤ 26, but also due to the added instability of a bulge loop when this condition is relaxed; c-g ends up being not
favored by RNAup. I1 is shifted (UGU should interact with ACA instead) but this is a computational artifact of optimization
that is hard to avoid. Overall, the structure is accurate and cannot be predicted by a pairwise handling of the RNAs.
While RNA-RNA interaction algorithms exist, they
are not suitable for predicting RNA structures in
which more than two RNA molecules interact. For
instance, the interaction pattern may not be known,
in contrast to the case of two RNAs where one must
interact with the other. Moreover, even with some ex-
isting knowledge on the pattern of interaction, treat-
ing the RNAs pairwise may not lead to the best global
structure. In this work, we formulate multiple RNA
interaction as an optimization problem, prove it is
NP-complete, and provide approximation and heuris-
tic algorithms. We explore three scenarios: 1) fish-
ing for pairs: given a pool of RNAs, we identify the
pairs that are known to interact; 2) structure predic-
tion: we predict a correct complex of two snRNAs
(modified human U2 and U6) and two structurally au-
tonomous parts of an intron, a total of four RNAs;
and 3) structural separation: we successfully divide
the RNAs into independent groups of multiple inter-
acting RNAs.
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