Figure 11: Exemplary animated sketching CBVR results.
results indicate that the proposed system has a posi-
tive usability score, although there are still a number
of areas, such as the user interface, that could be im-
proved. Multiple users also suggested to extend the
system to a hybrid CBVR system that allows them
to search by either text or sketch at any point of the
searching process. This would provide them with a
more flexible and powerful way of searching.
This paper proposes a novel intuitive querying
method to improve content-based searching in dig-
ital video. By animated sketching users can easily
define the spatial and temporal characteristics of the
video sequence they are looking for. To find the best
match for the user input, the proposed algorithm first
compares the edge histogram descriptors of the BG
and FG objects in the sketch and the set of video
sequences. This spatial filtering already results in
sequences with similar scene characteristics as the
sketch. However, to find the sequences in which the
specific sketched action occurs, this set of sequences
is further queried by matching their motion history
values to those of the sketch. The sequences with the
highest match are returned to the user. Experiments
show that the system yields appropriate query results.
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