Spatio-temporal Video Retrieval by Animated Sketching
Steven Verstock
, Olivier Janssens
, Sofie Van Hoecke
and Rik Van de Walle
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab, Ghent University – iMinds,
Gaston Crommenlaan 8, bus 201, B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
ELIT Lab - University College West Flanders, Ghent University Association,
Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Query by Sketch, Video Retrieval, Motion History Images, Edge Histogram Descriptor, Animated Sketching.
In order to improve content-based searching in digital video, this paper proposes a novel intuitive querying
method based on animated sketching. By sketching two or more frames of the desired scene, users can
intuitively find the video sequences they are looking for. To find the best match for the user input, the proposed
algorithm generates the edge histogram descriptors of both the sketches’ static background and its moving
foreground objects. Based on these spatial descriptors, the set of videos is queried a first time to find video
sequences in which similar background and foreground objects appear. This spatial filtering already results in
sequences with similar scene characteristics as the sketch. However, further temporal analysis is needed to find
the sequences in which the specific action, i.e. the sketched animation, occurs. This is done by matching the
motion descriptors of the motion history images of the sketch and the video sequences. The sequences with
the highest match are returned to the user. Experiments on a heterogeneous set of videos demonstrate that the
system allows more intuitive video retrieval and yields appropriate query results, which match the sketches.
Searching through a set of videos is still an open
and challenging problem. Finding a video sequence
which corresponds to what you have in mind is not
always obvious. Today, to be able to retrieve the
sequences in which a certain action is performed in
a particular scene, one can either use text-based or
example-based querying approaches (Petkovic and
Jonker, 2004). However, both types of querying cope
with some disadvantages, making it not always easy
to find the desired sequence.
The main problem of text-based approaches, i.e.
queries based on keywords and/or semantic annota-
tions, is that it is not always possible to succinctly
describe an image or a video sequence with words
(Sclaroff et al., 1999). Furthermore, humans would
probably describe the same content, i.e. the objects
and the relations between them, with different words
depending on their background. Another problem is
that the same word can be used for totally different
objects. As such, describing the query with words
poses many problems. Additionally, the textual anno-
tation of the set of video sequences, which is mostly
done manual, is impractical, expensive and highly
subjective (Brahmi and Ziou, 2004; Yang, 2004).
Exemplary-based video retrieval approaches, on
the other hand, perform a query by using a descrip-
tion of (low-level) visual features (Aslandogan and
Yu, 1999) or by using a similar video sequence (Lee
et al., 2004), whose absence is usually the reason for
a search. As is discussed in (Petkovic and Jonker,
2004), both examples of content-based video retrieval
(CBVR) also yields poor results. The main problem
is the multiple domain recall, i.e. similar features can
occur in totally different content. Nevertheless, the
advantage of CBVR is that the extraction of the fea-
tures in the video database can be done (semi-)auto-
matically, reducing the work a lot.
Recently, as a new way of exemplary-based video
retrieval, query by sketch (QbS) is gaining impor-
tance. Although the number of QbS video retrieval
approaches (Chang et al., 1998; Suma et al., 2008;
Collomosse et al., 2009) is still limited and their us-
ability is not always intuitive, sketch-based querying
has already been used successfully for static’ image
retrieval (Eitz et al., 2009). By sketching the main
feature lines of the scene, QbS image retrieval sys-
tems allow users to find images very intuitive. Since
this way of querying is more connected to how hu-
mans memorize objects and their behavior, this paper
further focus on this type of CBVR.
Verstockt S., Janssens O., Hoecke S. and Walle R..
Spatio-temporal Video Retrieval by Animated Sketching.
DOI: 10.5220/0004341607230728
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 723-728
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: General scheme of QbS-based spatio-temporal video retrieval.
The main contribution of this paper is to extend
QbS for dynamic’ video retrieval. In order to do
this, the spatial QbS is expanded with temporal query
information by means of an animated sketch. This
sketch lets the user intuitively describe the action he
is interested in. An overview of the proposed system
is given in Figure 1. First, we separate the BG
and the FG
of the animated sketch, i.e. the query
created by the user. Then, the spatial edge histogram
descriptors (EHD) of BG
and FG
are gener-
ated using a similar technique as in (Eitz et al., 2009).
Next, the resulting BG
and FG
are matched
against the EHDs of the video sequences in the video
database (video DB). Important to mention is that the
matching is only performed on the query re-
sults of the BG
matching; only objects which ap-
pear in the desired’ scene are further investigated. As
soon as the query results 2 of the FG
matching are
available, the temporal analysis of foreground objects
starts. In this last step, the novel temporal motion his-
tory descriptors (MHD) of FG
and FG
query results 2 are matched. The matching video se-
quences, i.e. query results 3, are returned to the user.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 gives a global description of the an-
imated sketching. Next, Section 3 discusses the spa-
tial EHD and the temporal MHD extraction. Subse-
quently, Section 4 proposes the spatio-temporal EHD-
MHD matching. Then, Section 5 shows the evalua-
tion results. Finally, Section 6 lists the conclusions.
The creation of an animated sketch, shown in Figure
2, is performed in 3 or more steps, depending on the
level of temporal detail and the number of moving ob-
jects the user wants to define. First, the user draws the
background scene BG
(step 1). When finished,
this BG
is disabled and made transparent, so that
the user is not disturbed by it when drawing the fore-
ground object(s). For each of the foreground objects
, the user has to make at least two sketches:
(step 2) and FG
(step 3), so that
the temporal description of the action/animation can
be created. If more FG sketches are needed to de-
scribe the action, additional sketches can be made.
When the user is ready with drawing the animated
sketch, he can start the query operation.
The usability evaluation (Section 5) revealed that
the proposed storyboard-way of animated sketching
is found very intuitive and user work is minimal.
In order to perform the sketch-based query, the sys-
tem must be able to compare the rough sketched fea-
ture lines of the animated sketch with the full color
image frames of the video sequences. However, due
to their different image characteristics this is not quite
straightforward. For that reason, i.e., to simplify the
comparison, the proposed system extracts a spatial
and a temporal descriptor. Both descriptors capture
the essential properties of the common information in
the sketch and the video sequences.
The proposed spatial EHD descriptor is based
on the MPEG-7 edge histogram descriptor (Sikora,
2001) and the tensor descriptor proposed by (Eitz
et al., 2009). Both focus on the orientation of the
image gradients, which relates best to the direction
of the sketched strokes. The temporal MHD descrip-
tor, on the other hand, is a novel descriptor which ex-
tends the concept of motion history images (Bobick
and Davis, 2001). The following subsections describe
more in detail how both descriptors are extracted from
the sketch and the video sequences. Subsequently,
Section 4 discusses how the descriptors are matched.
Figure 2: Graphical user interface for animated sketching.
3.1 Sketch EHD Extraction
To extract the sketch EHDs, we perform the algo-
rithm shown in Figure 3. First, the input image I,
i.e. BG
or FG
, is decomposed in 24x16 cells
i, j
. Next, for each cell, the gradient J is calculated
(Eq. 1), i.e. the first order derivative of C
i, j
in x and
y direction. Then, based on this gradient, the orienta-
tion θ (Eq. 2) and magnitude kJk (Eq. 3) of each
pixel [u, v] within C
i, j
are computed.
J = (J
, J
) = (
) (1)
θ = tan
) (2)
kJk =
+ J
Subsequently, the gradient orientations are quan-
tized into n
equally spaced bins b
i, j
(k) within
[0, π], with k = 1 : n
( histogram analysis). This
increases the flexibility of the system. By rounding
the orientations it is not needed to have an exact match
between the sketched lines and the detected lines in
the video sequences; orientations of lines which are
close to each other will belong to the same ’matching’
bin. Note that negative gradients are also transformed
into their positive equivalent, which discards the di-
rection of intensity change, i.e. ambiguous sketch in-
formation. Furthermore, this also makes the system
intensity invariant, improving the retrieval results.
During the orientation quantization we also do a
thresholding on the gradient magnitudes. Based on
the assumption that relatively stronger gradients are
more likely to be sketched, only pixels with a high
magnitude are further investigated. The thresholding
itself is performed using Otsu’s method (Otsu, 1979).
Next, we count the number of strong’ gradient pixels
p, i.e. pixels [u,v] with kJ
k t (Eq. 4), within
each orientation bin (Eq. 5). The gradient direction
i, j
of the bin b
i, j
(k) with the highest value is selected
as a representative for the spatial ’structure’ in C
i, j
Figure 3: Sketch EHD extraction.
p[u, v] =
1 if kJ
k t
0 if kJ
k < t
i, j
(k) =
i, j
p[u, v]
Finally, the representative gradient directions
i, j
from all the cells C
i, j
are combined into the sketch
edge histogram descriptor EHD. This sketch EHD is
a 24x16 vector which contains the main gradients of
the sketched image. By comparing this EHD with
the EHDs of the video sequences, the best spatial
match(es) can be found, as explained in Section 4.
An example of the proposed sketch EHD extrac-
tion is shown in Figure 4. For each of the cells C
i, j
( Figure 2), the main gradient directions are shown.
Note that empty cells, which do not contain sketched
information, don’t have a main gradient direction. In
the EHD these cells are left empty and they will not
be considered in the matching.
3.2 Video EHD Extraction
A schematic overview of the video EHD extraction is
given in Figure 5. First, the set of video sequences
is analyzed using a video content analyzer (VCA).
The main goal of the VCA is to extract the different
shots within the video sequences and generate their
background BG
and foreground objects FG
Figure 4: Example of BG
EHD extraction.
Figure 5: Video EHD extraction.
Subsequently, the BG
and FG
images are
preprocessed for EHD extraction by bilateral filter-
ing (Tomasi and Manduchi, 1998), RGB to gray con-
version and histogram equalization, resulting in an
’appropriate’ input for EHD extraction. Finally, the
EHD of the preprocessed BG
or FG
is ex-
tracted. This EHD extraction consists of the same
gradient-based cell processing and EHD generation
as the sketch EHD extraction. An example of the
EHD extraction is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Example of BG
EHD extraction.
Figure 7: Sketch MHD extraction.
3.3 Sketch MHD Extraction
The temporal MHD descriptor is a novel descriptor
which extends the concept of motion history images
(MHI) (Bobick and Davis, 2001). To extract the
MHD from a sketched foreground object FG
, the
algorithm shown in Figure 7 is followed. First, the
MHI of the sketched FG object is created by com-
bining the silhouettes of its ’temporal’ sketches, i.e.
and FG
in our example. In the
combined image, silhouettes at later positions appear
more bright. This is done by weighting each of the
silhouettes with its position. The creation of the sil-
houettes itself is done by boundary extraction and
morphological filling. Subsequently, we crop out the
bounding box around the motion part of the MHI, i.e.
the non-black region. Then, the resulting crop is de-
composed into 8 × 8 blocks B
i, j
. Next, the intensity
histogram for each block B
i, j
is analyzed to find the
intensity value
l which occurs the most, i.e. the repre-
sentative motion history value of that block. Finally,
is stored at position [i,j] in the MHD vector. Figure 8
shows a clarifying example of the MHD creation.
Figure 8: Example of sketch MHD extraction.
3.4 Video MHD Extraction
The video MHD extraction follows the same approach
as the sketch MHD extraction, except its input is
slightly different. As input it takes the background
subtracted video frames. Then, for each of these
frames it generates the silhouettes FG
of its fore-
ground object(s). Based on these silhouettes it then
Figure 9: Example of video MHD extraction.
creates the MHI and the MHD in the same way as
the algorithm shown in Figure 7. An example of the
video MHI/MHD creation is shown in Figure 9.
4.1 Spatial EHD Matching
The spatial EHD matching is similar to the match-
ing process described in (Eitz et al., 2009). Both the
BG and FG EHD matching are based on the computa-
tion of the distance between the sketch and the video
24x16 EHD vectors. The distance d
i, j
is defined as:
i, j
= min(|
i, j
i, j
|, |(n
i, j
i, j
Important to mention is that when a non-empty
sketch EHD cell does not have a matching video EHD
cell, it gets a penalty score of 3, i.e. the maximal EHD
distance. On the other hand, if a sketch EHD cell is
empty, it is not taken in consideration.
By summation of the minimal circular Euclidean
distance over all the non-empty EHD
cells, the
overall EHD distance d
(Eq. 7) between the
sketch and the video sequence is calculated.
i, j
The sequences for which the EHD distance of both
the BG and FG objects is minimal, best match the spa-
tial characteristics of the sketch and are selected as the
spatial query results.
4.2 Temporal MHD Matching
After EHD matching, the temporal MHD matching of
FG objects starts. First, the motion history values are
row- and column-wise analyzed. For each MHD row
and column we calculate a motion change value m,
which is related to the number of positive #pos and
negative #neg motion changes within the respective
row or column:
m =
#pos #neg
#pos + #neg
Next, based on m and m
, i.e. the motion change
values of MHD
and the MHD
the distance d
over their corresponding rows r
and columns c is calculated:
| +
| (9)
Finally, the video sequences with minimal MHD
distance are returned to the user as best match.
In order to objectively evaluate the proposed video re-
trieval system, the test setup shown in Figure 10 is fol-
lowed. First, a random sequence is selected from the
set of videos (composed of sequences from the Weiz-
mann (Blank et al., 2005) and Hollywood datasets
(Laptev et al., 2008)). After watching a sequence, the
user is asked to draw an animated sketch of a repre-
sentative action from this sequence. Next, the system
queries the set of videos with the animated sketch. Fi-
nally, we check the position of the random sequence
in the query results (Figure 11). The higher it occurs
in the list, the better the system performs.
The objective measure used in our evaluation is
the median query rank, which was also used in (Eitz
et al., 2009). This measure gives a global idea of the
overall performance of the system, as it ’averages’ the
results over all the random tests. Preliminary results
show that the desired’ sequence is retrieved in the
top-10 video retrieval results with 87%. Although this
can be regarded as a good result, some queries do not
produce the expected results. The main problem is
that the current system is not scale and position in-
variant. Preliminary tests on making the EHD scale
and position invariant already show improvements,
but further testing and fine-tuning is needed.
Besides the objective evaluation of the retrieval ef-
ficiency, the usability of the proposed system is also
investigated using questionnaires. First questionnaire
Figure 10: Evaluation test setup.
Figure 11: Exemplary animated sketching CBVR results.
results indicate that the proposed system has a posi-
tive usability score, although there are still a number
of areas, such as the user interface, that could be im-
proved. Multiple users also suggested to extend the
system to a hybrid CBVR system that allows them
to search by either text or sketch at any point of the
searching process. This would provide them with a
more flexible and powerful way of searching.
This paper proposes a novel intuitive querying
method to improve content-based searching in dig-
ital video. By animated sketching users can easily
define the spatial and temporal characteristics of the
video sequence they are looking for. To find the best
match for the user input, the proposed algorithm first
compares the edge histogram descriptors of the BG
and FG objects in the sketch and the set of video
sequences. This spatial filtering already results in
sequences with similar scene characteristics as the
sketch. However, to find the sequences in which the
specific sketched action occurs, this set of sequences
is further queried by matching their motion history
values to those of the sketch. The sequences with the
highest match are returned to the user. Experiments
show that the system yields appropriate query results.
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