How to Exploit Scene Constraints to Improve Object Categorization
Algorithms for Industrial Applications?
Steven Puttemans and Toon Goedem´e
EAVISE, Campus De Nayer, ESAT/PSI-VISICS, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium
Object Categorization, Industrial Applications, Input Constraints, Object Localization.
State-of-the-art object categorization algorithms are designed to be heavily robust against scene variations like
illumination changes, occlusions, scale changes, orientation and location differences, background clutter and
object intra-class variability. However, in industrial machine vision applications where objects with variable
appearance have to be detected, many of these variations are in fact constant and can be seen as constraints on
the scene, which in turn can reduce the enormous search space for object instances. In this position paper we
explore the possibility to fixate certainof these variations according to the application specific scene constraints
and investigate the influence of these adaptations on three main aspects of object categorization algorithms:
the amount of training data needed, the speed of the detection and the amount of false detections. Moreover,
we propose steps to simplify the training process under such scene constraints.
Object categorization has extended the principle of
detecting objects with a known appearance towards
detecting objects based on a general object class
model that tries to contain all intra-class variability.
For example, Figure 3 shows that multiple instances
of the object class ’pedestrians’, do have a lot of intra-
class variability, like different clothing, size, poses,
gestures, etc. This variability can be captured within
a single class model, as in Figure 3.
In academic context these object categorizational-
gorithms are tested on typical classes, see Figure 1,
like bikes,chairs, airplanes, etc. and perform a search
for object instances of these classes in very complex
scenes like street views, an airport, a shop, etc.
However, the actual needs of industrial applica-
tions (Figure 2) differ a lot from these circumstances.
There we would like to detect object classes with a
large intra-class variability in very controlled scenes.
Examples of these specific industrial machine vision
applications are counting micro-organismsin a closed
lab environment, counting the amount of flower buds
for orchid grading, picking of peppers from a con-
veyor belt or random bin picking. Especially natural
grown products show this large intra-class variabil-
ity and are frequently handled in very controlled pro-
duction environments, with e.g. constant illumination
and camera-object distance.
To illustrate our case we refer to four state-of-the-
art object categorization algorithms, each using their
own kind of low-level features: (Viola and Jones,
Figure 1: Examples of typical object categorization test
classes used in academic research: chairs, bikes, airplanes,
dogs and children.
Figure 2: Examples of industrial object categorization ap-
plications: robot picking and object counting of natural
Puttemans S. and Goedemé T..
How to Exploit Scene Constraints to Improve Object Categorization Algorithms for Industrial Applications?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004342108270830
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 827-830
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Comparison of robustness against degrees of freedom of existing object categorization algorithms. (Illumin. =
Illumination differences / Locati. = Location of objects / Scale = Scale changes / Orient. = Orientation of objects / Occlu. =
Occlusions / Clutt. = Clutter in scene / I.C.V. = Intra-class variability).
Technique Example Degrees of freedom
NCC - based pattern matching (Lewis, 1995) X X
Edge - based pattern matching (Hsieh et al., 1997) X X X X
Global moment invariants for recognition (Mindru et al., 2004) X X X X
Object recognition with local keypoints (Bay et al., 2006) X X X X X X
Object categorization algorithms (Gall and Lempitsky, 2009) X X X X X X
Industrial Applications X X X
2001) uses Haar-like wavelets, (Felzenszwalb et al.,
2010) makes use of a Histogram of Oriented Gradi-
ents, (Leibe and Schiele, 2004) is based on local fea-
tures combined with an implicit shape model, while
(Gall and Lempitsky, 2009) uses random Hough
Starting from these existing algorithms, the main
goal of this research is to derive a complete new set
of object categorization algorithms by using the in-
formation of the controlled industrial environments
as constraints for the algorithms. Exploiting these
constraints will lead to algorithms that will need less
training data, perform faster up to real-time, have
more accurate detections and reduce the amount of
false detections.
The remaining part of this position paper is or-
ganized as follows: section 2 situates our approach
in the evolution towards robust algorithms, section
3 discusses the different constraints that can be ap-
plied in industrial applications, section 4 explainshow
the constraints from section 3 can improve the com-
plete training phase and finally section 5 summarizes
the previous sections and concludes what we try to
achieve with our research in progress.
Nowadays, the main strive of object categorization al-
gorithms is evolving towards algorithms that are as
robust as possible. In real-life applications, for exam-
ple detecting persons in a scene, any object detection
algorithm has, next to the object variation itself, to
take care of multiple variable elements like illumina-
tion changes, object scale changes, etc.
In this position paper we will focus on the scene
variations that are presented in Table 1 as degrees
of freedom. When applying this e.g. to detecting
Figure 3: Example of (LEFT) intra-class variability and
(RIGHT) an object class model for detecting pedestrians.
pedestrians in a street view scene, lighting depends on
available sunlight. Occlusion happens when a pedes-
trian is partially covered by walking behind a car.
Pedestrians occur in different scales and locations de-
pending where in the street view they appear. The
street view contains heaps of clutter like pets, shops,
street signs, etc. which should not be classified as
In order to cope with all these scene variations,
object categorization algorithms can follow two ap-
proaches: normalization or invariance. The first ap-
proach eliminates variations of a certain degree of
freedom by a normalization of the input data towards
a fixed value. By e.g. rescaling each search window
to a standard scale, we do not need to provide train-
ing examples to the algorithm containing all possible
scales. In the other approach the algorithm is made
invariant to a certain influence. Removing illumina-
tion changes can be done by converting the image to
an illumination invariant form, like a gradient image.
It is clear that making object categorization algo-
rithms robust to all of these variations leads to very
complex and computationally expensive algorithms.
Taking into account the non-variability of certain de-
grees of freedom for a specific application area (Table
1) will surely be beneficial.
Looking at the machine vision applications at hand,
random object picking and counting, we notice that
many of the degrees of freedom discussed in Table
1 can actually be fixed, resulting in scene specific
constraints. Using this knowledge we reckon two
approaches are possible. The first approach would
be taking existing state-of-the-art object categoriza-
tion algorithms and using the constraints to reduce
the amount of training samples needed, because less
scene variation needs to be included. A second, more
advanced, approach adapts the existing algorithms in
order to remove the internal functionality that handles
these scene variations.
We believe that these scene specific constraints
will reduce the detection time and increase the per-
formance of these object categorisation algorithms.
The next subsections discuss which scene variations
can be constrained in these industrial applications and
how we can benefit from doing so. Subsection 3.1.
discusses illumination changes, 3.2. scale changes
and localization and 3.3 orientation.
3.1 Illumination Changes
In most industrial vision applications, illumination of
the scene is highly controlled and therefore constant.
If we apply this constraint, all operations needed to
make object categorization algorithms illumination
invariant, can be simply removed. No longer will we
use grayscale gradient images but we will explore the
possibility to use the very RGB values instead. Do-
ing so we will regain valuable colour information and
we will reduce the amount of input images, needed
to cover illumination variance. (Doll´ar et al., 2009)
and (Abdel-Hakim and Farag, 2006) both prove that
using colour knowledge for object detection can im-
prove detection rates.
3.2 Scale Changes and Localization
Scale and location of objects that need to be detected
in the scene are known when the position of the cam-
era is fixed above the conveyor belt containing the ob-
jects of interest. This reduces the region of interest
where object instances could occur and it reduces the
amount of scales that can occur inside this region of
interest to a single scale. The algorithm in (Viola and
Jones, 2001), which uses a sliding window approach,
applies different scales of the initial feature detectors,
repeating this for every single window. Applying both
constraints leads to a single scale search in a selected
region of interest, and thus a much smaller search
By first determining regions that actually change
compared to the background, using background sub-
traction algorithms, we can define possible regions
where objects can be found, since these objects aren’t
static in our applications. This can also help to im-
prove localization and reduces again the large search
space of object candidates.
3.3 Orientation
In random bin picking applications, as well as in
counting object applications, the orientation of ob-
ject class instances can be unknown, unlike in state-
of-the-art object categorization applications such as
pedestrian detection, where pedestrians always ap-
pear upright. The classic solution to train an orienta-
tion invariant object detector is to use a large amount
of training samples which contain all possible orien-
tations of the actual object class.
We suggest to apply a structural change in the
classic approach, by first searching for the dominant
orientation in the selected region and by applying a
transformation towards a single trained orientation.
An illustration of such an approach is our previous
work in (Van Beeck et al., 2012), where pedestrian de-
tection in the blind spot camera of trucks is addressed.
Both the knowledge of orientation and scale at certain
positions are used as constraints, helping to obtain a
single detection at a fixed scale and orientation, yield-
ing a 10 × speed-up.
Next to using scene constraints for improving ob-
ject categorization presented in section 3, another im-
provement of the existing algorithms is simplifying
the complex training process. Especially the prepro-
cessing annotation phase, where all training images
are formatted and processed in a specific way, is a
very expensive and time consuming labour. Next to
that, the actual training phase used to train an effec-
tive classifier can be improvedby using the scene con-
straints of our specific industrial applications.
Subsection 4.1. discusses the improvements we
plan in the actual training phase, while subsection 4.2.
focusses on the changes made in the annotation phase.
4.1 The Actual Training Phase
A scene constraint on the object categorization algo-
rithm should be the motivation of only trying to train
a specific scale, orientation, ... and thus removing the
positive training samples covering all other options of
these scene variations. This will lead to a greatly re-
duced positive training sample set.
Training object categorization algorithms also re-
quires negative training samples, containing clutter
and random elements not related to the object class.
Looking at the constrained scene, we are sure we
can drastically lower the amount of negatives train-
ing samples needed, maybe even to a single negative
training example, e.g. an empty conveyor belt.
Another industrially relevant aspect is how much
training examples are in fact really needed to obtain a
robust classifier. None of the papers describing the
state-of-the-art object categorization algorithms de-
fine a way of determining the exact size of the positive
and negative training sample set in order to include as
many object variations possible.
4.2 The Annotation Phase
Since this preprocessing phase is actually the most
time-consuming part, due to multiple training pre-
requisites of training samples, it is interesting to im-
prove this phase also. Traditionally many thousands
of training samples are required, of which each sam-
ple needs to be manually formatted correctly. Format-
ting exist of grayscale conversion and adding a region
of interest for each object instance. Furthermore, the
latest techniques (like (Leibe and Schiele, 2004) and
(Gall and Lempitsky, 2009)) also model the relation
of different parts towards an object centre, requiring
the centre of each object instance to be defined also.
We plan to evolve from a fully supervised annota-
tion phase towards a semi-supervised. To accomplish
this we will use a selected set of manually annotated
training samples in order to create a first basic clas-
sifier, which in turn will be used to perform object
detections in the remaining training samples. Detec-
tions will be accepted based on a confidence score,
giving an indication of how certain the algorithm ac-
tually detected an object. We then reduce the man-
ual annotation work towards simply accepting or re-
moving suggested selections by this basic classifier.
If the above basic classifier however would not suc-
ceed in achieving a decent performance rate, then a
possible solution is to look deeper into combining our
approach which existing machine learning algorithms
like boosting and online learning.
A more detailed study of the approach mentioned
above will show how much we can actually reduce
the number of manually labelled training samples in
comparison to the complete training sample set.
Many state-of-the-art object categorization tech-
niques try to become robust against widely varying
parameters like illumination and scale changes in the
scene. By doing so they become complex to handle
and result in algorithms that have a good detection
rate but a large computational time.
However in many real-life industrial machine vi-
sion applications, a lot of those changing parameters
are actually constant, except for the intra-class vari-
ability which is still one of the greatest challenges
of today’s object categorization algorithms. Industrial
applications are in need of object categorization algo-
rithms that can handle this intra-class variability, but
at the same time perform real-time processing.
By making use of the known scene and translating
this into constraints for the algorithm we are sure that
we can adopt existing approaches and create a new
set of fast real-time processing object categorization
algorithmsthat can answer to the needs of this specific
application area of industrial applications like random
object picking and object counting.
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