Improving Video-based Iris Recognition Via Local Quality Weighted
Super Resolution
Nadia Othman
, Nesma Houmani
and Bernadette Dorizzi
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis, 9 rue Charles Fourier, Evry, France
Laboratoire SIGMA, ESPCI-ParisTech, 10 rue Vauquelin, Paris, France
Keywords: Iris Recognition, Video, Quality, Super Resolution, Fusion of Images.
Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of iris recognition at a distance and on the move. We introduce two
novel quality measures, one computed Globally (GQ) and the other Locally (LQ), for fusing at the pixel
level the frames (after a bilinear interpolation step) extracted from the video of a given person. These
measures derive from a local GMM probabilistic characterization of good quality iris texture. Experiments
performed on the MBGC portal database show a superiority of our approach compared to score-based or
average image-based fusion methods. Moreover, we show that the LQ-based fusion outperforms the GQ-
based fusion with a relative improvement of 4.79% at the Equal Error Rate functioning point.
The excellent performance of biometric systems
based on the iris are obtained by controlling the
quality of the images captured by the sensors, by
imposing certain constraints on the users, such as
standing at a fixed distance from the camera and
looking directly at it, and by using algorithmic
measurements of the image quality (contrast,
illumination, textural richness, etc.).
However, when working with moving subjects,
as in the context of surveillance video or portal
scenarios for border crossing, many of these
constraints become impossible to impose. An “iris
on the move” (IOM) person recognition system was
evaluated by the NIST by organizing the Multiple
Biometric Grand Challenge (MBGC, 2009). The
image of the iris is acquired using a static camera as
the person is walking toward the portal. A sequence
of images of the person’s face is acquired, which
normally contain the areas of the eyes.
The results of the MBGC show degradation in
performance of iris systems in comparison to the
IREX III evaluation based on databases acquired in
static mode. With a 1% false acceptance rate (FAR),
the algorithm that performed best in both
competitions obtains 92% of correct verification on
the MBGC database, as compared to 98.3% on the
IREX III database.
Indeed, acquisition from a distance causes a loss
in quality of the resulting images, showing a lack of
resolution, often presenting blur and low contrast
between the boundaries of the different parts of the
One way to try to circumvent this bad situation is
to use some redundancy arising from the availability
of several images of the same eye in the recorded
video sequence. A first approach consists in fusing
the scores coming from the frame by frame
matching (1 to 1) by some operators like the mean or
the min. This has been shown to be efficient but at
the price of a high computational cost
(Hollingsworth et al., 2009). Another direction is to
fuse the images at the pixel level, exploiting this
way the redundancy of the iris texture at an early
stage and to perform the feature extraction and
matching steps on the resulting fused images. At this
point, the remaining question is how to perform this
fusion stage so that the performance can be
improved compared to 1 to 1 or score fusion
At our knowledge, few authors have considered
the problem of fusing images of low quality in iris
videos for improving recognition performance. The
first paper is that of Fahmy (2007) who proposed a
super resolution technique based on an auto-
regressive signature model for obtaining high
resolution images from successive low resolution
ones. He shows that the resulting images are
Othman N., Houmani N. and Dorizzi B..
Improving Video-based Iris Recognition Via Local Quality Weighted Super Resolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0004342306230629
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (BTSA-2013), pages 623-629
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
valuable only if the initial low-resolution images are
blur-free and focused, stressing already the bad
influence of low quality images in the fusion. In
(Hollingsworth et al., 2009), authors proposed to
perform a simple averaging of the normalized iris
images extracted from the video for matching NIR
videos against NIR videos from the MBGC
database. When compared to a fusion of scores, the
results are similar but with a reduced complexity. In
the same spirit, Nguyen et al., (2010; 2011b)
proposed to fuse different images of the video at a
pixel level after an interpolation of the images. They
use a quality factor in their fusion scheme, which
allows giving less importance to images of bad
quality. The interpolation step is shown very
efficient as well as the quality weighting for
improving recognition performance. Note that they
considered a protocol similar to MBGC, where they
compare a video to a high quality still image. More
recent papers (Nguyen et al., 2011a); (Jillela et al.,
2011) explored the fusion in the feature domain
using PCA or PCT but not on the same MBGC
protocol as they usually degrade artificially the
image resolution in their assessment stage.
In our work, like in (Nguyen et al., 2011b), we
propose to fuse the different frames of the video at
the pixel level, after an interpolation stage which
allows increasing the size of the resulting image by a
factor of 2. Contrary to (Nguyen et al., 2011b), we
do not follow the MBGC protocol which compares a
video to a still high quality image reference but we
consider in our work, a video against video scenario,
more adapted to the re-identification context,
meaning that we will use several frames in both low
quality videos to address the person recognition
The above literature review dealing with super
resolution in the iris on the move context has
stressed the importance of choosing adequately the
images involved in the fusion process. Indeed,
integration of low quality images leads to a decrease
in performance producing a rather counterproductive
In this work, we will therefore concentrate our
efforts in the proposition of a novel way of
measuring and integrating quality measures in the
image fusion scheme. More precisely our first
contribution is the proposition of a global quality
measure for normalized iris images as defined in
(Cremer et al., 2012) as a weighting factor in the
same way as proposed in (Nguyen et al., 2011b).
The interest of our measure compared to (Nguyen et
al., 2011b) is its simplicity and the fact that its
computation does not require to identify in advance
the type of degradations that can occur. Indeed our
measure is based on a local GMM-based
characterization of the iris texture. Bad quality
normalized iris images are therefore images
containing a large part of non-textured zones,
resulting from segmentation errors or blur.
Taking benefit of this local measure, we propose
as a second novel contribution to perform a local
weighting in the image fusion scheme, allowing this
way to take into account the fact that degradations
can be different in different parts of the iris image.
This means that regions free from occlusions will
contribute more in the reconstruction of the fused
image than regions with artifacts such as eyelid or
eyelash occlusion and specular reflection. Thus, the
quality of the reconstructed image will be better and
we expect this scheme to lead to a significant
improvement in the recognition performance.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2
we describe our approach for Local and Global
quality based super resolution and in Section 3 we
present the comparative experiments that we
performed on the MBGC database. Finally,
conclusions are given in Section 4.
In this Section, we will first briefly describe the
different modules of a video-based iris recognition
system. We will also recall the definition of the local
and global quality measure that we will use on the
normalized images. This concept has been described
in details in (Cremer et al., 2012); (Krichen et al.,
2007). We will explain how we have adapted this
measure to the context of iris images resulting from
low quality videos. We also describe the super-
resolution process allowing interpolation and fusion
of the frames of the video. Finally, we will
summarize the global architecture of the system that
we propose for person recognition from moving
person’s videos using these local and global quality
2.1 General Structure of Our
Video-based Iris Verification
For building an iris recognition system starting from
a video, several steps have to be performed. The first
need is the detection and tracking of the eyes in the
sequence, generally guided by the presence of spots
that are located around the eyes. Once this stage has
been completed, very poor quality images in the
sequence are discarded and on the remaining frames,
the usual segmentation and normalization steps of
the iris zone must be performed.
In this work, we use the MBGC database. One of
the difficulties present in this database lies in the fact
that light spots, which can cause errors when looking
for the boundaries of the iris, often occlude the
boundary between the iris and the pupil. For this
reason, we perform a manual segmentation of the
iris boundaries, which provides normalization
We then use the open source iris recognition
system OSIRISv2, inspired by Daugman’s approach
(Daugman, 2002), which was developed in the
framework of the BioSecure project (BioSecure,
2007). More precisely, as previously said, we do not
use the segmentation stage of OSIRISv2 but only the
normalization, feature extraction and matching steps.
For finding the occlusion masks, we use an adaptive
filter similar to the one proposed in (Sutra et al.,
2012) but adapted to the case of images extracted
from a video sequence.
2.2 Local Quality Measure
As in (Krichen et al., 2007), we use a Gaussian
Mixture Model (GMM) to give a probabilistic
measure of the quality of local regions of the iris. In
this work, the GMM is learned on small images
extracted from the MBGC database showing a good
quality texture free from occlusions. So, this model
will give a low probability on the noisy regions,
which result from blur or artifacts as shown in
(Cremer et al., 2012). The interest of this approach is
that there is no need to recognize in advance the type
of noise present in the images such as eyelid or
eyelash occlusion, specular reflection and blur.
We trained the GMM with 3 Gaussians on 95
sub-images free from occlusions, selected manually
from 30 normalized images taken randomly from
MBGC database. In the same way as in (Cremer et
al., 2012), the model is based on four local
observations grouped in the input vector
: the
intensity of the pixel, the local mean, the local
variance and the local contrast measured in a 5x5
neighbourhood of the pixel. The quality measure
associated to a sub-image
of an image is given
by the formula:
Where is the size of the sub-image, 
is the
input vector of our GMM, 
/ is the likelihood
given by the GMM to the input vector 
, and is
the mean log-likelihood on the training set. We use a
negative exponential to obtain a value between 0 and
1. The closest Q value will be to 1, the highest are
the chances that the sub-image is of good quality,
namely free from occlusion and highly textured.
2.3 Global Quality Measure
The local measure presented in Section 2.2 can also
be employed for defining a global measure of the
quality of the entire image. To this end, we divide
the normalized image (of size 64x512) in
overlapping sub-images of size 8x16 and we average
the probabilities given by the local GMM of each
sub-image as follows:
Where is the number of sub-images and
is the GMM local quality of the nth sub-
2.4 Super Resolution Implementation
MBGC’s images suffer from poor resolution, which
degrades significantly iris recognition performance.
Super resolution (SR) approaches can remedy to this
problem by generating high-resolution images from
low-resolution ones. Among the various manners to
implement SR schemes, we chose in this work a
simple version similar to that exploited in (Nguyen
et al., 2010), resulting into a double resolution image
using the bilinear interpolation.
After interpolating each normalized image of the
sequence, a step of registration is generally needed
before pixel’s fusion to ensure that those pixels are
correctly aligned with each other in the sequence.
But for MBGC videos, authors are divided on the
fact that the images of the sequence need to be
registered. We tried performing some registration by
identifying the shift value that maximized the phase
correlation between the pixel values and we noticed
that registration didn’t produce any better
recognition performance. Indeed, the process of
normalization already performs a scaling of the iris
zone, allowing an alignment of the pixels, which is
sufficient for the present implementation of super
This set of normalized interpolated images is
then fused to obtain one high-resolution image. We
introduce some quality measures in this fusion
process. More precisely, as done in (Nguyen et al.,
2010), we weight the value of each pixel of each
image by the same factor, namely the Global Quality
(GQ) (defined in Section 2.3) of the corresponding
We also propose a novel scheme using our
Local Quality (LQ) measure (defined in Section
2.2). In this latter case, we compute the quality
measures of all the sub-images as defined in Section
2.3 and we generate a matrix of the same size as the
normalized image which contains the values of the
quality of each sub-images. This matrix is then
bilinearly interpolated. Finally, we weight the value
of each pixel of each interpolated image by its
corresponding value in the interpolated quality
matrix. Figure 1 illustrates this LQ-based fusion
process which is more detailed in Section 2.5.
Figure 1: Fusion process of the proposed local quality-
based method.
2.5 Architecture of the Local
Quality-based System
Figure 2 presents the general architecture of our LQ-
based system. The main steps of such system are
described as follows:
- Discard very low quality (highly blurred) frames
of the sequence using wavelet’s transform.
Then, for each frame:
- Detect and extract the periocular zone,
- Segment manually the iris using two non-
concentric circles approximation for the pupillary
and limbic boundaries,
- Normalize the segmented iris zone with
Daugman’s rubber sheet technique,
- Generate masks and measure the local quality on
the normalized and masked images, using the GMM
already learned,
- Interpolate the normalized images and their
corresponding masks and local quality matrices to a
double resolution using the bilinear interpolation.
Finally, for all frames, generate the fused image as
Where F is the total number of frames, I
x,yare the values of the pixel in the position
of, respectively, the ith interpolated
normalized image and mask. Q
is the local
quality of the sub-image
to which the pixel
The last steps of the recognition process namely
feature extraction and matching (as recalled
previously in Section 2.1) are performed on the
fused reconstructed image. Note that from one video
of F frames, we get only one image performing this
way an important and efficient compression of the
Figure 2: Diagram of the Local Quality-based system for
video-based iris recognition.
3.1 Database and Protocols
The proposed method has been evaluated on the
portal dataset composed of Near Infra-Red (NIR)
faces videos used during the Multiple Biometric
Grand Challenge organized by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (MBGC, 2009). This
dataset called MBGC was acquired by capturing
facial videos of 129 subjects walking through a
portal located at 3 meters from a NIR camera.
Although the resolution of the frames in the video is
2048x2048, the number of pixels across the iris is
about 120, which is below the minimum of 140
pixels considered as the minimum to ensure a good
level of performance. The images suffer not only
from low resolution but also from motion blur,
occlusion, specular reflection and high variation of
illumination between the frames. Examples of poor
quality images can be found in Figure 3.
Due to the important variation of illumination
that can be observed between the frames across one
sequence, we manually discard darker ones as done
in other work. After that, blurred frames from the
sequence were removed by using wavelet’s
transformation. After all these pre-processing, the
database is composed of 108 subjects and each one
possesses 2 sequences with at least 4 frames per
We didn’t follow the protocols specified in
MBGC. Indeed, we didn’t compare still images to
videos as in (Nguyen et al., 2011b) but NIR videos
to NIR videos like in (Hollingsworth et al., 2009).
For each person, we use the first sequence as a target
and the second one as a query.
3.2 Experiments and Results
The proposed approach is compared to other fusion
score methods such as Multi-Gallery Simple-Probe
(MGSP), Multi-Gallery Multi-Probe (MGMP) and
also to fusion signal methods as simple averaging of
images and weighted super resolution.
3.2.1 Fusion at the Score Level
- Matching 1 to 1: all the frames in the video of a
person are considered as independent images and
used for performing inter-class and intra-class
comparisons. This system was used as a baseline
system to compare the other methods.
- Matching N to 1, Multi-Gallery Simple-Probe: in
this case, the different images in the video are
considered dependent as they represent the same
person. If the number of samples in the gallery and
the probe are respectively N and 1 per person, we
get N Hamming distance scores which can be fused
by making a simple average (Ma et al., 2004) or the
minimum of all the scores (Krichen et al., 2005).
- Matching N to M, Multi-Gallery Multi-Probe: in
this case, we consider M images in the probe and N
images in the gallery. We thus get N*M scores per
person and combine them by taking the average or
the minimum.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Examples of bad quality images: a) out of focus,
b) eyelid and eyelashes occlusions, c) closed eye, d) dark
The performance of these score fusion schemes
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Equal Error Rate (EER) of the score‘s fusion
Methods EER (in %)
Matching 1 to 1 (baseline) 14.32
Minimum Average
Matching 1 to N (MGSP)
9.30 10.27
Matching M to N (MGMP) 4.66 5.65
As shown in Table 1, the best score’s fusion
scheme reduces the Equal Error Rate (EER) from
14.32% to 4.66%. This indicates that recognition
performance can be further improved by the
redundancy brought by the video. However, the
corresponding matching time increases considerably
when the recognition score is calculated for N*M
3.2.2 Fusion at the Signal Level
- Without quality: At first, the fusion of images is
done without using quality measure. For each
sequence, we create a single image by averaging the
pixels intensities of the different frames of such a
sequence. We experimented two cases: with and
without interpolated images. The EER of the two
methods is reported in Table 2.
Table 2: Equal Error Rate (EER) of the image‘s fusion
methods without using quality.
Strategy of fusion EER (in %)
Simple average of normalized iris 4.90
Simple average of interpolated normalized iris (SR) 3.66
Table 2 shows that the fusion method based on
the interpolation of images before averaging the
pixel intensities outperforms the simple average
method with a relative improvement of 25.30% at
the EER functioning point. This result is coherent
with Nguyen’s results which states that super
resolution (SR) greatly improves recognition
performance (Nguyen et al., 2010).
By observing Table 1 and Table 2, we see that
the MPMG-min method is slightly better than the
simple average (4.66% vs 4.9%). These results are
coherent with those obtained by Hollingsworth et al
(2009). However, as explained in their work, the
matching time and memory requirements are much
lower for image’s fusion than score’s fusion.
- With quality (global and local): Given the
considerable improvement brought by the
interpolation, we decided to perform our further
experiments only on SR images. We introduce in the
fusion the global quality (GQ) and local quality
(LQ) fusion schemes as explained in Section 2.4.
The Equal Error Rate (EER) of all methods is shown
in Table 3 and the DET-curves of these methods are
shown in Figure 4.
As shown in Table 3, introducing our global quality
criterion in the fusion gives a high relative
recognition improvement (25.95% at the EER). Our
method is in agreement with Nguyen’s result
(Nguyen et al., 2011b) who obtains an improvement
of 11.5% by introducing his quality measure (but
with another evaluation protocol). Compared to his
method, our quality is simpler to implement. Indeed,
the metric employed by Nguyen et al. (2011b) to
estimate the quality of a given frame includes four
independent factors: focus, off-angle, illumination
variation and motion blur. After calculating
individually each of these quality scores, a single
score is obtained with the Dempster-Shafer theory.
Our quality measure has the advantage of not
requiring extra strategy of combinations neither
knowing in advance the possible nature of the
Table 3: Equal Error Rate (EER) of the image‘s fusion
methods with and without quality measures.
Strategy of fusion EER (in%)
Without quality 3.66
With global quality 2.71
With local quality 2.58
By incorporating our GQ measure in the fusion
process, the contribution of each frame in the fused
image will be correlated to its quality, this way more
weight is given to the high quality images.
Table 3 also shows that LQ-based fusion method
outperforms the GQ-based fusion method with a
relative improvement of 4.79% at the EER. This is
due to the fact that the quality in an iris image is not
globally identical: indeed, due for example to
motion blur, a region in an iris image could be more
textured than another one. Moreover, our LQ
measure can detect eventual errors of masks and
assign them a low value. The LQ-based fusion
scheme allows therefore a more accurate weighting
of the pixels in the fusion scheme than the GQ
Figure 4: DET-curves of the three image’s fusion
In this paper, we have proposed two novel
contributions for implementing image fusion of
frames extracted from videos of moving persons
with the aim of improving the performance in iris
recognition. Our main novelty is the introduction in
the fusion scheme, at the pixel level, of a local
quality (LQ) measure relying on a GMM estimation
of the distribution of a clean iris texture. This LQ
measure can also be used for giving a global quality
(GQ) measure of the normalized iris image. We have
shown on the MBGC database that the LQ-based
fusion allows a high improvement in performance
compared to other fusion schemes (at the score or
image level) or to our GQ-based fusion.
The present work corresponds to a first step
towards the production of a global and automatic
system able to process in real time, videos acquired
in an optical gate. In fact we have so far only
validated our approach using some manual
interventions for the first steps of the process (choice
of adequate images and iris segmentation) and new
modules would be necessary for building an
automatic system. More precisely, we have made a
manual selection of the very low quality images (as
done by most authors in the field) but this could be
performed thanks to a simple global quality
measure. An automatic segmentation procedure can
replace the manual one but, due to the low quality of
MBGC frames, we expect that it will produce a large
number of errors (as assessed by the degradation of
performance observed in the MBGC competition).
However our intuition is that our local quality
measure should be able to detect those errors and
that our system will therefore be able to discard
those bad-segmented pixels from the fusion
procedure. If this is the case our fusion procedure
should not suffer too much from segmentation
errors. Our future works will tend to validate this
hypothesis using a bigger database with more videos
per person.
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