Blended Learning and Consulting for Resource Limited Enterprises
The Case of a Prototyping, Production and Logistics Service Centre at a Business
Incubator in Brazil
J. Antão B. Moura
, Marcelo A. de Barros
and Francilene P. Garcia
Systems and Computing Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Technology Park Foundation of the State of Paraíba, PB, Campina Grande, Brazil
Keywords: Blended Learning, Blended Consulting, Prototyping, Production and Logistics Support Services, Financial
Restrictions, Business Incubator, Collective Intelligence, Lab Virtualization, Validation, Case Study.
Abstract: Start-ups and other innovative, but small enterprises – such as those associated with business incubators -
usually have financial limitations that hinder their attempt to properly address product and service lifecycle
challenges. Some of these challenges regard aspects of prototyping, production and logistics (PPL). Inability
to properly address PPL challenges sometimes delays time-to-market too long, causing the company to fail.
In order to assist companies to efficiently address PPL challenges, a low-operating-cost, risk-seeking, PPL
Service Centre is being planned for an incubator in Brazil. In order to account for financial restrictions, the
Centre’s operations are to be based on blended learning pedagogy but expanded to encompass provision of
consulting services and access to laboratory and workshop’ facilities. Creating such a Centre is timing
consuming and resource intensive. Therefore it must be demonstrated that the investment will be
worthwhile. A small investigation has been conducted which has looked into the PPL needs of technology-
based enterprises associated with the incubator. The results have been used to specify and initially operate
the Centre to allow for a more blended style in service provision. This paper summarizes the investigation,
its results and the Centre’s initial operation and preliminary achievements.
Innovative but “micro” and small enterprises
(MSEs) have budgetary restrictions that limit their
capacity to invest in staff training and consulting
services to address barriers and problems throughout
the life cycle of their new products or services. This
is true everywhere (Tiwari and Buse, 2007) but
appears to be the norm in emerging markets such as
in Brazil. Indeed, “need of investments” appears
frequently in surveys of technology-based MSEs by
the Technology Park Foundation of the State of
Paraíba ( in Brazil.
Available funding to Brazilian MSEs tends to be
destined for innovation, research & development
(R&D) activities. Albeit their importance for market
success, activities later on the lifecycle, such as
prototyping, production, logistics, marketing
(including market acceptance tests of prototypes)
and sales are historically allotted little investment.
Over the years, PaqTc has observed that a significant
percentage of failures of incubated MSEs can be
attributed to inadequate attention to and actions in
prototyping, production and logistics (PPL) in
anticipation to or in support of marketing & sales
(M&S) operations.
To reduce the failure rate of its MSEs and to
alleviate their difficulty in securing investments for
PPL, PaqTc with sponsorship from the Brazilian
Research Council (CNPq) decided to plan and
operate a PPL Service Centre that has low fixed
costs and offers accessible and effective solutions to
PPL problems. This position paper presents the
planned centre whose service and operations extend
Blended Learning (BL) principles to encompass and
mix training, consultancy and workshop practicing.
BL refers to an instructional environment where
interactions between instructors and trainees take
place face-to-face (such as in a classroom where the
interactions are mostly “synchronous”) and using
Information and Communications Technology
(ICT)-based facilities (for asynchronous interactions,
such as participating in a Web course through a
computer or smart phone). ICT-based facilities allow
Antão B. Moura J., A. de Barros M. and P. Garcia F..
Blended Learning and Consulting for Resource Limited Enterprises - The Case of a Prototyping, Production and Logistics Service Centre at a Business
Incubator in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0004342504770483
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 477-483
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the trainee to have some control over time, location,
sequencing and pace of the instruction he or she
receives. In addition, online courses reduce the cost
of attending lectures taught by top calibre
instructors: (Horn and Staker, 2011) argue that BL
grew out of online courses for students who were
taking higher level classes in rural K-12 school
districts in the US which could not afford bringing a
teacher in for face-to-face sessions.
Its potential for cutting costs and instructional
media flexibility make BL pedagogy central to
modern training programmes. Again quoting from
(Horn and Staker, 2011, page 3): “Bleak budgets
coupled with looming teacher shortages amidst an
increasing demand for results are accelerating the
growth of online learning into blended
environments… (in order for schools) to do more
with less.” On a cautionary note, (Garrison, 2004)
points to BL implementation complexity with the
“challenge of virtually limitless design possibilities
and applicability to so many contexts”.
The context of interest here is that of on-the-job
training and problem solving in PPL at start-up or
other innovative MSEs under financial duress.
Actual problem solving usually requires consultation
with experts or practioners besides effective training
to grasp and adopt the solution to be implemented.
The specialized bibliography brings little insight on
applications of BL principles to training on PPL
activities let alone to consulting on PPL. This paper
contributes by adding to such insight.
This paper proposes a specification for a PPL
Service Centre that applies BL principles to facilitate
creative and effective solutions to PPL staff training
and PPL problem solving through asynchronous
learning/consulting networks of risk-seeking experts
(in an ad-hoc community of trust) and sharing of
(possibly) virtualized (i.e., over-the-internet-
accessible) lab/workshop resources and facilities.
The foregoing discussion leads us to posit the
research question (RQ) this paper addresses as: “Can
BL principles be applied to training and consulting
services to address PPL problems effectively and
efficiently?” Here, we assume this question will
have been answered positively if stakeholders of
MSEs which are (potential) clients of the proposed
PPL Centre declare they are satisfied the specified
services will help them address PPL problems
successfully in a cost-effective manner. Since work
on the Centre has just started and it is still on-going,
the remainder of this position paper only provides a
preliminary answer to the RQ. (An answer with
greater confidence requires a longer observation
interval and work towards that is on-going.)
Much of the rich bibliography on BL in
Conference proceedings (e.g., CSEDU, 2009-12)
and in Journal articles (JALN, 1997-2012) reports
on applying BL approaches to improve instructional
cost and effectiveness in academic, government and
corporate settings covering disparate areas such as:
Humanities and the Arts (Spohrer and Cassidy,
2012); Engineering (Rouvrais et al., 2005) and
related fields – e.g., IT; and, Health (Brandt et al.,
2010). The bibliography reveals that BL has become
the basis for most employee orientation and training
programmes worldwide – see for instance,
(Internexia, 2011) for human resource development
programmes in general. On the other hand, reports
on BL for PPL professionals are almost non-
existent. (Manesh and Woll, 2007) describes a
conversion effort by Intel Corporation from a
classroom to a BL approach for on-the-job training
of equipment operators; the authors observe gains in
costs, lead time to proficiency and production.
The greater part of the reported work, however,
regards experimentation with BL for teaching
(JALN, 1997-2012) or by large corporations – such
as IBM and Intel in the high tech industry (Bersin,
2004). Albeit some of the works address financial
restrictions (Horn and Staker, 2011), the focus is on
curriculum design and learning performance.
Also, BL principles appear to have been applied
to consulting services sparingly. One exception is
(Work Write, 2012) which offers mentoring and
consulting on documentation writing – such as
software online help. We found no reports on mixing
BL and consulting to address PPL problems.
This paper proposes delivering training and
consulting coupled with sharing of infrastructure in a
more blended style as a way of: i) improving skills
in designing and applying solutions to PPL problems
by professionals of small enterprises through
interactions with a community of invited, specialized
consultants and practitioners; and, at the same time,
ii) meeting financial restrictions typical of these
enterprises. The proposal is a new application of BL
in the sense that it includes “blended consulting” and
resource sharing through favours from partners. As
such, the paper contributes to the literature on BL.
In 2012-Q2, PaqTc interviewed executives from 7
MSEs in North-eastern Brazil - the region of the
Park’s operations since its founding in 1984 and one
of the poorest in the country. These MSEs produce
hardware bits as part of services for boat building,
engineering, home automation, musical devices,
sports instrumentation, point-of-sale software and
mobile communications – one company has been
functioning for over 25 years; another for over 10
years; and the rest, close to 5, having been incubated
at PaqTc for the last two. All were selected based on
their (eventually) successful PPL experiences and
their knowledge of PaqTc’s operating limitations.
Unstructured interviews (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005)
with the executives elicited information on their past
and current PPL needs and solution requirements to
serve as basis for the PPL Centre specification.
3.1 MSEs’ PPL Needs & Problems
According to the interviewed executives, existing
courier or transport services sufficed for logistics at
least initially, when the company ordered parts to
build prototypes or to deliver small production lots.
Also, stock keeping did not pose much difficulty. On
the other hand, major PPL problems for MSEs arose
during construction of prototypes, running pilot tests
and organizing production. Prototyping problems
were particularly pressing at the start-up stage.
To address these major problems, interviewed
executives indicated their MSEs need(ed):
i) “professional advice from expert consultants”;
ii) “better knowledge and information about PPL
activities, procedures, best practices and tools” –
be it to properly contract (and eventually to
become independent of) consulting services in i)
or to leverage the scarce resources (funding, staff
and facilities) available internally or at PaqTc’s
incubator to better align PPL activities to R&D
and M&S goals;
iii) “guaranteed access to performance-and-quality-
enhancing prototyping infrastructure such as a
laboratory, workshop or equipment”;
iv) “information on import procedures and forms”
for certain prototype components and parts; and,
v) “a minimal, separate PPL budget” to pay the
expenses incurred in tending to the above needs.
The above MSEs’ “wish list” clearly indicates
the need for blending training with consulting and
supporting these blended activities with availability
of adequate information and infrastructure. Since it
is not usually in the mission of an incubator to tend
to need v), the planned Centre would attempt to ease
the rest. Although not a requirement, but because of
need v), use of multiple media is a natural economic
choice for the delivery of services.
3.2 Requirements for the PPL Centre
Requirements for the PPL Centre are derived from
the target MSEs’ profiles and needs and the
incubator’s characteristics and goals:
i) Internal preparedness – the overall goal of the
PPL Centre’s services should be to ensure MSE
internal capabilities towards PPL activities.
ii) Comprehensive coverage – services should be
provided in areas that impact PPL (not just for
PPL proper) in a comprehensive and integrated
manner (e.g., training, hands-on experiments,
consulting, information & equipment access and
technical assistance).
iii) MSE-orientation – Service provision should use
material, language, practices, tips, check lists and
real-world examples in a way that is accessible
and of interest to MSE professionals (e.g., there
is little use in examining “production at Intel”).
iv) Customization – since PPL problems may vary
with industry, target-market, staff and
infrastructure specialization, so should the
services provided for solving them (i.e., services
should be customized to match the client MSE’s
characteristics and its needs).
v) Minimalist permanent structure – to reduce
initial investment and fixed operating costs of
staff and infrastructure.
vi) Sustainability – the PPL Centre should charge
for services and facilities it offers client MSEs.
vii) Simplicity and affordability – information and
services rendered by the PPL Centre should be
efficient in terms of clarity and cost, leveraging
PaqTc’s and partners’ resources (facilities,
know-how and time), to achieve the most return
on the (small) disbursement by the client MSE.
The mission of PaqTc’s PPL Centre is, first and
foremost, to identify and facilitate solutions for
prototype building and testing problems faced by
start-up, micro and small enterprises. It should also
support these enterprises in production and logistics
aspects. Complementarily, it should help these
enterprises develop internal PPL-problem-solving
capabilities. This mission addresses requirement i).
To take care of requirements v) and vi), the
Centre’s permanent staff is to be kept to a minimum
needed to coordinate actions. The Centre’s
Coordinator should preferably be a well-connected,
retired PPL professional who could work part-time
to assist MPEs and recruit and engage consultants.
To keep costs low, consultants will be engaged
on an expertise, just-in-time, ad-hoc and taskforce-
oriented manner. They may be compensated by
client MSEs in the form of direct payment for
services rendered or through some joint-venture
arrangement (stock option, share of results of
product being considered, etc.). The Centre is to
retain a percentage of consultants’ compensation for
its financial sustainability.
The remaining requirements drive the Centre’s
service specification.
4.1 Services
The PPL Centre is illustrated by the rectangle in
Figure 1. Initial services are organized into 4 groups:
A, B, C and D. BL principles are employed in the
service specification of groups A and B and to
integrate all four groups. A scaled down approach of
collective intelligence – in the sense of harnessing
collaboration within a community rather than a
“mass” (Glenn, 2009) of expert, multidisciplinary
consultants – is used to support service provisioning
in groups A and B. New services may be added as
needed. Next, each group is discussed in turn.
Figure 1: PPL Centre’s Service Areas.
A) Consulting: includes services for
diagnosis and solution of PPL problems and may
also encompass complementary (pre-, during- or
post-production) consulting on production financing,
Project Management or M&S for proof of concept
and market acceptance tests, for instance. (Indeed,
there may be no point in enhancing production if one
has difficulty making sales.) These services are to be
supported by:
i) Identification, selection and engagement of
expert consultants who may not necessarily be
local, but could be anywhere in the country or
even in the world. The use of Web conferencing
and Voice over IP (VoIP) facilities allows
participation of remote consultants blended with
face-to-face sessions by local consultants and
client MSE’s professionals in a BL-type
environment. Further, consulting activities may
be integrated with multimedia training and
hands-on equipment practice or via computer
simulation (“equipment or lab virtualization”) for
better leverage of the solutions to be deployed.
ii) Customization and delivery of information and
assistance on Supply Chain Management (SCM)
for niches of interest (IT, agribusiness…) – for
PPL activities, MSEs need to know which and
where major suppliers are out there; supplying
conditions (quantity, quality, shipping, price,
payment, maintenance & support, returns); etc.
Delivery of such information may be done using
a blend of media, as an e-learning experience or
even by underpinning consulting services.
B) Training: face-to-face, online or blended-
type courses on PPL aspects. Courses may be
offered asynchronously or synchronized with
consulting activities and may include visits to and
exchanges with centres of excellence in PPL
(Pisano, 2010) and on-the-job training. Interviewed
MSEs have demanded courses on “SCM for MSEs”,
“PCP for MSEs”, “3D Prototype Modeling/3D
Computer-aided Design” and “Additive
Manufacturing”. The SCM course, which has
already been offered and evaluated (see 5.
Validation), consists of a blended training-
consulting solution comprising a 6-hour classroom
experience, 8 hours of Web-based activities and a 4-
hour web consulting session for on-the-job
applications. Participants were taught about SCM
concepts and software and integration to Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) modules. Consulting
through Skype and Web video conferencing was
brought in to explore ERP issues. Web activities
consisted of attending Webinars from software
suppliers and discussion with instructors (similarly
to blended consulting) and (asynchronously)
watching videos on supply chain business processes.
C) Missions, Events and Shows: organizing
and charging for MSEs’ joint participation in
business missions and in PPL events and shows,
even asynchronously from training activities, is a
way to strength and expand PPL professional
networking, enhance MSEs’ awareness and self-
reliance towards PPL activities and reduce costs.
D) Infrastructure and equipment sharing:
the Centre will arrange for client MSEs to share
(rent) PPL labs, workshop and equipment (ex., CNC
D) Lab,
1. Minimal structure
2. Outsourcing
3. MSE-acessible
4. Sustainability
(fees, commissions)
lathe, 3D printer). It may provide its own facilities
(it is setting up an additive manufacturing lab), or
collaborate with partner institutions such as local
universities or manufacturers which may have PPL
lab/equipment spare capacity to share. Sharing
postpones capital outlay by MSEs and improves
partners’ resource utilization (and hence, their ROI).
If sharing is done over the Internet, one gets
virtualization of workshop activities (e.g., 3D design
or additive manufacturing) or equivalently, a
blended lab (Campoy et al., 2011) or workshop.
The proposed PPL Centre is in its early stages of
existence. Work to bring its specification closer to
market reality and to validate its results is on-going.
Preliminary validation efforts however, provide
evidence the Centre is (already) useful to MSEs.
Evidence is in the form of face validity perceptions
of entrepreneurs; evaluation of adequacy and
usefulness of training services; and, a case study of
provisioning blended consulting services.
5.1 Face Validity Test
We say the PPL Centre has face validity if it “looks
like” it is going to lead to a positive answer for the
research question (RQ) in section 1.
To test the Centre for face validity, we conducted
a survey research (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005) with
22 professionals who represented or worked with
over 300 MSEs: the 7 interviewed executives
(section 3); 3 professionals from the Brazilian
Agency for MSEs (Sebrae); 6 from PaqTc’s
incubator; and, 5 independent PPL consultants and
practitioners. After a presentation on the PPL
Centre, the surveyed professionals were asked to
comment on the service specification and to indicate
what they thought the answer to the RQ would be.
After suggesting minor adjustments to the
specified services (incorporated in section 4.1
already), the respondents, unanimously, gave “yes”
as an answer (the corresponding Guttman scaling
was “Yes”, “No” and “Not sure”). Again, note that
face validity means that the PPL Centre’s blended
services “look like" they will work, as opposed to
"have been shown to work". Some evidence to the
latter is detailed next.
5.2 Evaluation of a SCM Blended
Twenty eight professionals from 20 companies of
varying sizes (from micro to very large) and
industries participated in the BL-based course on
SCM (subsection 4.3B) in September 2012. After
completing the course and seeing a presentation on
the Centre’s services, they were asked to answer the
research question and to evaluate the SCM course
contents and its BL delivery approach.
They were unanimous in responding the research
question positively; and, 90% of them said the
course contents and blended training/consulting
delivery method were “good or very good” (from a
“very bad, bad, average, good and very good” set of
Linkert options); the remaining 10% opted for
“average”. Comparison of results from non-BL
classes on SCM taught three times previously
indicate a higher satisfaction level with the BL-
based SCM course mixed with blended consulting:
“…more motivating and effective than just the
traditional classroom-only or BL-only approach”.
5.3 Case Study of Blended Consulting
As a start-up in North-eastern Brazil, RG Electronics
(RGe) innovated on special effects pedals for
electric guitars. RGe faced difficulties in producing
the pedals; difficulties worsened as the company
incorporated new products in its portfolio.
An ad-hoc team of 3 independent consultants
was assigned to serve RGe. Consultants worked for
free (but could have negotiated some sort of
compensation). Work sessions were conducted in a
blended manner: face-to-face and through the
Internet and phone. Early (physical) visits to RGe
revealed a recently hired production team with
experience in circuit board assembly and tests but no
experience nor knowledge on production planning
and management. In fact, the production
environment was shared with other company’s
activities and the CEO functioned as PPL fire-fighter
frequently, which led to inefficiencies.
The consulting team recommended RGe’s
production professionals take the “PCP for MSEs”
course (subsection 4.3B) and RGe appoint a
production manager (other than the CEO). In
addition, they also identified other barriers – namely,
just-in-time or “sales-synchronous” production;
M&S team and partners’ compensation policy –
which needed addressing to minimize negative
impact on production. Financial barriers were eased
with sponsorship arrangements that consultants
made for RGe to participate in trade and innovation
shows in other regions of Brazil – from where the
company engaged in regional M&V actions and in
contacts with suppliers. Two months after consulting
with the PPL Centre, RGe’s CEO stated that “the
company is now better organized and production is
running more smoothly”. When answering
positively the RQ, he also indicated the “blended
services will have a long-lasting, positive
contribution to other MSEs in major PPL aspects”.
The main contribution of this position paper was the
proposal for blending training and consulting
services for effectively and economically dealing
with prototyping, production and logistics (PPL)
problems at micro and small enterprises (MSEs).
Blending is enacted here in the more traditional way
of blended learning (BL) which uses multimedia
delivery and also in mixing and complementing
training with consulting (and vice-versa) and
integrating that to information sharing and
infrastructure virtualization.
The proposal was investigated as to its adequacy
and usefulness to MSEs through a preliminary
validation effort. The results are encouraging and
albeit their little statistical significance, they suggest
that the research question may be answered
positively – i.e., that it is possible to specify and
provide a blend of training and consulting services
with support from BL-like infrastructure
virtualization to provide effective solutions to
MSEs’ PPL problems at low costs.
Upfront economy in executing designed
solutions (“use of additive manufacturing” for
instance) is made possible by fostering a community
of risk-seeking consultants and by sharing (possibly
through virtualization and renting) underutilized
PPL facilities from partners.
The proposed blended service approach seems
naturally more comfortable for clients, better
performing and more economical. In the case
studied, it was less costly (fewer trips and physical
meetings) and faster (no displacement overhead for
the involved consultants). We recommend it be tried
in incubator settings where MSEs have to be assisted
but have a small capacity to pay for services. On-
going work will further investigate the validity of
this recommendation.
We thank executives in the investigation of section
3, all those in the initial validation campaign and
anonymous referees for their comments and
recommendations. This work is being sponsored by
the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) under
contract No. 554373/2010-6.
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