and errors’ visualizations were rated above average
by the students. Furthermore, a little experiment
conducted with students before and after the use of
simulated model resulted in the positive correction
of 1,16 in the interpretation of a model, increasing
from 7,63 to 8,59 in a range of 0-10. In the mean-
time, the problems with the simulation chain have
been solved by providing students with an all-in-one
package allowing to generate and start a prototype
with a single click from the student side as described
in this paper. We therefore expect this tool to score
even better in 2012-2013 resulting in a much higher
positive correction. The preliminary test among 49
novice learners using true/false questions to assess
the understanding of a model (both structural and
behavioural aspect) already confirmed the expecta-
tions: for 6 question out of 9 positive corrections
{21, 1, 4, 2, 6, 8} are observed. However, for 3
questions still some negative impact was observed.
This indicates that for a novice modeller identifying
right scenarios for testing a model can be yet another
issue in using a prototype to validate a model.
Hence, the need to improve testing capabilities or
even providing tool assistance in developing test
scenarios can be considered while implementing
further extensions. This also suggests improvements
in designing the experiments for evaluating the tool
such as clustering of the users according to their
expertise (e.g. novice, intermediate, advanced…).
While the use of existing MDE approaches require
extensive training, the current research demonstrates
how a (template-based) MDE approach can be put at
work to the benefit of conceptual modelling, requir-
ing a minimal input and minimal skill-set of busi-
ness analysts. The proposed environment also claims
that the resulting simulation facilities for EPIMs
improves the business analyst's understanding of a
model, yielding better modelling decisions and eas-
ing the end-users’ involvement in the validation
cycle. In its current form, the tool is used in a teach-
ing environment and already revealing its capability
of increasing the students understanding of models
(Sedrakyan and Snoeck, 2012). The tool can be
further validated by industry users.
Among the possible evolutions of the work could be
to address current limitations of the code generator,
such as the extension with an ability to generate
code from models that use inheritance and support
for general constraints formulated in OCL. The
enhancement with OCL support would allow to
swiftly validate a set of business rules implemented
by means of a conceptual model. Another possibility
for extension is the development of a user-friendly
interface to allow modification of the structure of the
generated application to better tailor it to the user's
familiar environment. Yet another enhancement
would be to modify the generator in a way that each
entity can be generated as a self-contained compo-
nent that can “inject” itself into a generated applica-
tion as well as be easily removed from it.
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OMG, Model-Driven Architecture.
Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models
(FUML), Version 1.0.