Keystroke Authentication on Mobile Devices with a Capacitive Display
Matthias Trojahn
and Frank Ortmeier
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany
Computer Systems in Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Security, Keystroke Authentication, Pressure, Mobile Devices, Capacitive Display.
Nowadays, it is common to address security problems in the newspaper. Losing or stealing of mobile devices
(smartphones and tablets) is in particular an important topic. A lot of information can be stored and accessed
via these devices. The one reason why this problem exists, is because the mobile devices are not secured prop-
erly. In our work we present an authentication method for these mobile devices.We are using the keystroke
dynamics during typing a PIN (four or six numbers) or password. With this the security of the devices gets im-
proved. Keystroke dynamics are already used for authentication on PCs and on mobile phones with hardware
keys on a 12-key layout.
Biometric user authentication (something-you-are)
is an established authentication method beside the
something-you-know (PIN and password) and the
something- you-have factor (smart card or one-time-
password). The advantage with biometric methods
is that this factor cannot be stolen or lost like smart
cards. The user himself is the factor. Two groups of
biometric authentication methods are known. One is
the passive methods (e.g. fingerprint or face recog-
nition), the other are active or behavior methods like
voice or signature recognition. One disadvantage is
that biometric authentication is differing each time
(Ross et al., 2006). These changes can occur because
of different aspects (e.g. temporary illnesses or espe-
cially behavior methods have every time small differ-
That is why two different error rates are known.
These are called FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and
FRR (False Rejection Rate). FAR describes the per-
centage between the false accepted people divided by
all authentication attempts (Vielhauer, 2006). FRR
defines how much people cannot authenticate himself
even if they are the person how they claim to be (Viel-
hauer, 2006). Both rates are used to compare authen-
tication methods.
Figure 1: Digraph between letter N and O (e.g. time be-
tween pressing and releasing one key or time(Cranor and
Garfinkel, 2005).
The authentication via keystroke dynamics started
with first studies for the keyboard of computer. Today,
some companies are already selling keystroke authen-
tication with a special keyboard. Important for each
method is to choose a good set of features and clas-
sifiers. Well known features for keystroke are the di-
graph (time between two events - see Figure 1) (Maio-
rana et al., 2011) and the error rate (times the user
erases a letter) (Buchoux and Clarke, 2008).
The research of Monrose et al. (Monrose and
Rubin, 2000) where they used a Bayesian classi-
fier showed good results with an accuracy of around
92,1% which represents EER of 7,9%. These meth-
Trojahn M. and Ortmeier F..
Keystroke Authentication on Mobile Devices with a Capacitive Display.
DOI: 10.5220/0004344806370640
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (BTSA-2013), pages 637-640
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ods were adapted to the mobile phones with a 12-
key layout with physical keys by different researches
(Clarke and Furnell, 2006; Maiorana et al., 2011).
Common classifiers are neural networks, Bayesian
classifier or stastistical classifier (Alsulaiman et al.,
2008; Monrose and Rubin, 2000). With these the er-
ror rates were lowered over the years and today FAR
and FRR can be lower than 5% (as described in the
survey of Shanmugapriya (Shanmugapriya and Pad-
mavathi, 2009)). Because of the technology changes
in the last years smartphones use a different input
method. The physical keys are replaced by a capaci-
tive display and no 12-key layout is used anymore. In-
stead, we are using a full featured QWERTY-layout.
A new layout creates different challenges. Limited
physical feedback and smaller keys will lead to not so
good results during authentication (Trojahn and Ort-
meier, 2012). The capacitive display can give a feed-
back with a vibration signal but like before it is not
possible to recognize whether one key was pressed in
the middle or at the edge. Previously, it was possible
for the user to recognize if two keys were pressed at
the same time. To compensate these challenges new
features have to be added to the authentication pro-
cess. In addition, different features could be added
to the digraph (time between two events) and error
phyisical pressure during typing of the fingertip
size of the fingertip which is pressing on the de-
vice researchs
exact location (X/Y-coordinates)
angle in which the user holds the device
In other researchs (Luca et al., 2012) pressure and
size were used but only for a 3x3 point matrix where
the user had to draw a figure connecting these points.
The FAR in this scenario was 21% and the FRR was
A first experiment with 18 user allowed to obtain pre-
liminary results for an keystroke authentication with
a capacitive display. In Figure 2 first differences are
shown with the digraph and the pressure during typ-
ing. Five samples of different user are shown in the
figures which shows the differences between the user.
Figure 2: (top) digraph of five user; (bottom) pressure dur-
ing typing (same users).
11 letters had to be written by each user ten times.
The third and fourth were the same so the digraph for
the difference is smaller than the most of the rest of
the digraphs.
This experiment had a FAR of 2% and a FRR
of 2.7% with an J48 classifier (using the weka en-
vironment (Hall et al., 2009)). Additional tests with
other classifier (neuronal networks or baysian clas-
sifier) showed that both fault error rates are under
10%. The result for a statistical classification algo-
rithm (cluster analysis) was that for this set of user the
FAR and FRR is lower than 1%. During the enroll-
ment seven samples were used for creating the model
of a person where the two outlier values were ex-
tracted as error extraction. The other three samples
were used for the evaluation of this method using the
distance measure.
In addition, several different scenarios exist which can
influence the input behavior of a person and can result
Figure 3: Different scenarios for changing the input behavior.
to a rejection. Some of these scenarios are shown in
Figure 3. These have to be tested whether they influ-
ence the keystroke behavior or not.
Some scenarios are the result of physical changes
of the device and other are influenced by the environ-
ment. In the darkness or if the light is glaring, the user
may not see the keys really good. This can result in a
slower input behavior than normal (Fitts, 1992; Funk
et al., 2012).
Furthermore, physical conditions are important.
Especially, if the user is in motion e.g. going or run-
ning somewhere (Owens, 1984) or whether the user is
tired (Pan et al., 1994). In some situation a person has
time pressure during typing (stress) which influence
the behavior (Vizer et al., 2009).
The first results show that an authentication with this
method on smartphones is possible. In the future,
more experimental tests have to be done with more
people. In addition, it has to be tested how the
keystroke dynamic is affected by stress, for exam-
ple time pressure and other scenarios which were pre-
sented. Moreover, possible attacks have to be tested
to show the security and robustness of this method.
With the usage of neuronal networks a solution have
to be generated how negative examples are created in
a real scenario to train the neuronal network. In test
case negative examples are generated by other user
when they using the same password. In a real sce-
nario the password should be unique that means no
negative examples exists.
Also other forms of input methods are possible.
One is to use the swype ( method
where the user has a normal keyboard on the touch
pad. There the user is drawing / swyping a continu-
ous line where the user starts at the first letter and is
drawing a line to the next letter and so on. One word
is represented by one line.
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