Optimal Bayes Classification of High Dimensional Data in Face
Wissal Drira and Faouzi Ghorbel
GRIFT Research Group, CRISTAL Laboratory, National School of Computer Sciences, University of Manouba,
Manouba, Tunisia
Keywords: Face Classification, Bayes, Feature Extraction, Reduction Dimension, L
Probabilistic Dependence
Abstract: In the supervised context, we intend to introduce a system which is composed of a series of novel and
efficient algorithms that is able to realize a non parametric Bayesian classifier for high dimension. The
proposed system tries to search for the best discriminate sub space in the mean of the minimum of the
probability error of classification which is computed by using a modified kernel estimate of the conditional
probability density functions. Therefore, Bayesian classification rule is applied in the reduced sub space.
Such heuristic consists of four tasks. First, we maximize a novel estimate of the quadratic measure of the
probabilistic dependence in order to realize multivariate extractors resulting from a number of different
initializations of a given numerical optimizing procedure. Second, an estimation of the miss classification
error is computed for each solution by the kernel estimate of the conditional probability density functions
with the optimal band-with parameter in the sense of the Mean Integrate Square Error (MISE) which is
obtained with the Plug in algorithm. Third, the sub space which presents the minimum of the miss
classification values is thus chosen. After that, the Bayesian classification rule is operated in the reduced sub
space with the optimal MISE of the modified kernel estimate. Finally, different algorithms will be applied to
a base of images in grayscale representing classes of faces, showing its interest in the case of real data.
One of the main goals of the discriminate analysis is
to prepare the classification procedure in a relatively
reduced space which is defined by optimizing a
given criterion. Different classification rules have
been applied in literature. The k means and the
Bayesian are considered as ones of the well known
classifiers. The first is very useful in practice since it
could be working well in high dimension and does
not need any assumptions about the form of the
conditional distributions of the observation. It
presents also a low algorithmic complexity and
implementation facilities. Unfortunately, when one
of the conditional distributions has a multimodal
form (or we are in the Heterosedastic condition), the
k mean does not lead to a satisfactory solution. In
order to minimize the probability of error, the
optimal solution could be reached by the application
of the Bayesian classifier when it is possible to do.
Despite its simplicity of implementation and low
requirement at the sample size training, in the case
of high dimensions, the bayes classifier cannot lead
to precise results due to the fact that very few
analytical expressions of random vectors are known
outside of classical cases such as Gaussian vectors,
uniform, Gamma, Beta ... These are close to
covering the most frequent cases encountered in
various applications. The nonparametric approach
seems consequently more realistic to model in the
concrete situations. However, it is well established
in the statistical literature that the convergence of
nonparametric probability density function (pdf)
estimators in the sense of the conventional criteria,
generally requires a sample size that increases
exponentially with the dimension of the features
space. Kernel estimate and the based orthogonal
functions are non parametric and have strong
requirements in terms of sample sizes with the same
order to those required by the method of the
histogram. To unblock this limitation, the approach
known by linear discriminate analysis (LDA) is
preferred. The LDA method has a certain number of
advantages in the practice. We mention here its
Drira W. and Ghorbel F..
Optimal Bayes Classification of High Dimensional Data in Face Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0004345106410646
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (BTSA-2013), pages 641-646
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
simplicity of implementation and its low algorithmic
complexity. However, relatively recent works have
identified major limitations coming from at least two
reasons: in the first the instability of the results that
may come from the numerical inversion method of
the within class matrix in the case of high dimension
feature observation vector D, the second is the
convergence towards an unsatisfactory result of
reduction dimension that can be interpreted by the
fact that the scatter matrices are expressed only from
the statistical moments of order less than or equal to
2 of the conditional distributions.
In order to overcome these limitations, the
probabilistic distances were introduced in the
context of two classes. Patrick Fischer distance was
estimated between the two conditional probability
density functions. Its estimations based on kernel
method have been proposed for the implementation
of this discriminate analysis qualified as
probabilistic. The L
-probabilistic measure of
dependence was discussed in the literature (Devijver
and Kittler, 1982) with the objective of generalizing
the notion of Patrick Fischer distance to the
multiclass case. In our recent work (Drira and
Ghorbel, 2012), an estimator of the L
dependence measure based on orthogonal functions
has been introduced leading to a global multivariate
extractor. In the implementation of the classification
in the reduced space, a second optimization phase
operated on different results of the numerical
maximization of the estimate of the probabilistic
dependence measure is representing an attempt to
achieve a minimization of probabilities error and
consequently a trial of the approximation of the
Bayes classification.
So this article is structured as following. A first
section will include a brief reminder of the
orthogonal probabilistic dependence measure
estimate. A second section will be discussing the
optimal bayes classifier method based on the
orthogonal estimate of the probabilistic distance for
reduction dimension presented in previous work
(Drira and Ghorbel, 2012). In the third section, we
will present a face classification process based on
these different algorithms of the orthogonal estimate
of the dependence probabilistic measure.
Linear discriminate analysis LDA (Fisher, 1936) is
probably the most well-known approach to
supervised linear dimension reduction (LDR). The
LDA is a very robust and effective technique but
still has some limitations. Various techniques were
introduced to improve it, among them we can find
discriminate analysis based on Chernoff criterion
like the Approximate Chernoff Criterion ACC (Loog
et al., 2001) which takes the Chernoff distance in the
original space into consideration to minimize the
error rate in the transformed space, another method
based on the information theory called Information
Discriminate Analysis IDA (Nenadic, 2007) based
on a numerical optimization of an information-
theoretic objective function.
These methods are defined from first and second
order statistical moments of the conditional class
random variable or based on some hypothesis on the
law distribution type such as the Heterosedastic
condition. Therefore, in complex situations as the
multimodal conditional distributions, these methods
couldn’t describe completely statistical dispersions.
In order to avoid this limitation, distances
between the conditional probability density
functions weighted by the prior probabilities have
been suggested by Patrick and Fischer. They have
been introduced in (Patrick and Fischer, 1969) a
global discriminate analysis based on the L
dependence probabilistic measure. It issues directly
the discriminate plane which optimizes the
orthogonal estimate of L
measure of dependence.
The multivariate estimator in the reduced space of
this L
probabilistic dependence measure represented
by the linear transformation W of R
, introduced in
previous work (Drira and Ghorbel, 2012), expressed
in function of W as follows:
Where 
,1,.., denotes a
supervised learning sample distributed according the
random vector conditional of the class k of
dimension D, n
is the size of the observation
relative to the class k and K denotes the number of
represents the inner product of two
vectors V and W of the space R
is the multivariate generalized kernel
associated to an orthogonal functions basis:
And K
is the scalar generalized kernel
associated to an orthogonal functions basis
For a trigonometric system defined on [-π, π]
corresponds to a complete basis in the Hilbert space
), the estimation of the kernel 
the Dirichlet kernel given by the following
So, the discriminate analysis is obtained numerically
by maximizing the estimator of the L
dependence measure relatively to W, defined by:
Where W is an orthonormal matrix i.e. 
is the identity matrix of size D.
This functional maximization problem cannot be
solved analytically. Numerical optimization methods
are then implemented. The number of parameters
involved in this optimizing problem is d x D.
There exists a sort of equivalence between the
distance of Patrick Fischer and the probability of
misclassification. This equivalence is expressed by
the possibility to surround the probability of error
with this distance close to constants. Thus, from a
theoretical point of view, the d-dimension reduction
by the orthogonal estimate of the Patrick-Fischer
distance presented in (Drira and Ghorbel, 2012) can
be interpreted as a dimension reduction equivalent to
that which could be obtained by minimizing the
probability of misclassification. The corresponding
discriminate analysis prepares the implementation of
the Bayes classifier in a non-parametric frame and
large dimensions. Since Bayesian classifier role can
be expressed according to the conditionals
probability densities as:
The previous expression has to be estimated with
a non parametric method as the histogram, the
orthogonal basis one or the kernel estimate. For a
given precision, the convergence of the
corresponding theorems needs a large size N of the
supervised training sampleX
have to increase exponentially with the dimension of
the feature space. Thus the application of the
Bayesian rule can be obtained from the modified
kernel estimate which is defined as:
Where K represents a probability density function, I
notices the indicator function of the setY
k and
is the smoothing parameter. The adjustment of
the kernel method described in (Drira and Ghorbel,
2012) which is applied to its modified version,
contributes to achieve the goal through its
application in the reduced space supposing that its
dimension is below the value 3. This tends to
promote conditions of respect of convergence
theorems of the kernel estimator. This convergence
could be obtained in case of real data whose cost of
collecting supervised observations still affordable.
On the other hand, the search for an absolute
maximum of the objective function of the estimate
probabilistic dependence measure cannot be
obtained analytically, a numerical optimization
process is therefore required. Solutions obtained
from numerical optimization are often dependent on
initialization and lead in most cases to local maxima.
By multiplying different initializations of the
numerical optimization process, we obtain a family
of M d-reducers dimension characterized by a finite
set of transformations {W
, m=1,..,M}. At each of
these d-reducers, the corresponding misclassification
rate is then estimated from a supervised sample test
that we denote by V′
In accordance with the notations introduced in
(Drira and Ghorbel, 2012), the misclassification rate
is given by the following quantity:
The d-reducer retained is the one who realizes the
lowest misclassification rates. This minimum is well
approaching the theorical probability of error.
Through this series of non-parametric procedures,
we tried to approach the Bayes classifier in a
multivariate frame and that not necessarily for
Gaussian distributions, since, in each phase any
hypothesis about the type of law has been issued.
Therefore the proposed system of algorithms
consists on the three following tasks:
First we estimate the L
measure of the
probabilistic dependence with orthogonal basis in
order to realize different multivariate extractors
resulting from a number of initializations of the used
numerical optimizing procedure.
Second, an estimation of the miss classification
error is computed for each solution by the modified
kernel estimate of the conditional probability density
functions in the context of the optimal smoothing
parameter. Such parameter is obtained by
minimizing the Mean Integrate Square Error
(MISE). The Plug in algorithm tries to provide this
Third, the sub space which presents the
minimum of the miss classification values is
therefore chosen.
In each task, the numerical optimization procedure
does not necessarily give optimal solutions. So we
cannot be sure that we are realizing Bayesian
classifier at each time.
In face recognition, a huge number of classifiers
were introduced in the litterature having various
success rate according to the application type. While
feature extraction is compulsory phase of a pattern
recognition system, this approche is offering a
convenient departure of the the classification of the
feature vectors, which oriented the researches in the
face recognition domain to introduce a large number
of face feature extraction methods.
In this study, we have employed the “BioID”
dataset (Jesorsky et al., 2001), composed of 1521
images in gray level of 23 faces of frontal view, for
each face image of this database 20 feature points
are displayed. For any used algorithm, facial
recognition is accomplished in four step process: the
acquisition, the face detection, the feature extraction
and finally the classification. In this paragraph we
will describe the details of all the steps used in our
work to accomplish the face classification process.
As a first step, we selected the Adaboost to
detect the face and characteristic features location
knowing that the most of the existing methods for
facial feature extraction assume that at least coarse
location of the face is detected. Then, after this
operation, the computational complexity of the facial
feature extraction can be significantly reduced.
In the second step, we move on to the face
normalization which is very important stage for the
recognition algorithms. First we start with a
geometric normalization resumed in performing a
rotation of face to align the axis of the eye with the
horizontal axis and then we recover a face image
whose distance between centers of the eyes is fixed.
The dimensions of the face image are retrieved from
the distance between the obtained eyes centers. In
this phase we set the position of the mouth center in
the normalized image in order to get acceptable
column normalization and to ensure that the
different face parts (eyes, mouth and nose) are in the
same position for all faces. We apply next an
increase in the dynamics to the normalized image,
which is based on a decrease in the center of the
image histogram to achieve images with the same
ranges of distribution of gray levels and an average
alignment of these levels. Second we apply an
illumination normalization using the histogram
equalization to re-calibrate the grayscale image
leading to better contrast and a gamma correction to
reduce the gap between light and dark areas of the
face using a nonlinear transformation of grayscale
(Fig 1).
When the facial regions could be retrieved, the
analysis will be focused on the facial features. The
adopted method locates features coarsely by
searching areas with low intensity among possible
face regions. This approach involve basic computer
vision operations such morphology and projection
analysis. The morphological operators can fit to it
regarding their easy and fast implementation added
to their strong nature. The projections also could be
computed easily and are convenient with real-time
applications. Some of the dark side of the projection
methods is that the gray scale information is deeply
influenced by a variation of illumination conditions
and noise. Due to that, projection curves are not
smooth, which keeps them difficult to be analyzed
automatically. And therefore will try to use the
geometrical face model hand to hand with the
projections and morphology to avoid such problems.
First, we apply the projection analysis: the gray-
level intensity for the facial features is too weak in
the image compared to close neighbors. So, the
position of facial features can be reached by
projections of the image. The significant minima are
issued from the retrieved horizontal projection. For
these minima the vertical projection is calculated
and significant minima are searched for again. The
obtained results will be treated as feature candidates.
Next and once we apply horizontal projection to the
facial images and we got the base lines, a
morphological operator will be used to find the eyes
position. And since the position of eyes and
intraocular distance are almost similar for most of
people, detecting the eyes is a compulsory
component in automatic facial feature extraction
systems; it will be helpful to define the rest of facial
features. We first locate the possible eye regions by
detecting the valley points in an image and because
the human iris is darker than its surrounding, a
valley exists on the eye region, it will be extracted
thanks to the gray-scale morphological operators
(Fig 3).
Figure 1: Geometric normalization and illumination
Finally, we apply method based on the
geometrical face model. This model includes facial
features like eyes, eyebrows, nostrils and mouth.
The line passing through the eyes centers is called a
base line. The geometric face model gets the
conguration among eyes, nostrils, and mouth to
locate facial features. Supposing that in most of the
faces, the vertical distances between eyes and nose
and between eyes and mouth are proportional to the
horizontal distance between the two centers of eyes
(Fig 2).
A Principal Component Analysis PCA is
performed on the data sets after those who have all
principal component’s eigenvalue smaller than one
millionth of the total variance and by this way
problems related to near singular covariance
matrices are kept away and all three transformations
can be properly found out. The evaluation consists in
dividing randomly the data set into k non
overlapping folds of equal size, and for k times,
each time choose one fold to be assigned as a test
data and the others will be combined to issue the
training data. The selection of the number of folds k
relies on the bias-variance trade-off. In order to
provide a good bias-variance compromise, by
default we use “20-fold” CV which is widely
accepted (Effron, 1983).
Next step, we search for the three Linear
Reduction dimension transformations using the
transformed train data and we reduce the
dimensionality of this train to d where is in {1,2}.
In the last step, in the d-dimensional reduced
feature space, we apply the nearest mean, the linear
and Optimal Bayes classifier using the train data and
on the other hand we classify the test data after
transforming its instances in the same way as the
train instances. The classification error is estimated
on the test data.
Figure 2: Horizontal projection of facial images from the
BioID Face Database.
Figure 3: Morphological operator for some examples of
the BioID Database.
In table 1, we present the observed Mean Square
Error MSE for the data Set BioID using the three
different algorithms. The estimated MSE: using
features defined by Eigen faces representation is
noted “FULL”; using the previous features based on
principal component analysis is noted “PCA” and
using the features database is noted “D”. We note
that the average error rates of the 2D L
-PDM /
Bayes combination compare favorably to those of
other techniques. This advantage explains the link
between the probabilistic dependence measure and
the probability error of Bayes.
These MSE rates seem to correlate with the
classification problem: In case of using the K
Nearest Neighbors classifier, we can see that both
2D L
PMD and the LDA are ranked as better result
than IDA with a better advance for 2D L
PMD. For
the linear classifiers, the optimal results were
provided by IDA and 2D L
PMD showing the best
overall performance far away from the best
performances of the LDA technique. We should note
that the feasibility of LDA is seriously limited by the
constraint d < K (number of classes), note also that
this approach cannot be realizable in the case of
reduction features defined by Eigen faces
representation without applying the ACP method.
Table 1: Observed MSE for the data Set BioID using the
three different Classifier, the K Nearest Neighbors, the
linear and the optimal Bayes classifier. Optimal observed
MCE per classifier is typeset in bold.
- 0.3366 0. 3366
- 0.3793 0.3910
0.3512 0.3679 0.3492
0.2814 0.2692
0.3119 0.3119 0.2805
2D L
K NN 0.3103 0.2963 0.3007
L 0.3015 0.2815 0.2605
Bayes 0.2165 0.2165 0.2300
In this paper, we introduced a pattern classification
system for supervised classification composed of a
series of novel and efficient algorithms which is able
to realize a non parametric Bayesian classifier for
high dimension. The proposed system is aiming to
search for the best discriminate sub space in the
mean of the minimum of the probability error of
classification which is computed by using a
modified kernel estimate of the conditional
probability density functions. Therefore, Bayesian
classification rule is applied in the reduced sub
space, with the optimal MISE of the modified kernel
estimate. Thus, the performance of the suggested
system was compared to the other process based on
classical algorithms in the real dataset in face
classification. In the future works, we intend to
evaluate the effectiveness of this process by studying
the classification accuracy of a Bayesian classifier in
term of probability of error based on hermit basis.
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