inadequate for their purpose. In particular, there is a
too strong of a focus on low-level aspects of the
implementation; i.e., a tool primarily intended for
developers. DCS thus fail to address that project
stakeholders in control of resources need
information on a different level of abstraction to
make informed decisions. This means that state-of-
the-art classification approaches are poorly designed
to produce the results that are needed in order to
make an impact in an organization; thus the effort
invested in collecting data risks being in vain, as a
large potential of the data remain unused.
We have proposed a roadmap for an improved
defect classification approach that would contribute
towards developing new proactive evidence-based
software process improvement strategies – defect-
driven software process improvement. The roadmap
includes: making a deeper investigation of the
current adoption rate in industry; investigation of the
typical information needs of the project stakeholders
that have control over resources; investigation of
how to design DCS to support multiple levels of
abstraction, and finally; to investigate methods of
data analyses to accommodate the information needs
of the various project stakeholders.
These actions will contribute to making DCS
more appropriately adapted to organizations’ needs.
This in turn, we conjecture, will result in wider
industrial adoption.
This research is partially sponsored by The Swedish
Governmental Agency for Innovative Systems
(VINNOVA) under the Intelligent Vehicle Safety
Systems (IVSS) programme.
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