Experimental Evaluation of Bayesian Image Reconstruction Combined
with Spatial-Superresolution and Spectral Reflectance Recovery
Yusuke Murayama, Pengchang Zhang and Ari Ide-Ektessabi
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Multispectral Image, Spectral Reflectance Recovery, Image Superresolution, Bayesian Estimation, Digital
Acquisition of a multispectral image and analysis of the object based on spectral information recovered from
the image has recently received attention in digital archiving of cultural assets. However multispectral imaging
faces such problems as long image acquisition time and severe registration between band images. In order to
solve them, we have proposed an extended method combining Bayesian image superresolution with spectral
reflectance recovery. In this study we evaluated quantitatively the performance of the proposed technique
using a typical 6-band multispectral scanner and a Japanese painting. The accuracy of recovered spectral
reflectance was investigated with respect to the ratio of the capturing resolution to the recovering resolution.
The experimental result indicated that the spatial resolution can be increased by around 1.7 times, which means
image capturing time can be reduced almost by one third and besides the angle of view can be extended by 1.7
A multispectral imaging device such as a multispec-
tral camera or scanner is a preferable tool for digi-
tal archiving of cultural assets: paintings, documents,
textile fabrics and other art works. The first reason
is that a multispectral image has the ability to pro-
duce color with higher-fidelity than a commonly-used
trichromatic image (Yamaguchi et al., 2002). Sec-
ond, the higher spectral resolution of a multispectral
image enables recovering spectral reflectance in vis-
ible region of the object and then analyzing spectro-
scopic properties (DiCarlo and Wandell, 2003; Shi-
mano et al., 2007). One example is pigment identifi-
cation based on the recovered spectral reflectance of
paintings (Pelagotti and Mastio, 2008; Toque et al.,
2009), and such applications have recently received
increasing attention.
A typical multispectral camera is made up of a
monochromatic camera, light source for illuminant
and band-pass filters which transmit radiation of se-
lected wavelengths (Fukuda et al., 2005; Shimano
et al., 2007). Similarly, a typical multispectral scan-
ner can be assembled from monochromatic scanner
(Toque et al., 2009). Band images represented as
monochromatic images are captured sequentially by
attaching different band-pass filters to the front of the
camera, thus forming a multispectral image.While the
band number of a trichromatic camera or scanner is
fixed to three of red, green, and blue, that of a multi-
spectral camera or scanner can be easily increased as
Unfortunately, long acquisition time and image
registration make multispectral image acquisition a
demanding work. A half dozen to a dozen of color
filters are required to recovery spectral reflectance so
it takes a time several or more times longer to obtain a
multispectral image than capturing a trichromatic im-
age. The situation becomes even worse when deal-
ing with large-size objects or high spatial resolutions.
Another problem is subpixel level position shifts be-
tween band images caused by the small translation of
camera in changing a filter or the mechanical error of
starting position of scanner. Such misregistration de-
clines color accuracy especially along edge lines, and
leads to incorrect recovery of spectral reflectance.
In order to overcome them, we have proposed
an extended method for recovering spectral re-
flectance and increasing spatial resolution simultane-
ously, namely Bayesian image reconstruction com-
bined with spatial-superresolution and spectral re-
flectance recovery (Murayama and Ide-Ektessabi,
2012). Image superresolution refers to an image pro-
cessing technique which increases the spatial resolu-
Murayama Y., Zhang P. and Ide-Ektessabi A..
Experimental Evaluation of Bayesian Image Reconstruction Combined with Spatial-Superresolution and Spectral Reflectance Recovery.
DOI: 10.5220/0004346001390142
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 139-142
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)