8 hours in the human body. During this period the
WCE camera will take pictures of the digestive sys-
tem at the rate of two frames per second, and even-
tually captures approximately 50, 000 color pictures.
The capsule shell is made of special biological mate-
rials resistant to stomach acid and powerful digestive
enzymes, and it moves , inside the GI tract, thanks to
the gastrointestinal peristalsis.
In general, there are some limiting factors to the
WCE, the first one is the low quality of the obtained
images by the capsules. This limits the effectiveness
of the image processing techniques, and consequently
it may increase the probability of misdiagnosis. The
main constraint for not being able to increase the res-
olution is the limited capacity of the battery. The sec-
ond limiting factor comes from the fact that the move-
ment of the capsule, inside the GI tract, dependentson
the peristalsis, which means that the instant capsule
speed varies due to the different internal structure of
different individuals. Therefore, the current capsule
system, with the existing image processing methods
and image capturing rate cannot ensure high accuracy
of diagnosis. In fact, when the capsule moves fast,
misdiagnosis may exist.
In (Ping et al., 2011) a comparative study between
the capsule endoscope and the double-balloon en-
teroscopy was carried out, the comparison is in terms
of clinical and economic impact of both methods. In
this study it was reported that the success rate of diag-
nosis is only 81.73% when the WCE was only used.
However, it is stated that the accuracy will increase to
90.56% with the help of double balloon endoscopy.
To overcome some of the limitation of current
WCE, intelligent image processing method could be
used to improvethe rate of successful diagnosis.Given
Imaging Ltd, published a patent (Podilchuk, 2007),
in which feature matching is applied on a number
of captured images with the WCE and an existing
database of images. This technique can be summa-
rized as following, the captured images by the WCE
are compared and matched with a database of im-
ages, using processing system that relay on lesions
features in both sets of images. Then it highlight the
images which are consistent with the required fea-
tures. Thereby, the sensitivity of the system to the sus-
pected lesions has been increased, and this helps doc-
tors by shortening the detection time. However, this
method still cannot overcome the weaknesses caused
by the fast moving of the capsule in the areas with
suspected lesions, and the limited number of captured
pictures when the image capturing rate is fixed. Thus,
although this method improves detection, it still has
large possibility of misdetection.
To have more captured images is also an effective
way to improve the detection rate of lesions. How-
ever, the storage and capturing capability of the cap-
sule itself is limited. In fact, how to effectively ad-
just the image-capturing rate without a substantial
increase in the energy consumption of the capsule,
is one important factor that determines capsule effi-
ciency. In the patent (Han et al., 2010), a technique
to adjust the image capturing rate is proposed based
on the observation that the speed of movement of the
capsule, inside the GI tract, is different in different
organs. So firstly, the time required for the capsule to
reach different organs will be estimated. Then, via a
built-in chip, the image capturing rate is adjusted once
it reaches a certain preset time. This method compen-
sates the fast movement of the capsule in some di-
gestive organs, therefore, the possibility of successful
diagnoses of illnesses is increased. However, tuning
the image capturing rate of this method is not based
on suspicious lesion areas. That is to say, the num-
ber of generated images for the lesions and the nor-
mal regions is the same in the same organ. So this
will increase the burden of post-image processing and
Thus, in general, the existing WCE is still unsatis-
factory, due to many reasons, among them the image
quality, and the image capturing rate which cause high
probability false detection and misdetection. There-
fore, this becomes the major obstacle for doctors to
detect the patient’s condition quickly and effectively.
This paper proposes a new WCE system with adaptive
image capturing rate, based on two capsules inspec-
tion paradigm. Thus the image capturing rate will be
tuned during the second stage of inspection, based on
the outcomes of the inspection with the first capsule.
The first inspection serves to identify the suspected
lesion regions.
The proposed WCE system and detection method
aims to improve the amount of effective information
and increase the temporal resolution of the captured
video in the suspicious tracts of the digestive system.
This objective is achieved by adjusting the image cap-
turing rate of the capsule. Fig.1 shows the flowchart
of the proposed diagnosis system, which aims through
the use of the first capsule to detect any suspected
lesion regions through the use of image recognition
technique, and consequently to appropriately adjust
the capture rate of the second capsule. The details of
main elements of the system as shown in Fig.1 are as
following: D11 is the first swallowed capsule, which