tion updates automatically, by generating a new for-
mal specification from the model if the model is fre-
quently changed. After that an extension of the Auto-
Focus CASE Tool is presented: the add-ons that allow
• to generate a formal FOCUS specification by tak-
ing into account the theories of human factors,
• to edit a generated formal specification, and
• write a specification using the predefined tem-
The presented results can be integrated into the de-
velopment methodology for verified software sys-
tems (Spichkova et al., 2012; Thyssen et al., 2010).
Using this approach, one can go further and verify
properties of a system in a formal way according
to the methodology “FOCUS on Isabelle”(Spichkova,
2007), by translating the FOCUS specifications to the
semiautomatic theorem prover Isabelle/HOL (Nip-
kow et al., 2002), an interactive semi-automatic the-
orem prover, and using the Isabelle tool to make the
proofs. Using an AutoFocus model one can also take
an advantage of the user-friendly verification environ-
ment for model cheking (Campetelli et al., 2011).
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