Development of a Skill Learning System using Sensors in a Smart
Phone for Vocational Education
Akinobu Ando
, Toshihiro Takaku
, Shota Itagaki
, Takashi Torii
Hidetoshi Takeno
and Darold Davis
Miyagi University of Education, 149 Aramaki-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan
Sugiyama Jogakuen University, 17-3 Motomachi, Hoshigaoka, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
Hiroshima Institute of Technology, 2-1-1 Miyake,Saeki-ku, Hiroshima, Japan
Replicant AD, LLC, 1145 Walnut Street, CA 94707-2616, Berkeley, U.S.A.
Keywords: Vocational Education, Skill Learning, Smart Phone, Feedback Own Movement.
Abstract: Generally speaking, learning or teaching requires time, particularly with physical movement. In this paper,
we demonstrate an efficient way for students to learn skills by using sensors in a smartphone. Every smart
phone has some type of sensors e.g. acceleration sensor, gyro sensor and so on. Our “Skill Self Learning
System (SSLS)” can give feedback, results and evaluation of a student’s actual movement to his/her self
immediately on the smart phone, which he/she is using. In this research we used SSLS for learning how to
saw and plane. As a result of running simple tests, a group using SSLS could improve their skills as well as
a group, which a teacher taught in person. According to the results, if students have learned the skills before
an actual class, a teacher can teach skills in detail and support them interactively. Our method is beneficial
for enhancing traditional vocational learning as well as for distance skill education, intelligent skill learning
and teaching system.
For efficient learning, it is considerably important
for learners to have knowledge about the contents
before their class. Flipped-learning is one typical
approach. The flipped learning/teaching method is
defined as follows, according to Wikipedia (2011):
“Flip teaching is a form of blended learning which
encompasses any use of Internet technology to
leverage the learning in a classroom, so the teacher
can spend more time interacting with students instead
of lecturing”.
Moreover, Berrett (2012) mentions the benefit of the
learning style. As a background, the important point
made is that time is too short to learn only in face to
face class environment. Needless to say, this
problem occurs in skill learning as well. It is a
particularly serious problem for Japanese junior high
school students who do not have real experience
(Ando and Abiko, 2003). In this paper, we focus on
vocational learning, and the subject is technology-
education in Japan. In Technology-Education,
students learn to “make things” such as the craft arts
(woods, plastics and metals), electricity, metal craft,
materials, changing energy and Information
Technology. In the Japanese education system, the
subject is allocated only one class per week and is
found only in Junior high school education
curriculum. Therefore, not only have almost all
students never tried to use craft tools e.g. a saw and
a plane, but also they don’t have enough time to
learn its skill. In spite of the fact that these are basic
skills in Technology Education, a lot of students
have never been good at making things (Yamamoto
et al., 2007). Obviously, the unique circumstances
around students are changing. Competently, most
students don’t feel the need to make things in their
life. However the experience of making useful
products according to their own design affects not
only national power, but also desired character
formation (Ando et al., 2011). It is commonly
known that learning skills to use tools requires the
necessary equipment and right conditions.
Unfortunately, such tools, i.e. a saw and plane, are
not readily available in students' home. Moreover,
Ando A., Takaku T., Itagaki S., Torii T., Takeno H. and Davis D..
Development of a Skill Learning System using Sensors in a Smart Phone for Vocational Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004349406830687
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 683-687
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
most parents themselves aren't good at these skills,
therefore the students cannot understand if their
posture and movement are correct or not. MEXT
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology in Japan) (2011) says teachers should
make students into well-learned citizens, however a
concrete teaching program hasn't been developed to
meet such a need.
On the other hand, there exists research
regarding the usage of sensors to understand a user’s
state or action. For instance, Hattanda et al. (2008)
has tried to develop new functions of a cell-phone in
which the screen changes automatically in response
to adapting to user actions. In this work, it required
acceleration sensor hardware connected outside of
the cell-phone. At around this time, sensor devices
had been the focus of mobile devices. In the
educational field, Kashiwagi et al. (2010) began to
research the use of a few acceleration sensors and
slant sensors attached to a students’ head, both sides
of wrists, both sides of ankles and waist. These
sensors were hardware which could transmit data to
a PC. Using this system, an observer could know
how students behaved from a distant place.
The originality of our work is in using a
smartphone instead of special devices. All
smartphones are equipped with acceleration sensors,
slant sensors and gyro sensors. Though it is possible
that special sensors may be far more precise than
sensors in a smartphone, we haven’t found practical
reports for the investigation of a user’s condition by
using a smartphone. Moreover, we haven’t found
any previous research that exists regarding an
application of a smartphone to learn or improve a
students’ skill. Our research question is sensing data
from sensors in a smartphone that can enhance the
students’ skills. As we described, there are serious
problems in vocational education. If this approach is
developed, students’ are able to learn, practice and
improve their skill without a teacher and special
classroom. Former models of smartphones are less
expensive and even an obsolete model can be used
in this approach.
In this research, we aimed to develop a "skill
self-learning system (SSLS)" and evaluate the
approach for beginner subjects to improve their skill.
We described a beginner’s typical mistakes of
sawing and planning. Then, we suggested the
necessity of self-skill-learning and advantages of
using a smartphone. Finally, the results of a simple
experimentation by using our developed system
were discussed.
Sometimes, typical failure situations appear while
beginner students practice their own skill without the
aid of a teacher. Situations may be errors such as the
wrong strength or incorrect movement. Japanese
official textbook (2012) for technology and
vocational education says
While sawing, set the
blade as shown, like a straight line” and the other
textbook says “to cut straight, place the blade
underneath, between the eyes”. In addition, the
textbook says “the angle between a wood piece and
a blade should be from fifteen to thirteen degrees”.
When sawing, a blade should be moved forward and
backward repeatedly while keeping the blade
vertical. According to practical experience, a
beginner tends to fail to correctly do the three
patterns as follows; first, a worker cannot set and
keep the blade at the proper angle. The second,
while moving the blade, it leans to the side and it
isn’t kept vertically straight. The last, the blade is
moved irregularly. Unfortunately, a beginner cannot
be made aware of these typical failures unless
someone tells them.
In the case of using a “plane” to flatten the
surface of wood, it is difficult for a beginner to slide
it at the proper speed. Moreover, at the beginning of
sawing, the peculiar movement, which a plane is
moved marginally to a backward direction, appears
in the expert’s movement. It is also hard for a
beginner to understand how to coordinate his/her
arms and his/her waist.
3.1 Basic Function and Contrivance
Our original SSLS method is to use "smart-phone"
instead of special sensors and analysing system.
Every smart phone has some important features:
LCD wide screen, gyro sensor, acceleration sensor,
data storage and connection to the Internet. Our
basic design allows students to attach a smart phone
on a tool and assess their own skill without an expert
by displaying feedback results. The SSLS works on
devices installed with Android OS version 2.3 or
greater. The SSLS is able to record and calculate
data every ten micro seconds. This data represents
the number of forward and backward motions, speed
of moving, maximum speed, elapsed time, change of
slant angle while moving, and the change of blur
while moving.
In the case of sawing, the acceleration of the y
axis and z axis is calculated using the three axis
acceleration sensor of the smart phone, in order to
count the number of times the blade moves forward
and backwards. Figure 1 shows the actual results of
an expert worker’s sawing.
Figure 1: Change acceleration of an expert’s sawing.
In this research, the threshold value for counting
was fixed at 15(m/s
). To record the slant angle of a
blade, it uses values taken from the slanted sensors.
After a few practice sessions, the application
displays the initial results as feedback information to
the student. By these results, a student can improve
his/her own movement and skill (Figure 2). In the
case of planning, the application shows the change
of acceleration as a line graph comparing them with
the results of an expert’s movement, and feedback
message regarding motion speed (Figure 3).
Figure 2: Result and advice for improving sawing.
Figure 3: Result and advice for improving planning.
3.2 How to Set up and Practice
In the case of sawing, a smart phone, which was
installed with our application, is put on a bar of a
saw with an attachment (Figure 4, left). To minimize
the weight of the whole saw, the attachment is made
of foaming polystyrene. In the case of planning, the
smart phone is put on a wooden piece, like the body
of plane (Figure 4, right). In both cases, hook-and-
loop fasteners secure the smart phone to the tool.
Figure 5 shows a practice motion and Figure 6
shows actual scenes of sawing and planning.
Figure 4: A smart phone put on a bar of a covered saw
(left) and a smart phone put on a wood piece like a plane
To begin a practice session, tap to run SSLS
application for sawing. Before sawing, the student
must adjust the proper angle between the blade and
wood. Then tapping the start button, SSLS begins to
record and analyse the acceleration of the smart
phone. During practice, if SSLS detects improper or
irregular motion, the smart phone screen changes
colour from blue to red and beeps to indicate
incorrect movement. After sawing, SSLS shows a
summary of the practice results. However, in order
to practice planning, a student has to watch a
recorded example of correct planning posture
beforehand. To record proper examples, tap the
“record button” on the menu screen. In this record
mode, SSLS can record whole movements of
planning. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show each algorithm
of practice.
Figure 5: Actual scene of sawing with a smart phone.
00:00 03:20 06:40 10:00 13:20 16:40 20:00 23:20 26:40
Total score of the practice session
Total number of movements
Total number of incorrect
Total score of the practice session
Appropriate speed of movement
Evaluation of practice
Max and Min speed
Elapse time of movement
Total evaluation of motion blurs
Red line: ideal changing of acceleration
Blue line: result of practice session
Acceleration (m/s
Figure 6: Actual scene of planning with a smart phone.
Figure 7: Algorithm in sawing practice.
Figure 8: Algorithm in planning practice.
To evaluate our SSLS approach for improving
students sawing skill experiment, we conducted test
with seven university freshman subjects who were
beginners, and we conducted test with six subjects
who were high school students.
When sawing, the most important skill is to cut
the wood straight and vertical. So, we compared
changes of the blade’s slant by using the SSLS and
by a teacher’s oral method (Oral teaching group).
All subjects used a covered saw with the smart
phone and practiced moving it forward and
backward repeatedly twenty times. In the smart
phone group, subjects checked their own results and
feedback information on the smart phone during
every trial. In the other group, a teacher instructed
subjects of the oral teaching group during every
session. Subjects of both groups tried this repeatedly
five times. We compared the average acceleration of
the sideward motion of the first result with average
acceleration of the fifth result.
Next, in the case of planning, we compared the
first and fifth sessions’ acceleration values change of
the blur made by the body of the moving plane. In
this case, all subjects were in separate SSLS groups;
Oral teaching group as well as sawing. Both groups
consisted of three subjects.
Figure 9 shows the result of sawing test. In first
instance, average acceleration of the blade was 0.61
) (SD=0.34) in SSLS group and 0.50 (m/s
(SD=0.28) in the oral teaching group, and at the last
time, it was 0.56 (m/s
) (SD=0.31). This result
shows that only SSLS had significant differences
= 2.475, p< 0.05). It means that subjects
improved by using SSLS. The first time however,
there were already apparent differences of skill
between the SSLS group and the textbook group.
Subjects of the oral teaching group were already
good at sawing. Therefore, we could not conclude
that using SSLS was better than the oral teaching
methods according to only this result.
Likewise, Figure 10 shows the result of planning
test. It was found that both groups improved in blur
of planning (p< 0.05). There were no significance
differences between the Oral teaching group and
SSLS group in both the first trial and fifth trial.
Figure 9: Effectiveness of practice sawing in proper slant.
Check blade angle
Count > pre-set
Show result
Blur level
> pre-set range
Beep & show warning
Error count++
Check blade blur
Moving count ++
Select a recorded ex
ert model
Compare with the model
Show result
Pre-set expert model
Select a record mode
Data record as
an ex
ert model
Flow of practice
Figure 10: Effectiveness of practice in blur of planning.
According to these two tests, we found the students
use of the smart phone while sawing and planning to
be very effective in improving their skill. Though
under the condition that subjects were beginners and
the number of subjects was on a small-scale, it
means that beginners can improve their skill of basic
sawing and basic planning without the aid of a
teacher. Even with such tentative results, we believe
this to be meaningful even for distance learning and
enhancing face to face classroom learning. Until
now, e-learning has been used to acquire knowledge
via text and visual aid e.g. videos and YouTube. As
far as using a traditional method, students cannot
understand and assess their skill without a teacher,
i.e. they cannot avoid incorrect posture or improper
movements without a teacher. Because of this
problem, it is difficult for distance learning of skill
based training. However using our method, students
can understand how they should move their body or
tools by themselves. Apparently, we have to validate
our method using more subjects and improving the
precision of data from the sensors. However, this
method of using sensors on a smart phone and the
resulting immediate feedback to students can
enhance traditional learning not only in vocational
education but also physical education and sports.
Even though in this research, the number of subjects
was low and limited, we could get appropriate
results. Our research team has already applied the
approach to about 80 actual junior high school
students. We are going to report the effectiveness of
the practice in detail in a next paper.
In this paper, we developed Self Skill Learning
System (SSLM) using sensors in a smart phone. The
system works on smart phones using Android OS. In
terms of a student’s actual practice, it can indicate
results visually and advise on how to improve. We
conducted sawing and planning experiments that are
basic skills in vocational education. As our results
showed, a group using SSLS could improve both
skills. However as far as this research, we could not
clearly conclude that SSLS was better than a
teacher’s oral method. Currently, we are developing
Skill Learning Management System (SLMS) that
can record students’ results of practice and can
compare those results to other students. Using
SLMS, a teacher will be able to know who is good at
a skill or not before lectures and it will help a
teacher to make a priority of whom he/she teaches to.
This work was supported by KAKENHI (24730721,
2450169, and 22531009).
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