Table 2: Improvements to this system suggested by
A. Memo or sticky note function
HI: I think it would have been better to have some
kind of sticky note, on which you can ente
memos, rather than pins. When you have so many
pins placed on a frame, you may forget why you
laced your own pins, so it would be handy to
have a memo when sharing with other people late
KE: It would probably be useful if memos could be
entered, especially for people who tend to be a
bit forgetful.
B. Ability to viewing all pages and select particula
HI: It would have been good if we were able to have
an overview of all the pages and then select
articular pages, but instead we had to flip one
age at a time, which made the task quite
KI: I would like a function that makes it possible to
view a previous page.
C. Function to change colors of pins.
KE: It would be good if it was possible to select a
desired frame in a similar fashion as right
clicking on a computer or selecting colors with
right click, etc.
IN: When I was performing the task, I actually
experienced situations where I thought and did
change colors of particular pins; these changes
were reflected on my own display but not on my
neighbor’s display.
4.2.2 Functions for Viewing All Pages and
Selecting Particular Pages
Two people mentioned the need to add new
functions for viewing pages in their entirety to the
system. B in Table 2 shows a typical protocol for
adding the option of displaying an overall view of all
the pages to the manga page manipulation functions.
HI stated that it was cumbersome to flip pages,
whereas KI cited the need to view previous pages
immediately. Thus, a function that allows users to
jump to a page or to open an arbitrary page across
the entire file and improve efficiency is needed,
since at the present time the page manipulation
functions for the manga only allow learners to flip
one page at a time.
4.2.3 Function to Facilitate the Changing of
Colors of Pins
Two people stated that they would like to be able to
change the color of pins while performing their
tasks. C in Table 2 shows a typical protocol for
changing the colors of pins after placing pins and
also while sharing them. KE requested a function
that enables the changing of colors instantly
whenever a need to do so arises, whereas IN cited
that the changing of colors while sharing awareness
on the issues should be reflected on the screen
shared with other people. This feedback points to
poor efficiency of the system, due to the fact that in
order to modify the color of a pin, it must first be
deleted and a new pin then be placed. Moreover,
once sharing starts, it is not possible to alter the
colors of the pins in frames.
A system that displays case method educational
materials in the form of manga on tablet PCs and
allows users to add annotations on the points of
observations using pins placed on frames to be
shared via a network was developed in this study.
The system was evaluated from the perspectives of
learners and all test subjects validated the utility of
the function for sharing awareness on issues.
Furthermore, other features, such as clear indication
of points of observations by placing color-coded
pins on frames and having an unlimited number of
pins that can be placed onto frames, were also
positively evaluated.
Suggestions for improvement included requests
for additional functions, such as a function for
providing an overview of all the pages at a glance
and for displaying a particular page, as well as a
function for easily changing the colors of the pins
placed in frames. We would like to refer to
incorporate these opinions by making relevant
additions and improvements to the system.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 24330521.
Daikoku, T., Takenaka ,M., Nakamura, H., & Inagaki, S.
2010. Development and Evaluation of MANGA
Educational Materials for Science Teachers.
In Dolinšek, S. & Lyons, T. (Eds). Socio-cultural and