Usability on TV
Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential
to Inspire Actual Interfaces
Yang Zhong
and Monique Janneck
Digital Media, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Luebeck, Germany
Keywords: Interaction Design, Innovative Interfaces, Fictional Displays.
Abstract: Current television series, especially those revolving around or dealing with information technology or
technical issues in general, often depict interesting ideas for user interfaces or interaction techniques.
Especially, user interfaces are often shown to be very intuitive and easy to use: Frequently protagonists use
unknown interactive systems without prior training and are able to conduct complex operations with the
system. This paper analyzes user interfaces and interaction techniques depicted in “CSI: Miami”, a widely
known US TV show. Possibilities and potentials to inspire actual user interfaces are explored.
Everyday millions of people get in touch with the
most sophisticated and stunning technology,
amazing, efficient, and easy-to-use interfaces and
novel interaction techniques–but not at work or
while using their private computers or electronic
devices, but sitting in front of the TV watching
current TV shows such as the “CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation” series. Such fictional works often
depict interesting ideas for user interfaces or
interaction techniques. Especially, user interfaces are
often shown to be very intuitive and easy to use:
Frequently protagonists use unknown interactive
systems without prior training and are able to
conduct complex operations with the system. So we
asked ourselves: Could we as designers of
interactive systems learn something from watching
Usability on TV? Could these fictional technologies
inspire actual interfaces? Do they conform to design
principles from usability research or do they just use
bogus show effects that would not be practical in
In this paper we take a closer look at innovative
user interfaces depicted in the well-known US TV
series “CSI: Miami”. As a basis for our analysis we
used the following main areas of interaction design
(cf. Shneiderman and Plaisant 2010, Rogers et al.,
2011, Heim 2008): Metaphors and mental models,
direct manipulation, user control, menu design, and
information search.
The users of CSI interfaces systems are all well-
trained experts. Therefore, from an interaction
design point of view, the systems depicted in “CSI:
Miami” were designed for expert users. However,
likewise, they are designed to attract the audience by
showing advanced, stylish, and fun-to-use
Generally, regarding the presentation and
aesthetics of the interfaces shown in “CSI: Miami” it
can be remarked that dark colours are widely used as
a background, while text and graphical elements are
usually brightly coloured. Quite interestingly, this
use of colour resembles early command-line
interfaces rather than modern GUIs. Furthermore,
this kind of colour use seems rather questionable
from an ergonomic point of view. However, this
kind of presentation is presumably used to make it
easier for the audience to detect the information
presented on the screen while sitting in front of the
Zhong Y. and Janneck M..
Usability on TV - Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential to Inspire Actual Interfaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0004352302700273
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 270-273
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)