Context-aware Recommendations through Activity Recognition
Toon De Pessemier, Simon Dooms, Kris Vanhecke, Bart Matt
e, Ewout Meyns and Luc Martens
WiCa Research Group, Dept. of Information Technology, iMinds-Ghent University,
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 box 201, B-9050 Ghent, Belgium
Context-aware, Recommender System, Activity Recognition, Mobile.
The mobile Internet introduces new opportunities to gain insight in the current user’s environment, behavior,
and activity. This additional contextual information can be used as an extra information source to improve
traditional recommendation algorithms. This article describes a framework to detect the current context and
activity of the user by analyzing data retrieved from different sensors available on mobile devices. The frame-
work can easily be extended to detect custom activities and is built in a generic way to ensure easy integration
with other applications. On top of this framework, a recommender system is built to provide a personalized
content offer, consisting of relevant information such as points-of-interest, train schedules, and touristic info,
based on the user’s current context. Users who tested the application confirmed the usability and liked to
use it. The recommendations are assessed as effective and help them to discover new places and interesting
Contextual information is used in many application
domains to offer users a service that is adapted to
their location, needs, and expectations. Also in rec-
ommender systems, the user context has gained an in-
creased interest from researchers (Adomavicius et al.,
2005). For instance, various tourist guide applications
use the location of the user to personalize and adapt
their content offer to the current user needs. An in-
teresting example is a mobile recommender system
proving personal recommendation for Points of Inter-
est (POI) based on the user ratings (Kenteris et al.,
2010). User ratings can be weighted higher to dif-
ferentiate between users that rate POIs using the mo-
bile tourist guide application in direct proximity of the
POI and others using the Internet away from the POI.
Still via mobile devices such as smartphones, more
contextual information can be retrieved than currently
exploited by traditional recommendation algorithms.
Users are carrying their mobile device on them, re-
sulting in additional information such as their loca-
tion, speed, environment, etc. This additional in-
formation can revolutionize the role of recommender
systems from topic oriented information seeking and
decision making tools to information discovery and
entertaining companions (Ricci, 2010).
To ease the development of mobile context-aware
applications, frameworks have been introduced to
provide an abstraction for sensors and actuators. Such
a framework assists application developers in gath-
ering data from various sensors, represent applica-
tion context, and reason efficiently about the context,
without the need to write complex code (Biegel and
Cahill, 2004). However, most of these frameworks
provide only low-level sensor data and do not inter-
pret the data over a longer period of time to deduce
high-level context information such as the user’s ac-
Various attempts have been made to recognizing
user activity from accelerometer data. Wearable sen-
sors have been used to measure acceleration and an-
gular velocity data in order to recognize and clas-
sify sitting, standing, and walking behaviors (Lee and
Mase, 2002). An experiment with five biaxial ac-
celerometers worn simultaneously on different parts
of the body, showed that it is possible to recognize
a variety of different activities like walking, sitting,
standing, but also watching TV, running, bicycling,
eating, reading etc. (Bao and Intille, 2004). More-
over, the recognition performance drops only slightly
if data of only two biaxial accelerometers is available
- thigh and wrist.
Also through a single triaxial accelerometer worn
near the pelvic region, user activities can be recog-
nized with fairly high accuracy. Nevertheless, ex-
periments showed that activities that are limited to
the movement of just hands or mouth (e.g. brush-
De Pessemier T., Dooms S., Vanhecke K., Matté B., Meyns E. and Martens L..
Context-aware Recommendations through Activity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0004353804810490
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 481-490
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing teeth) are comparatively harder to recognize using
a single accelerometer (Ravi et al., 2005). Although
most mobile devices contain only a single triaxial ac-
celerometer, these results indicate the ability to detect
user activities through this built-in accelerometer.
In this research, we present a framework to rec-
ognize the user’s context and activity based on sen-
sor data originating from the user’s mobile phone in
a daily user environment. The developed framework
(Section 2) first detects basic contexts and activities
such as walking and cycling by analyzing the accel-
eration of the mobile device. By analyzing these ba-
sic activities over a longer period of time, recognizing
more complex contexts such as “walking to a station
while it is rainy” is possible. This contextual informa-
tion is used by the recommender system (Section 3) in
order to achieve the main goal of this research: pro-
viding personalized information and suggestions that
are adapted to the current context and activity of the
user. The accuracy and usefulness of the recommen-
dations is assessed via a user study (Section 4).
Because of its rapid growth in popularity and
widespread use, we opted for Google Android as im-
plementation platform of our framework. Nowadays,
almost every Google Android device has several built-
in sensors, such as an accelerometer and GPS. But
sensor data is also available in many other operating
systems for mobile devices.
The context-recognition framework consists of
three successive phases: 1. Monitoring the (sensor)
data, i.e. logging the raw data from the accelerom-
eter, GPS, battery, proximity sensor, cell ID, etc. 2.
Processing the sensor data and recognizing basic ac-
tivities. 3. Analyzing the successive basic activities
and recognizing the overall context.
2.1 Monitoring
This phase involves the gathering of all possible raw
data from the device. GPS data provides location up-
dates. If no GPS data is available (e.g., in indoor en-
vironments), the cell-ID can give an indication of the
location through the ID of the cellular tower that is
currently providing reception to the device. Further,
the battery status (e.g., charging) of the device as well
as the battery level can be retrieved. The accelerom-
eter of most Android devices is capable of capturing
the device’s acceleration on three axes every 20 ms.
This accelerometer data is used to recognize the ac-
tivity of the user. The proximity sensor is used by
the Android operating system to detect if an object
is in the vicinity of the device. Its main purpose is
to detect if the user is holding the device next to the
ear for making a phone call. In that case, the screen
can be switched off to save power. In this research,
the proximity sensor is used to detect where the user
carries the device. If the proximity sensor detects no
object in the vicinity of the device, then the device is
not in the pocket of the user, and recognizing basic
activities based on accelerometer data is not reliable.
The framework can easily be extended with additional
sensor data in order to add additional contextual infor-
2.2 Processing
In this phase, each type of data obtained in the moni-
toring phase, is converted into basic contextual infor-
mation by a processing unit. For some sensor data,
such as data from the proximity sensor, this conver-
sion is straightforward. Other sensor data, such as
data from the accelerometer, requires a more intelli-
gent processing to obtain contextual information. If
additional sensor data becomes available, the frame-
work can be extended with a new processing unit to
extract valuable information from it.
2.2.1 Points-Of-Interest
Matching the current location of the user to the lo-
cation of Points-Of-Interest (POI) enables the frame-
work to identify the nearest POI or the POI within a
specified range. The location of the user is retrieved
via GPS data or (if GPS is not available, or switched
off) estimated by the current cell-ID. Two different
services are used to retrieve data about the POI in
the current neighborhood of the user. The location of
the Belgian railway stations is retrieved via the iRail
API (Tiete et al., 2012), a service that provides infor-
mation about train stations, schedules, and delays in
Belgium. Via the Foursquare API (Foursquare, 2012),
the framework retrieves data about various other types
of POI such as restaurants, bars, shops, etc.
2.2.2 Urbanization
The POI that are retrieved by the Foursquare API are
used to estimate the urbanization of the current loca-
tion of the user. The more POI in the neighborhood
of the device, the higher the urbanization level of the
2.2.3 Weather
To find out the weather conditions, the location of the
user is first converted into an address via the Google
Geocoding API (Google, 2012a). Subsequently, the
ZIP code of the address is used to retrieve weather
information from the Google Weather API. This in-
formation is refreshed after a change in location or
if more than 2 hours have elapsed. To retrieve data
about the current weather and urbanization level, GPS
data is not strictly required since an estimation of the
location of the device by the cell-ID is sufficiently ac-
2.2.4 Movement
Based on location updates of the GPS data (or cell-
ID info) and the coupled timestamps, the framework
calculates the current speed and future position of the
user. Together with the information about the POI,
the framework can detect if the user is approaching a
2.2.5 Company
In the application, users can add other users as friends
and specify their relationship with these friends, e.g.,
husband, child, buddy etc. Besides, users can opt to
share their location data in order to enable the frame-
work to detect whether different users are in another’s
company or whether some of their friends are in the
2.2.6 Available Time
By checking the user’s appointments in the calendar
application of the phone, the framework can estimate
the availability of the user. Appointments in the near
future can influence the behavior of the user. E.g.,
if the user has an appointment within one hour, (s)he
might chose a nearby restaurant to have lunch.
2.2.7 Battery
Information about the status of the battery can be used
to deduce contextual information of the user, e.g.,
charging the battery indicates a fixed position of the
user. (Many users charge their phone while they are at
home.) Data about the battery level can be used to de-
cide to switch off the framework to extend the battery
2.2.8 Physical Activity
Recognizing physical activities based on patterns in
the data originating from the accelerometer is the
most complicated processing task of the framework.
The framework tries to distinguish four basic activ-
ities: standing still, walking, running, and cycling.
These different activities induce different accelera-
tions along the three dimensions (X-axis, Y-axis, and
Z-axis); and these patterns in the accelerometer data
are used to distinguish the basic activities. An impor-
tant requirement is that users have to carry the mobile
device in their pocket, so that the movement of the
user’s leg can be registered by the device.
Learning to recognize patterns in the accelerome-
ter data is done by training the framework with sam-
ples of real physical activities. To obtain this training
data, accelerometer data from 11 different users (be-
tween 16 and 50 years old) performing the four ac-
tivities was collected. Every user was asked to per-
form one of the basic activities during a 5-seconds
time frame while a mobile device recorded the ac-
celerometer data. This was repeated for all four basis
activities, thereby yielding 44 training samples. This
training data clearly showed different patterns for the
four activities: e.g., standing still induces the least ac-
tivity on the accelerometer, cycling produces a data
pattern with a periodic variation in time, and running
shows more energy than walking.
This training data was used for determining the
five discriminating features based on which the four
basic activities are distinguished:
1. The average resultant acceleration, i.e. the aver-
age of the square root of the sum of the values of
each axis squared
+ y
+ z
2. The difference between maximum and minimum
acceleration (for each axis).
3. The average deviation to the mean (for each axis),
i.e. the average of the absolute difference be-
tween a measured sample of the acceleration and
the mean acceleration.
4. The sum of the squared deviations to the mean
value (for each axis), i.e. the sum of the squared
differences between a measured value of the ac-
celeration and the mean acceleration.
5. The deviation of the acceleration (for each axis),
i.e. the average of the absolute difference between
a measured sample of the acceleration and the
sample measured after three time units (so after
The first three of these discriminating features were
also identified in related work with respect to activity
recognition on mobile devices (Kwapisz et al., 2011).
Discriminating feature (4) and (5) help to distinguish
the basic activities based on typical characteristics
such as the required energy for the activity and the
variation of the acceleration in time.
Based on these discriminating features, newly-
acquired accelerometer data can be classified into one
of the basic activities. This classification task is per-
formed by using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
with an RBF-kernel. Using cross validation thereby
considering the data from 1 user as test data and the
data from the other users to train the model, each of
the 44 logged activities could be classified correctly
by the SVM model.
2.2.9 Proximity
As explained in Section 2.1, the data of the proximity
sensor can indicate that the device is not in the pocket
of the user. Since the recognition of physical activ-
ities requires the user to carry the device in his/her
pocket, this proximity data can indicate if the activity
recognition is reliable.
2.3 Analyzing
Based on the basic activities that are recognized by
processing the accelerometer data and the additional
contextual information gathered in the processing
phase, the framework can recognize more complex
user behavior. The underlying idea of the analyzing
phase is that complex user behavior consists of dif-
ferent basic contexts which have some relation with
each other. E.g., “The user is walking home while it’s
rainy” consists of “The user is walking”, “The user
is approaching his/her house” and “it’s rainy”. The
common conditional relationship between these basic
contexts is the timing; they have to occur at the same
So to recognize complex user behavior, these
complex activities are first decomposed into differ-
ent basic contexts that have a conditional relationship
to each other. A basic context can be: the current
weather, the current time and day, the battery status
and level, being located in an urbanized area, being
located in the neighborhood of a specific POI, ap-
proaching a specific POI, being in the company of an-
other user, traveling with a specific speed (range), the
distance traveled in a specific time interval, or a phys-
ical activity such as standing still, walking, running,
or cycling. For each potential complex activity, the
framework checks if the first basic context matches
the data that is gathered in the processing phase. If
this is the case, the framework checks the conditional
relationship of this basic context to the second basic
context. The conditional relationship can indicate that
the second basic context has to occur in parallel with
the first basic context or within a specified time frame
(e.g., within the next 60 minutes after the first con-
text was detected). So upon detecting the first con-
text, until the conditional time frame has elapsed, the
framework monitors the sensor data and tests if the
processed data matches the pattern of the second ba-
sic context. This procedure of matching the processed
sensor data to the basic contexts and testing the condi-
tions, is repeated for all basic contexts and conditions
of the complex activity.
As soon as one of the basic contexts of the com-
plex activity cannot be matched to the processed sen-
sor data or one of the conditions between the basic ac-
tivities is not met, the complex activity cannot be rec-
ognized. Only if all basic contexts are recognized and
all conditions are met, the complex activity is flagged
as recognized.
An example of a complex activity is “taking the
train” which is composed of the following subsequent
basic contexts: 1) The user is approaching a train sta-
tion. 2) The user is in the neighborhood of a train
station. 3) GPS connection is lost. (Although GPS
data is available inside a car, GPS data is not avail-
able inside the train). 4) The user is traveling with a
minimum speed. (In this case, location updated are
based on cell-ID, because GPS info is not available.)
5) In parallel with 4), the user is traveling in the di-
rection of another (nearby) train station. As soon as
these basic contexts and conditions are recognized,
the framework believes that user is traveling by train.
This complex activity does not include the act of ar-
riving at the train station of the destination. If the
destination would be included in the complex activ-
ity, then the activity could only be recognized after
the train journey. Nevertheless, for many applications
such as personalized information and recommenda-
tions, the recognition has to be performed as soon as
possible during the user activity. In the current imple-
mentation, a set of complex activities is defined, but
depending on the use case, the framework can also be
extended with new complex activities by composing
existing or new basic contexts and conditions.
Based on the contextual information that is provided
by the context-recognition framework, we developed
a context-aware recommender system that offers per-
sonalized information according to the preferences
and current context of the user.
To enable the use of community knowledge (i.e.
data regarding user behavior, feedback, and contex-
tual information from all users of the system) in the
recommendation process, personalized recommenda-
tions are calculated on a centralized server. Based
on this community knowledge, Collaborative Filter-
ing (CF) techniques can be used to assist in the rec-
Activity &
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the recommendation pro-
cess, which consists of three successive phases: determin-
ing the categories, fetching the information, and selecting
the items.
ommendation process (Breese et al., 1998). The mo-
bile client can send the server a request for recom-
mendations combined with the current context that
is retrieved from the context recognition framework.
Based on the stored preferences of the user and the
contextual information, the server calculates the most
appropriate context-aware recommendations tailored
to the user’s (current) needs.
As shown in Figure 1, the recommendation pro-
cess consists of three successive phases:
1. Determining the categories of information that are
most suitable according to the current context of
the user.
2. Fetching the information of the items of these se-
lected categories.
3. Selecting the most suitable items from the re-
trieved information according to the context and
preferences of the users.
After determining the categories and selecting the
items, an aggregator combines the partial results.
3.1 Determining the Categories
In the first phase, the recommender system receives
the current context of the user as input, and predicts
the information categories that match this context.
One obvious example: if the user is approaching a
train station, information regarding the train schedule
might be interesting for the user. To determine the
suitability of an information category, four informa-
tion models work together: the activity model, pref-
erences model, popularity model, and history model.
Each of these models assigns a probability score to
each information category. This score estimates the
conditional probability that the user is interested in
information of the specific category, given the cur-
rent context of the user. The information categories
that are used are: Food (restaurants, bakeries, etc.),
Movies (schedules, descriptions, etc.), Trains (sched-
ules, delays, etc.), Monuments (info about churches,
statues, etc.), and News (newspaper articles, RSS
feeds, etc.); but the system can easily be extended
with other categories.
3.1.1 Activity Model
The activity model is a knowledge-based system, con-
sisting of a set of general rules that apply to all users.
These rules connect a context to an information cate-
gory that may be interesting for the user in that con-
text. E.g., the context “being in a new city” and
“sunny weather” is linked to the information cate-
gory “Monuments”, since users might be interested
to do some sightseeing if the weather is good. The
context “Evening” is linked to the information cate-
gory “Food”, since information about restaurants for
having dinner might be interesting. These rules are
stored as triplets (context, category, score), in which
the score estimates the probability that users are gen-
erally interested in a category, given the specified con-
These general trends of the activity model also of-
fer a solution to the cold start problem, the initial sit-
uation in which no information about the preferences
of the user is available. If no personal preferences are
known, the user receives recommendations based on
the knowledge of these general trends.
3.1.2 Preferences Model
The activity model defines rules for the whole com-
munity; but via the preferences model, rules can be
specified for each individual user. This way, user pref-
erences for a specific information category, given a
specific context, can be specified. E.g., user Alice”
always wants to receive items of the category “News”,
if she is traveling by train in the morning. These per-
sonal rules are stored as 4-tuples (user, context, cate-
gory, score), in which the score indicates how impor-
tant this rule is for the user. An initial explicit ques-
tionnaire can be used as input to compose these rules.
3.1.3 Popularity Model
This model keeps track of the historical behavior of
users and learns in which information categories users
are interested, given the context. This learning pro-
cess is based on the feedback that users can pro-
vide for information categories. Figure 2 shows two
wordt er zoveel mogelijk informatie ter beschikking gesteld aan de gebruiker. Bijvoorbeeld
voor treinen is dit het vertrekuur, het platform, de vertraging, etc. Voor caf´es en restau-
rants is dit het adres. Voor films is dit een beschrijving en de uren van de vertoningen.
Bij nieuwsberichten al een korte beschrijving waarop kan geklikt worden om het volledige
artikel te lezen, etc.
Het tweede tabblad geeft de lijst met relaties weer. Dit zijn de voor- en achternaam van de
gebruikers die vrienden zijn, ouder zijn, kind zijn of partner zijn van de huidige gebruiker,
opgedeeld in deze categorie
en. De gebruiker kan hier kiezen om bepaalde vrienden te
verwijderen. Herinner dat deze relaties worden gebruikt om het gezelschap van de gebruiker
te bepalen. In figuur 5.6 wordt een voorbeeld van een dergelijke lijst weergegeven.
In het derde tabblad kan gezocht worden naar personen aan de hand van een zoekterm.
Die kan bestaan uit een deel van de gebruikersnaam, voornaam of achternaam. Bij het
toevoegen kan aangegeven wat de relatie tot die persoon is.
Het laatste tabblad bestaat uit de instellingen. Hier kan een gebruiker zijn humeur opge-
ven omdat dit niet automatisch gedetecteerd kan worden. Figuur 5.2 gaf hiervan al een
voorbeeld. Per categorie kan een gebruiker ook zijn voorkeuren opgeven voor bepaalde
attributen. Deze worden opgeslagen in de databank om te gebruiken in het Stated Pre-
ferences Model zoals uitgelegd in sectie 4.4.2. De gebruiker kan dit doen door een aantal
sterren (1 tot 5) te geven aan een attribuut. In figuur 5.7 wordt een voorbeeld gegeven
van zo een attribuutlijst. Deze manier van expliciete feedback laat toe om een (initieel)
profiel van de gebruiker op te bouwen zodat een oplossing wordt geboden voor het nieuwe
Figuur 5.7: Voorbeeld van de lijst met attributen waaraan de gebruiker een aantal sterren kan
Figure 2: Screenshots of the mobile application, showing
the list of recommended information items (a) and the pos-
sibility to provide explicit feedback (b).
screenshots of the user interface of the mobile appli-
cation and illustrates the possibility to provide feed-
back. The popularity model collects feedback infor-
mation from all users to discover general relations be-
tween a context and an information category. The re-
sult of this model is a set of triplets (context, category,
score) in which the score estimates the probability
that users are generally interested in a category, given
the specified context. The more users and the more of-
ten these users have provided positive/negative feed-
back on a content item of a specific category in a spe-
cific context, the higher/lower the score.
3.1.4 History Model
In contrast to the popularity model, which learns cat-
egory preferences for different contexts on the com-
munity level, the history model learns category pref-
erences for each context on a user level. The model
aggregates the historical behavior of each user into
a profile to learn the user’s personal practices. E.g.,
user Alice may be interested in the train schedule as
soon as she leaves her home in the morning. So, the
history model calculates for every user, context, and
category, a score which estimates the probability that
a specific user is interested in a category, given the
context. The more often the user has provided pos-
itive/negative feedback on a content item of a spe-
cific category in a specific context, the higher/lower
the score. These personal habits are stored as 4-tuples
(user, context, category, score).
3.1.5 Aggregating the Category Scores
Each of the models generates its own score which
estimates the probability that the user is interested
in a specific category, given the specified context.
To obtain a single probability value for each cate-
gory, the individual scores are normalized and aggre-
gated using a weighted average. In the current im-
plementation, the weights are fixed and set to priori-
tize the models that reason based on data of the indi-
vidual users, i.e. the preferences and history model.
However, one can argue that varying weights might
be more efficient: assigning more importance to the
models that are based on community knowledge if a
limited amount of personal preferences are available;
and raising the importance of the models that use in-
dividual data if more knowledge about the user’s in-
dividual preferences becomes available.
The resulting scores determine the importance of
each information category for the user. Therefore, the
user receives a proportional number of items of a spe-
cific information category as recommendations. Items
of an information category with a high score are more
common in the recommendation list, whereas items
of an information category with a low score are rare
or even not present in this list.
3.2 Fetching the Information
As soon as the most suitable categories are deter-
mined, given the preferences and context of the user,
information items belonging to these categories can
be fetched. Because this information has to be up-
to-date (e.g., for the train schedule or newspaper ar-
ticles) and because this information is dependent on
the context of the user (e.g., the neighboring POI are
determined based on the current location of the user),
the information items are retrieved at the moment of
requesting the recommendations.
Various services are used to fetch information
items of the different information categories. Infor-
mation regarding locations or POI (e.g., information
about monuments, restaurants, shops, bars, trains,
etc.), is selected based on the current location of the
user. Potentially interesting data about nearby train
stations, train schedules, and delays is retrieved via
iRail (Tiete et al., 2012). Information about POI
in the current neighborhood of the user is retrieved
via the Foursquare API (Foursquare, 2012) and the
Google Places API (Google, 2012b). WikiLocation
is the service that is used for additional information
about monuments and landmarks that might be in-
teresting for the user (Dodson, 2012). Information
about (cultural) events is available through the service
of CultuurNet Vlaanderen (CultuurNet-Vlaanderen,
2012). CultuurNet gathers all information about cul-
tural activities, movies, and events in Flanders (i.e.
the Northern part of Belgium). This service is used
to retrieve e.g., information about movie theaters and
the scheduled movies. Various comparable services
that offer news feeds exist. Because of its structured
metadata, the RSS feed of HLN (HLN, 2012) is used
to obtain the latest news articles of different cate-
gories such as sports, business, local news, interna-
tional news, etc.
3.3 Selecting Items
The last phase of the recommendation process is to
select the most appropriate items from the fetched in-
formation of the relevant categories. To accomplish
this task, ve models for selecting items cooperate:
the collaborative filtering model, stated preferences
model, learned preferences model, distance punisher
model, and boredom punisher model. Each of these
models assigns a score for the usefulness to each item,
thereby indicating how interesting or important the
item is for the user. Some of these models consider
the preferences of the user, whereas others are merely
based on the current context of the user.
3.3.1 Stated Preferences Model
Through explicit feedback for an item or an attribute
of the item, users can state their preference for a par-
ticular item (e.g., the user’s favorite restaurant) or for
a set of items characterized by the attribute they have
in common (e.g., all Italian restaurants). In the user’s
profile, explicit feedback for an item propagates to
the attributes and the category of the item. E.g., a
positive evaluation of a news article about soccer in-
duces a positive assessment for the attributes “Sports”
and “Soccer” as well as for the category “News”. As
shown in Figure 2, users can specify these prefer-
ences via a star-rating mechanism in the user inter-
face, thereby creating a personal profile consisting of
triplets (user, item or attribute, score). Based on this
explicit profile, the stated preferences model assigns a
score to each candidate item by considering the user’s
rating for the item and/or the attributes describing the
item. The context is not considered in the stated pref-
erences model because of the large number of com-
binations of context and attribute. Specifying prefer-
ences for all these different context-attribute combi-
nations can put a heavy burden on the user.
3.3.2 Learned Preferences Model
Whereas the stated preferences model is based on ex-
plicit preferences for items and attributes of items, the
learned preferences model extracts these preferences
from implicit data and learns the user behavior. By
saving the implicit preferences as 4-tuples (user, con-
text, item or attribute, score), this model can also take
into account the context of the user. This way, the
recommender can learn for example that the user likes
fast-food for lunch, a hot soup on a cold winter day, or
a soda after running. Also in this model, feedback for
an item propagates to the attributes and the category
of the item.
Implicit feedback is gathered by tracking the
user’s location. If the user is approaching a POI, such
as a restaurant or a pub, the framework will moni-
tor the time that the user is staying at that POI. To-
gether with the number of visits to the POI, this data
provides some insights into the user’s preference for
the POI. The more a user visits a POI, and the longer
(s)he stays there, the better the implicit feedback for
that item. In the current implementation, the implicit
feedback is a linear function of the time of a visit and
the number of visits, in which the coefficients are de-
termined by the information category of the item. For
items of the category “News”, implicit feedback is
based on the view-time of an article.
3.3.3 Collaborative Filtering Model
This model predicts a score for each item by us-
ing a standard user-based collaborative filtering al-
gorithm, thereby yielding triplets (user, item or at-
tribute, score). Collaborative filtering is a technique
to estimate the preferences of a user for not-evaluated
items, by using the preferences of many similar user
for these items. These similar users are defined as
users with similar preferences on a set of previously-
evaluated items and are identified by using a similar-
ity metric (Breese et al., 1998). Here, the Pearson
correlation metric is used for calculating similarities.
Using the preferences of the community, the collabo-
rative filtering model assigns the highest scores to the
items that best match the preferences of the user, but
neglects thereby the contextual information.
3.3.4 Distance Punisher Model
Since the recommender system has to suggest
location-based items, such as restaurants, shops, train
info, or the cinema schedule, the location of these
items with respect to the current location of the user is
especially important. The rational behind the distance
punisher model is the users’ preference for nearby
items. E.g., if the user is traveling on foot, faraway
places are not attainable and recommendations for
these places are undesirable. Therefore, this model
favors items in the direct neighborhood of the user at
the expense of more distant places.
The distance that the user is willing to cover in
order to reach a POI depends on the travel mode of
the user. By bicycle, the user can move faster than
on foot; and by car or train, even distant places can
be reached. So the physical activity of the user is
important contextual information that is used in the
distance punisher model. Also the weather is a con-
textual aspect that influences the distance that users
are willing to cover. Traveling on foot or by bicycle
in combination with snow or rain will strengthen the
users’ preference for nearby places; whereas in sunny
weather conditions, users might like to walk to their
A measure of the accessibility of a place can be
obtained by using distance decay curves for the differ-
ent travel modes. For multiple travel modes and dif-
ferent purposes, the distance decay function fits a neg-
ative exponential curve, as demonstrated by research
focusing on the detailed relationship between actual
travel behavior and the mean distance to various ser-
vices (Iacono et al., 2008). However these proposed
distance decay functions cannot be adopted in this re-
search (without changes), since the weather is not in-
cluded as contextual parameter.
So in this research, the usefulness of an item was
estimated by a negative exponential function of the
distance, d, weather, w, and physical activity of the
user, a, as shown by equation 1.
use f ulness = e
f (d,w,a)
Ideally, the function f should be determined based on
actual measurements of the distance user travel in the
various contexts (i.e. weather conditions in combina-
tion with transport modes). However in the current
implementation, f is simplified to the product of the
distance, a factor determined by the weather, and a
factor determined by the travel mode. Table 1 shows
the values of these factors for illustration. Faster
travel modes and better weather conditions are asso-
ciated with smaller factors. Smaller factors in com-
bination with the negative exponential curve induce
that additional, further located items can also be con-
sidered as recommendations.
Also the availability of the user can be a limitation
and is therefore checked by this model. Items that
are not attainable within the time frame of the user’s
calendar (i.e., before the next appointment), given the
user’s transportation mode, are excluded as potential
3.3.5 Boredom Punisher Model
Recommendations should not only reflect the per-
sonal preferences of the user (in a specific context),
Table 1: The factors that influence the results of the distance
punisher model, a factor determined by the travel mode and
a factor for the current weather condition.
standing/walking running cycling car/train
10 5 3 1
snow rain cloudy sunny
6 4 2 1
but also help the user to find surprisingly interest-
ing items (s)he might not have otherwise discov-
ered. E.g., recommending the user’s favorite restau-
rant over and over again might not be useful. In the
domain of recommender systems, serendipity is used
as a measure of how useful and surprising the recom-
mendations are (Herlocker et al., 2004). To increase
the serendipity of the recommendations, the boredom
punisher model favors the items that are new for the
user at the expense of items that are already explored
by the user (i.e. evaluated or selected for more infor-
The information category of the item is an impor-
tant characteristic that is taken into account by the
model. The schedule of the movie theater for a movie
that the user has already seen and evaluated is not use-
ful, since people normally do not go to the movie the-
ater twice to see the same movie. Likewise, recom-
mendations for news articles that the user has already
read are not desirable. In contrast, it might be inter-
esting to provide information on a regular basis about
the schedules and delays of a train that the user reg-
ularly catches. In conclusion, new, unexplored items
receive the maximum score from the boredom pun-
isher model. Items that the user has already interacted
with, are disadvantaged by a specified penalty in ac-
cordance with the category of the item.
3.3.6 Aggregating the Item Scores
Each of the models discussed above generates a score
that estimates the usefulness of each item based on the
current context and preferences of the user. For each
item, these scores are then aggregated into a single
estimation of the usefulness, which is used to select
a subset of the items within each information cate-
gory as recommendations. Similar to the aggregation
of the category scores, the item scores of the indi-
vidual models are normalized and aggregated using a
weighted average. In the current implementation, the
weights are fixed and set to prioritize the model that
estimates the usefulness based on the explicit prefer-
ences of the user, i.e. the stated preferences model.
Also this aggregator can be extended with varying
weights to anticipate the development and improve-
ment of user profiles during service usage. For new
users of the service who have a limited profile, the
stated preferences and distance punisher model may
be the most consistent models. As a user utilizes the
recommendation service more often, his/her profile
becomes more detailed, and as a result, the collabora-
tive filtering, learned preferences, and boredom pun-
isher model are able to make a valuable contribution.
So the weights associated to the models can be made
variable in accordance with the advancement of the
user profile in order to generate more accurate recom-
So to conclude, the category score determines the
importance of an information category and the corre-
sponding amount of slots for that category in the rec-
ommendation list. For each information category, the
items with the highest estimated usefulness are fill-
ing these slots and offered as recommendations to the
To evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the ap-
plication and the personal recommendations, a small
user evaluation was performed. The test panel con-
sisted of 16 test subjects (12 men and 4 women) who
are representative for the target users of the applica-
tions. All test subjects were between 21 and 32 years
old and make daily use of a smartphone. They were
asked to download and install the application on their
own smartphone and use it during one week to re-
trieve recommendations in their daily environment.
To ensure that the test subjects are sufficiently famil-
iar with the application for an evaluation after the test,
we asked to use the application at least once a day and
at least three times outdoors. The latter requirement
stimulates test subjects to use the application on the
move, or for exploring new places.
After one week, test subjects received a question-
naire to evaluate the application by means of 9 multi-
ple choice questions and 3 open questions. The multi-
ple choice questions consisted of statements that test
subjects had to assess on a 5-point rating scale ranging
from “1: totally disagree” to “5: totally agree”. The
goal of the open questions was to inquire for potential
improvements or extensions to the application.
Figure 3 visualizes the answers to the most inter-
esting multiple choice questions as histograms. The
first histogram, Figure 3(a), indicates that all test sub-
jects experienced the application as “easy to use”. Be-
cause of the automatic context recognition and the
straightforward way to retrieve recommendations, no
test subject provided a negative evaluation regarding
the usability. Future work may comprise more com-
prehensive user tests to obtain a more detailed evalu-
1 2 3 4 5
The application is easy to use
I discover new, interesting
(a) Usability
1 2 3 4 5
I get really interesting
recommendations by using the
I like to use the application
(b) Accuracy
1 2 3 4 5
I discover new, interesting
things by using the application
(c) Serendipity
1 2 3 4 5
I like to use the application
(d) Likeability
Figure 3: Histograms of the answers on the multiple choice
questions of the user evaluation.
ation of the usability and functionality of the applica-
tion and the interface by using adaptive user-interface
techniques (Savidis and Stephanidis, 2010). The ac-
curacy of the recommendations is assessed by asking
the test subjects if the recommendations are interest-
ing. Except for two people, the test subjects agreed
with the statement that the recommendations of the
application are really interesting for them, as illus-
trated in the second histogram, Figure 3(b). The test
subject who totally disagreed with this statement had
a data connection problem during the test, which ex-
plains why he did not receive (interesting) recommen-
dations. The ability to help users discovering new and
interesting information or POI, i.e. the serendipity of
the recommendations, is assessed via the third his-
togram, Figure 3(c). Except for two people (one of
them had a connection problem), test subjects con-
firmed that they can find new and interesting informa-
tion or POI via the recommendations. The last his-
togram, Figure 3(d), gives an indication about how
pleasant it is to use the application. Only three test
subjects disagreed with the statement “I like to use
the application”.
To summarize, the application that offers context-
aware recommendations based on the automatically-
detected context of the user, is easy to use. According
to the test subjects, the personal recommendations are
a valuable asset in the context of information retrieval:
these recommendations are interesting and help them
to discover new content and places.
Via the open questions, test subjects were asked
if additional features should be added to the applica-
tion, and which existing features should be removed.
Four test subjects suggested to extend the friend-
functionality of the application. Besides adding and
removing users from their friend list, they would like
to see the context of their friends. They also men-
tioned the possibility to recommend items to friends
and to see their friends’ feedback on items. Three
test subjects indicated that the items of the category
“News” might be superfluous.
In this research, we investigated how the current con-
text and activity of the user can be recognized based
on sensor data and the accelerometer of his/her mo-
bile device. The context-recognition framework first
monitors and processes the sensor data to recognize
basic activities or context changes. Then these suc-
cessive basic activities are analyzed to recognize the
overall context of the user. An evaluation of the
framework proved that physical activities and the con-
text of the user can be recognized with a high accu-
racy and that this contextual information can be valu-
able knowledge for a context-aware recommender
system. Besides, the framework can be used for other
applications, e.g., for monitoring the physical activi-
ties of the user in the context of health care.
A user study showed that context-aware recom-
mendations are effective and helpful for discovering
new places and interesting information. Moreover,
user like to receive information tailored to their cur-
rent needs and consider the recommender application
as easy to use. These results confirm the necessity to
adapt (mobile) applications and service to the activity
and context of the user in order to improve the effec-
tiveness and the user experience.
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