Figure 10: Efficiency comparison between the
transformation-less and transformation-supported editing
the earlier version of the editor. Hence, we assume
that the approach is a valuable contribution to the field
of service engineering and service management.
The presented SLA engineering approach brings
significant improvements for service engineers and
providers in service and cloud computing ecosys-
tems. It helps providers to more rapidly achieve the
desired expression of which service levels can be
guaranteed. The three main distinct characteristics
over previous modelling approaches are (1) domain-
constrained service level objective modelling to ac-
knowledge the differences in domain knowledge, (2)
consistency-preserving transformation from service
descriptions to SLA documents to avoid data cura-
tion problems, and (3) publishing and re-engineering
integration with service marketplaces and other en-
gineering tools. The WSAG editor, which has been
extended by the authors of this work to evaluate the
engineering approach, has been made freely available
for download
under the auspices of the Open Source
Service Platform Research Initiative to spur its adop-
tion and ensure its long-term availability.
For the future, we see further potential improve-
ments to the approach and the tool support for it.
First, it shall be possible to model multiple SLA levels
in one document with flexible combinations of WS-
Agreement All and ExactlyOne block semantics.
Second, constraints should be bundling so that mul-
tiple non-functional properties can be covered by a
single constraint, as SLO or QC assertions. Third, the
modelling of linear and more complex penalty func-
tions should be supported. Finally, the widgets for
visually supported domain-specific modelling should
be dynamically retrieved from an engineering market-
WSAG editor website: http://serviceplatform.org/wiki/
This work has received funding under project number
080949277 by means of the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund
(ESF) and the German Free State of Saxony.
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