The Challenges of e-Gov in Times of Crisis
Maddalena Sorrentino
and Marco De Marco
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative methods, Università degli studi di Milano,
Via Conservatorio 7, Milano, Italy
Department of Management strategy, Università G. Marconi, Via Plinio 44, Roma, Italy
Keywords: e-Government, Economic Crisis, Public Sector, Italy, Stimulus Packages.
Abstract: Two main reasons spur us to explore the nexus between e-government and economic crisis. The first, more
general, is due to the fact that this relationship has been relatively little researched. The second, more
pressing reason is the fact that in a time of recession no government can escape the tough new challenges
posed by the design of stimulus packages. The paper discusses the Italian Digital Agenda and argues that
the economic crisis spotlights the efficiency issue and also dictates the governance model between the
various decisional levels, emphasizing the centralized logic. The study is an early effort to analyze the
issues most likely determinant in shaping the IS/ICT demand at the macro level, i.e., the public sector as a
whole. The experience of previous e-government programs will provide the basis on which to make a
preliminary assessment of the growth impact of the Digital Agenda.
There is rising consensus that it will prove
impossible to lead the EU out of crisis without
stimulating sustainable growth (FEPS, 2012). This
paper investigates the nexus between e-government -
i.e., “the use of Information and communications
technology [ICT], and particularly the internet, as a
tool to achieve better government” (OECD, 2003) -
and the financial crisis and the subsequent economic
slowdown that has blighted all the advanced and
developing countries since 2008. It attempts to
respond to two interrelated questions that play a
crucial role in all those settings in which the
policymakers have increasingly incorporated e-
government into their action:
What type of relationship exists between e-
government and economic recovery?
What are the potential implications of the stimulus
packages on the ICT options/strategies of the public
Two main reasons spur us to explore e-
government in times of crisis. First, current public-
sector transformation studies habitually under-
explore or sideline the time factor (Pollitt, 2008).
Second, the stimulus packages developed by
governments around the world invariably leverage
the innovative use of ICTs across the economy and
society (OECD, 2009). Inspired by New Public
Management ideas, the public sector must ‘work
better and cost less’ (Ongaro and Valotti, 2008), a
goal that e-government can help to attain by
improving the efficiency of the PA ‘machinery’.
Yoon and Chae (2009: 25) define an e-strategy
as a set of coordinated actions and policies that seek
to accelerate the development of a given country
through the use of telecommunications, information
systems and their associated technologies. The e-
strategies see the public institutions as important
drivers of digitisation by embracing e-government
policies, as implementers of these policies, and as
market players in the demand for ICT-related
products and services. Therefore, it is imperative
better understand the implications of ICT-based
This exploratory paper aims to contribute to the
growing debate on the role of ICT - i.e., the main
general-purpose technology of our time (Zysman
and Breznitz, 2012) - as a key driver of the public
action’s response to the crisis. The paper takes its
cue from the assumption that an ubiquitous, rapidly
changing technology scenario means that ICT ‘is
both a major source of the problem and a major part
of the solution’ (Brewer et al., 2006).
The study is split into four steps: First, drawing
on a selective literature review, it presents an
Sorrentino M. and De Marco M..
The Challenges of e-Gov in Times of Crisis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004355403550360
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 355-360
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
updated account of the economic implications of
ICT and, in particular, e-government. Second, the
Digital Agenda 2012 (i.e., the stimulus package
recently launched by the Italian government) is used
to analyze (from the logic of an ex ante evaluation,
i.e., post-program adoption) the potential
implications for the IS/ICT demand of public
organizations. As revealed by a qualitative analysis
of the Digital Agenda, the government clearly sees
the use of ICT as a cost-cutting strategy, which also
places new constraints on the action of the public
organizations. The paper argues that e-government
programs are given a key anti-crisis role but the
ongoing recession negatively affects the resources,
nature and timing of the programs. Nevertheless,
even during a crisis the trends that make ICT a
general-purpose technology could benefit the PA
innovation effort. The ensuing discussion is the
result of the insights produced by the literature
review, a documentary analysis, and the authors’
current knowledge. The paper closes with some
conclusions for the study of e-government in times
of crisis.
Mapping the extensive literature that has sought to
document the growth effects of ICT is beyond the
scope of this paper. Recent work to shed new
analytical light on the economic implications of ICT
has been carried out by, among others, Karlsson et
al. (2010), Weber and Kauffman (2011), Vu (2011),
Kretschmer (2012). Rather than an exhaustive
review (impossible here for reasons of space) it is
more useful, and closer to the paper’s focus, to select
sample contributions and the references cited
ICT plays a major role in shaping economic
performance in developed countries (IDABC, 2005).
As a general-purpose technology, ICT ‘affects a
multitude of sectors …, and … makes other sectors
more productive’ (Kretschmer, 2012). Therefore, the
effective role of ICT as a ‘driver of economic
growth’ can depend on a large number of often
contingent interactions and relationships (Bloom et
al., 2010).
According to the OECD (2009) the impact of the
crisis on ICTs is two-fold, i.e., direct and indirect
impacts on the ICT sector itself, but also on the
innovative use of ICTs across the economy and
society. The two impacts are mutually reinforcing. A
slowing ICT sector will generate lower productivity
increases and potentially fewer ICT innovations.
Slower uptake of ICTs slows the productivity- and
innovation-enhancing features of ICTs from
diffusing throughout the economy; and network
effects induced by a broadly installed ICT
infrastructure do not materialise.
Unlike the studies on the overall impact of ICT,
research into the economic effects of e-government
is far more recent and hence less developed. Cross-
country e-government studies (e.g., Yoon and Chae,
2009), Srivastava and Teo, 2010, Rose and Grant,
2010) agree that appropriate ICT investments, the
removal of obstacles that prevent the PA from
functioning well, and the development of an
innovation-friendly business environment help to
realize the economic potential of e-government and,
thus, to improve the public sector.
Srivastava and Teo (2010) demonstrate that
facilitating a number of online government services
for businesses increases their use of ICT and the
Internet. According to Picci (2006) the aggregate e-
government intervention has three effects. First, it
produces savings in the provision of public services.
Second, by facilitating economic activities, and by
favoring participation in the labor market, it
increases private-sector employment. Third, by
providing a ‘connected environment’ it improves the
prevailing technology that influences the production
process. The aggregate e-government effect,
observes Picci, takes time to be effective, reflecting
not only the period needed to complete projects, but
also the learning processes in the administrations
In summary, while, on the one side, financial
austerity can be a barrier to government
development, on the other, the need to select the
projects can provide an opportunity to inject
innovation into the mix of policies being adopted to
tackle the economic downturn (OECD, 2009).
Interestingly Pollitt and Bouckaert (2001)
highlight the ambiguity of the implications of the
economic crisis: ‘austerity makes reforms more
difficult, because reforms cannot be lubricated with
new money, … but on the other hand, a sense of
crisis can make it easier to consider radical options
and more fundamental changes than would
otherwise get onto the agenda of feasibility’. The
authors therefore invite us to take a realistic
approach to the economic downturn instead of
making oversimplified interpretations of the role of
the public programs and their effects.
To illustrate how the government of an
industrialized country is seeking to use e-
government as an anti-crisis measure, the paper
draws on the case of the Italian Digital Agenda
2012. The following analysis is supported by
multiple sources of evidence. Official documents
were collected and analyzed to study the
assumptions that support and steer the Italian plans.
The analysis is limited to the agenda-setting phase
because, at the time of writing, the implementation
norms required to enact the Digital Agenda had not
yet been issued. To assess the potential implications
of the Digital Agenda for public ICT strategies, the
paper further draws on insights from the academic
literature, reports, and the authors’ current
3.1 The Digital Agenda: Content
The Digital Agenda is crucial for the Italian
government that took office in late 2011. E-
government, e-commerce, smart communities,
computer literacy, and infrastructure are the growth
pillars of the government’s action decided by the
steering committee appointed in February 2012,
which has mandated coordination to three ministries:
Economic Development; Civil Service; Education
and Research.
The government’s Digital Agenda decree
approved on 5 October 2012 addresses the hurdles
of insufficient development with measures that
affect both the demand and the supply of e-services
and ICT infrastructure. The decree targets the
following areas: Digital identity; Digital
administration; Open data and digital inclusion;
Digital agenda for education; E-health; Elimination
of the digital divide; Electronic money; Digital
justice. The Agenda assumes that digitization can
readjust Italy’s current territorial imbalances. ICT
demand and supply (and, in particular, the PA as
acquirer and user of ICT) are closely intertwined
(Uskow and Casalino, 2012), (Dameri et al., 2012).
First Observation. Broadband, application
cooperation, electronic ID cards are recurrent themes
in the formal measures issued by previous Italian
governments, although these have mostly remained
on paper. Unlike the past, the current government
wants to accelerate the adoption of e-government by
making its use mandatory (e.g., it has introduced
penalties for those public managers who do not use
the digital signature).
Will it work? Is a legitimate doubt given that the
main ICT constituents of the Digital Agenda are
now mature and consolidated. The crucial aspect is
not so much whether the State and the more than
8,000 municipalities of Italy will manage to produce
and distribute the 60 million multifunction ID cards,
but whether the cards will provide secure access to
highly composite public domains such as healthcare,
justice and tax.
3.2 Toward a Target ICT Portfolio
The digital government switchover imposes stricter
interoperability within and across administrations.
Lanzara (Contini and Lanzara, 2009)
distinguishes three domains of interoperability:
technical (standards, protocols, modules, interfaces,
linkages, gateways, coding conventions and so on);
functional (the alignment between two regulative
regimes – law and technology – and between
different sets of work practices); and institutional
(the sharing of administrative routines to allow
communication, mutual understanding,
accountability and coordination), all of which must
be orchestrated automatically across the ICT
infrastructure. Technical compatibility ‘is a
necessary condition for the interoperability of
different ICT systems’ (ibidem: 33), but also
underpins the functional and institutional
interoperability. Lanzara thus conceptually separates
e-government from the simple ‘putting online [of]
what is currently […] delivered offline’ (ibidem,
2009: 2).
If we can accept this line of reasoning, which
presumes the reshaping of the public sector’s
‘institutional fabric’(ibidem: 4), the extent of the
future challenges to be faced by the Italian PA as a
whole become clear. Therefore it is reasonable to
assume that the efficacy of the anti-crisis stimulus
packages will depend, first, on the implementation
process and, second, on the degree of incisiveness
with which the government coordinates the project.
At present, the details of the roadmap are still
being defined but the close relationship between the
outcomes of the Digital Agenda and the
organizational and ICT choices of thousands of PA
is evident. In the coming months, each PA must
formulate its own ‘achievable migration plan’ (Ward
and Griffiths, 1997). The result of this cognitive and
planning effort must be a ‘target application
portfolio’ (ibidem) that must be compared with ICT
supply alternatives.
At the micro level, each PA must square the
migration planning and IT supply decisions for the
Digital Agenda with the constraints and priorities
dictated by the IS in use. Therefore, the actions
taken will reflect context-specific needs that are hard
to generalize. What we can attempt here, however, is
an analysis of the issues most likely to be
determinants in shaping the IS/ICT demand at the
macro level, i.e., the public sector as a whole.
Previous e-government programs will provide the
basis on which to build a plausible picture of the
future public IS/ICT demand and, as a consequence,
to preliminarily assess the growth impact of the
Digital Agenda. The following analysis does not
address the appropriateness of the Agenda’s anti-
crisis measures nor its financial implications.
3.3 Critical Issues and ICT Decisions
Essentially, three critical issues will orient the
decisions of the Italian PA on the development,
adoption and use of ICT solutions.
Resources. The ICT budgets of the public sector
have contracted sharply in the past five years. The
slump in demand from 2010 was particularly glaring
in the central PA (-4.1%), while the local PA
demand shrank 2% (Assinform, 2012). The Digital
Agenda 2012 affects many areas, but only a few
projects (such as broadband, identity cards, e-
education, and e-justice) will receive public funding,
while the other measures will have to be self-
Implications for IS/ICT demand: the limited
availability of public money could become an
insurmountable hurdle for entities with fewer
resources and skills, such as the municipalities that
are already having to cope with shrinking budgets.
Timing. The launch of e-health, e-payments,
electronic ID-cards means the ministries concerned
will have to issue special implementation norms.
Other measures (e.g., use of digital signature) will
come into effect immediately, while in yet other
cases no date has been specified.
Implications for IS/ICT demand: some PAs could
decide to sit on the fence, postponing their action
until the implementation norms are issued. The
“wait-and-see” strategy is more widespread than
commonly believed: evidence of this is the electronic
correspondence register that the entire Italian
public sector was legally required to implement in
January 2004 but which, one year later, was up and
running in solely 34 out of 61 central
administrations (Sorrentino, 2007).
Type of Actions. The Digital Agenda has an
impact on both the infrastructure and the application
portfolios of the relative administrations, although
the application portfolio will be the primary target in
coming months.
Implications for IS/ICT demand: budget issues
will induce most PA to keep using their legacy
information systems (IS) and databases, even though
the best decision would be to replace them entirely.
Therefore, most cases of migration planning will
consist of squeezing the maximum support from the
current IS, which means that the interoperability
issues will play second fiddle to the technical
aspects. Probably, the projects of bigger scope will
affect domains that have always been highly
regulated (e.g., healthcare and justice), which are
already used to interacting and sharing resources in
a systemic logic. It is a fairly natural step in such
environments – given the sensitive data treated and
the reliability required of the ICT applications - to
progress to more advanced levels of integration and
standardization. In fact, unsurprisingly, most of the
Italian PA’s cloud computing experiments have
centered on the healthcare systems (Assinform,
In domains where standardization levels are
lower (e.g., local authorities), and where there is a
strong tendency to delegate the ICT choices to the
suppliers, private companies will seek to push the
public decision-makers into launching new projects.
Banks and telecom companies will put further
pressure on the PA to implement multi-channel
payment systems. That could boost the use of facility
management and outsourcing services.
Public programs are more difficult to implement in
times of crisis. The Italian Digital Agenda’s
trajectory is dominated by the first category of the
potential effects identified by Pollitt and Bouckaert
(2011), in other words, financial austerity, with
considerable repercussions on the resources, nature
and timing of the e-strategies.
There is widespread uncertainty on the outcome
of the implementation processes that will be
launched by thousands of subjects in response to the
Digital Agenda. Further, the effective degrees of
freedom given to the single administrations in
arriving at their ICT decisions and strategies are
heavily conditioned by financial austerity.
Therefore, the new constraints dictated by the
Digital Agenda will reduce the street-level
bureaucrats’ power of discretion.
The Agenda will have a significant impact on the
application portfolio of the PA. The stimulus
packages are primarily focused on the development
and diffusion of e-services based on what are called
substitutive software applications, i.e., ‘machine
power for people power, economics being the main
driving force, to improve efficiency’ (Ward and
Griffiths, 1997). These are followed by
complementary applications, i.e., ‘improving
productivity and … effectiveness by enabling work
to be performed in new ways’ (ibidem). The
innovative applications, or those intended to obtain
or support new practices, concern a small number of
areas: open data, medical records, and educational
The government therefore has decided to count
mainly on a cost-cutting strategy that replaces the
labor-intensive services with e-services. But
capturing the ICT-enabled productivity gains will
mean ‘reconstituting the services’ (Zysman and
Breznitz, 2012), which translates into investing in an
organizational innovation that is much harder to
achieve than simple technological upgrading.
Therefore, there is a risk of compromising the
realization of the expected benefits for national
performance should the “widespread minor
interventions” on the ICT portfolio predominate
over the redesign of operations and processes.
Then there is the timing issue. The multiple
governance levels that are fairly unused to
collaborating and the fact that not all the PA will be
able to respond to the Digital Agenda with the same
level of diligence probably will generate substantial
lags between the enactment of e-government and its
effects (Picci, 2006).
The second category of the effects of austerity
underscored by Pollitt and Bouckaert (2011) still
needs to be analyzed: is there truly room for the
Italian PA to consider ‘radical options and more
fundamental changes’ because of the crisis? Some
pilot experiences in Italy (CNIPA, 2008) show that
cloud computing, one of the most promising ICT
developments, gives the PA potential to achieve
economies of scale and to implement organizational
innovation. But none of these payoffs is automatic.
Organizations that replace their IS with cloud
computing while changing nothing else are doomed
to miss out on the full benefits of the new
technology (Brynjolfsson et al., 2010). Nevertheless,
the dragging on of the crisis probably will push
many PAs to become - albeit unwillingly - cloud
consumers, with yet-to-be-deciphered critical effects
on the economic system as a whole. An example of
the decisions that cloud computing can accelerate is
the spending of €450 million per year solely for
managing the 1,033 data centers of the Italian central
PA (Assinform, 2012).
We believe that our exploratory analysis will
contribute to the debate on e-government’s growth
role in the global crisis. As a preliminary response to
our research questions, we can say that the nexus
between e-government and crisis is significant. E-
government can be a major driver of recovery but its
impact on growth must not be overestimated because
the e-government is, in turn, shaped by the
Despite its context-specificity, the case helps us
to identify some factors common to e-government
change in periods of recession. First, the crisis
influences the feasibility of the stimulus packages
that leverage e-government. Second, by drastically
shrinking the available resources, the crisis shapes
the governance of the various levels, generating a
highly centralized decisional model that reduces
each PA’s discretional power. Third, even in times
of crisis, the development trends that make ICT a
general-purpose technology could reward the public
sector’s innovation effort. Therefore, the crisis could
open windows of opportunity for transformation
change and provide the ‘basis for rapid action’
(Pollitt, 2008:139). Moreover, the viable ICT
options can vary noticeably from one PA to another.
Our analysis focuses on solely three of the main
critical factors, i.e., the resources, nature, and timing
of the projects that will shape the future ICT
strategies of the Italian PA, but does not attempt to
test their prevalence or relative weight. Therefore we
cannot rule out that other factors not considered here
will instead be deemed relevant and worthy of
investigation. Future research must therefore better
clarify the implications of the hesitant economic
recovery on e-government strategies, possibly
through a plurality of perspectives and methods. A
further trend worth exploring is the PA’s adoption of
cloud computing, and its consequences on the e-
services implemented also outside the public sector.
Indeed, the relationship between e-government and
crisis is set to remain a key and fruitful concern of
research and practice.
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