Towards a Model-driven Development of Web Applications
José Luis Herrero, Pablo Carmona and Fabiola Lucio
Department of Computer and Telematics Systems Engineering, University of Extremadura,
Avda de Elvas s/n, Badajoz, Spain
Keywords: Model-driven Architecture, Web Services, Web Applications, Rich Internet Applications.
Abstract: In the last years, traditional web applications have evolved from static web pages to dynamic applications,
and this is the reason why the complexity of this type of applications has been increased. With the
appearance of AJAX and Web 2.0 technology, a new breed of applications for the Internet has emerged.
However, as web applications become more and more complex, the quality degree is negative affected,
since initial stages of software life cycle are not considered in the development process of this type of
applications. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a model-driven architecture to support web
application development from the design to the implementation model. With this aim, the following tasks
have been performed: a new profile extends UML metamodel with new concepts from the web domain, a
new framework supports the developing of web applications by composing web elements, and also provides
different types of communication patterns, and finally, a transformation model generates web applications
from the UML extension proposed. The main contribution of this work is an increase in the quality degree
of web applications provided by the model-driven architecture proposed, but other advantages that can be
mentioned are a high performance degree achieved by a prefetching cache mechanism, and a high
reusability, since web elements can be reused in different web applications.
The rapid evolution of Internet has transformed the
development process of web applications and
different types of applications for the Web have
arisen. Traditional web pages were based on HTML
tags and script code, but however the type of
applications that could be developed was limited and
a low degree of interactivity was achieved. With the
appearance of Web 2.0, and the introduction of
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Garret 1995),
which supports the modification of individual web
elements without refreshing the entire web page, the
performance degree of this type of applications has
been increased, achieving a new breed of web
applications with a high degree of interactivity has
Rich Internet Applications, RIA (Paulson, 2005)
have emerged under the umbrella of these new
technologies, and have gained much attention and
acceptance, because a web browser is the only
execution environment required avoiding users the
*installation of new software or plugin. For this
reason, software vendors are actually adapting their
applications to this new trend: Adobe has presented
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) that extends web
development to the desktop, Google has introduced
Google Docs as is a new technology to work with
online documents, and Microsoft has developed
Windows Presentation Foundation to provide
support for web browser applications (WBAs). The
interest exposed by all these software vendors
demonstrates the attention this technology is
gaining. However, as web applications become
more and more complex, the quality degree is
negative affected because initial stages of software
life cycle are not considered in the development
process of this type of applications. Another
important implication of this evolution is that the
size of web applications is increasing in exponential
rate, which provokes a severe increment in latency,
since web applications are required to be
downloaded before they can be used.
In order to solve these problems, the Model
Driven Architecture (MDA), has been adopted to
increase the quality degree of web applications. This
architecture unifies and simplifies modelling, design,
implementation, and integration of applications by
defining software fundamentally at the model level,
which increases the quality of complex software
Luis Herrero J., Carmona P. and Lucio F..
Towards a Model-driven Development of Web Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004355800710076
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 71-76
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
systems based on creating high level system models
and automatically generating system architectures
from the models. Also, a new framework is
proposed to minimize latency by incorporating
prefetching cache mechanisms.
The objective of this paper is to propose a
model-driven architecture to develop web
applications with a high quality degree. This task has
been achieved at three levels: first a new profile
incorporates web application concepts and extends
UML metamodel, then a new framework supports
downloading web components dynamically only
when they are required, and incorporates several
communication patterns between web applications
and remote resources, and finally a transformation
model generates web applications from the UML
extension proposed.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents the motivation with an example of a
scenario and related works are summarized, a UML
profile is proposed in section 3. Then a new
framework to develop web applications is explained
in section 4, while web components are defined in
section 5. Next, the transformation model from a is
proposed in section 6, and finally the paper
concludes in section 7.
The rapid evolution of web technologies has
contributed to the appearance of new type of web
entities to support client’s requirements. Currently,
web applications are complex software composed by
different types of components, and this is the reason
why the development process of this type of
software is so difficult. Different AJAX frameworks
have been proposed to provide additional benefits
for web applications; as such the push-based
concepts have been applied to develop web
applications that require real time event
notifications. According to this, Echo3 is a platform
for building web applications that approaches the
capabilities of rich clients, and presents a JavaScript
client-side, which is executed directly by the client’s
web browser, while a Java server-side is stored in a
Servlet Container. GWT is a Google proposal for
building and optimizing complex web applications,
AJAX applications are written in Java and compiled
into a highly optimized JavaScript code that runs
across all browsers. Dojo Offline is a cross-
framework that enables web applications to work
offline, where the information generated by the user
is stored inside the web browser. In (Mesbah, 2008)
presents a comparative of these approaches, and
proposes a new architectural style (SPIAR) which
captures the essence of AJAX applications.
Trends in web application development are not
limited to the specification of new frameworks, the
design level is also considered. A review of the
principles of structured programming and the
preferred characteristics of web applications is
presented by (Marquis 2002). This work presents a
mapping of how the traditional guidelines may be
applied to web applications development. In the
field of MDA, there is a consensus about the
benefits that this technology offers to web
application development: a reduction of sensitivity
to the inevitable changes that affect a software
system (Atkinson and Kuhne, 2002), a reduction of
cost and complexity (Miller and Mukerji, 2003), and
provides an increase of abstraction (Booch et al.,
2004). An interesting analysis about the existing
problems in the field of web engineering and how
they can be solved by model-driven development
approaches is presented in (Gitzel et al., 2007),
identifying the problems encountered in the
development process of web applications such as
their dependence on the HTTP protocol,
compatibility issues due to the heterogeneity of web
browsers, and the lack of performance because of
the increase in the latency degree.
A variety of methodologies to develop web
applications have been proposed. First, we can
mention OOHDM (Lange, 1995) which defines
abstraction and composition mechanisms in an
object-oriented framework to, on one hand, allow a
concise description of complex information items,
and on the other hand, allow the specification of
complex navigation patterns and interface
transformations. Other interesting researches are a
proposal for modeling web applications extending
UML (Conallen, 1999), and UWE-R (Koch et al.,
2002) that defines a UML extension with new
stereotypes, which is focus on navigation,
presentation and server interaction. Finally, WebML
(Ceri et al., 2000) is a visual language for specifying
the content structure of web applications and the
organization and presentation of contents in one or
more hypertexts. A more extensive work on the
evolution of Web engineering methodologies can be
found in (Fraternali 2010).
This section proposes an extension of UML that
incorporates specific concepts of the web application
domain, and with this aim a new profile is presented
(Figure 1).
The main element of this profile is the <<Web
Resource>> stereotype that represents a general
element in the web. A software entity in the web is
represented by the <<URL resource>> stereotype
which incorporates its description and a set of
keywords to facilitate searching tasks. A general
application for the web is represented by the <<Web
application>> stereotype which can included several
web elements represented by the <<Web Element>>
stereotype. Web components are defined using the
<<Web component>> stereotype which can be
active or paused according to the requirements of the
External entities are represented by the <<Web
service>> stereotype, and can be bound to a web
application or to a web component. A web service
must specify the communication port (<<Port>>
stereotype), the operations that provides
(<<Operation>> stereotype), the type of in/out
messages and out messages of all its operations
(<<inMessage>> and <<outMessage>> stereotypes
respectively). Finally, web services can be invoked
using different communication protocols
(<<Synchronous>>, <<Callback>> and <<Poll>>
stereotypes). These protocols are explained in a later
Figure 1: UML extension.
An example of a web application is shown in Figure
2. The example presents a web editor which
provides different types of controls to define web
Figure 2: Web editor design.
This application is downloaded and activated in
the user’s web browser, and it is composed by
different elements that support visual modelling,
project management, code generation and access
control. In this scenario, a web application is built by
composing different software entities that can be
activated in the client’s side (web components), and
remote operations, which are invoked using services
In this paper we considered that web applications are
characterized by the following properties:
Downloaded: they are downloaded from the web
and activated in a web browser environment.
Heterogeneous: web applications are composed by
different types of web entities. Local entities are
downloaded while external entities can be invoked
using web services technology.
Distributed: The elements that conforms a web
application can be distributed in the web and can be
executed locally or remotely.
Figure 3: The framework.
This type of applications requires new mechanisms
to provide the downloading and activation of web
components at the client side, and the invocation of
remote services. The framework (Figure 3) is deeply
explained in our previous work (Herrero et al.,
4.1 Web Services
Complex tasks may require special computers to be
performed, or may demand too much time to be
downloaded (latency). For these reasons web
elements are not the best approach in these
situations. The solution comes from computer
networking, where resources are distributed across
multiple computers, providing a highly load-
balanced application. According to this trend,
complex tasks are hosted in remote computers and
can be requested through a communication
A web service is a software system designed to
support interoperable machine-to-machine
interaction over a network. It has an interface
described in a machine-processable format
(specifically WSDL), and other systems interact in a
manner prescribed by its description using SOAP
messages. Web services is the model selected to
connect web applications for two reasons: i) offers
cross-platform, cross-programming and internet-
firewall-friendly, and ii) can be invoked from web
applications using the HTTP protocol and SOAP
messages, which simplifies the connection
The binding process proposed in this paper
(Figure 4), asks a service registry for a specific
service, and generates a proxy object from the
WDSL specification returned. This proxy is
responsible for marshaling the invocations and sends
them to the correct service provider.
Figure 4: Binding process.
In this proposal web applications are composed by
heterogeneous web components. A web component
is a web resource that can be downloaded and
activated in a web application.The specification of a
web component is divided into the following
Definition: the name of the web component,
according to a namespace, and a description are
included in this element. The set of requirements
Interface: this element provides a successful
interaction mechanism with the web application and
specifies the set of operations provided by the web
component using the IDL language.
Functionality: the code of all the operations is
stored in this element.
4.2 Web Component Activation
The activation mechanism of web components is
supported by the resource acquisition component of
the frame proposed in a previous section. The
protocol to activate a Web component is as follows:
1. When a web application requires an external
URL resource, a message is sent to the resource
acquisition component which builds a request and
passes it to the Ajax engine module.
2. The Ajax engine module transforms the request
into several asynchronous calls according to the
callback pattern.
3. When the responses have been received, the
dynamic load module parses the answers and builds
a local object.
4. Finally, the core module activates the local
object into the web application by adding new
modules in the DOM tree. At this point, all the
operations provided by the web component can be
invoked by the web application.
4.3 Performance Quality Factor
The main problem of this proposal is that
performance degree is severely affected by latency,
because web components are required to be
downloaded before they can be used, and this is the
reason why performance is negative affected. In
order to reduce this problem and increase the
performance quality degree of web applications, we
propose a proxy cache mechanism that intercepts
requests from the web application and performs the
following tasks:
Stores a list of downloaded web elements.
Checks if a requested web element has been
downloaded previously, avoiding duplicated
Applies a prefetching algorithm that identifies the
web elements to be downloaded before they are
Data prefetching has been widely used in
memory cache strategies, where it has been used to
anticipate cache misses and fetch data from the
memory system before the processor needs the data
(Tien-Fu, 1997) and (Kai-feng et al., 2005). In this
section a software prefetching technique is adopted
to minimize latency in web applications. However,
the main problem of this technique is to predict the
web elements that will be requested, and to
download them without interrupting the normal
workflow of the web application.
In order to identify the web elements that will be
downloaded in advance, the cache proxy intercepts
the source code when a web application is
downloaded, and performs a searching process to
locate the web elements that will be required. This
process identifies specific patterns in the source code
of the web application that correspond with the
requesting or manipulation of web elements. The
result of this process is a list of predicted web
elements that will be downloaded in a background
One of the keys of MDA is the capacity of defining
transformations from higher-level models to
platform specific models, guided by a set of
transformation rules. This section describes the
process to transform an UML design, according to
the extension proposed, into a web application.
The web application stereotype is transformed into
the specific components of the framework (Remote
Connections, Object Acquisition and Ajax Engine).
The web service stereotype activates a binding
process that compares the WDSL specification of
the web service with the UML design. The bind
relationship must provide new information in order
to achieve this task (service location,
Figure 5a, 5b, and 5c show the code generated
automatically by a generation tool.
Figure 5a: Container web component definition.
Figure 5b: Container web component interface.
Interface Container{
void add (Element el)
Web Application
Figure 5c: Container web component functionality.
The generation tool has been developed using
Eclipse with the following plugins:
Papyrus Project: this plug in is used to define the
new profile and model the web application example.
Acceleo project: a model can be covered according
to Acceleo primitives.
In this paper a model-driven architecture to develop
web applications is proposed and, with this aim,
different stages of software development process are
considered. At design level, a new profile extends
UML metamodel with new concepts from the web
application domain. It is also proposed a new
framework to support the dynamic download of web
elements, and provides different communication
patterns (synchronous, asynchronous: one way
message, pool and callback) with remote web
services. Finally, a transformation model generates
web applications from the UML extension. The
main benefits provided by this proposal are:
The quality degree of web applications is
increased, because early stages of software
development process are considered.
The delegation of tasks to other computers through
web service technology provides a highly load-
balanced application.
As web elements are deployed independently, the
can be reused in different web applications, and
therefore, the reusability degree is increased.
A prototype of a web editor application has been
presented along this paper, the scenario of the
example has been introduced, the design, according
to the UML extension, has been presented, and
finally, an example of a generated a web component
(container) have been defined.
Future works will try to incorporate new types of
web entities such as applets or dynamic web
contents generated by server languages into the
development process of web applications. Moreover,
historical information will be included in the
prefetching algorithm in order to predict more
efficiently the web elements required to be
downloaded in advance.
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function Container{
this.WebElement = new Array() ;
Container.addElement=function(Element el){