Towards a Modular Architecture for Adaptable Signature-verification
Thomas Lenz, Klaus Stranacher and Thomas Zefferer
Secure Information Technology Center - Austria, Inffeldgasse 16a, Graz, Austria
Electronic Signatures, Verification, Testing, Web Services.
The verification of electronic signatures represents a key component of security-sensitive applications.
Signature-verification tools need to meet several requirements regarding security, reliability, usability, and
accessibility. A conducted survey revealed that existing signature-verification tools often meet only a subset
of these requirements. In most cases, available tools support a limited set of document and signature formats
only, or do not feature appropriate interfaces that allow both end users and third-party applications to access
the tool’s functionality in a convenient way. This complicates the development of electronic signature based
third-party applications and reduces the usability for end users. To solve this problem, we propose a new archi-
tecture for Web based signature-verification tools. The proposed architecture follows a plug-in based approach
that eases the integration of new signature formats and interfaces. The practical applicability of the proposed
architecture is demonstrated by means of a concrete implementation covering different use cases. This im-
plementation demonstrates that the proposed architecture facilitates the realization of signature-verification
tools that are able to meet all requirements of end users and third-party applications. This way, the proposed
architecture and the implemented solution contribute to the security, usability, and efficiency of present and
future electronic signature based applications.
Electronic signatures are an integral component of
various solutions related to security sensitive fields of
application. Such solutions typically have strict re-
quirements regarding data integrity, authenticity, and
non-repudiation of origin. Electronic signatures are
perfectly suitable to meet these requirements. The
importance of electronic signatures has also been rec-
ognized by legislative bodies. For instance, the Eu-
ropean Union has harmonized the use of electronic
signatures in EU Member States through the Direc-
tive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community
framework for electronic signatures (The European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union,
2000), henceforth referred to as EU Signature Direc-
tive. The EU Signature Directive distinguishes be-
tween advanced and qualified electronic signatures.
Compared to advanced electronic signatures, quali-
fied electronic signatures have to fulfill several ad-
ditional security requirements
and are defined to be
These requirements basically cover the use of secure
signature-creation devices (e.g. smart cards or similar se-
legally equivalent to handwritten signatures.
The legal equivalence to handwritten signatures
makes qualified electronic signatures especially use-
ful for the realization of e-government solutions pro-
vided by the public sector. Numerous countries are
already issuing e-ID and e-signature tokens to their
citizens. Citizens can use these tokens to remotely au-
thenticate at e-government portals, to carry out elec-
tronic procedures, and to electronically sign docu-
ments. Smart card based e-ID and e-signature tokens
have for instance been issued to citizens in Austria
, Estonia
, Germany
, Portugal
, or Spain
A few countries such as Austria
and Estonia
tionally allow citizens to use their mobile phones as
cure elements) and reliance on qualified electronic signa-
Lenz T., Stranacher K. and Zefferer T..
Towards a Modular Architecture for Adaptable Signature-verification Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0004356303250334
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 325-334
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
e-ID and e-signature tokens. In numerous countries,
also service providers from the private sector rely on
e-ID and e-signature tokens issued by the public sec-
tor. For instance, several e-banking portals support a
secure user authentication based on available e-ID and
e-signature tokens and allow users to authorize finan-
cial transactions remotely using electronic signatures.
Additionally, electronic signatures are also frequently
used in the private domain, e.g. to sign electronic con-
tracts or similar bilateral agreements. Required sig-
nature tokens and signing certificates can usually be
acquired from national certification authorities. Due
to their various fields of application in both the pub-
lic and the private domain, electronic signatures are
increasingly gaining importance all over the world.
A key advantage of electronic signatures com-
pared to handwritten signatures is their verifiability.
Given a handwritten signature, its authenticity and
originality is difficult to determine in practice. Ad-
ditionally, subsequent modifications that have been
applied to e.g. a signed contract might be difficult
to detect in case of handwritten signatures. This is
not the case for electronic signatures. The validity,
authenticity, and originality of electronic signatures
can be unambiguously determined by means of cryp-
tographic operations that are based on strong mathe-
matical foundations. Each electronic signature is un-
ambiguously linked to the identity of a certain per-
son by means of an electronic certificate that has been
issued by a trusted third party, i.e. a certification au-
thority. Additionally, each subsequent modification of
a signed document immediately invalidates the elec-
tronic signature. Thus, by verifying its electronic sig-
nature, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of
origin of signed data can be reliably assessed.
In practice, the verification of electronic signa-
tures is actually no trivial task as it requires the ap-
plication of complex cryptographic methods. Hence,
there is a need for appropriate tools that implement
this functionality. Tools and Web based services that
allow for a convenient verification of electronic signa-
tures have already been deployed in several countries.
Austria is a representative example, since this coun-
try has started to rely on electronic signature based
solutions early (Leitold H., 2002). Austrian citizens
are provided with a Web based verification tool that
can be used to upload and verify electronically signed
documents (Zefferer et al., 2011). This tool supports
various document and signature formats and is there-
fore able to act as single point of contact for the veri-
fication of arbitrary electronic signatures.
Unfortunately, the Austrian signature-verification
tool is optimized for manual use by citizens, i.e. the
only opportunity to interact with this tool is by man-
ually uploading signed documents. This significantly
aggravates an automated use of this tool, e.g. the inte-
gration of the tool’s functionality into third-party ap-
plications, which for instance need to implement an
on-the-fly verification of electronically signed docu-
ments. To overcome this issue, we present an im-
proved signature-verification tool that enhances the
existing solution by extended interfaces and commu-
nication capabilities. This way, approved compo-
nents and key functionality of the existing solution are
maintained, while access to the tool’s functionality is
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, general requirements of signature-
verification solutions are defined. In Section 3, we
show that existing signature-verification solutions are
often not able to meet all of these requirements. In
Section 4, we present an enhanced architecture of the
approved Austrian signature-verification tool that im-
proves its functionality and accessibility. We demon-
strate the practical applicability of our approach by
presenting a concrete implementation that is based on
the proposed architecture in Section 5. Finally, con-
clusions are drawn in Section 6.
The secure and reliable verification of electronic sig-
natures represents a key component of electronic sig-
nature based applications and services. Signature-
verification tools must meet various requirements
in order to satisfy the needs of users and service
providers. Requirements that need to be met by
signature-verification tools have been identified and
discussed in detail in (Zefferer et al., 2011). How-
ever, these requirements mainly focus on the end-user
perspective and do not cover aspects that are specific
to providers of electronic signature based applications
and services. Considering the needs of both users and
service providers, the following key requirements for
signature-verification tools can be derived.
Security. Electronic signatures are typically used
in security-sensitive applications. If signature-
verification tools process security-sensitive data,
these data need to be protected appropriately in
order to assure their confidentiality. Furthermore,
signature-verification tools need to be resistant
against attacks that threaten to illegally influence
results of signature-verification processes.
Reliability. End users and service providers that
make use of signature-verification tools must be
able to rely on the results of signature-verification
processes. Thus, signature-verification tools must
be able to correctly distinguish between valid and
invalid electronic signatures at any time. Given
the legal equivalence of qualified electronic signa-
tures to handwritten signatures, the correctness of
presented verification results is of particular im-
Usability. The requirement for usability covers
several aspects such as simplicity of verification
processes from the user point of view, hiding of
complexity, platform independence, or avoidance
of local software installations. An important as-
pect for both end users and service providers that
make use of signature-verification tools is the re-
quirement for a single point of contact. Signature-
verification tools need to provide users and ser-
vice providers a single interface, through which
arbitrary document and signature formats can be
Accessibility. The functionality provided by
signature-verification tools must be easily acces-
sible for both end users and providers of third-
party applications. To meet this requirement for
end users, the provided user interface needs to
comply with established usability and accessibil-
ity standards such as the Web Content Accessibil-
ity Guidelines (WCAG) (World Wide Web Con-
sortium, 2008a). In order to meet the accessibility
requirement for providers of third-party applica-
tions, signature-verification tools need to imple-
ment appropriate interfaces that can be accessed
by external applications to carry out signature-
verification processes.
The above defined requirements are rather generic
and not bound to a specific legal framework. De-
pending on the legal and organizational environment,
in which a signature-verification tool is deployed,
several additional requirements might apply. For
instance, in the special case of Austria, signature-
verification tools have to support proprietary signa-
ture formats that are frequently used in Austrian e-
government solutions. Different legal requirements
of different countries have already led to the devel-
opment of numerous signature-verification tools. In
the next section, available signature-verification tools
are surveyed and their capabilities to meet the above
defined requirements are assessed.
The growing importance of electronic signature based
solutions and the plurality of legal requirements
have led to the development of different signature-
verification solutions. Depending on the context of
the deployment, these solutions usually meet a subset
of the requirements defined in Section 2.
For instance, Unizeto Technologies SA
a publicly available Web based signature verifica-
tion tool called WebNotarius
. Having its roots
in Poland, WebNotarius supports the verification of
public-key certificates issued by certified Polish cer-
tification authorities. Additionally, WebNotarius sup-
ports the verification of different document and sig-
nature formats including PKCS#7 (RSA Laborato-
ries, 1993), CMS (Housley, 2009), S/MIME (Rams-
dell and Turner, 2010), and XMLDSig (World Wide
Web Consortium, 2008b).
A similar Web based signature-verification tool is
provided by the German company signagate
. Com-
pared to WebNotarius, signagate is restricted to the
PDF file format (Adobe Corporation, 2008) and does
not support different document and signature formats.
Another Web based verification tool for electroni-
cally signed PDF documents is provided by the com-
pany Secured Signing
. The company ascertia
fers Web based tools for the verification of electron-
ically signed PDF and XML files. A solution for the
verification of XML signatures called MOA-SP
also provided by the Austrian government to facili-
tate the integration of XML signatures into Austrian
e-government applications. MOA-SP is available as
open source and features API and Web service based
interfaces for the verification of electronically signed
XML documents, namely XMLDSig (World Wide
Web Consortium, 2008b) and XAdES (ETSI TS 101
903, 2010).
There exist also several signature-verification ac-
tivities at a European level. The tool SD-DSS
, com-
missioned by the EU Commission, supports the ver-
ification of signature formats defined by the Com-
mission Decision on establishing minimum require-
ments for the cross-border processing of documents
(European Commission, 2011). Additionally, the EU
large scale pilots PEPPOL
issues concerning the validation of electronic sig-
natures. PEPPOL developed a signature validation
service with focus on public procurement processes.
Within SPOCS, signature verification is part of the
validation of electronic documents concerning the is-
sues raised by the EU Services Directive (The Eu-
ropean Parliament and the Council of the European
Union, 2006).
All above mentioned solutions show very well the
key problem of current signature-verification solu-
tions. Most solutions are limited to the verification of
certain document and signature formats such as XML
or PDF. Hence, these solutions do not satisfy the us-
ability requirement for a single point of contact for
the verification of all document and signature formats.
Even the tool WebNotarius, which supports several
different formats, only covers a subset of all possible
document and signature formats. This is actually not
surprising, as proprietary signature formats exist in
several countries due to national legal requirements.
For instance, in Austria a proprietary PDF signature
format (Leitold et al., 2009) has been introduced for
the public sector in order to meet specific legal re-
quirements (Leitold et al., 2010). Support for all na-
tional and international, standardized and proprietary
signature formats rapidly increases the complexity of
signature-verification tools.
This situation is even aggravated by the fact that
especially proprietary signature formats are subject to
frequent revisions and updates. As electronic signa-
tures need to retain their validity even if the underly-
ing signature format is updated, signature-verification
tools have to maintain and support different versions
of signature formats. This again increases the com-
plexity of such tools and renders their development
and maintenance difficult. As a first solution to this
problem, Stranacher and Kawecki have proposed a
mechanism to incorporate external verification ser-
vices (Stranacher and Kawecki, 2012). However, this
proposal lacks on an appropriate and efficient docu-
ment and signature format detection.
In order to cope with the growing diversity of dif-
ferent document and signature formats, a Web based
signature-verification tool has been developed in Aus-
tria. This tool features a modular design and imple-
ments an efficient format detection engine that eases
the integration of new document and signature for-
mats. The signature-verification tool that has been
discussed in detail in (Zefferer et al., 2011) has basi-
cally proven its practical applicability during several
years of productive operation. Still, this tool suffers
from several limitations. For instance, the tool is in-
dented for manual use only. Users can upload doc-
uments to be verified through a Web based user in-
terface. As this is the only supported interface, the
tool’s functionality cannot be easily accessed by ex-
ternal applications to carry out signature verifications.
Furthermore, the given limitation to a Web based in-
terface complicates the provision of the tool’s func-
tionality through new communication channels and
emerging technologies such as mobile apps. Thus,
this tool is obviously not able to meet accessibility
requirements for service providers and third-party ap-
In summary it can be stated that there is currently
no perfect solution available. From the Austrian per-
spective, powerful tools such as WebNotarius that
have been developed in other countries are no alter-
native, as these solutions do not support proprietary
document and signature formats that are specific to
Austria. Hence, these solutions do not meet the pre-
defined requirement for provision of a single point of
contact for the verification of all document and sig-
nature formats. Unfortunately, the existing Austrian
solution that supports these proprietary document and
signature formats does not feature appropriate inter-
faces to meet the predefined requirement for acces-
sibility. Hence, third-party applications are not able
to access the functionality provided by the available
tool in order to implement fully automated signature-
verification processes of electronically signed docu-
To overcome this problem, we propose an
enhancement of the existing Austrian signature-
verification tool. The proposed enhancements im-
prove the accessibility of this tool especially for third-
party applications and facilitate access to the tool’s
functionality. The architectural design of the pro-
posed solution is presented in the next section.
The proposed solution is based on the Austrian Web
based signature-verification tool that has been dis-
cussed in the previous section. The Web based ap-
proach followed by this tool has proven to be ad-
vantageous in terms of security and usability during
several years of productive operation (Zefferer et al.,
2011). Figure 1 illustrates the general architecture of
this tool. Key component of the entire solution is the
Process Flow Engine, which coordinates the different
steps of a signature-verification process. A signature-
verification process basically consists of two steps.
First, the document and signature format of the docu-
ment to be verified is determined. This task is accom-
plished by the Format Detection Engine. For each
supported format, an appropriate Format Detection
Plug-in has been implemented. Internally, the dif-
ferent Format Detection Plug-ins are organized hier-
archically in a tree structure. This way, the runtime
for format-detection processes grows only logarithmi-
cally with an increasing number of format-detection
plug-ins. Second, the electronic signature is verified
by the Verification Engine. Depending on the de-
termined document and signature format, an appro-
priate Verification Plug-in is selected to accomplish
this task. The selected Verification Plug-in extracts
all signatures from the provided document and cryp-
tographically verifies their validity based on the pro-
vided document data.
Proccess Flow
Format Detection
Verification Engine
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
Web Interface
Figure 1: Architecture of the Austrian Web based signature-
verification tool.
Files to be verified as well as verification results
are exchanged with end users by means of a Web In-
terface. Users are provided with a Web form in order
to upload signed documents to be verified. Results
are directly presented in the users’ Web browsers.
After completion of the signature-verification pro-
cess, users can additionally download an electroni-
cally signed version of the verification report in PDF
The concept shown in Figure 1 has turned out to
be able to especially meet the expectations and re-
quirements of end users. However, several problems
arise if the functionality of this tool has to be accessed
by third-party applications. As this tool has originally
been developed for end users, its functionality can ba-
sically be accessed through the provided Web based
interface only
. This limitation renders an integra-
tion of the tool’s functionality into third-party appli-
Actually, the tool provides also a command line based
user interface. However, this interface is not appropriate for
an integration of the tool’s functionality into remote third-
party applications either.
cations for automated signature verifications difficult.
In order to solve this issue and to facilitate an inte-
gration of the tool’s functionality into third-party ap-
plications, we have enhanced the tool’s general archi-
tecture. The resulting extended architecture of our so-
lution is illustrated in Figure 2.
The lack of appropriate interfaces to access the
tool’s functionality through different communication
channels and technologies has turned out to be the
main drawback of the existing solution. Our improved
solution solves this issue by replacing the original
Web interface by a more powerful I/O Engine. This
I/O Engine supports different I/O channels and com-
munication technologies. The I/O Engine adopts the
approved plug-in based approach that is already suc-
cessfully followed by both the Format Detection En-
gine and the Verification Engine. This way, the entire
solution remains modular and easily adaptable to fu-
ture requirements.
The adapted architecture and the introduced I/O
Engine facilitate the realization of various additional
use cases. Figure 2 illustrates some of them. Of
course, the approved Web based interface is also com-
patible to the new architecture. A special I/O Plug-in
can implement the required interface. However, the
enhanced architecture is not limited to a Web based
interface any longer. For instance, the proposed ar-
chitecture also allows the tool’s functionality to be
accessed through a SOAP based Web-service inter-
face provided by the tool’s I/O Engine. The modu-
lar design also allows for efficient implementations
of test frameworks that automatically run verification
tests on well-defined test documents stored in local
databases. This could be especially useful for the
maintenance and further development of the tool. Fi-
nally, the proposed architecture also allows for the in-
tegration of new and emerging technologies such as
smartphone apps that access the tool for an on-the-fly
verification of electronic signatures.
We have evaluated the practical applicability of
the proposed architectural design by realizing three
of the above-mentioned use cases in practice. Details
on the realization of these use cases are provided in
the next section.
Core component of the proposed architecture is the
I/O Engine that replaces the original Web based user
interface and allows for the implementation of differ-
ent I/O Plug-ins. These plug-ins implement different
communication technologies and make the signature-
verification tool’s functionality accessible through
Proccess Flow
Format Detection
Verification Engine
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
I/O Engine
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
Plug-in 3
Mobile App
WƌŽǀŝĚ Ğƌ
Figure 2: Enhanced architecture of the Austrian Web based signature-verification tool.
different communication channels. This way, the pro-
posed tool can be used in different application sce-
narios. We have demonstrated the applicability of our
solution by implementing solutions for three concrete
use cases, which are discussed below in more detail.
5.1 Use Case 1: Web Interface
Use Case 1 covers the scenario, in which an end user
wants to access the tool’s functionality in order to ver-
ify an electronically signed document. This is basi-
cally the scenario, which the predecessor of the pro-
posed tool has been developed for. For this scenario, a
Web based interface has turned out to be the most ap-
propriate solution. Therefore, our implementation of
this use case relies on the approved Web based inter-
face of the original tool. Of course, it was necessary to
redesign the existing API interface in order to connect
the Web based user interface to the new I/O Engine of
our solution. While several internal components have
been redesigned, the user interface itself has not been
changed. This way, existing productive instances of
the tool can easily be upgraded and do not require end
users to deal with new interfaces. Figure 3 illustrates
the implemented Web interface that can be used by
end users to upload and verify signed documents.
5.2 Use Case 2: SOAP
This scenario covers the case, in which a remote
third-party application makes use of the signature-
verification tool’s functionality. In order to allow
third-party applications to access our tool through a
well-defined interface, we have implemented another
I/O Plug-in. This plug-in provides a standardized in-
terface, which can be used by remote applications to
carry out automated signature-verification process.
This is actually no completely new approach.
There are already different standards that define ap-
propriate interfaces for remote signature-verification
services. Popular examples are the OASIS Digi-
tal Signature Service (OASIS, 2007) and MOA-SP,
which is mainly used in Austrian e-government solu-
tions. However, these standardized interfaces specify
the verification of a limited set of electronic signatures
only. Consequently, these services are not suitable for
scenarios, in which different document and signature
formats need to be supported. Our solution specifies
a new signature-verification interface, which fulfills
these additional requirements.
The developed I/O Plug-in implements a Web ser-
vice, which uses the SOAP protocol (Gudgin et al.,
2007) to exchange information. Beneath the SOAP
protocol, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
(Fielding et al., 1999) is used as carrier for the
SOAP message. This is reasonable, because HTTP
is popular, frequently used, and widely supported.
SOAP messages being exchanged over the imple-
mented Web service interface rely on the Extensible
Markup Language (XML) (Bray et al., 2006). To
meet all requirements of this use case, we have de-
fined our own XML schema for document verifica-
. The XML schema, which defines the structure
We were forced to define an own schema, since existing
schemata were not able to meet our requirements.
Figure 3: Web front-end of the signature-verification tool.
of a signature-verification request that is accepted by
the tool’s Web-service interface, is shown in Listing
According to the defined XML schema, a
signature-verification request consists of two XML
elements. The Document element is mandatory and
contains the signed file to be verified. The second ele-
ment is optional and can be used to identify the signed
file. When a schema-compliant SOAP request is re-
ceived, a signature-verification operation as shown in
Figure 4 is triggered.
Listing 1: VerifyDocumentRequest XML schema.
<xsd:element name=”VerifyDocumentRequest”>
<xsd:element name=”Document”
<xsd:element name=”FileID”
The first step of the whole verification process
consists of several preprocessing operations, like
XML schema validation and BASE64 decoding. Af-
terwards, the provided document’s format is deter-
mined using the tool’s Format Detection Engine. Sub-
sequently, the document’s electronic signatures are
verified using the tool’s Signature Verification En-
Results of the format-detection step and the
signature-verification step are collected to generate a
verification report. Relevant parts of this verification
report are shown in Listing 2. The report’s FileInfo
element contains the FileID of the verified file, the de-
tected document format, and the computed hash value
of the document. Signature-verification results gener-
ated by the Verification Engine are embedded in the
report’s SignatureInfo element.
Listing 2: VerificationReport XML Schema.
<xsd:complexType name=”VerificationReportType”>
<xsd:element name=”FileInfo”
type=” tns:FileInfoType ”/>
<xsd:element name=”SignatureInfo”
type=” tns:SignatureInfoType ”/>
Listing 3: VerifyDocumentResponse XML Schema.
<xsd:element name=”VerifyDocumentResponse”>
<xsd:element name=”VerificationReport
type=” tns:VerificationReportType />
<xsd:element name=”Signature”
type=” dsig:SignatureType />
Finally, the generated verification report is elec-
tronically signed in order to ensure its authenticity
and integrity. The signed report is returned to the
sender of the SOAP based verification request. List-
ing 3 shows relevant parts of the XML schema that
specifies the structure of this SOAP response. The re-
sponse consists of two parts, the VerificationReport
Figure 4: Web service based document verification process.
and a Signature element, which contains the elec-
tronic signature of the verification report. This sig-
nature is created according to the XMLDSig standard
using the enveloped-signature scheme.
The implemented SOAP based Web-service inter-
face provides third-party applications a common in-
terface for on-the-fly signature verifications. Third-
party applications can use this interface to efficiently
carry out verification operations on different docu-
ment and signature formats. This way, the provided
solution facilitates the implementation of electronic
signature based applications by encapsulating and
providing common functionality.
5.3 Use Case 3: Test Framework
The growing number of document and signature for-
mats rapidly increases the complexity for developers
and providers of the signature-verification tool. The
situation is even more complicated by the fact that
verification results are not only influenced by the in-
put document and the implementation of the verifica-
tion tool, but also by the tool’s configuration. For in-
stance, the validity of an electronic signature depends
to a large extent on root and intermediate certificates
that are configured in the tool’s trust stores. Hence,
extensive tests are not only required during develop-
ment, but also after deployment. This use case de-
scribes how the tool’s improved architecture is used
to implement a comprehensive test framework that al-
lows both developers and operators to verify the cor-
rect behavior of the tool.
The implemented test framework makes use of the
tool’s I/O Engine and implements an appropriate I/O
Plug-in. Furthermore, the test framework makes use
of a database containing signed test documents and
corresponding expected verification results. By feed-
ing the test documents as input into the signature-
verification tool and comparing the obtained results
with the stored expected results, the functional in-
tegrity of the tool can be verified. Figure 5 gives an
Plug-in 3
Automatic Test
Plug-in 1
Plug-in 2
Plug-in N
Mobile App
Figure 5: Test Framework with sub-modules and intercon-
overview of the test framework’s general architecture.
The main part of the test framework is the Au-
tomatic Test Engine, which controls the whole auto-
matic verification and test process. The Automatic
Test Engine makes use of several additional sub-
modules. These sub-modules implement an User In-
terface, an Information Management module, and a
Report Engine. As interconnection to the signature-
verification tool, we make use of the signature-
verification tool’s I/O Engine and its plug-in based
The Information Management sub-module is used
to manage the signed test documents and the cor-
responding expected results. We use a file system
based method to manage the different files depend-
ing on their document type and signature format. The
expected results are stored in XML files. Listing 4
shows the XML schema, which defines the internal
structure of these files.
Each file element represents the expected verifica-
tion result of a test document by using a set of child
elements. The name element represents the name
of the signed test document. The number of signa-
tures contained in the test documents is represented
by the numberofsignatures element. For each signa-
ture, the expected verification result is stored in a sep-
arate signatures element. For comprehensive func-
tionality tests, the test-document database also con-
tains documents without signatures and documents
with incorrect signatures. All incorrect documents are
marked with the executable flag. XML files with ex-
pected verification results are stored in all directories
and subdirectories of the test-document hierarchy.
Listing 4: XML schema of the verification result database.
<complexType name=”files”>
<element name=”path”
type=” string />
<element name=”file”
type=” tns:file />
<complexType name=”file”>
<element name=”name”
type=” string />
<element name=”executable”
<element name=”numberofsignatures”
type=” string />
<element name=”signatures”
type=” tns:signature />
Besides the Information Management sub-
module, the Report Engine represents another
important component of the test framework. The
Report Engine implements the entire report func-
tionality. A report basically contains the number
of tested documents and the number of documents,
in which the signature-verification result matches
the expected verification result. If the verification
result of a test document does not match the expected
result, a detailed report is generated. This report
contains a detailed error description and shows,
which part of the signature verification has caused
the problem. By default, the report is rendered as
HTML document and presented to the user via the
user interface. Additionally, the Report Engine can
generate an XML based report or a textual report.
Figure 6: Web based user interface of the Test Engine after
Developers and operators of the signature-
verification tool can interact with the test framework
by using a Web based User Interface. Figure 6 illus-
trates the user interface after a successful log-in. The
shown list represents the directory hierarchy, in which
the test documents are organized. The user can select
one type of documents (i.e. one directory) from the
test-document database by selecting the correspond-
ing radio button. Afterwards, the test operation can
be started using the Start new Test button. The Auto-
matic Test Engine controls the entire test process and
uses the Information Management sub-module to get
all documents from the selected directory. Every doc-
ument is verified by the signature-verification tool.
Obtained verification results are compared with the
expected verification results. The result of this com-
parison is stored and processed by the Report Engine.
When all selected documents have been tested, the
generated HTML report is shown in the Web based
user interface. Figure 7 shows an excerpt from a test
result, in which 457 test documents are in use. Ob-
tained test results can be stored or alternatively a new
test run can be started.
Figure 7: Web based user interface of the Test Engine with
test report.
The secure and reliable verification of electronic sig-
natures is an integral component of security-sensitive
applications from various fields of application such as
e-government, e-banking, or e-business. The capabil-
ity to assess the validity of electronic signatures can
be important for both end users and service providers.
In this paper we have presented a new solution for the
verification of electronic signatures. The presented
solution features a single point of contact for the ver-
ification of various document and signature formats
and relies on a modular architecture that facilitates
future extensions of the solution’s functionality. Al-
though the presented solution has been developed to
meet the special requirements of the Austrian legal
framework, its general architectural design and im-
plementation is also applicable in other contexts.
We have demonstrated the practical applicability
and flexibility of the presented architectural design by
implementing solutions for different use cases. These
use cases cover the use of the presented solution by
end users through a Web based user interface, the pro-
vision of the solution’s functionality through a well-
defined SOAP based Web-service interface, and the
realization of a comprehensive test framework that as-
sists is assessing the correct functionality of our solu-
tion. The realization of further use cases such as the
implementation of mobile smartphone apps that make
use of the presented signature-verification tool is re-
garded as future work.
Due to its modular architecture, the presented so-
lution is dynamically extensible especially with re-
spect to new document formats and communication
interfaces. This distinguishes the presented solution
from other signature-verification tools that are avail-
able on the market. A conducted survey has revealed
that these tools are typically limited to certain docu-
ment and signature formats, or to certain communica-
tion interfaces. The presented solution removes these
limitations and thereby contributes to the security, us-
ability, and efficiency of present and future electronic-
signature based applications.
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