Figure 5: ServiceTime XML file.
has to be added to the SLA. Inside this it Agreement-
Term the it GuaranteedState, itGuaranteedAction, etc.
have to be specified, and a it ServiceLevelObjective
has to be created. For example if a customer wants
to add a guarantee for the minimum bandwidth his
service can use, the KPI and the corresponding it in-
terfaceDeclr can be easiliy added by using the graph-
ical interface like shown in Figure 1. Therefore the
customer chooses a representing KPI from an list of
available KPIs, fills in the appropriate values and so
adds the new contract clause to the existing SLA.
Again it has to be checked if newly added KPI val-
ues are within the providers range of offerings or not,
and based on that be signed online.
In terms of a pricing model providers could give
certain offers in regard of predefined KPI ranges. In
this way a provider would be able to achieve a bet-
ter resource allocation and usage prediction, while
customers could easily choose upon these predefined
In this paper we demonstrated how adaptable SLA
management is essential for companies that want
to use Cloud services and complies with the Cloud
Computing self-service, on-demand characteristics to
change SLAs during runtime. High utilization of the
infrastructure for the provider and an ideal pay per
use basis for the companies can therefore be achieved.
With A-SLO-A it is possible to get customer specific
SLAs automated in acceptable conditions for both
parties. But to get an economical efficient adapta-
tion, more automation is essential. It has been shown,
that the new adaptable SLA Agreement (A-SLA-A)
language can model static SLA information and dy-
namic SLA objectives to be the basis of an adaptable
SLA management. Use cases have been presented to
visualize the power of the A-SLA-A.
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