An Overview on Multi-biometric Score-level Fusion
Verification and Identification
Naser Damer, Alexander Opel and Andreas Shahverdyan
Competence Center Identification and Biometrics,
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Multi-biometrics, Score-level Fusion, Biometric Identification.
Multi-biometrics is the use of multiple biometric recognition sources to provide a more dependable verification
or identification decision. Fusion of multi-biometric sources can be performed on different levels, such as
the data, feature, or score level. This work presents an overview of the multi-biometric score-level fusion
problem, along with the proposed solution in the literature. A discussion is made to provide a comparison
between multi-biometric fusion in both scenarios. This discussion aims at providing a clearer view of future
developments especially under the identification scenario where many related applications are rapidly growing
such as forensics and ubiquitous surveillance.
Biometrics is a rapidly growing technology that aims
to identify or verify people identities based on their
physical or behavioral properties. Multi-biometrics
use more than one biometric recognition approach in
a unified frame in an effort to solve problems faced
by the conventional uni-modal biometrics. The multi-
biometric approach aims at improving biometrics by
increasing accuracy, and robustness to intra-person
variations and to noisy data. It also aims to solve uni-
modal biometrics problems with non-universality and
vulnerability to spoof attacks.
Information fusion in multi-biometrics is used to
build an identification/verification decision based on
the information collected from different biometric
sources. The fusion can be done on different lev-
els such as data-level, feature-level, score-level, rank-
level or decision-level. In this work, score-level fu-
sion will be inspected as it is widely used to integrate
different modalities (based on different biometrics, al-
gorithms and manufacturers) through fusion. Score
here refers to the comparison score (similarity) be-
tween each captured biometric property and a stored
Biometrics recognition technologies are usually
developed under one of two scenarios, verification or
identification. Biometric verification is the use of bio-
metrics information to verify a persons claimed iden-
tity. Identification, on the other hand, can be defined
as the process of assigning a previously registered
identity to a person based on the captured biometrics
information of the person.
The different nature between verification and
identification scenarios effects the implementation of
multi-modal biometrics solutions, especially the fu-
sion process. This is due to the different available
information in both scenarios, as well as, the different
nature of the expected fusion decision.
Figure 1 presents an overview of multi-biometric
score-level fusion. Scores from different sources (al-
gorithms and modalities) are normalized then passed
into a fusion algorithm. The fusion then results in a
fused score.
Figure 1: General structure of multi-biometric score-level
fusion (Identification). Comparison results are produced by
different algorithms and modalities then processed by the
normalization stage. The sets of normalized scores feed the
fusion algorithm to produce a final set ranked by fused com-
parison scores.
Damer N., Opel A. and Shahverdyan A..
An Overview on Multi-biometric Score-level Fusion - Verification and Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004358306470653
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (BTSA-2013), pages 647-653
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In Section 2 below, a literature review is presented
covering some of the most interesting works dealing
with multi-biometric fusion under both the verifica-
tion and identification scenarios. The literature re-
view is presented along with the explanation of the
different steps of the multi-biometric score-level fu-
sion process. In Section 3, the fusion process under
the two scenarios is discussed. A comparison between
the natures of the fusion process under both scenarios
is also presented. Finally, in Section 4, conclusions
and recommendations are drawn.
In the following, topics relating to different stages of
the multi-biometric fusion process are discussed and
connected to cutting edge literature. The topics cov-
ered are multi-biometrics schemes, score normaliza-
tion, fusion algorithms, identification and verification
scenarios, consideration of biometric sample quality,
available datasets, and finally the robustness to possi-
bly missed data.
2.1 Multi-biometrics
Multi-biometrics is categorized into several ap-
proaches depending on the source of multi-decisions
from which a unified final decision is built on.
The main approaches are multi-modalities, multi-
algorithmic, multi-instance, multi-sensorial, and
Multi-modalities is the use of more than one
biometric characteristic as an identity measure.
Some works combined fingerprints and face images
(K. Nandakumar and Ross, 2009; Tong et al., 2010;
Kim et al., 2010), others fused fingerprints and iris
biometrics (Baig et al., 2009). Using face images
along with iris biometrics was also introduced (Wang
et al., 2003). One of the most interesting multi-modal
approaches is the use of ear and face biometrics, as
they can be easily and non-intrusively captured us-
ing same or similar devices (Chang et al., 2003; Yan,
2006). Many other combinations were also intro-
duced, such as ear and fingerprint biometrics (Rattani
et al., 2006).
Many works dealt with multi-algorithmic biomet-
rics, such as using multiple face matchers (K. Nan-
dakumar and Ross, 2009; Basak et al., 2010; Kim
et al., 2010), or ear identifiers (Moreno et al., 1999;
Yan and Bowyer, 2005). Multi-instance fusion
was also studied, such as two different fingerprints
(Yan and Bowyer, 2005; Basak et al., 2010; Kim
et al., 2010), multi-sensorial (Arandjelovic and Ham-
moud, 2006), and multi-presentation biometric fusion
(Cheng et al., 2011) were also discussed thoroughly
in the literature.
2.2 Score Normalization
The scores processed by the fusion algorithm are usu-
ally not homogeneous as they are produced by differ-
ent sources. Those scores have to be brought into a
common comparable range by a normalization pro-
cess. Some of the most common normalization tech-
niques are min-max normalization, z-score normal-
ization, double sigmoid, tanh-estimator, and median
absolute normalization. The parameters that rule the
normalization process are determined based on the
statistical properties of the training data. The per-
formances of normalization techniques are not di-
rectly comparable as they depend on the overall multi-
biometric system.
Here, presented in more details are four of those
normalization techniques. The min-max normal-
ization, the z-score, the median absolute deviation
(MAD), and the double sigmoid function normaliza-
Given comparison scores set S
, k = 1,2,..., N
the normalized score is a function of the score f (S).
The min-max normalization depends on the range
that the scores span regardless of the distribution
properties and aims to map the scores into a range
of [0,1]. This normalization scheme was used
successfully by many works dealing with score-level
multi-biometric fusion (Nisha Srinivas, 2009; Vajaria
et al., 2007). The normalized score by min-max
normalization is given by:
f (S) =
The min-max normalization scheme is highly sen-
sitive to outliers (Jain et al., 2005) as it depends on
single minimum and maximum values.
Z-score normalization is a more sophisticated
score normalization method and was used in several
works (Nisha Srinivas, 2009; Vajaria et al., 2007).
Here, the arithmetic mean (µ) and the standard
deviation (σ) of the score values are considered. The
normalized score by z-score normalization is given
f (S) =
This method assumes a Gaussian distribution of
the score values. This normalization method has low
robustness as well, as the parameters µ and σ are sen-
sitive to outliers.
The median absolute deviation normalization
method is similar to the z-score normalization
method but uses the median and median absolute
deviation instead of the mean and standard deviation.
This method is more robust to outliers but it also
assumes a near Gaussian distribution of the compar-
ison score values. The median absolute deviation
normalization is given by:
f (S) =
MAD = median(|{S
} median)
The double sigmoid function is another normal-
ization method. This normalization maps the scores
into a range of [0,1] and requires fine tuning of its
parameters. The normalization is given by:
f (S) =
i f S < t
The double sigmoid normalization was used to
combine finger print comparison scores by Cappelli
et al. (Cappelli et al., 2000).
Marsico et al. recently proposed a novel normal-
ization approach named the Quasi-Linear Sigmoid
(QLS) (De Marsico et al., 2011). This approach aims
at overcoming the limitations of the traditional nor-
malization algorithms.
The selection of a proper normalization method
is a tradeoff between efficiency and robustness, and
it depends largely on the nature of the application.
Methods like min-max normalization and z-score nor-
malization tend to be more efficient. On the other
hand, median absolute deviation normalization and
double sigmoid function normalization are usually
more robust but require higher computational effort
(Jain et al., 2005).
2.3 Fusion Algorithms
Fusion algorithms can be categorized into two main
types, combination rules and classification based fu-
Combination rules are simple operations per-
formed on the normalized scores. Those rules
produce a combined score and a classification de-
cision is made based on this combined score value.
Main combination rules are the sum rule, weighted
sum rule, product rule, max rule, min rule and median
rule. Assuming the combined score is a function of
the N biometric scores S inputs and is given by C(S).
The combination rules can be formulated as follows:
The sum rule: C(S) =
The weighted sum rule: C(S) =
, where
is the i
weight factor.
The product rule: C(S) =
The max rule: C(S) = max
The min rule: C(S) = min
The median rule: C(S) = median
Some works discussed the difference in perfor-
mance between the combination rules. Most studies
showed the superiority of sum and product combi-
nation rules (Hariri and Shokouhi, 2012; Nandaku-
mar et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2004). One must
keep in mind that different combination of sum rules
and normalization techniques produce different re-
sults (L. Latha, 2011).
Classification based fusion considers the input
score values as a feature vector. Given those vectors, a
classifier is trained to classify a new given vector into
genuine or imposter class. Different types of classi-
fiers can be used, just as neural networks (Alsaade,
2010), K-NN (Jin et al., 2004), SVM (Singh et al.,
2007; Garcia-salicetti et al., 2005), Adaboost (Ichino
et al., 2010; Moin and Parviz, 2009), or as likelihood
ratio (Nandakumar et al., 2008; Islam and Rahman,
2010) classifiers. Some works showed comparable
results between combination rules and classification
based fusion (Rodr
ıguez et al., 2008; Mehrotra et al.,
2012). Other works showed the superiority of combi-
nation rules (Singh et al., 2007).
2.4 Identification and Verification
Verification is to confirm or reject a claimed identity
of a person based on his/her biometric characteris-
tics. Identification is to assign a pre-registered iden-
tity to an unknown (no identity claim) person based
on his/her biometric characteristics.
The identification process itself can be divided
into two different operations, the open-set identifica-
tion and the closed-set identification. The closed-set
identification refers to the situation where the uniden-
tified individual is known to be enrolled in the bio-
metrics reference database. Here, the identification
process assigns an ID to the unknown captured indi-
The open-set identification (watchlist) refers to the
scenario where the unidentified individual is not def-
initely enrolled in the biometrics reference database.
This case requires verifying the existence of the in-
dividual record in the reference database, as well as
identifying the individual.
Most of the works dealing with multi-biometrics
fusion consider the case of verification (Rodr
et al., 2008; Jin et al., 2004; Poh and Kittler, 2008;
Nisha Srinivas, 2009). Nonetheless, some of the re-
cent works dealt explicitly with the fusion problem
under the identification scenario (Basak et al., 2010;
K. Nandakumar and Ross, 2009).
A detailed discussion about the differences and in-
teractions between the verification and identification
scenarios is presented in Section 3.
2.5 Biometric Sample Quality and
Missing Data
In order to compensate for missing information when
moving from feature-level fusion to score-level fu-
sion and therefore improve accuracy, the quality of
the biometric samples is considered. Beside accuracy,
robustness of the biometric system is important. In
practice, some of the comparison scores can be miss-
ing because of a missing modality or a low quality
capture. To build a robust multi-biometric system, the
possibility of missing score values must be considered
and dealt with so that a reliable biometric decision is
2.5.1 Biometric Sample Quality
The quality of the captured biometric sample (image
or scan) has an effect on the comparison score values
and the confidence of those values as the features ex-
tracted from those samples are not reliable (Nandaku-
mar et al., 2006). This reflects on the role a certain
score value plays in the fusion process and therefore,
taking the quality measures into account will enhance
the performance of the fused multi-biometric system
(Nandakumar et al., 2006; Poh and Kittler, 2008; Poh
et al., 2009).
Nandakumar et al. (Nandakumar et al., 2006) pro-
posed a fusion algorithm that takes into account the
sample quality into their likelihood ratio-based fusion
scheme. Their experiments proved a highly positive
impact of considering the quality measures.
Poh et al. (Poh et al., 2009) proposed a classifier
based fusion algorithm that considers the biometric
sample quality, as well as, the biometric capture de-
vice information. Their experiments clearly showed
the effect of including the quality measures on perfor-
2.5.2 Missing Data
Multi-biometric systems make a decision based on a
set of scores. A case where one or more of those score
values are missing may occur, especially in large scale
identification systems. Missing data can occur be-
cause of the non-universality of a certain biometric
modality, or a poorly captured modality in uncon-
trolled and ubiquitous biometric systems.
Many works considered the problem of missing
data and proposed solutions for robust fusion algo-
rithms (Poh et al., 2010b; K. Nandakumar and Ross,
2009; Dinerstein et al., 2007). However, most of those
works dealt with the fusion problem under the verifi-
cation scenario.
Nandakumar et al. proposed a robust fusion so-
lution for multi-biometric fusion under the identifi-
cation scenario that aims to produce an identifica-
tion decision regardless of the partially missing data
(K. Nandakumar and Ross, 2009). The authors ex-
tended the likelihood ratio-based score fusion (origi-
nally designed for verification problems) to perform
under the identification scenario.
2.6 Databases
In order to build and evaluate an optimized multi-
biometric fusion system, a diverse and informative
dataset must be available. In this case, a database
that contains matching scores from multi-biometrics
resources for imposters and genuine matches is re-
quired. In the following, four publicly available
databases are considered.
The XM2VTS Score-level Fusion Benchmark
Dataset (Poh and Bengio, 2006) that contains a
database of scores taken from experiments carried
out on the XM2VTS face and speaker verification
database. Another database is the BANCA score
database, a free database that contains 1186 baseline
face and speech experiments (Poh, ).
Another multi-biometric database was released as
a part of the Multiple Biometrics Grand Challenge
(Phillips et al., 2009). This database includes face and
iris biometric information and aims at the evaluation
and improvement of face and iris biometrics captured
under uncontrolled conditions.
The Biosecure DS2 database (Poh et al., 2010a)
contains biometric comparison scores, as well as the
quality measures of the captured biometric samples.
The Biosecure DS2 database is considered to be the
one of the first databases to build a quality-based fu-
sion benchmark.
In this section, a comparison between the fusion pro-
cesses of multi-biometrics under both scenarios is de-
livered. This comparison will focus on the available
information for the fusion algorithm under different
scenarios. The expected fusion decision is also dis-
cussed. The importance of dealing with image qual-
ity and flexibility to missing data is also discussed in
this section along with the evaluation measure for the
identification and verification problems.
3.1 Available Information
The verification process starts by supplying the bio-
metric system with a claimed identity and one or more
captured biometrics characteristics. The claimed
identity has one or more corresponding biometrics
references stored in a dataset. The biometric verifica-
tion system matches the captured biometrics with the
corresponding stored biometric reference. In a sum,
the available information in the verification scenario
is the claimed identity, captured biometrics of the sub-
ject and the corresponding biometrics references of
the claimed subject. Those information leads to only
one set (belongs to one identity) of biometrics com-
parison scores to be fed into the fusion algorithm.
Identification aims to compare the subject’s cap-
tured biometric characteristics with the available ref-
erences in the dataset to build an identification deci-
sion. Therefore, the available information are the cap-
tured biometrics of the subject and the references of
all the enrolled subjects. This leads to a number of
comparison scores sets. This number can be equal to
the number of enrolled subjects or a subset of them
(if initial guess was made). Those sets of comparison
scores are then fed into the fusion algorithm to build
the identification decision.
While building the fusion algorithm, the informa-
tion available for both identification and verification
scenarios are similar. As the identities are known
while training, one can get access to the comparison
scores between all captured biometrics and all refer-
ences. Therefore, a set of genuine/imposter compari-
son scores is available to help optimize the fusion al-
gorithm in both scenarios. However, the availability
of multiple comparisons in the identification scenario
can provide more information about the genuinity of a
certain capture. It is expected that a larger difference
between the first and second ranked matches indicates
a higher confidence that the first rank is the genuine
match. This kind of information is only available un-
der the identification scenario.
3.2 Expected Decision
The expected output of the fusion algorithm varies be-
tween verification and identification scenarios. Given
the set of comparison scores between the captured
biometrics and the references of the claimed iden-
tity, the verification process output is a binary deci-
sion. This decision marks the claimed identity either
as genuine (true) or imposter (false).
In identification, given the sets of biometrics com-
parison scores between the captured subject and all
stored references (sometimes partial set), the fusion
decision must rank the stored identities by similarity
to the captured subject.
It must be mentioned that open-set identification
operation must be followed by a verification process
for the top ranked identity. This verification ensures
that the top ranked identity is the correct identity. Es-
pecially when the database may not include the iden-
tity of interest. If the verification of the top ranked
identity resulted in an imposter decision, the captured
person is believed not to be registered in the reference
3.3 Quality Measures, Missed Data and
The accuracy of the fusion decision largely depends
on the quality of the comparison processes of the dif-
ferent modalities. This quality of the comparison in
each modality depends on different factors. It is af-
fected by the quality of the captured biometric infor-
mation, the quality of the stored biometric reference
and the quality of the capturing device itself. It is also
dependent on the quality of the comparison algorithm
and the features used to represent the biometrics. The
accuracy of the fusion algorithm is also affected by
the quality of the preprocessing of comparison scores
i.e. normalization.
The biometric decision in verification is based
only on one set of captured biometrics and one set
(ID) of references (1:1 match). However, under iden-
tification, the decision is based on more than one set
of biometric references (1:N match). This fact leads
to the believe that the identification scenario is more
affected by the quality measures, especially in the
cases where the quality of biometrics references vary
One of the main reasons to use multi-modal bio-
metrics is the pursuit of higher robustness in biomet-
ric systems. This appears usually when considering
the universality of biometric systems, as well as de-
signing ubiquitous biometric systems. Multi-modal
biometric systems must be designed to be functional
even when some information are missed, this directly
affect the fusion algorithm design and have different
effects under the verification and identification sce-
A missing biometric measure in a verification sce-
nario can occur because of a missed captured bio-
metric characteristic or a missed reference within
the claimed identity references set. In identification,
a missed captured biometric measure, as well as a
missed reference can occur. However, under identi-
fication where the system depends on a large number
of references sets, the missed modality can be differ-
ent in each comparison between each ID pair. This
situation argues the development of more advanced
and flexible solutions for missing data under the iden-
tification scenario.
The performance evaluation of a multi-biometric
systems is not different than that of a conventional
uni-modal biometric systems. Identification results
are usually represented in a Cumulative Match Char-
acteristic (CMC) curve, especially when dealing with
closed-set identification. The verification perfor-
mance is shown usually as Receiver Operating Char-
acteristic (ROC) curve and as an equal error rate
This work presented an overview on the score-level
multi-biometric fusion problem. Some of the most
interesting works in this field were discussed along
with the structured steps of the multi-biometric fusion
process. A comparison between the multi-biometric
systems under identification and verification scenar-
ios was drawn. The discussion presented aims at pro-
viding a clear view on multi-biometric system devel-
opment especially under the relatively understudied
identification scenario.
This work is funded by the Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation and Research (BMBF) of Germany in the con-
text of the research programme for public safety and
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