the same number of IMF for both images. One
image is the image to be classified (input, unknown
image), and the other one is a reference image of one
class. This decomposition is performed with each
one of the reference image of each class. Once the
decompositions are computed, the distance between
the modes, arranged as a matrix, are computed. The
classification is done using two different methods. In
the first one the classification is only based on the
lowest distance between input image and reference
images decompositions, and in the other method the
classification uses these distances as input vector of
a MLP.
Three different distance measures were analyzed
and Frobenius norm distance measure gave the best
results when the association is based exclusively on
the distance. The combination of the three distances
gave the best result when an ANN was used as a
The success of the proposed method is promising
and will encourage us to continuing investigating the
use of mEMD decomposition as a feature extracting
system for face recognition problems, with new and
bigger data base.
This work has been partially supported by the
University of Vic under the grant R904, and under a
predoctoral grant from the University of Vic to Mr.
Esteve Gallego-Jutglà, ("Amb el suport de l'ajut
predoctoral de la Universitat de Vic"); and by
SAIOTEK from the Basque Government, to Dra.
Karmele López-de-Ipiña.
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