Learning, Agents and Formal Languages
State of the Art
Leonor Becerra-Bonache
and M. Dolores Jim
Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Universit
e Jean Monnet, Rue du Professeur Benoit Lauras 18, 42000 Saint Etienne, France
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Av. Catalunya 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain
Machine Learning, Agent Technology, Formal Languages.
The paper presents the state of the art of machine learning, agent technologies and formal languages, not
considering them as isolated research areas, but focusing on the relationship among them. First, we consider
the relationship between learning and agents. Second, the relationship between machine learning and formal
languages. And third, the relationship between agents and formal languages. Finally, we point to some
promising directions on the intersection among these three areas.
This paper focuses on the common space delimited by
three main areas: machine learning, agent technology
and formal language theory.
Understanding human learning well enough to re-
produce aspects of that learning capability in a com-
puter system is a worthy scientific goal that have been
considered by the research on machine learning, a
field of Artificial Intelligence that aims to develop
techniques that allow computers to learn. As Nilsson
says,“a machine learns whenever it changes its struc-
ture, program or data (based on its inputs or in re-
sponse to external information) in such a manner that
its expected future performance improves” (Nilsson,
1998). Machine learning techniques have been suc-
cessfully applied to different domains, such us bio-
informatics (e.g., gene finding), natural language pro-
cessing (e.g., machine translation), speech and image
recognition, robotics, etc.
Agent technology is one of the most important ar-
eas of research and development that have emerged in
information technology in the 1990s. It can be defined
as a Distributed Artificial Intelligence approach to im-
plement autonomous entities driven by beliefs, goals,
capabilities, plans and agency properties. Roughly
speaking, an agent is a computer system that is ca-
pable of flexible autonomous action in dynamic, un-
predictable, multi-agent domains. The metaphor of
autonomous problem solving entities cooperating and
coordinating to achieve their objectives is a natu-
ral way of conceptualizing many problems. In fact,
the multi-agent system literature spans a wide range
of fields including robotics, mathematics, linguistics,
psychology, and sociology, as well as computer sci-
Formal languages originated from mathematics
and linguistics as a theory that provides mathemati-
cal tools for the description of linguistic phenomena.
The main goal of formal language theory is the syn-
tactic finite specification of infinite languages. The
theory was born in the middle of the 20th century as a
tool for modeling and investigating the syntax of nat-
ural languages. However, very soon it developed as
a new research field, separated from linguistics, with
specific problems, techniques and results and, since
then, it has had an important role in the field of com-
puter science, in fact it is considered as the stem of
theoretical computer science.
Our goal here is to provide a state of the art of
these three areas, but not considering them as isolated
research topics, but by focusing in the relationship
among them (see Figure 1). The organization of the
paper is as follows.
In section 2, we consider the relationship be-
tween learning and agents. The intersection of multi-
agent systems and machine learning techniques have
given rise to two different research areas (Jedrze-
jowicz, 2011): 1) learning in multi-agent systems
where machine learning solutions are applied to sup-
port agent technology and 2) agent-based machine
learning techniques where agent technology is used
in the field machine learning with the interest on ap-
plying agent-based solutions to learning.
Becerra Bonache L. and Jiménez-López M..
Learning, Agents and Formal Languages - State of the Art.
DOI: 10.5220/0004359704700478
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (LAFLang-2013), pages 470-478
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Intersection among machine learning, agent tech-
nology and formal language theory.
In section 3, the relationship between learning and
formal languages is taken into account. The theory of
formal language theory is central to the field of ma-
chine learning, since the area of grammatical infer-
ence –a subfield of machine learning– deals with the
process of learning formal grammars and languages
from a set of data.
In section 4, the relationship between agents and
formal languages is considered. While in classic for-
mal language theory, grammars and automata mod-
eled classic computing devices where the computa-
tion was accomplished by one central agent, new
models in formal languages take into account dis-
tributed computation. The idea of several devices col-
laborating for achieving a common goal was formal-
ized in many subfields of formal language theory giv-
ing rise to the so-called agent-based models of formal
Finally, section 5 concludes the paper by suggest-
ing potential and promising directions of future re-
search on the intersection among learning, agents and
formal languages.
The intersection of agent technology and machine
learning constitutes a research area whose importance
is nowadays broadly acknowledged in artificial intel-
ligence: learning in multi-agent systems. This new
area has emerged as a topic of research in the late
1980s and since then has attracted increasing atten-
tion in both the multi-agent systems community and
the machine learning area. However, until the late
80s, multi-agent learning had been widely ignored by
both researchers in distributed artificial intelligence
and in machine learning. This situation was due to
two facts: 1) work in distributed artificial intelligence
mainly concentrated on developing multi-agent sys-
tems whose organization and functioning were fixed
and, 2) research in machine learning mainly concen-
trated on learning techniques and methods for single-
agent settings (Weiss and Dillenbourg, 1998).
Nowadays, it is commonly agreed by distributed
artificial intelligence and machine learning communi-
ties that multi-agent learning –this is, learning that re-
quires the interaction among several intelligent agents
(Huhns and Weiss, 1998)-deserves particular atten-
tion. Two important reasons for the interest in
studying learning in multi-agent systems have been
stressed (Weiss, 1993):
1. The need for learning techniques and methods in
the area of multi-agent systems in order to equip
multi-agent systems with learning abilities to al-
low agents to automatically improve their behav-
2. The need in the area of machine learning area
of considering not only single-agent learning but
also multi-agent learning in order to improve the
understanding of the learning processes in natural
multi-agent systems (like human groups or soci-
The area of multi-agent learning shows how devel-
opments in the fields of machine learning and agent
technologies have become complementary. In this in-
tersection, researchers from both fields have opportu-
nities to profit from solutions proposed by each other.
In fact we can distinguish two directions in this inter-
section (Jedrzejowicz, 2011):
1. Learning in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), this is,
using machine learning techniques in agent tech-
2. Agent-Based Machine Learning, this is, using
agent technology in the field of machine learning.
2.1 Learning in Multi-agent Systems
Learning is increasingly being seen as a key ability
of agents and, therefore, several agent-based frame-
works that utilize machine learning for intelligent de-
cision support have been reported. Theoretical devel-
opments in the field of learning agents focus mostly
on methodologies and requirements for constructing
multi-agent systems with learning capabilities.
Many terms can be found in the literature that re-
fer to learning in multi-agent systems (Sen and Weiss,
1999): mutual learning, cooperative learning, collab-
orative learning, co-learning, team learning, social
learning, shared learning, pluralistic learning, and or-
ganizational learning are just some examples.
In the area of multi-agent learning –the applica-
tion of machine learning to problems involving mul-
tiple agents (Panait and Luke, 2005)–, two princi-
pal forms of learning can be distinguished (Sen and
Weiss, 1999; Weiss, 1993):
1. Centralized or isolated learning where the learn-
ing process is executed by one single agent and
does not require any interaction with other agents.
2. Decentralized, distributed, collective or interac-
tive learning where several agents are engaged in
the same learning process and the learning is done
by the agents as a group.
There are three main methods/approaches to
learning in multi-agent systems which are distin-
guished by taking into account the kind of feedback
provided to the learner (Panait and Luke, 2005; Weiss,
1. Supervised learning, where the correct output is
provided. This means that the environment or an
agent providing feedback acts as a “teacher”.
2. Reinforcement learning, where an assessment of
the learner’s output is provided. This means that
the environment or an agent providing feedback
acts as a “critic”.
3. Unsupervised learning, where no explicit feed-
back is provided at all. This means that the en-
vironment or an agent providing feedback acts as
an “observer”.
Space limitation prevents us of going deeper in the
above models. For more information the reader can
see (Panait and Luke, 2005; Weiss, 1993; Weiss and
Dillenbourg, 1998; Weiss, 1998; Stone and Veloso,
2000; Shoham et al., 2007; Sen and Weiss, 1999).
Our goal in this section has been just to stress the fact
that several dimensions of multi-agent interaction can
be subject to learning –when to interact, with whom
to interact, how to interact, and what exactly the con-
tent of the interaction should be (Huhns and Weiss,
1998)–, and machine learning can be seen as a primer
supplier of learning capabilities for agent and multi-
agent systems.
2.2 Agent-based Machine Learning
In the intersection between multi-agent systems and
machine learning we find the so-called agent-based
machine learning techniques where agent technology
is applied to solve machine learning problems. Ac-
cording to Jedrzejowicz (Jedrzejowicz, 2011), there
are several ways in which the research of machine
learning can profit from the application of agent tech-
First of all, there are machine learning tech-
niques where parallelization can speed-up learn-
ing, therefore, in these cases using a set of agents
may increase the efficiency of learning.
Secondly, there are machine learning techniques
that rely on the collective computational intelli-
gence paradigm, where a synergetic effect is ex-
pected from combining efforts of various agents.
Thirdly, in the so-called distributed machine
learning problems, a set of agents working in dis-
tributed sites can be used to produce some local
level solutions independently and in parallel.
Taking into account those advantages, several
models have been proposed that apply agent-based
solutions to machine learning problems:
Models of collective or collaborative learning.
Learning classifier systems that use agents repre-
senting set of rules as a solution to machine learn-
ing problem.
Ensemble techniques.
Distributed learning models.
According to (Jedrzejowicz, 2011), agent technol-
ogy has brought to machine learning several capabili-
ties including parallel computation, scalability and in-
teroperability. In general, agent based solutions can
be used to develop more flexible machine learning
tools. For the state of the art of agent-based machine
learning see (Jedrzejowicz, 2011).
The intersection between machine learning and for-
mal languages constitutes a well-established research
area known as grammatical inference. As A. Clark
says “Grammatical inference is the study of machine
learning of formal languages” (Clark, 2004). This
new area was born in the 1960s and since then has
attracted the attention of researchers working on dif-
ferent fields, including machine learning, formal lan-
guages, automata theory, computational linguistics,
information theory, pattern recognition, and many
E.M. Gold (Gold, 1967) originated the study of
grammatical inference and gave the initial theoretical
foundations of this field. Motivated by the problem
of children’s language acquisition, E.M. Gold aimed
“to construct a precise model for the intuitive notion
able to speak a language in order to be able to investi-
gate theoretically how it can be achieved artificially”
(Gold, 1967). After Gold’s work, there has been de-
veloped a considerable amount of work to established
a grammatical inference theory, to find efficient meth-
ods for inferring formal grammars, and to apply those
methods to practical domains, such as bioinformatics
or natural language processing.
As H. Fernau and C. de la Higuera pointed out
(Fernau and de la Higuera, 2004), there is a number of
good reasons for formal language specialists to be in-
terested in the field of grammatical inference, among
Grammatical inference deals with formalisms de-
scribing formal languages, such us formal gram-
mars, automata, etc.
Grammatical inference uses formal language
methodologies for constructing learning algo-
rithms and for reasoning about them.
Grammatical inference tries to give mathematical
descriptions of the classes of languages that can
be learned by a concrete learning algorithm.
Most of grammatical inference research has been
focused on learning regular and context-free lan-
guages. Although these are the smallest classes of
the Chomsky hierarchy, it has been proved that even
to learn these classes is already too hard under certain
learning paradigms. Next, we will review the main
formal models proposed in this field and some of the
main learnability results obtained.
3.1 Learning Paradigms
Broadly speaking, in a grammatical inference prob-
lem, we have a teacher that provides data to the
learner (or learning algorithm), and a learner that
must identify the underlying language from this data.
Depending on the kind of data given to the learner,
how this data is provided to it and the criteria used to
say that a learner has successfully learnt the language,
we can distinguish three main learning paradigms:
Identification in the limit, proposed by Gold
(Gold, 1967).
Query learning, proposed by Angluin (Angluin,
Probably Approximately Correct learning (PAC),
proposed by Valiant (Valiant, 1984).
Imagine an adult and a child learning his native
language. The adult uses his grammar, G, to construct
sentences of his language, L. The child receives sen-
tences and, after some time, he is able to use grammar
G to construct sentences of L. From a mathematical
point of view, the child is described by a learning al-
gorithm, which takes a list of sentences as input and
generates a language as output. Based on these ideas,
Gold introduced a new formal model known as iden-
tification in the limit (Gold, 1967), with the ultimate
goal of explaining the process of children’s language
acquisition. In this model, examples of the unknown
language are presented to the learner, and the learner
has to produce a hypothesis of this language. Its hy-
pothesis is updated after receiving each example; if
the new examples received are not consistent with the
current hypothesis, it changes its hypothesis. How-
ever, at some point, always, the learner will found the
correct hypothesis and will not change from it. There-
fore, according to Gold’s model, the learner identifies
the target language in the limit if after a finite number
of examples, the learner makes a correct hypothesis
and those not change it from there on.
There are two traditional settings within Gold’s
model: a) learning from text, where only examples of
the target language are given to the learner (i.e., only
positive data); b) learning from informant, where ex-
amples that belong and do not belong to the target
language are provided to the learner (i.e., positive and
negative information).
It is desirable that learning can be achieved from
only positive data, since in the most part of applica-
tions the available data is positive. However, one of
the main Gold’s results is that superfinite classes of
languages (i.e., classes of languages that contains all
finite languages and at least one infinte language) are
not identifiable in the limit from positive data. This
implies that even the class of regular languages is not
identifiable in the limit from positive data. The in-
tuitive idea is that, if the target language is a finite
language contained in an infinite language, and the
learner infers that the target language is the infinite
language, it will not have any evidence to refute its
hypothesis and it will never converge to the correct
language. Due to these results, learning from only
positive data is considered a hard task. However,
learnability results have been obtained by studying
subclasses of the languages to be learned, providing
additional information to the learner, etc. For more
details, see (de la Higuera, 2010).
In Gold’s model, the learner passively receives ex-
amples of the language. Angluin proposed a new
learning model known as query learning model (or
active learning), where the learner is allowed to inter-
act with the teacher, by making questions about the
strings of the language. There are different kinds of
queries, but the standard combination to be used are:
a) membership queries: the learner asks if a concrete
string belongs to the target language and the teacher
answers “yes” or “no”; b) equivalence queries: the
learner asks if its hypothesis is correct and the teacher
answers “yes” if it is correct or otherwise gives a
counterexample. According to Angluin’s model, the
learner has successfully learnt the target language if
it returns the correct hypothesis after asking a finite
number of queries.
The learnability of DFA (Deterministic Finite Au-
tomata) has been successfully studied in the context
of query learning. One of the most important re-
sults in this framework was given by D. Angluin (An-
gluin, 1987). She proved that DFA can be identi-
fied in polynomial time using membership and equiv-
alence queries. Later, there were developed more ef-
ficient versions of the same algorithm trying to in-
crease the parallelism level, to reduce the number of
EQs, etc. (see (Rivest and Schapire, 1993), (Heller-
stein et al., 1995), (Balcazar et al., 1997)). More-
over, some new type of queries have been proposed
to learn DFA, such as corrections queries, that has
led to some interesting results (Becerra-Bonache et
al., 2006). Angluin and Kharitonov (Angluin and
Kharitonov, 1991) showed that the problem of iden-
tifying the class of context-free languages from mem-
bership and equivalence queries is computationally as
hard as the cryptographic problems. In order to obtain
some positive learnability results for classes of lan-
guages more powerful than regular, researchers have
used different techniques: to investigate subclasses of
context-free languages, to give structural information
to the learner, to reduce the problem to the learning
of regular languages, etc. For more details, see (de la
Higuera, 2010).
In Gold’s and Angluin’s model, exact learning is
required. However, this has always been considered
a hard task to achieve. Based on theses ideas, Valiant
introduced the PAC model: a distribution-independent
model of learning from random examples (Valiant,
1984). According to this model, there exist an un-
known distribution over the examples, and the learner
receives examples sampled under this distribution.
The learner is required to learn under any distribution,
but exact learning is not required (since one may be
unlucky during the sampling process). A successful
learning algorithm is one that with high probability
finds a grammar whose error is small.
In the PAC learning model, the requirement that
the learning algorithm must learn under any distribu-
tion is too hard and has led to very few positive re-
sults. Even for the case of DFA, most results are neg-
ative. For a review of some positive results in this
model, see (de la Higuera, 2010).
Multi-agent systems offer strong models for repre-
senting complex and dynamic real-world environ-
ments. The formal apparatus of agent technology
provides a powerful and useful set of structures and
processes for designing and building complex appli-
cations. Multi-agent systems promote the interac-
tion and cooperation of autonomous agents to deal
with complex tasks. Taking into account that com-
puting languages is a complex task, formal language
theory has taken advantage of the idea of formal-
izing architectures where a hard task is distributed
among several task-specific agents that collaborate in
the solution of the problem: in this case, the genera-
tion/recognition of language.
The first generation of formal grammars, based
in rewriting, formalized classical computing models.
The idea of several devices collaborating for achiev-
ing a common goal has given rise to a new generation
of formal languages that form an agent-based subfield
of the theory. Colonies, grammar systems and eco-
grammar systems are examples of this new genera-
tion of formal languages. All these new types of for-
malisms have been proposed as grammatical models
of agent systems.
The main advantage of those agent-based models
is that they increase the power of their component
grammars thanks to interaction, distribution and co-
4.1 Colonies
Colonies as well-formalized language generating de-
vices have been proposed in (Kelemen and Kele-
a, 1992), and developed during the nineties
in several directions in many papers (Ban
ık, 1996),
a and Csuhaj-Varj
u, 1994), (P
aun, 1995),
ık and
ybnar, 1997), (Mart
ın-Vide and P
1998), (Mart
ın-Vide and P
aun, 1999), ( Kelemenov
1999), (Sos
ık, 1999), (Dassow et al., 1993), (Kele-
men, 1998). Colonies can be thought of as gram-
matical models of multi-agent systems motivated by
Brooks’ subsumption architectures (Brooks, 1990).
They describe language classes in terms of behavior
of collections of very simple, purely reactive, situated
agents with emergent behavior.
A colony consists of a finite number of simple
agents which generate finite languages and operate on
a shared string of symbols –the environment with-
out any explicitly predefined strategy of cooperation.
Each component has its own reactive behavior which
consists in: 1) sensing some aspects of the context
and 2) performing elementary tasks in it in order to
achieve some local changes. The environment is quite
passive, its state changes only as result of acts agents
perform on its string. Because of the lack of any pre-
defined strategy of cooperation, each component par-
ticipates in the rewriting of current strings whenever
it can participate in it. The behavior of a colony is
defined as the set of all the strings which can be gen-
erated by the colony from a given starting string.
Colonies offer a formal framework for the emer-
gence of complex behaviors by using purely reactive
simple components. The main advantage of colonies
is their generative power, the class of languages de-
scribable by colonies that make use of strictly regular
components is beyond the set describable in terms of
individual regular grammars.
In the last decade, computational models have be-
come mostly bio-inspired. In the same way, the ba-
sic concept of colony, that is taken first from nature,
has been developed by means of several bio-inspired
computing theories, giving rise to membrane systems
aun, 2000), tissue P systems (Mart
ın-Vide et al.,
2002) or NEPs (Castellanos et al., 2003). Despite
the differences, the main idea of colonies remains in
these models: interaction, collaboration, emergence.
The most relevant contribution of bio-inspired mod-
els to the basic formalization seems to be the concept
of evolution in the configuration and definition of the
components of the system during the computation.
4.2 Grammar Systems
Grammar system theory is a consolidated and active
branch in the field of formal languages that provides
syntactic models for describing multi-agent systems
at the symbolic level, using tools from formal gram-
mars and languages. The attempt of the ‘parents’ of
the theory was “to demonstrate a particular possibil-
ity of studying complex systems in a purely syntactic
level” (Csuhaj-Varj
u et al., 1994) or, what is the same,
to propose a grammatical framework for multi-agent
A grammar system is a set of grammars working
together, according to a specified protocol, to gener-
ate a language. Note that while in classical formal
language theory one grammar (or automaton) works
individually to generate (or recognize) one language,
here we have several grammars working together in
order to produce one language.
The theory was launched in 1988 (Csuhaj-Varj
and Dassow, 1990), when Cooperating Distributed
Grammar Systems (CDGS) were proposed as a syn-
tactic model of the blackboard architecture of prob-
lem solving. A CDGS consists of a finite set of gener-
ative grammars with a common sentential form (ax-
iom) that cooperate in the derivation of a common
language. Component grammars generate the string
in turns (thus, sequentially), under some cooperation
protocol. At each moment in time, one grammar (and
just one) is active, this is, rewrites the common string,
while the rest of grammars of the CDGS are inactive.
Conditions under which a component can start/stop
its activity on common sentential form are specified
in the cooperation protocol. Terminal strings gener-
ated in this way form the language of the system.
An analogy can be drawn between CDGS and
the blackboard model of problem solving described
in (Nii, 1989) as consisting of three major compo-
nents: 1) Knowledge sources. The knowledge needed
to solve the problem is partitioned into knowledge
sources, which are kept separate and independent; 2)
Blackboard data structure. Problem solving state data
are kept in a global database, the blackboard. Knowl-
edge sources produce changes in the blackboard that
lead incrementally to a solution to the problem. Com-
munication and interaction among knowledge sources
take place solely through the blackboard; 3) Con-
trol. Knowledge sources respond opportunistically
to changes in the blackboard. There is a set of con-
trol modules that monitor changes in the blackboard
and decide what actions to take next. Criteria are pro-
vided to determine when to terminate the process. In
CDGS, component grammars correspond to knowl-
edge sources. The common sentential form in CDGS
plays the same role as the blackboard data structure.
And finally, the protocol of cooperation in CDGS en-
codes control on the work of knowledge sources. The
rewriting of a non-terminal symbol can be interpreted
as a developmental step on the information contained
in the current state of the blackboard. And, finally,
a solution to the problem corresponds to a terminal
One year later, in 1989, Parallel Communicat-
ing Grammar Systems (PCGS) were introduced as a
grammatical model of parallelism (P
aun and S
1989). A PCGS consists of several grammars with
their respective sentential forms. In each time unit,
each component uses a rule, which rewrites the as-
sociated sentential form. Cooperation among agents
takes place thanks to the so-called query symbols that
allow communication among components.
If CDGS were considered a grammatical model
of the blackboard system in problem solving, PCGS
can be thought of as a formal representation of the
classroom model. Let us take the blackboard model
and make the following modifications: 1) Allow each
knowledge source to have its own ‘notebook’ con-
taining the description of a particular subproblem of
a given problem; 2) Allow each knowledge source to
operate only on its own ‘notebook’ and let there exists
one distinguished agent which operates on the ‘black-
board’ and has the description of the problem; 3)
and finally, allow agents to communicate by request
the content of their own ‘notebook’. These modifi-
cations on the blackboard model lead to the ‘class-
room model’ of problem solving where the classroom
leader (the master) works on the blackboard while
pupils have particular problems to solve in their note-
books. Master and pupils can communicate and the
global problem is solved through such cooperation on
the blackboard. An easy analogy can be established
between PCGS and the classroom model: pupils cor-
respond to grammars which make up the system, and
their notebooks correspond to the sentential forms.
The set or rules of grammars encode knowledge of
pupils. The distinguished agent corresponds to the
‘master’. Rewriting a nonterminal symbol is inter-
preted as a developmental step of the information con-
tained in the notebooks. A partial solution, obtained
by a pupil corresponds to a terminal word generated
in one grammar, while solution of the problem is as-
sociated to a word in the language generated by the
The sequential CDGS and the parallel PCGS are
the two main types of grammar systems. However,
since 1988, the theory has developed into several di-
rections, motivated by several scientific areas. Be-
sides distributed and decentralized artificial intelli-
gence, artificial life, molecular computing, robotics,
natural language processing, ecology, sociology, etc.
have suggested some modifications of the basic mod-
els, and have given rise to the appearance of different
variants and subfields of the theory. For more infor-
mation on those new types see (Csuhaj-Varj
u et al.,
1994) and (Dassow et al., 1997).
4.3 Eco-grammar Systems
Eco-grammar systems have been introduced in
u et al., 1996) and provide a syntactical
framework for eco-systems, this is, for communities
of evolving agents and their interrelated environment.
An eco-grammar system is defined as a multi-agent
system where different components, apart from inter-
acting among themselves, interact with a special com-
ponent called ‘environment’. Within an eco-grammar
system we can distinguish two types of components
environment and agents. Both are represented at any
moment by a string of symbols that identifies cur-
rent state of the component. These strings change ac-
cording to sets of evolution rules. Interaction among
agents and environment is carried out through agents’
actions performed on the environmental state by the
application of some productions from the set of ac-
tion rules of agents.
An eco-grammar system can be thought of as a
generalization of CDGS and PCGS. If we superpose
a CDGS and a PCGS, we obtain a system consisting
of grammars that contain individual strings (like in
PCGS) and a common string (like in CDGS). If we
call this common string environment and we mix the
functioning of CDGS and PCGS, letting each com-
ponent to work on its own string and on the environ-
mental string, something similar to an ecosystem is
obtained. If we add one more grammar, expressing
evolution rules of the environment, and we make evo-
lution of agents depend on the environmental state,
the thing we obtain is an eco-grammar system.
The concept of eco-grammar system is based on
six postulates formulated according to properties of
artificial life (Langton, 1989):
1. An ecosystem consists of an environment and a set
of agents.
2. In an ecosystem there is a universal clock which
marks time units, the same for all the agents and
for the environment, according to which agents
and environment evolution is considered.
3. Both environment and agents have characteristic
evolution rules which are in fact L systems (Lin-
denmayer, 1968; Kari et al., 1997), hence are ap-
plied in a parallel manner to all the symbols de-
scribing agents and environment; such a (rewrit-
ing) step is done in each time unit.
4. Evolution rules of environment are independent on
agents and on the state of the environment itself.
Evolution rules of agents depend on the state of
the environment.
5. Agents act on the environment according to ac-
tion rules, which are pure rewriting rules used se-
quentially. In each time unit, each agent uses one
action rule which is chosen from a set depending
on current state of the agent.
6. Action has priority over evolution of the environ-
ment. At a given time unit exactly the symbols
which are not affected by action are rewritten by
evolution rules.
According to (Weiss, 1993), the interest in multi-
agent systems is founded on the insight that many
real-world problems are best modeled using a set of
agents instead of a single agent. Multi-agent model-
ing makes possible to cope with natural constraints
like the limitation of the processing power of a sin-
gle agent and to profit from inherent properties of
distributed systems like robustness, fault tolerance,
parallelism and scalability. These properties have fa-
cilitated the application of multi-agent technology to
many types of systems that help humans to perform
several tasks.
Machine learning is one of the core fields of Artifi-
cial Intelligence, since Artificial Intelligence has been
defined as “the science and engineering of making in-
telligent machines” and the ability to learn is one of
the most fundamental attributes of intelligent behav-
ior. It is usually agreed that a system capable of learn-
ing deserves to be called intelligent; and conversely, a
system being considered as intelligent is, among other
things, usually expected to be able to learn.
Formalization has a long tradition in science, be-
sides traditional fields such as physics or chemistry,
other scientific areas such as medicine, cognitive and
social sciences and linguistics have shown a tendency
towards formalization. The use of formal methods has
led to numerous results that would have been difficult
to be obtained without such formalization. Formal
language theory provides good tools to formalize dif-
ferent problems. This flexibility and abstraction has
been proven by the application of formal languages to
the fields of linguistics, economic modeling, develop-
mental biology, cryptography, sociology, etc.
From what we have said, it follows that multi-
agent systems, machine learning and formal language
theory provide flexible and useful tools that can be
used in different research areas due to their versatil-
ity. All three areas have revealed to be very useful for
dealing with complex systems. MAS provide prin-
ciples for the construction of complex systems and
mechanisms for coordination. Formal language the-
ory offers mathematical tools to formalize complex
systems. And machine learning techniques help to
deal with the complexity of complex systems by en-
dowing agents with the ability of improving their be-
havior. We have seen in this paper that some intersec-
tion between those areas has been performed: agents
with learning, agents with formal languages and for-
mal languages with learning.
Future research should help to further integrate the
three fields considered in this paper in order to obtain
what in (Huhns and Weiss, 1998) is seen as a must: a
formal theory of multi-agent learning.
Another important and challenge working direc-
tion is the application of this formal theory of multi-
agent learning to a real world domain as is the area of
processing natural language. The interaction between
researchers in those three topics can provide good
techniques and methods for improving our knowledge
about how languages are processed. The advances in
the area of natural language processing may have im-
portant consequences in the area of artificial intelli-
gence since they can help the design of technologies
in which computer will be integrated into the every-
day environment, rendering accessible a multitude of
services and applications through easy-to-use human
The work of Leonor Becerra-Bonache has been sup-
ported by Pascal 2 Network of Excellence. The work
of M. Dolores Jim
opez has been supported by
the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under
the Coordinated Research Project TIN2011-28260-
C03-00 and the Research Project TIN2011-28260-
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