Ontology of Imprecision and Fuzzy Ontology Applications
Robin Wikström
IAMSR, Åbo Akademi University, Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 A, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland
Web Application, Fuzzy Ontology, OWA Operators, f uzzyDL, Java.
Dealing with uncertainty and vagueness is an important challenge for the Semantic Web. Ontologies are
regularly used for structuring knowledge for the Semantic Web, however, the traditionally used ontologies
are not suitable for all contexts. Introducing fuzzy logic offers new possibilities. In this paper an overview
regarding ontology of imprecision is presented and a web application, based on the Fuzzy Wine Ontology is
constructed. The paper provides some indications on how fuzzy ontologies can offer better and more reliable
solutions. The web application opens the door for future developments in the knowledge mobilization field.
Recently, the development of the Semantic Web has
revealed that there is a demand for new methods. This
observation becomes crucial especially regarding on-
tologies, as the current ontologies have limitations
when dealing with uncertain and vague knowledge,
which is present in most practical applications; but
there is a tendency to forget about this resource. Tacit
knowledge can exist in the form of linguistic informa-
tion or historical data. In organizations, tacit knowl-
edge disappears, for instance, when expert employees
retire. Storing and thereby enabling for continuous
use of this knowledge is therefore a key issue in or-
ganizations. There is also a challenge regarding the
practicality of ontologies, as they might become dif-
ficult to maintain over time. Traditional methods are
difficult to update and maintain in the long run, as
they consist of a network of nodes (creating the on-
tology), which implies that even a small change on a
low level results in numerous changes throughout the
The Semantic Web has traditionally been based on
different types of crisp description logics (DL), which
are not suitable for dealing with uncertainties. Fuzzy
logic and fuzzy ontologies provide a solution to this
issue. Machacha and Bhattacharya (2000) observe
that fuzzy logic enables computers to imitate the hu-
man reasoning process, utilizing imprecise informa-
tion but still making precise decisions.
In this paper, we provide an overview of ontolo-
gies of imprecision (also known as fuzzy ontologies)
by shortly presenting the latest research in the field as
well as some software and applications that have re-
cently been developed.
A web application, combining the Fuzzy Wine
Ontology (Carlsson et al., 2012b,a) with the fuzzyDL
reasoner (Bobillo and Straccia, 2011) and web tech-
niques is presented. The application shows that fuzzy
ontology can be used for real-life problems, in the
presence of tacit and vague knowledge / data. The
Fuzzy Wine Ontology provides an appropriate tool
to handle vagueness inherent in this context, as the
description of wines naturally consists of a number
of imprecise attributes, expert-based knowledge, the
produced results are, however, precise.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents a short literature review regarding ontologies
of imprecision. Section 3 presents the web applica-
tion and, finally, Section 4 includes a conclusion and
some discussion about future research.
This section presents a literature review regarding the
main components of the proposed model.
2.1 Ontology
Ontologies have different roles depending on the con-
text they function in for the Semantic Web; they rep-
resent the main technology for creating interoperabil-
ity on the semantic level. This is achieved by creating
a formal illustration of the data, which thanks to its
Wikström R..
Ontology of Imprecision and Fuzzy Ontology Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004361002840287
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 284-287
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
formality can be shared and reused all over the Web.
An ontology formulates and models the relationship
between the concepts in a given domain (d‘Aquin and
Noy, 2012). An ontology could also be seen as a com-
plex, domain specific vocabulary, that organizes and
integrates data. In this way, it becomes possible to
link together all the information available on the Web,
as well as to include sources such as public libraries
(Hebeler et al., 2011).
2.2 Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic were originally pro-
posed by Zadeh (1965), who points out that objects
in the real world seldom have clearly-defined mem-
berships to groups. In classical set theory, elements
can exclusively belong to a set, or not, but with fuzzy
set theory it becomes possible for elements to belong
to different sets to some degree. This does not mean
that the answers automatically are vague or imprecise.
Fuzzy logic makes it possible to reason also in the
grey areas, with the use of a simple numerical idea,
dealing with ambiguity and still producing precise an-
swers (Kordon, 2009).
Definition 1. Let X be a nonempty set. A fuzzy subset
A of X is characterized by its membership function
: X [0, 1]
where µ
(x) is interpreted as the degree of member-
ship of element x in fuzzy set A for each x X.
2.3 Fuzzy Ontologies
In recent years, fuzzy ontologies have started to at-
tract an increased interest from the academic world,
although fuzzy logic was introduced already in the
1960‘s (Zadeh, 1965). However, research about fuzzy
ontologies did barely exist before the start of this cen-
tury, even though Peña (1984) already in the 1980‘s
stated that using fuzzy logic in ontologies would be
more suitable in certain cases, compared to classical
logic. Lately, this statement has been supported sev-
eral times; Sanchez (2006) argues that classical on-
tologies are not appropriate for dealing with imprecise
and vague knowledge, which is a crucial problem for
several real world domains.
Even though current knowledge representation
formalisms for the Semantic Web rely on crisp logic,
it does not mean that all knowledge is crisp. It has be-
come evident that fuzzy ontologies could provide op-
portunities for new applications aimed for the Seman-
tic Web, especially in fields where vague knowledge
is imminent. It is clear that there is a lot of unexplored
potential in this research field.
Recently, there has been some development re-
garding software and reasoners aimed at fuzzy ontol-
ogy creation. The f uzzyDL reasoner by Bobillo and
Straccia (2008) is a description logic reasoner, includ-
ing support for fuzzy logic. FuzzyDL extends the DL
SHIF with fuzzy concepts. For instance, it allows
the user to define fuzzy concepts with left-shoulder,
right-shoulder, triangular and trapezoidal member-
ship functions. It also supports both Lukasiewicz
logic and "Zadeh semantics" (Bobillo and Straccia,
Bobillo et al. (2012) have created a different rea-
soner with support for fuzzy logic, similar to the
f uzzyDL reasoner. DeLorean (DEscription LOgic
REasoner with vAgueNess) is a Description Logic
reasoner which also supports fuzzy rough sets (fuzzy
rough extensions of the fuzzy DLs SROIQ(D) and
SHOIN(D), which are equivalent to OWL and OWL
Stoilos et al. (2005) developed a fuzzy reasoning
engine, FiRE, based on the fuzzy description logic f-
SHIN. The engine has been used for several Semantic
Web applications and there are plans to develop FiRE
towards supporting also fuzzy OWL-DL.
Another relevant software is SoftFacts by Straccia
(2010), an ontology mediated database system. Pro-
viding the possibility to include ontology layers in
databases, SoftFacts supports MySQL, Postgres and
RankSQL as well as several sets of OWL QL profile
language expressions.
Calegari and Ciucci (2007) managed to enrich the
KAON language, making it possible to express fuzzy
ontologies with KAON. However, KAON ontologies
are based on RDFS which have limitations in compar-
ison with OWL. A solution presented for this problem
is to convert the KAON file to an OWL file.
A web application has been developed based on the
Fuzzy Wine Ontology. The goal of the web appli-
cation is to show that it is possible to make use of
tacit knowledge (available internally in organizations)
and create usable applications for industrial purposes.
This Section is a short presentation on how the appli-
cation was structured and what results it produces.
Initially defined by Carlsson et al. (2012b,a), the
Fuzzy Wine Ontology has now been applied to OWL
by using Protégé. The data stored in the ontology
is based on expert knowledge, retrieved from litera-
ture and forums written by wine connoisseurs. The
structure of the fuzzy wine ontology makes it possi-
ble to combine both crisp values and fuzzy values;
Figure 1: Screen shot from the Web Application Front Page.
for instance, the crisp value “wine color”and the lin-
guistics expressed “sweet”describing the wines taste.
The wine characteristics are combined through aggre-
gation, using the ordered weighted averaging opera-
tor. The wine combinations are used for selecting the
best wine for specific scenarios. According the wine
connoisseurs, different contexts, for instance, eating
game together with your family, require a different
kind of wine, compared to eating fish at a business
Definition 2 ((Yager, 1988)). An OWA function is a
mapping OWA
: [0, 1]
[0, 1] with an associated
vector w = (w
, . . . , w
) such that
= 1 and
[0, 1] i.
, . . . , a
) =
where a
( j)
is the j-th largest element of the multiset
A =
, . . . , a
3.1 Technology Framework
The technological framework for the web application
consists of the fuzzyDL reasoner developed by Bo-
billo and Straccia (2011). The fuzzyDL reasoner uses
the Gurobi optimizer for calculation purposes and the
Java programming language for connecting the rea-
soner with the server. The server uses HTML and
Glassfish for processing the users‘ requests.
3.2 The Fuzzy Wine Ontology
Figure 1 shows a screenshot from front-page with the
different alternatives available. The user chooses the
context and the specific food. In this example, the
user prefers a wine that suites a candle dinner where
the user plans to serve game. The query is then sub-
mitted to the server, where it is processed by fuzzyDL.
The result is then displayed as an HTML page.
The OWA operators for this example are defined
in the following way:
Candle: 0.4 MediumPrice, 0.3 LowAcidity,
0.3 HighAlcohol
Game: 0.25 HighAlcohol, 0.25 HighAcidity,
0.25 Red (color), 0.25 Full (body)
OWA combining Candle and Game:
0.5 Candle 0.5 Game
The following example presents how one mem-
bership value is calculated for one wine. First, all the
membership values for different concepts are calcu-
lated, this example shows Fenocchio Barolo member-
ship value for HighAlcohol:
Wine: Fenocchio Barolo. Full bodied red wine. Alcohol
level: 14 Acidity level: 5.4 Price: 26,5 C Concept: High-
Alcohol, Rightshoulder function
Figure 2: Defining the membership value of Fenocchio
Fenocchio Barolo‘s membership value
to HighAlcohol = 0.75
Then, all the different membership values are com-
(0.4 * 0.0) + (0.3 * 0.09) + (0.3 * 0.75) = 0.252
(0.25 * 0.75) + (0.25 * 0.14) +
(0.25 * 1.0) + (0.25 * 1.0) = 0.7225
(0.5 * 0.252) + (0.5 * 0.7225) = 0.48725
Fenocchio Barolo membership value for the
candle/game context is: 0.48725
In this case, the top 5 most suitable wines
turned out to be: Villages Cuvee 3 Fleurs (mem-
bership value of 0.883), Abadal Cabernet Sauvi-
gnon Reserva (0.881), Domaine Depeyre (0.823),
Belleruche (0.717), Baron de Ley Reserva (0.713).
With this approach, also a wine that is far from
suitable, regarding a specific property, can be situated
in a top spot. If one would use an approach based
on crisp logic only, it would filter out wines that are
almost perfect, but do not fulfil a certain property. For
instance, if one requires that the wine should be from
year 2009, among other properties, it automatically
would filter out wines from 2008 and 2010, even if
they would full-fill all the other demands. By using
fuzzy logic, a wine produced in year 2008 or 2010
would still be considered and not be eliminated from
the search already in an early stage.
In this article, we present a short literature review
about fuzzy ontologies. In recent years, there have
been several successful applications of fuzzy logic
and ontologies. The fact that fuzzy logic can deal
with uncertain and imprecise knowledge in a more ef-
ficient way, compared to traditional methods, is a key
factor for encouraging future development. Research
results prove that applications and systems based on
fuzzy logic and ontologies have the possibility to cap-
ture and model tacit knowledge. This could limit the
loss of expert knowledge, for instance, as employees
disappear from organizations.
A web application, based on the techniques and
methods developed by Bobillo and Straccia (2011)
and Bobillo and Straccia (2008) in combination with
Java, Gurobi, HTML and Protégé, is also presented.
The application can be accessed and used through a
web browser. As the need for accessing relevant in-
formation wherever and whenever one needs it is in-
creasing, the mobility issues will certainly be impor-
tant factors for future applications. This web applica-
tion shows that fuzzy ontologies and fuzzy reasoners
can be accessed and used through web browser; in
other words, the application is made platform inde-
Future directions for the fuzzy ontology fields
seem to be centred around the combination between
fuzzy logic and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
The latest research and findings on type-2 fuzzy logic
together with ontologies should spark future research
about type-2 fuzzy logic based ontologies, as this
combination improves the possibilities to model un-
certainty (Lee et al., 2010). Exploring how this recent
development could facilitate future knowledge mobi-
lization applications and systems is therefore the cen-
tral theme for future research.
A special thanks to Prof. Christer Carlsson (IAMSR)
and Dr. József Mezei (IAMSR) for valuable advices
regarding the article.
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