fuzzy logic, a wine produced in year 2008 or 2010
would still be considered and not be eliminated from
the search already in an early stage.
In this article, we present a short literature review
about fuzzy ontologies. In recent years, there have
been several successful applications of fuzzy logic
and ontologies. The fact that fuzzy logic can deal
with uncertain and imprecise knowledge in a more ef-
ficient way, compared to traditional methods, is a key
factor for encouraging future development. Research
results prove that applications and systems based on
fuzzy logic and ontologies have the possibility to cap-
ture and model tacit knowledge. This could limit the
loss of expert knowledge, for instance, as employees
disappear from organizations.
A web application, based on the techniques and
methods developed by Bobillo and Straccia (2011)
and Bobillo and Straccia (2008) in combination with
Java, Gurobi, HTML and Protégé, is also presented.
The application can be accessed and used through a
web browser. As the need for accessing relevant in-
formation wherever and whenever one needs it is in-
creasing, the mobility issues will certainly be impor-
tant factors for future applications. This web applica-
tion shows that fuzzy ontologies and fuzzy reasoners
can be accessed and used through web browser; in
other words, the application is made platform inde-
Future directions for the fuzzy ontology fields
seem to be centred around the combination between
fuzzy logic and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
The latest research and findings on type-2 fuzzy logic
together with ontologies should spark future research
about type-2 fuzzy logic based ontologies, as this
combination improves the possibilities to model un-
certainty (Lee et al., 2010). Exploring how this recent
development could facilitate future knowledge mobi-
lization applications and systems is therefore the cen-
tral theme for future research.
A special thanks to Prof. Christer Carlsson (IAMSR)
and Dr. József Mezei (IAMSR) for valuable advices
regarding the article.
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