SerfSIN: Search Engines Results’ Refinement using a Sense-driven
Inference Network
Christos Makris
, Yannis Plegas
, Giannis Tzimas
and Emmanouil Viennas
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Department of Applied Informatics in Management & Economy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Technological
Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Messolonghi, Greece
Keywords: Search Engines, Semantic-enhanced Web applications, Re-ranking Model, WordNet Senses, Inference
Abstract: Α novel framework is presented for performing re-ranking in the search results of a Web search engine,
incorporating user judgments as registered in their selection of relevant documents. The proposed scheme
combines smoothly techniques from the area of Inference Networks with text processing techniques
exploiting semantic information, and is instantiated to a fully functional prototype at present leading to a re-
ranking whose quality outperforms significantly the initial ranking. The innovative idea is the use of a
probabilistic network based to the senses of the documents. When the user selects a document, the belief of
the network to the senses of the selected document is raised up and the documents that contain these senses
are ranked higher. Also we present an implemented prototype that supports three different Web search
engines (and it can be extended to support many more), while extensive experiments in the ClueWeb09
dataset using the TREC’s 2009, 2010 and 2011 Web Tracks’ data depict the improvement in search
performance that the proposed approach attains.
The global availability of information provided by
the World Wide Web in the past few decades has
made people’s lifes easier in terms of time saving
and accuracy in information seeking. Commercial
search engines have provided the necessary tools to
the average Internet user to search for information
about any topic he/she might be interested in and
their everyday use rises constantly.
However there are still circumstances where one
finds himself/herself wondering around the
information maze posed to him/her by the Web. For
example a user might be interested in “rockets” and
missiles, but get highly ranked results after
performing a query in a search engine about the
famous NBA basketball team, or interested in
animals and specifically in “jaguars”, but get results
about cars. Polysemy can be clarified by the general
context of one’s speaking, but search engines do not
provide the necessary functionality to address this
problem. Moreover, it often happens for the first set
of results returned by a search engine to contain
irrelevant information.
To overcome these drawbacks, in this paper we
propose a new technique aiming to provide the
necessary tools for the refinement of search results,
taking into account feedback provided by the user.
Besides the keywords provided from the initial
query and the set of choices the user makes, we also
utilize the semantic information hidden inside the
returned pages. We feed this enriched combination
of information in a probabilistic model and re-rank
the results, without having to gather or import any
additional data, thus making the whole concept
simple and efficient.
Overall in this work, we describe the SerfSIN
system (Search Engines results ReFinement using a
Sense-driven Inference Network), that uses a re-
ranking model based on inference networks and
enhances it, in order to form an effective system for
efficient reorganization of search results based on
user choices. Moreover, we utilize the WordNet
knowledge base in order to clarify the various senses
that the query terms might carry and thus enrich our
model with semantic information. Our technique is
not restricted to WordNet, but it can also be
extended to support other knowledge bases, such as
Makris C., Plegas Y., Tzimas G. and Viennas E..
SerfSIN: Search Engines Results’ Refinement using a Sense-driven Inference Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0004365502220232
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 222-232
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
YAGO (Suchanek et al., 2007) and BabelNet
(Navigli and Ponzetto, 2010).
The main idea of the paper is to transfer the
belief of the user to the selected documents through
the constructed network to the other documents that
contain the senses of the selected documents. The re-
ranking of the results is based on a vector that
contains a weight for each document that represents
the probability of the document to be relative for the
user. We construct a probabilistic network from the
terms and the senses of the documents so when the
users select a document, the weights of the
documents that contain these senses are taking
bigger values and so they are ranked higher.
Detailed experiments depict the superiority of the
proposed system in comparison to the initial ranking
and to previously relevant proposed techniques.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 overviews related literature and section 3
highlights the overall architecture. Next, in section 4
we present the re-ranking process, whereas the
proposed approach is analytically covered in section
5. Section 6 depicts the results of our experiments.
Finally, section 7 concludes the paper and provides
future steps.
The last decade has been characterized by
tremendous efforts of the research community to
overcome the problem of effective searching in the
vast information dispersed in the World Wide Web
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011). A standard
approach to Web searching is to model documents
as bags of words, and a handful of theoretical
models such as the well-known vector space model,
have been developed employing this representation.
An interesting alternative is to model documents as
probabilistic networks (graphs), whose vertices
represent terms, documents and user queries and
whose edges represent relations between the
involved entities defined on the basis of any
meaningful statistical or linguistic relationships.
Many works explore the usefulness of such graph-
based text representations for IR like (Blanco and
Lioma, 2012), (Boccaletti et al. 2006) and Bayesian
Networks are prominent in them.
Bayesian Networks (Niedermayer, 2008) are
increasingly being used in a variety of application
areas like searching (Teevan, 2011), (Acid et al.,
2003), (Callan, 2009), Bioinformatics (Ahmed et al.,
2012), and many others. An important subclass of
Bayesian Networks is the Bayesian Inference
Networks (BIN) (Turtle, 1991) that have been
employed in various applications (Teevan, 2011),
(Ma et al., 2006), (Abdo et al., 2011). Moreover,
BINs form a major component in the search engine
Indri’s retrieval model (Metzler et al., 2005).
In this work we introduce a semantically driven
Bayesian Inference Network, incorporating semantic
concepts in order to improve the ranking quality of
search engines’ results. Related approaches were
presented in (Lee et al., 2011), (Abdo et al., 2011).
The authors in (Lee et al., 2011) enrich the
semantics of user-specific information and
documents targeting at efficient implementation of
personalized searching strategies. They adopt a
Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) as a strategy for
personalized search since they provide a clear
formalism for embedding semantic concepts. Their
approach is different to ours, since they use belief
instead of inference networks and they employ the
Open Directory Project Web directory instead of
WordNet. In (Abdo et al., 2011) the authors enhance
the BINs using relevance feedback information and
multiple reference structures and they apply their
technique to similarity-based virtual screening,
employing two distinct methods for carrying out
BIN searching: reweighting the fragments in the
reference structures and a group fusion algorithm.
Our approach aims at a different application and
employs semantic information, as a distinct layer in
the applied inference network.
On the other hand and concerning search result’s
re-ranking, an interesting approach is to exploit
information from past user queries and preferences.
The relevant techniques range from simple systems
implementing strategies that match users’ queries to
collections results (Meng et al., 2002), (Howe and
Dreilinger, 1997) to the employment of the machine
learning machinery exploiting the outcomes of
stored queries, in order to permit more accurate
rankings, the so called “learning to rank” techniques
(Liu, 2011). There is also related but different to our
focus work (Brandt et al., 2011) combining
diversified and interactive retrieval under the
umbrella of dynamic ranked retrieval.
The main novelty of our work centers in the
transparent embedding of semantic knowledge bases
to improve search engine results re-ranking. Also in
order to achieve our purpose we create a new
probabilistic model which takes as input different
semantic knowledge bases. The most relevant to our
work is the system presented in (Antoniou et al.,
2012) embedding instead of Bayesian inference
network, techniques based on the exploitation of
semantic relations and text coverage between results.
Our work outperforms (Antoniou et al., 2012)
improving its search performance, while it is based
on a solid theoretical framework.
In Figure 1 a high level overview of the overall
system architecture is depicted. As shown the
system is decomposed into the following core
1. The SerfSIN Web Interface that interacts with
the end users in order to provide searching and
search refinement services.
2. The Search API Modules which are responsible
for the communication with various search engines’
APIs, in order to retrieve the relevant results. At
present three search engines are supported, namely:
Google Search API, with two options provided to
the user for the first set of retrieved results; the use
of the Google deprecated API and the option of
parsing the pages of the Google results.
Bing Search API.
Indri Search Machine (Strohman et al., 2005) over
the ClueWeb09 Dataset (Callan, 2009).
3. The Page Crawler that fetches the content of the
search engine results after the end user poses his first
4. The HTML Decomposer that parses the HTML
code of a page and exports useful data, such as the
title, keywords, metatags, highlighted text etc.
5. The Sense Interference Network (SIN)
Constructor that creates the Network from the
previous steps and reorganizes the search engines
Figure 1: SerfSIN High Level System Architecture.
The subsystems work in a sequential manner and the
first three interact with the users and the various
Web sources.
In order for a user to utilize the services provided
by SerfSIN, he/she simply makes a query after
setting the basic search parameters (explained in
section 6) in the SerfSIN Web Interface. Every time
the user clicks on a result, the core module is utilized
producing the new improved ranking. In particular,
the core subsystems work real-time and in parallel,
rearranging the initial order and the algorithms
utilized are presented in detail in the following
The whole process is initialized by the initial query
performed by the user through the SerfSIN Web
Interface. The query keywords are imported to the
search engine selected (Google, Bing or Indri)
through the relevant API and the results are
collected by the Page Crawler. After this step, the
initial results’ ranking is the same as the one given
by the search engine selected.
The next step improves the initial ranking based
on the user’s selections; the SIN Constructor is
utilized accompanied by the input produced by the
HTML Decomposer. This step runs iteratively every
time the user makes a selection. In particular the
proposed network is utilized, either as a standalone
re-ranking algorithm, or in combination with the
initial ranking returned by the search engine, or with
the previous ranking of the results in the re-ranking
process (if we have a series of re-rankings). In all
cases we resolve ties, by following the previous
ranking. The above options are expressed by the
following two equations, for the ranking score of
document d
  
  
 1
where R
denotes the re-ranking weight provided by
the network for d
(its computation is described in
the next section), previous_rank(i) stands for the
previous rank position of d
, n is the number of
results retrieved and β is a user defined weight
factor. Intuitively, when the factor β is raised the re-
ranking process results in major rank changes. The
introduces a
factor based on the previous ranking of a result in
the list. Equation (1) is used in the case of the
network use as a standalone re-ranking system,
while equation (2) is used for the composite case
where the new ranking system is composed with the
previous ranking of search results. In the new
HTML Decomposer
SIN Constructor
Page Crawler
SerfSIN Subsystems
SerfSIN Web Interface
Search API Modules
ranking produced, the results are ranked according
to the above calculated score. When the user selects
further results, the same procedure is followed with
the difference that the ranking produced by the
previous phase is used as input for the next
Even though we assume that most results selected by
a user are relevant, our scheme incorporates
smoothly the previous ranking, hence it is robust to
user misselections. A misselection of a result leads
to the inclusion of its relevant information to the
ranking process, but still can be made to not affect
significantly the produced ranking.
Our extension of inference network, the Sense
Inference Network (SIN), as depicted in
Figure 2,
consists of four component levels: the document
level, the term level, the sense level, and a fourth
level that represents the documents nodes and the
value they take in order to re-rank the results; the
fourth level can be considered to play the role of the
query layer in the traditional inference network
model and its presence signifies that we are not
interested to model specific information needs, but
re-rankings based on users’ reaction. The SIN is
built once for the retrieved documents of the query’s
results and its structure does not change during re-
ranking. The document level contains a node (
for each document of the query’s results. For each
term of the documents nodes texts, we add terms
nodes (
‘s) to the network and we interconnect the
documents nodes with the terms nodes with arcs.
The terms are induced by the retrieved pages by
applying to them sequentially: (i) HTML stripping,
(ii) removal of the stop words and finally, (iii)
stemming using the Porter stemming algorithm
(Porter, 1980). For each term node we also find its
different senses using WordNet (Howe and
Dreilinger, 1997) and we add them to the network.
WordNet is a lexical database for the English
language. It groups English words into sets of
synonyms called synsets, provides short, general
definitions, and records the various semantic
relations between these synonym sets. The term
nodes are connected through arcs to their different
senses nodes (
’s). Finally, all the senses nodes
which are contained in a document are connected to
the respective document node at the last level. The
formed network is a four level directed graph in
which the information flows from the documents
nodes of the first level to the term nodes and then
through the senses nodes to the documents nodes of
the last level.
The innovative idea in our network is the
existence of the level of senses (concepts) based on
the WordNet knowledge base. The term nodes are
connected to their different senses through directed
arcs. The existence of a directed path between a
document node and a sense node denotes that this
sense is appearing in the respective document and
more formally to the event that a sense has been
observed in the documents collection. Similarly, a
single sense node might be shared by more than one
term. The dependence of a sense node upon the
respective term node is represented directly in the
network through an arc.
The final process for the construction of SIN is
the creation of the arcs from the senses nodes to the
document nodes at the last level. The last level's
nodes are different from the nodes of the first layer;
they represent the same entities (documents) but in
different time instances (we depict this fact by
drawing the arcs from the sense nodes to the nodes
at the last layer as dashed, just to depict the fact that
we are moving at a different time instances; this is a
common practice that breaks cycles in Bayesian
Figure 2: The Sense Inference Network.
The sense level models the hidden semantics and the
belief of the network that the senses of a document
are the senses that the user looks for. The senses
nodes are connected to every node at the last level
representing a document where this sense appears
(this can be validated if there exists a path from the
document node at the first level to the sense node).
The document nodes at the last level have an
accumulated belief probability that is used for re-
ranking. The value of this belief is estimated based
on the different senses of the document and denotes
the conceptual similarity between the document and
the information need of the user.
5.1 Estimation of Probabilities
and Rearrangement of the Results
Our inference network differs from that in (Turtle,
1991) since we employ it only as a weight
propagation mechanism, using the (Turtle, 1991)
machinery for computing the beliefs at the last level
of the network, provided a set of prior probabilities
for the first level; when a user selects a document its
prior probability is raised and we compute the
change at the beliefs at the last level. Our approach
is different in comparison to (Turtle, 1991) and is
adapted to the problem of the successful
reorganization of search results. (Turtle, 1991)
proposed an information retrieval model while our
work proposes a re-ranking model.
In order to estimate the probabilities for the
nodes of the constructed SIN, we first begin at the
root (documents) nodes. Each document node has a
prior probability that denotes the chance of the
selection of that document from the user. For our
collection and for each document
this prior
probability will generally be set to be:
, i [1 ]
pd n
where n is the number of the query results.
This probability will change into 1, when a result
is selected in order to denote that this document is
relevant from the user’s point of view. This belief is
transferred through the network to the senses nodes
and then to the final layer representing the document
nodes and changes the values of the classification
weights, re-ranking the results.
For all non-root nodes in the SIN we must
estimate the probability that a node takes, given any
set of values for its parent nodes. We begin with the
term nodes. Each term node contains a specification
of the conditional probability associated with the
node, given its set of parent document nodes. If a
term node t has a set of parents pars
= {d
, … , d
we must estimate the probability P(t|d
, … , d
Here we follow the inference network machinery
described in (Turtle, 1991) employing the tf-idf
weights for the term nodes and setting:
|0,50,5*, ()
td ntf t d nidf t
where ntf() and nidf() are the normalized term
frequency and normalized inverse document
frequency components for term t. In particular, if
) denotes the number of times term t appears in
, f
the number of its occurrences in the collection
and max_tf(d
) the maximum number of a term’s
occurrences in d
log( )
tf (t,d )
( , ) , ( )
max_tf(d ) logn
ntf t d nidf t
Based on these weights we can collect the belief for
a term node from its father set by employing the
formed weighted sum link matrix (Turtle, 1991).
The next step is the estimation of the
probabilities for the sense nodes. If a sense node S
has a set of parents pars
= {t
, … , t
}, we must
estimate the probability P(S|t
, … , t
). The
probability of a sense node denotes the importance
of the sense for each term. Initially, the different
meanings for each term are calculated using
WordNet. The probability of a sense to be the
unique sense of a term is equally likely among the
different senses and is defined to 1/ (number of
different senses) for each term, hence we set.
(|) ,
where S is a sense of
is the number of the
different senses of the term
. Based on these
weights we collect the belief for the sense node from
its father set, by employing a weighted sum link
Finally, we estimate the probability for a
document node at the last level to be relative to the
user’s interests, based on the network’s structure.
The parents of the documents nodes at the last level
of the network are the senses nodes. Therefore, the
selection from the user of a result gives the network
the ability to distinguish the senses, which interest
the user and the document nodes at the last level get
new weights signifying this knowledge. The senses
nodes are affecting the document nodes according to
their semantics as these are represented through arcs.
We do not give weights but instead use a simple sum
link matrix and the probability/belief for a document
d at the last layer with q father senses is simply the
sum of the beliefs of its father senses divided by q.
The Senses nodes are connected to the
documents nodes for which there exist paths
between the documents and the senses (through the
term nodes). Final step is the computation of the
weights at last level that entail the belief of the
relatedness of the documents to the selected
The values of the beliefs at the last level of
document nodes
compose a
. Let
, be
the vector of beliefs at the last level before the
selection of any results from the user (initial
probabilities at the first level are all equal). For each
result that the user selects, a new vector is estimated.
In particular when the user selects a single result d,
its probability at the first level is raised to 1, and a
new belief for every document in the last level is
computed. After this weight propagation, the re-
ranking weight R
for document d
is defined as
. Similarly as the user selects further
results, the probabilities of the respective nodes at
the first level are raised to 1 and the beliefs are
recalculated. By repeating this process and
computing the re-ranking weights using formulae (1)
and (2) (note that we always subtract from the initial
weights) we reorganize the results accordingly.
The innovative idea is the use of the senses (nor
the terms) in order re-rank the results. The
importance of the terms modulates the importance of
the senses. When the user selects a result, the terms
of this document get higher values, thus the
respective senses get higher values. Consequently,
all the documents that have these senses get higher
values in the final ranking process. The more senses
(from the selected document) a document has, the
higher ranking value it takes. Thus, the documents
which contain the more senses (and the more times)
from the selected document, are ranked higher.
To carry out our evaluation, we explored 150 web
queries; 50 queries from the TREC WebTrack 2009
(Clarke et al., 2009), 50 queries from the TREC
WebTrack 2010 (Clarke et al., 2010) and 50 queries
from the TREC WebTrack 2011 (Clarke et al., 2011)
datasets respectively. All tracks employ the 1 billion
page ClueWeb09 collection (
clueweb09/). These ranked lists of results contain,
for every page, relevance judgments made by human
We assessed our network performance by
comparing the rankings it delivered to the rankings
search machines returned for the same set of queries
and results. For our comparisons, we relied on: (i)
the available relevance judgments and (ii) the
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG)
measure (Jarvelin and Kekalainen, 2000), which
quantifies the usefulness, or gain, of a document
based on its position in the result list. The
assumption in nDCG is that the lower the ranked
position of a relevant result, the less valuable it is for
the user; because it is not likely that it will be
examined by the user. Formally, the nDCG
accumulated at a particular ranking position p is
given by:
DCG rel nDCG
log i IDCG
where rel
are the document relevance scores and
is the Ideal DCG, i.e. the DCG values when
sorting the documents by their relevance.
We set the re-ranking experiment by selecting
randomly a relevant document, after posing each
query and then performing re-ranking; we used
nDCG before and after re-ranking to estimate the
ranking performance.
The experiments carried out can be distinguished
according to three basic parameters (all of the
parameters can be accessed through the SerfSIN
Web Interface at
The search engine selected to perform the initial
The percentage of the resulting pages text used to
identify the terms that feed the second level of the
constructed network (SIN).
The participation of the initial ranking returned by
the search engine, or the previous ranking of the
results after a user’s selection, in the re-ranking
process, that is the significance of the proposed
network compared to the initial ranking.
Our experiments were carried out using the Indri
search engine over the ClueWeb09 Category B
Dataset. We also utilized two different general
purpose search engines, namely Google and Bing.
We used 50 results in the case of Indri and Bing,
while in the case of Google we used 20 in order to
test if the chosen result set size has any affect on the
attained performance. The queries used, as well as
the relevant judgments rely on the ClueWeb09
Dataset and this is the reason why we selected Indri
as our main experimental search engine. In the case
of the general purpose search engines, there are no
relevant judgments for all the returned pages; hence
we ignored these pages in our measurements.
In relation to the second parameter, that is the
text percentage of the resulting pages used to extract
the network terms, we employ two distinct
approaches: we either use the whole text stemming
from the HTML pages, or we use the most important
text contained in the pages (e.g. keywords, meta
description, Google description, h1, h2 tags, strong
words etc.).
Table 1: Parameters' configuration for the twelve
experiments (Most Important Parts: MIP, Full Text: FT).
Use of
1 Indri MIP Yes (β=1) 2009
2 Indri MIP Yes (β=1) 2010
3 Indri MIP Yes (β=1) 2011
4 Indri MIP Yes (β=2) 2011
5 Indri FT Yes (β=1) 2010
6 Indri FT Yes (β=1) 2011
7 Google FT No 2010
8 Google MIP No 2009
9 Google MIP Yes (β=1) 2010
10 Bing MIP No 2011
11 Bing MIP Yes (β=1) 2011
12 Bing FT No 2011
Table 2: nDCG Averages for every experiment.
nDCG Aver.
nDCG Aver.
1 0.259444438 0.309425945
2 0.236960647 0.285369305
3 -0.09917842 0.055169266
5 0.062907506 0.120053429
7 0.538630812 0.591288965
8 0.525453777 0.593815908
9 0.549054511 0.575225518
10 0.43777936 0.486484735
11 0.434751776 0.468521246
12 0.43111441 0.449078004
Avg: 0.264370611 0.326333024
In the following, we depict the most representative
experimental results from the vast material that we
collected. We summarize all the depicted
configurations (Table 1) and then we particularize
presenting the average nDCG values for every case
(Table 2). We note that the proposed network has
significantly better overall performance by
0.061962413, since the average nDCG values of the
search engines and the proposed network are
0.264370611 and 0.326333024 respectively.
We present twelve experiments with alternative
configurations based on the parameters analyzed in
the previous paragraphs (Table 1). For every
experiment we calculated the total average of nDCG
values, for every rank position of the results. We
also calculated their difference, in order to depict the
corresponding improvement that is evident in all
In the next figures the experiment’s graphs are
depicted, where for every rank position of the
results, the average nDCG values of the search
engine are compared to the average nDCG values of
the proposed network. We started our analysis with
the Indri search engine, where the experiments took
place in a “controlled” environment employing the
ClueWeb09 Dataset and its relevant judgments and
we continued by studying the proposed network’s
performance for the cases of general purpose search
Figure 3: Experiment 1.
Figure 4: Experiment 2.
Figure 5: Experiment 3.
Figure 6: Experiment 4.
Figure 7: Experiment 5.
Figure 8: Experiment 6.
Figure 9: Experiment 7.
Figure 10: Experiment 8.
Figure 11: Experiment 9.
Figure 12: Experiment 10.
Figure 13: Experiment 11.
Figure 14: Experiment 12.
In the performed experiments we measured the
proposed network’s behaviour, as a standalone re-
ranking system as well as for the composite case,
where the previous ranking of the results is counted
in the re-ranking process.
As the figures depict, the proposed network
performs well in both cases: when used as a
standalone re-ranking system (experiments 7, 8, 10
and 12), or in the case where the previous ranking is
taken into account. Especially in the experiments 8,
10 where the network was used as the primary re-
ranking engine in contrast to the general purpose
search engines Google and Bing, the performance
was excellent.
It is worth noticing that when the network takes
into account the previous ranking (experiments 1-6,
9 and 11), it behaves better than the search engines
and generally smoother (less rank changes when
reordering) than the case where it acts as a
standalone re-ranking system.
Another interesting observation is that the
overall network performance did not deescalate
when the most important text parts were used for the
terms extraction process, instead of utilizing the full
text. Moreover, as shown in experiment couples (1,
2), (2, 3) and (7, 8) the query sets employed did not
play an important role in the quality of the results, as
the network behaves equivalently in all
Finally, in our experiments (we indicatively
depict experiments 3 and 4) we notice that when the
β factor, increases from 1 to 2 the results remain the
same, so in most of the cases the experiments were
performed with β equal to 1; moreover our technique
leads to better performance irrespectively of the
result set size.
Figure 15: A comparison between the two approaches.
We have employed in our experiments the system
described in (Antoniou et al., 2012) and in
Figure 15
a diagram comparing their technique with ours is
depicted, assessing the total average nDCG values of
all the above experiments for the first 20 ranking
positions. It is clear that the new approach performs
better in all positions by 0.033364065, since the
average nDCG values of the previous approach and
the proposed network are 0.284028022 and
0.326333024 respectively.
Moreover, the approach presented in this paper
differs in the way the relevant information is
retrieved, as well as the re-ranking process. The
techniques employed in (Antoniou et al., 2012) are
based on the exploitation of semantic relations and
text coverage between results, while we employ a
variant of a Bayesian inference network. The main
advantages/features of our technique can be
summarized as follows:
Employment of a solid theoretical framework that
can be tuned and be enhanced and not just
heuristic use of terms and senses and their overlap.
Ability to transparently enhance the inference
network with other ontologies.
Due to the inference network employed and our
weight parameter, our technique is more robust to
user errors, and a misselection of a result cannot
affect significantly the final ranking.
It should be finally noted that we employed the
paired t test, and the computed one tailed p-values
were found to be very small (in all cases less than
0.01), proving that the results have significant
differences and thus signifying the superiority of our
technique in a strict statistical sense, and for a
significance level of a=0.05.
In this work we have presented a novel framework
for re-ranking the search results of user queries
employing a sense inference network in combination
with semantic based techniques exploiting WordNet.
The framework was applied in three search engines,
and the attained results are quite encouraging
depicting the ability of the proposed technique to
capture the user preferences and produce a
preferable ranking. A minor disadvantage seems to
be the re-ranking process execution time; we plan to
reduce the execution time by carefully tuning our
code, without affecting the search quality. Moreover
we aim to incorporate in our technique other
knowledge bases besides WordNet, such as YAGO
(Suchanek et al., 2007), and BabelNet (Navigli and
Ponzetto, 2010) and to further enhance our inference
network by embedding in it relationships between
synsets present in WordNet.
Our approach comes as an improvement to the
technique that was proposed in (Antoniou et al.,
2012), and embeds semantic information, but
without exploiting the machinery of the inference
networks. It could be motivating to further explore
the connection between the two approaches, and
propose a unified scheme incorporating both of
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek
national funds through the Operational Program
“Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National
Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)-Research
Funding Program: Heracleitus II. Investing in
knowledge society through the European Social
This research has been co-financed by the
European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and
Greek national funds through the Operational
Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the
National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)-
Research Funding Program: Thales. Investing in
knowledge society through the European Social
Finally, authors also would like to thank the
reviewers for their valuable comments and
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