Interoperability Standards for Cloud Architecture
Claus Pahl, Li Zhang and Frank Fowley
IC4, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Interoperability, Cloud Standards.
Enabling cloud infrastructures to evolve into a transparent platform raises interoperability issues. Interoper-
ability requires standard data models and communication technologies compatible with the existing Internet
infrastructure. To reduce vendor lock-in situations, cloud computing must implement common strategies re-
garding standards, interoperability and portability. Open standards are of critical importance and need to be
embedded into interoperability solutions. Interoperability is determined at the data level as well as the service
level. Relevant modelling standards and integration solutions shall be analysed in the context of clouds.
Enabling clouds to be merged and connected cre-
ates interoperability problems (Armbrust et al., 2009;
Buyya et al., 2011). Interoperability requires standard
data models and communication technologies com-
patible with existing Internet infrastructure. Public
cloud services are available to the public. Hybrid
clouds are an integrated cloud services arrangement
that includes provision of compute resources from
more than one source. Hybrid architectural models
may be vertically partitioned (e.g. data stored pri-
vately) or horizontally partitioned (e.g. using public
cloud to prototype a new device view of a service
in parallel with an existing implementation). Inter-
operability solutions for flexible composition, migra-
tion and portability are sought (451 Group, 2010). To
reduce vendor lock-in, cloud computing must imple-
ment universal strategies regarding standards, inter-
operability and portability. Open standards are of crit-
ical importance and need to be embedded into inter-
operability solutions (DMTF, 2010). Interoperability
is determined at the data level as well as the service
level (OMG, 2009; Cloud Standards, 2013). The ob-
jectives here include the review of relevant standards
for cloud architecture interoperability and analysing
the overall maturity of the technology and determin-
ing current trends and shortfalls.
Typically, cloud computing consists of the three
cloud layers infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS)
and software (SaaS) as service (Armbrust et al., 2009;
Buyya et al., 2011). In addition, we can differen-
tiate between (hardware or software) resources pro-
vided in a traditional way, and the . . . as a Service ver-
sion of them, which considers virtualization, multi-
tenancy and elasticity as the main properties (Wang
et al., 2009). Different usage models can be derived
from the combinations of the layers. For instance, an
application over a platform: a software provider can
develop an application (e.g., a content management or
delivery system) and publish it. That allows it to be
deployed using some platform software (Web appli-
cation container or database) and offered as a service
(PaaS). The different usage models rely on interop-
erability solutions. Service-based abstractions (APIs)
need to be aligned with common (Web) service de-
scription, modelling and composition standards.
Interoperability concerns arise in different situa-
tions: Firstly, interoperability between layers - stan-
dardised APIs are necessary to allow higher cloud
layers to link to a range of services provided at the
lower layers, e.g. platform implementations to uni-
formly link to IaaS offerings. Roles of importance
are service provider and service user. Secondly, in-
teroperability within layers - standards are required
to allow components in a layer to interact and be ex-
changeable. Non-service interactions need to be sup-
ported, e.g. where a software developer combines dif-
ferent platforms in the development of a new system.
Standards are necessary to consolidate efforts in a
technology domain and to enable interoperability in
Pahl C., Zhang L. and Fowley F..
Interoperability Standards for Cloud Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0004366901230126
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 123-126
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
any technology domain. An overview and a categori-
sation of standards relevant to interoperability in the
cloud computing context that we cover here is:
Service modelling: Open-SCA (service compo-
sition and interaction), USDL/SoaML/CloudML
(multi-view services), EMML (mashups)
Service interfaces: OCCI (infrastructure manage-
ment), CIMI (infrastructure management), EC2
(de-facto standard), TOSCA (portability), CDMI
(data management)
Infrastructure: OVF (virtual machines)
For each standard, we provide background about ori-
gins, support and purpose, the intended usage, and an
analysis of the relevance for interoperability consid-
erations. Providing a comprehensive overview of all
standards is not the objective. We have singled out
those that represent specific aspects well. Well-known
services standards and security standards shall not be
covered due to space reasons.
The OASIS Open Composite Services Architec-
ture (CSA) aims to simplify SOA application devel-
opment (Open CSA, 2012) connected to the Service
Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Ob-
jects (SDO) families of specifications. The SCA As-
sembly Model is a framework to describe service co-
ordination and interaction that ties in service compo-
sition with common software architecture concerns.
The CSA standards can be utilised as is or can serve
as input for any composition and assembly language.
The specifications on the SCA Assembly Model are
very relevant for interoperability. Data interoperabil-
ity is an equally important concern in Open-CSA.
Data could be represented in Service Data Objects.
Enterprise Mashups combine and remix data from
databases, spreadsheets, websites, Web Services,
RSS/Atom feeds, and unstructured sources that de-
liver actionable information. The Open Mashup Al-
liance (OMA) is in charge of the Enterprise Mashup
Markup Language (EMML) (EMML, 2012). It can
support enterprise mashup implementations, improve
mashup portability of mashup designs, and increase
the interoperability of mashup solutions. EMML is
designed to be complimentary to and integrated with
languages like JavaScript, Java, Groovy, and Ruby
via scripting. It is particularly suited for interop-
erability issues related to mashup creation. It sup-
ports lightweight and integrative service assembly
and, therefore, represents specific modelling and in-
tegration concerns.
The aim of the Unified Service Description Lan-
guage (USDL) is describing general parts of techni-
cal and business services to allow services to become
tradable and consumable (USDL, 2012). Technical
services are considered services based on WSDL,
REST or other technical specifications. Business ser-
vices are defined as business activities that are pro-
vided by a service provider to a service consumer to
create value for the consumer. The USDL definition
aims at complementing the technical language stack
by adding required business and operational informa-
tion. The targeted cloud stakeholders for USDL are
service providers, infrastructure providers, service as-
semblers and service consumers. USDL defines an
interoperability-centriclanguage that enables its users
to model arbitrary services and to integrate with ex-
isting standards. The aim to address service mod-
elling and support mappings to different standards
makes this interesting for interoperable cloud mod-
elling. This enables new business models for service
brokerage because services can automatically be of-
fered, delivered, executed, and composed from ser-
vices of different providers.
Another development to be considered in this
context includes SoaML (standardised by OMG, see, which falls into
the same category as USDL in our categorisation as
a service description and modelling language. While
still under development (and thus far from being stan-
dardised), CloudML ( is a
language more specific to clouds.
OCCI (infrastructure lifecycle management) is
now the first of four cloud-specific standards, also in-
cluding CIMI (like OCCI on infrastructure manage-
ment), TOSCA (portability and cloud-bursting), and
CDMI (data management), interleaved with a note
on EC2 as a proprietary solution that has become a
de-facto standard. Providers offer IaaS solutions to
enhance elastic capacity, where server instances are
executed in their proprietary infrastructure and billed
on a utility computing basis. For the infrastructure
layer this means that typically virtual machines on a
per-instance per-hour basis are the units. The OGF
OCCI working group provides an API specification
for the management of cloud computing infrastruc-
ture to capture these concerns (OCCI, 2012). The
scope is a comprehensive range of high-level func-
tionality required for the life-cycle management of
virtual machines (or workloads) running on virtual-
ization technologies (such as containers) supporting
service elasticity. OCCI provides an API for inter-
facing IaaS cloud computing facilities, which is suf-
ficiently complete to facilitate the implementation of
interoperable implementations. While targeting IaaS
concerns, it can foster interoperability endeavours at
higher levels. The scope of OCCI is high-level func-
tionality required for lifecycle management. This is
in part realised through coverage of existing propri-
etary APIs. While the focus is on the upper cloud
stack layers for the section presented in Figure 1, it is
nonetheless a suitable framework for interoperability
concerns at the interface of infrastructure services.
Similar to OCCI, the CIMI - Cloud Infrastruc-
ture Management Interface from DMTF addresses in-
frastructure management. CIMI which addresses the
runtime maintenance and provisioning of cloud ser-
vices. The scope of the CIMI standard covers core
IaaS functionality, addressing deploying and manag-
ing virtual machines and other artifacts such as vol-
umes, networks, or monitoring. Once interfaced to
the IaaS provider, the information that needs to be
processed to manage a cloud service can be discov-
ered iteratively, including the metadata describing ca-
pabilities and resource constraints. Most develop-
ers use with the CIMI REST/HTTP-based protocol,
the current interface binding to the model (others are
expected later). This delivers standard HTTP status
codes and supports JSON and XML serialization for-
mats. CIMI, if widely used, would allow organisa-
tions to design cloud-based business solutions being
assured that management (and governance) processes
will not be compromised if the business solution is
moved to another (standards-based) IaaS provider.
While OCCI and CIMI are similar standards,
Amazon EC2 as a proprietary solution needs to be
considered as well. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2) provides resizeable computing capac-
ity servers in Amazon’s data centers to build and host
software systems. They allow access to components
and features using a web-based GUI, command line
tools and APIs . EC2 comes with a rich ecosystem.
Some open-source standards are pushed by Amazon
competitors to regain market shares.
Supported by OASIS, the TOSCA framework
aims to enhance the portability of cloud applications
and services. TOSCA enables interoperable descrip-
tion of application and infrastructure cloud services,
the relationships between parts of the service, and the
operational behaviour of these services (such as de-
ploy, patch, shutdown) independent of the supplier
creating the service, and any particular cloud provider
or hosting technology. TOSCA also aims to sup-
port higher-level operational behaviour to be associ-
ated with cloud infrastructure management. The core
concept behind TOSCA is cloud bursting, which is
the ability to move workloads between public and pri-
vate cloud infrastructures in a transparent way. There
seems to be some discussion about the prospect of
success, with large IaaS providers not having joined
the consortium yet. The core to the solution would be
a hypervisor-agnostic portability mechanism, which
requires IaaS compliance. TOSCA also needs to be
observed as a vendor initiative in the context of open-
source activities like OpenStack gaining momentum.
The CDMI, the Cloud Data Management Inter-
face by SNAI targets cloud storage. CDMI is a stan-
dard for self-provisioning, administering and access-
ing cloud storage. CDMI defines RESTful HTTP op-
erations for accessing the capabilities of the Cloud
storage system. CDMI defines the functional inter-
face that applications use to create, retrieve, update
and delete data elements from the cloud. As part of
this interface, a client can discover the capabilities
of the cloud storage offering and use this interface
to manage containers and the data that is placed in
them. In addition, metadata can be set on containers
and their contained data elements through this inter-
face. Compared to OCCI and OVF, CDMI specifi-
cally targets data migration and format immigration.
Although CDMI can also be used for task manage-
ment, this would need extensive rules to be defined.
OVF is the most critical and successful standard
specific to cloud infrastructure. The Open Virtu-
alization Format (OVF) describes an open, secure,
portable, efficient, and flexible format for the packag-
ing and distribution of one or more virtual machines
(OVF, 2012). OVF features include optimized distri-
bution and portability of virtual appliances. It sup-
ports compression for more efficient package trans-
fers, content verification and integrity checking, and
provides a basic scheme for the management of soft-
ware licensing. It supports vendor and platform inde-
pendence as it does not rely on the use of a specific
host platform, virtualization platform, or host/guest
operating system. It is also designed to be extended
as the industry moves forward with virtual appliance
technology. The OVF format provides a complete
specification of a virtual machine, which may include
multiple virtual disks.OVF is a portable format that
allows users to deploy VMs in any hypervisor that
supports OVF. As such, it sits at the core of resource
management in the infrastructure provisioning layer,
overcoming previous deficiencies in standardised so-
lutions such as VMDK. For supporting interoperabil-
ity as a standard for this technical context, other fea-
tures like localisation are important.
Interoperability between clouds is vital for the fur-
ther development of the cloud ecosystem and mar-
ket. While standards for the Web Services context are
abundant, more specific standards for the cloud com-
puting domain reflect the current maturity.
A number of standards for the lower infrastructure
layers apply to respective cloud computing tech-
nologies. They address interoperability solutions
for specific aspects like virtual machine manage-
ment or data management.
For platforms and services, the respective (Web)
service standards are still of relevance. Standards
exist, beyond the core Web services platform, that
can further the development of platform and soft-
ware services from existing offers. Generic ser-
vice solution can provide a starting point where
cloud-specific standards are lacking.
In addition, it is worth looking at a number of differ-
ent concerns that help us to judge the state of stan-
dardisation and it’s impact on interoperability: or-
ganisations behind standards and their domain, stake-
holders involvedthrough standards, and standards and
open-source/proprietary solutions
Firstly, by looking at the organisations behind the
standards, we can also observe that while the Web
services domain is primarily dominated by W3C and
OASIS in terms of standardisation, the situation in
cloud computing is more diverse. Some of the or-
ganisations active include DMTF (management of
distributed IT systems), the OGF (grid computing),
the OMG (middleware), SNIA (storage), OASIS (ser-
vices), OCC (cloud), as well as national (e.g. NIST)
and sector-specific (e.g. ETSI - telecoms) organisa-
tions. Currently, there is a dominance of infrastruc-
ture and lower-level management. Secondly, stake-
holders are yet another perspective that we can look
at. We have referred to stakeholders in the review and
discussion of standards where relevant to differenti-
ate the different interoperability needs of stakehold-
ers in clouds as multi-organisational, multi-role en-
vironments. While the infrastructure standards target
clearly software developers, the more generic service-
oriented standards are more at the interface (as-a-
service) level, targeting service providers and con-
sumers. Particularly combined roles, such as pro-
sumers or aggregators that are providers and con-
sumers benefit from the recent service description
and modelling standards. Thirdly, while standards
can achieve interoperability, often de-facto standards
emerge from open-source or proprietary solutions.
We dicussed OCCI and CIMI as standards in a context
where OpenStack is a compliant open-source frame-
work, all competing with Amazon EC2.
By looking at the standards we reviewed here for
indications of future standardisation needs, emerging
from the categorisation of standards are the following
observations: (i) Modelling under incorporation of a
variety of standards can support migration and, con-
sequently, the uptake of cloud computing solutions.
(ii) Composition, e.g. through mashups, is becoming
of increasing importance to provide a market for ba-
sic and composite offering where providers and ag-
gregators compete. (iii) Quality of Service and Ser-
vice Level Agreement standardisations beyond secu-
rity concerns in the cloud are actually largely lacking.
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