Local e-Government Transformation
An International Comparison
Stuart Dillon
, Eric Deakins
, Daniel Beverungen
Thomas Kohlborn
Sara Hofmann
and Michael Räckers
Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Department of Information Systems, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Business Process Management Group, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: e-Government, Local Government.
Abstract: Governments have invested vast amounts of time, public money, and effort into technologising and
transforming public sector relationships, with the goal of achieving optimised government service delivery,
governance, and constituency participation. To discover the extent that transformation has actually been
achieved by local government organisations, this paper provides a cross-national comparison of local e-
government effectiveness as judged by internal stakeholders in Australia, Germany, and New Zealand. It
appears that e-government continues to be viewed by the policymakers charged with developing it as
something that supplements, rather than displaces, their traditional government services. Far from being
transformative, only incremental improvements to internal procedures and service quality were reported.
Electronic government (e-government) can be
defined as the transformation of internal and external
public sector relationships through Web-enabled
operations, information technology and
communications, with the aim of achieving
optimised government service delivery, governance,
and constituency participation (Baum, et al., 2000).
Early e-government initiatives were characterised by
rudimentary Web services that pushed information
to citizens, although it soon became clear that newer
e-commerce technologies promised greater
interactions with citizens.
Today it is widely accepted that e-government
can transform public sector relationships through
online services that are user-centred, convenient,
integrated, proactive, inclusive, and efficient. By re-
engineering existing relationship processes with the
aid of computer-based information and
communications technologies (ICT) radical
improvements to the delivery of public services are
being enabled (HMGov, 2005); (Transformation,
But to what extent has 'transformation' actually
taken place? Has the traditional bureaucratic
paradigm really been replaced by a new e-
government paradigm?
The purpose of the present study was to
determine to what extent e-government initiatives
have actually achieved transformation within the
local government sector. This sector was chosen in
recognition of its unique customer-facing role. In
stark contrast to similar studies the study considered
the impact of e-government from the perspective of
internal stakeholders and aimed to identify issues
associated with the philosophy and implementation
of e-government from the perspective of government
To increase the likelihood of detecting evidence
of transformative e-government in action, a cross-
national examination of e-Government effectiveness
in Australia, Germany, and New Zealand is
provided. The next section reviews relevant e-
government literature to highlight the research gaps
addressed by the study. The context of the three case
countries is then outlined before the research method
and data collection procedures are described.
Significant findings are then presented and the paper
concludes with a general discussion, limitations and
opportunities for further research.
Dillon S., Deakins E., Beverungen D., Kohlborn T., Hofmann S. and Rackers M..
Local e-Government Transformation - An International Comparison.
DOI: 10.5220/0004367803610367
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 361-367
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Local e-Government
Local e-government is defined as any dependent and
independent geographically defined government
entity that delivers services to citizens online. In
contrast to their central government counterparts,
local authority organisations are more strongly
focused on providing front-line services to citizens.
Developed and developing nations are moving away
from the paradigm of government as a bureaucratic
faceless organisation (Exec, 2003); (King and
Cotterill, 2007); (State Services Commission, 2007)
to one which is responsive; makes extensive use of
ICT; and treats citizens as customers (Ho, 2002);
(Moon, 2002); (Newman et al., 2001).
Although citizen-centric research has increased
our knowledge about user perceptions, the patchy
uptake of many e-government services (Kotamraju
and van der Geest, 2012) makes it imperative to also
understand the policymaker’s perspective.
2.2 e-Government Effectiveness
Given the vast amount of time, public money and
effort that national and local governments have
invested into transforming public sector
relationships with technology (Affisco and Soliman,
2006); (Sarikas and Weerakkody, 2007), e-
government effectiveness has long been a topic of
interest for researchers. Much less common than
studies into the impact of e-government on citizens,
is the view of the policymaker who happens to be
closest to the action and charged with the 'decision,
development and implementation' of e-government
2.3 e-Government in Germany
The German government comprises administrations
at the Federal, State, and Local levels. Authorities at
each level are responsible for different tasks and are
organized in different ways. Similar to Australia and
New Zealand, Germany is a long-time leader in e-
government as demonstrated by its position in the
UN e-government rankings (UN, 2012).
In Germany, the term ‘local government’
actually covers 22 administrative districts, 301
counties, 112 urban municipalities, and 12,234
municipalities (Fuchs, 2009). German local
governments, while they are subject to certain
restrictions, are entitled to administer themselves.
They are free to structure their organization, manage
their human resources, and organize, plan and design
their territory as well as manage their own finances.
The current e-government strategy is laid down in
the 'eGovernment 2.0' programme (eGov, 2006) and
aims to create a fully integrated e-government
landscape throughout all government administration
2.4 e-Government in Australia
Australia comprises 6 states and 10 territories and its
local government sector comprises some 550
individual bodies and councils (Hearfield and
Dollery, 2009); a number that has been steadily
declining due to amalgamations. Legislation and
control of local government occurs at the state or
territorial level rather than the central (federal) level.
Thus, local councils, which provide various services,
also control local infrastructure.The national portal
(http://australia.gov.au) acts as a one-stop-shop that
connects citizens to the information and services of
around 900 government websites and state and
territory resources. Australia's e-Government
Strategy is laid down in the Australian Public
Service Information and Communications
Technology Strategy 2012 - 2015 (APS, 2012). This
is built on a vision that ’interactions with people,
businesses and the community will occur seamlessly
as part of everyday life.’
2.5 e-Government in New Zealand
In New Zealand, local government is subordinate to
central government (Palmer and Palmer, 2004);
(Tomblin, 2004). Two distinct types of authority
provide local government services: territorial
authorities (city or district councils) and regional
councils. City and district councils are tasked with
providing day-to-day services to their communities.
The current e-Government strategy in New
Zealand is described in 'Enabling Transformation: A
Strategy for E-government 2006' (Transformation,
2006), which reflects recent changes in technology;
particularly the growth in social networking
Research conducted by the authors, including in
New Zealand, has identified significant variations in
the adoption of e-local government in terms of
money and effort expended, and the associated
commitment to widespread adoption of emerging
technologies. (Deakins and Dillon, 2002); (Dillon et
al, 2006)
A survey instrument containing qualitative and
quantitative questions was used to gain a cross-
national comparison of e-local government
effectiveness from the perspective of the internal
stakeholders, This was developed by the authors and
used to collect primary data from a convenience
sample of local e-government organisations located
in three countries acknowledged to be high-
performers in e-government terms.
The general form of statements used in the
survey was: "Please indicate, by circling one number
for each statement, the extent to which you would
consider each of the following when developing or
maintaining your web site". Statements were
arranged on a six-point Likert scale.
The German sample comprised e-government
policymakers from the state of North Rhine-
Westphalia, which contains four of Germany's
largest cities and is the most populous state in
Germany (around 18 million citizens). The survey
was translated into German for these respondents
and then verbally checked with other members of
the research team to ensure that the intended
meaning had not been lost. The Australia sample
was confined to the 73 local authorities in the State
of Queensland, which has a population exceeding 4
million people and is the third most populous state in
Australia. The New Zealand sample comprised all
78 local authorities in the country, which together
service a population of some 4.5 million citizens.
In mid-2012 a pilot version of the survey was
revised prior to being sent to specifically targeted
individuals within the selected organisations.
Recipients were guaranteed anonymity and
reminders were issued after two weeks to improve
the response rate. The purpose of the study was
outlined to the recipients, who were requested to
forward the survey to "the person in charge of
website policy and design".
The response rates are shown in Table 1. While the
number of responses from the Australian and
German studies was relatively low, it is judged that
the results are a fair representation of the relevant
issues in those two countries.
Table 1: Survey Response.
Australia 73 10 14%
Germany 427 68 16%
New Zealand 78 24 31%
4.1 Demographic Information
A key aim of this study was to detect evidence of
transformative e-government in action by examining
acknowledged leaders in e-government
development. Table 2 summarises relevant
demographic information across the three samples. It
is apparent that a significant proportion of local
authorities in all three countries have fewer than 500
employees (73.5% in Germany, 60% in Australia,
and 83.3% in New Zealand). In both Germany and
Australia, a higher proportion of local authorities
employ more than 1,000 employees.
It is interesting to note that, even though the
average catchment populations of the local
authorities are similar, the New Zealand citizen/staff
ratio is significantly higher. New Zealand
organisations generally tend to be small, with some
97% having 19 or fewer employees (SMEs, 2012).
Also, NZ local authorities do not offer health or
education services thereby requiring fewer staff.
4.2 Development Philosophies
To elicit understanding of the rationale behind local
e-government initiatives, the respondents were asked
to consider the nature of the development
philosophies that underpin e-government projects.
The development philosophy alternatives in Table 3
were presented for consideration.
The results shown in Figure 1 relate to the
development philosophies that underpinned e-
government initiatives in the recent past. Similarly,
Figure 2 shows the development philosophies which
are currently driving new e-government initiatives.
Generally-speaking little change is reported
between the development philosophies of the recent
past and what is current. For example, it is
interesting to note that in an era of Web 2.0 services,
that both Australia and New Zealand local
authorities are planning to push even more
information to citizens. This suggests that the old
philosophies are believed to be still relevant and that
a relatively ‘steady as she goes’ strategy is being
played out. This is in line with governments' often
cautious approach to adopting ICT.
Table 2: Demographic Information.
UN eGov Index:
World average = 0.4877
* best = 0.9283 Rep. Korea
* worst = 0.0640 Somalia
Country (Rank): Australia (12) Germany (17) New Zealand (13)
UN eGov Index 0.8390 0.8079 0.8381
: Online services 0.8627 0.7516 0.7843
: Telco Infrastructure 0.6543 0.7750 0.7318
: Human capital 1.0000 0.8971 0.9982
(2012 values)
No. % No. % No. %
Number of employees in
R=10 100 R=68 100 R=24 100
0-99 1 10.0 21 30.9 5 20.8
100-499 5 50.0 29 42.6 15 62.5
500-1,000 1 10.0 7 10.3 2 8.3
>1,000 3 30.0 11 16.2 2 8.3
Average number of
871 - 793 - 361 -
Average catchment
115,750 - 75,222 - 91,235 -
Average number of
citizens per employee
133 - 95 - 253 -
Used consultants in last
12 months?
- 60.0 - 33.8 - 54.2
Website spend
(€ per citizen)
This year Next year This year Next year This year Next year
0,07 0,06 0,10 0,17 0,16 0,80
Table 3: Local E-Government Development Philosophie.
1 A website to push information to citizens via
mailing lists
7 A website initiative that recognises the
continued importance of a physical presence
Accessibility for ALL citizens
8 A website to provide integrated channels that
satisfy citizens on all fronts
3 A website to provide information in response to
citizen requests
Dedicated to the concept of e-democracy
4 A website to provide links to useful information and
10 An intention to reduce physical sites and the
electronic operation grows
5 A website as just an extra channel for information &
Resisting the e-government trend
6 A website to foster collaboration with contractors or
12 A website focused on revitalising existing
physical operations
Figure 1: Past Development Philosophies.
Figure 2: Current Development Philosophies.
To provide more detail on what is being planned,
respondents were quizzed on the importance of a
range of development issues, Table 4. It is
interesting agreement on the top-three ranked issues
(Accessibility to all citizens, System security, and
Operational efficiency). Although not as strongly
expressed, there is also agreement with the lower
ranked issues: with e-tailing, internal cultural
obstacles and private sector partnerships receiving
least consideration. The largest difference concerns
the subject of the digital divide.
A final observation for this section concerns the
average response score expressed by the German
respondents, which was significantly lower than the
corresponding Australian and New Zealand data
values. From examination of the data it is
questionable whether this difference reflects a
systematic cultural difference to professionals
responding to survey questions, which if true would
require some form of standardisation to achieve
4.3 Impact on the Organisation
To understand the effect of e-government initiatives
on the organisations themselves, six potential
impacts were offered for consideration:
1. Significant improvements in organisational
2. Significant changes to organisational structure
3. Significant changes to roles & responsibilities
4. Significant increase in the number of the services
5. Significant increase in the quality of services
6. Fundamental changes to internal procedures
A reasonable level of consistency across each of the
country responses is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Organisational Impact of e-Government.
Relatively low scores for significant changes to
organisational structure; significant changes to roles
& responsibilities; and significant increases in the
number of services all provide further support that
many local authorities consider e-government as
adding to existing physical operations, rather than a
means of achieving organisational transformation.
Although policymakers expressed higher scores
for having achieved significant improvements in
organisational performance and a significant
increase in the quality of services provided, it would
be interesting to have a comparison with citizens’
perceptions. Overall, it may be concluded that the
results provide little support for the notion that e-
government has been transformational for these
local government organisations.
4.4 Use of Mobile Devices
With a view to understanding future developments,
respondents were asked how well suited were their
e-government initiatives to offering mobile
technologies. Five ‘issue’ statements were offered
for consideration:
1. Using mobile devices would be very easy for all
2. Using mobile devices would be very convenient
for all stakeholders
3. There is too much uncertainty associated with
using mobile devices for local government
4. Mobile devices are very risky compared with
other ways of transacting
5. Financial transactions using mobile devices are
very secure
Figure 4 indicates strong and consistent support
for policymakers’ belief that mobile devices offer
convenience to citizens and other stakeholders and
would be very easy for all stakeholders. However,
this support is countered by concerns about their
security, particularly for financial transaction.
Figure 4: Potential Use of Mobile Devices.
Table 4: Development Issues.
German local authorities appear to have least
confidence, which is worthy of further investigation
since it is unclear whether they are naturally risk
averse or have more knowledge of security matters.
In contrast, New Zealand respondents appear to
be much more positive about transacting with
mobile devices, which may reflect both the country's
relative isolation and its recent ranking as the least
corrupt and the best country in the world in which to
conduct business (Forbes, 2012).
Many authors have foreshadowed the
transformational effects of information technology
on government, indicating that it that will offer
improved access and delivery of information
services to citizens, business partners, public sector
employees, and other governments, agencies and
entities (e,g., Affisco and Soliman, 2006); (Baum, et
al., 2000); (Ho, 2002); (Shan., et al., 2011).
The purpose of this research was to determine
the extent that government transformation has
actually been achieved by local government
organisations. To this end, it compared and
contrasted the views of local government
policymakers in Australia, Germany, and New
Zealand regarding their own e-government
initiatives and how the organisation has been
impacted. Changes in attitude were also assessed.
In spite of the fact that acknowledged 'world e-
government development leaders' were targeted, it
appears in general that contemporary information
communication technology is merely viewed as a
convenient means of supplementing traditional
government services. This has resulted in only
incremental improvements to service quality, if
compared against what is foretold. Furthermore,
given the continued lack of support for radical
changes to be made to traditional government
processes, it is unlikely that any deep-seated
transformation will happen any time soon.
These findings are only tentative since the main
limitation of this study is its failure to achieve a 100
percent response rate. This gave an incomplete
summary of the views of local authority policy
makers in each of the countries sampled. A broader
sample of exemplar countries is also desirable.
Opportunities for further research were noted in
the paper. In particular, a deeper understanding of
the factors inhibiting transformation is needed in
view of the vast amounts of time, public money and
effort currently being expended on e-government
initiatives around the world.
Germany Australia New Zealand
Characteristic Average Rank Average Rank Average Rank
Accessibility to all citizens 4.52 1 4.70 2= 4.54 3
Local tax collection 2.09 13 2.00 15= 2.58 13
System security 4.34 2 4.80 1 4.58 2
Operational efficiency 3.88 3 4.70 2= 4.63 1
E-tailing 1.35 16 2.00 15= 1.88 16
Internal cultural obstacles 1.81 15 3.20 12 3.30 11
The digital divide 1.98 14 3.30 11 3.71 9
Citizen privacy 3.58 7 4.50 5 4.38 4
3.62 6 4.60 4 3.92 8
Citizen confidence with local
3.49 8 4.30 6 4.09 6
Internal IT workforce capability 3.75 4 3.90 9= 4.21 5
Needs of minority groups 3.11 9 3.90 9= 3.63 10
Private sector partnerships 2.33 10 2.40 14 2.29 15
Citizen trust of local
3.70 5 4.20 7 3.96 7
Intended and unintended social
effects on citizens
2.11 12 4.00 8 3.08 12
E-procurement 2.19 11 3.00 13 2.38 14
Average score
2.99 3.72 3.57
This research was funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF),
promotion sign APR 10/805.
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