Towards a Semantic Definition for a Cloud based Event Notification
Marc Schaaf
, Stella Gatziu Grivas
and Arne Koschel
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Riggenbachstr. 16, Olten, Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ricklinger Stadtweg 120, Hannover, Germany
Event Processing, Cloud Computing, Portability.
We propose an Activity Service as a component in cloud computing. As a particular novelty we base this Ac-
tivity Service on the well-defined and proven semantics of Active Database Management Systems (ADBMS)
to overcome the challenges of developing portable cloud based event processing applications. As contribution
of this paper we provide the first steps of the adaption of the ADBMS semantics to the distributed and highly
dynamic environment of the cloud.
Cloud Computing is a new paradigm, it offers vast re-
sources and highly dynamic scalability while reduc-
ing the required upfront investment cost to a mini-
mum. However the development of cloud enabled
applications considering benefits like the increased
agility resulting from the possibility to dynamically
utilize resources from a vast resource pool is still a
hard task. Suitable software architectures accompa-
nied by the appropriate cloud services are required to
develop cloud enabled applications.
We are convinced that the combination of the
cloud paradigm with event processing provides a
promising architectural approach for designing appli-
cations able to benefit from the cloud’s flexibility. We
see this as a natural extension of the well established
active mechanisms in database systems that over time
found their way into the world of distributed systems
in many incarnations. Furthermore for many “new”
application domains (like smart applications, emer-
gency management), event driven approaches offer a
capable foundation for coping with challenges result-
ing from the constantly increasing amount of data and
near real-time analysis requirements. However event
processing services usable for cloud applications with
well defined semantics which provide a reliable foun-
dation to build scalable and portable applications are
still missing. Many cloud offerings include services
that allow building event processing applications like
for example Amazons Simple Queuing Service. How-
ever these services are highly provider specific and
don’t feature a well defined and proven semantic.
Current standardization approaches like for example
OpenStack are mostly focused on infrastructure as-
pects and don’t cover any standardized support for
event processing based applications.
A simple example, which illustrates the need for
detailed semantic definitions, is the event parameter
time. A time like “04:37:21” is problematic when
considered that time indications depend on the loca-
tion where they are made. Thus, a precise time indica-
tion needs additional information, such as ’according
to UTC’. The time is one simple example required
for an event itself. But many other questions are also
unanswered as they arise from the used notification
service like for example the handling of out of order
or missing events or the behavior of the service im-
plementation when the processing of an event fails.
As illustrated, the semantics of an event payload
and the processing conditions are not explicitly de-
scribed and require further knowledge to allow the
processing without knowledge of the event producers
and the notification services semantics. Current cloud
based services that can be used to build event process-
ing systems lack the capability to explicitly specify
such aspects. As a result, when building an applica-
tion based on these services, the application becomes
highly depended on the implicit, provider specific se-
mantics, which results in a high risk of a vendor lock-
in. This even in addition to the risks introduced by
using a provider specific API. We see this high risk of
a vendor lock-in as one of the major challenges when
developing cloud based event applications.
Schaaf M., Grivas S. and Koschel A..
Towards a Semantic Definition for a Cloud based Event Notification Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004368503450349
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 345-349
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
To overcome this issue we propose the Activ-
ity Service as a provider independent service with
a clearly defined semantic for building event driven
cloud applications. The contribution of this paper to
the Activity Service lies in the discussion of the initial
steps of its semantic definition. Discussions regarding
the architecture and first realizations have been pre-
sented in (Schaaf et al., 2010), (Schaaf et al., 2011).
A few other approaches for cloud based event pro-
cessing exist like (Goyal et al., 2009). At least some
combination of event driven and service oriented ar-
chitecture for the cloud is discussed there but remains
quite high-level and in particular focuses on policy-
driven event processing for the cloud. Some event
monitoring and propagation within the cloud in con-
junction with complex event processing (CEP) is dis-
cussed in (Wishnie et al., 2009). However they do not
really address an Activity Service for the cloud at all
and in particular not with well-defined semantics.
The remainder of this paper outlines our approach
followed by a quick overview of the Activity Ser-
vice architecture. Afterwards we discuss the required
adaption of the initial ADBMS semantic parameters
and continue with the discussion of the event seman-
tic parameters. We conclude with a brief overview of
our implementation, a summary of our results and an
outlook of our next steps.
To overcome the mentioned challenges, we define the
Activity Service as a general event notification ser-
vice for cloud environments that features a well de-
fined semantic. With the availability of the Activity
Service we will help cloud application developers to
overcome the afore mentioned challenges when de-
veloping scalable and portable cloud applications.
Our approach features a specific focus on the se-
mantics of the processing system as a comprehen-
sive definition is currently missing for distributed
event based systems. The semantic foundation of our
work is based on well-established earlier work from
ADBMS (Paton, 1999), (Widom et al., 1996). In par-
ticular the ADBMS manifesto (Act-Net, 1996). For
traditional ADBMS the active functionality is usually
closely tied to the DBMS as a whole. This function-
ality was unbundled from ADBMS to be usable as
an Activity Service in other contexts (Gatziu et al.,
1998). This unbundled active functionality is a solid
starting point (which requires extensions) for our cur-
rent work. One step beyond this go approaches con-
cerning ECA rule processing in distributed environ-
ments. In (Koschel et al., 1998) active functionality
Figure 1: High-Level overview of the Activity Service ar-
was extended into an ECA rule service for CORBA-
based distributed, environments. Actually this ap-
proach is one initial step in our direction.
Following the unbundling approach from (Gatziu et
al., 1998) we separate the Activity Service into dif-
ferent components (Figure 1). Each of the compo-
nents provides one or more well defined interfaces
with clear semantics. Thereby the concrete imple-
mentation of the different components is interchange-
able. Furthermore the communication between the
components is realized based on the concept of Ser-
vice Oriented Architecture. The roles of the different
components are outlined in the following paragraphs.
Event Service and Rule Execution Service
The event service provides all means necessary to be
informed about the occurrence of events from the dif-
ferent event sources, to preprocess the events and to
deliver them to the appropriate event consumers.
For each incoming event, it determines if there are
event consumers that are interested in this particular
event and delivers the event to them. A complex event
detector (CED) evaluates the events and derives new
complex events, which are fed back into the process-
ing mechanism. To receive events from the event ser-
vice an event consumer has to implement an appropri-
ate event handler service, which needs to be published
to the service registry. The event service discovers
those services through the service registry.
The rule execution service (RES) receives events
from the event service to evaluate them against so-
phisticated ECA rules. For the RES, the rules result
in the execution of external action handlers that are
provided by other third party components.
Event Monitors
The Activity Service suppports to obtain and process
events from heterogeneous sources as typically found
in heterogeneous information systems. We consider
Figure 2: Capsule Concept.
on one hand ’active‘ sources like sources support-
ing triggers and callback mechanisms and sources
with internal triggers. On the other hand we con-
sider passive sources, which write all their actions
into a log file, which needs to be actively monitored
for changes. With the requirement to support several
types of heterogeneous and highly distributed event
sources we propose the capsule concept as a con-
ceptual component. The capsule allows integrating
event sources into our system and hides the raw event
source that is producing the event information in a
provider specific format. The capsule is responsible
for (1) converting the event data format to the format
used by the Activity Service and (2) to annotate the
events with event, transport and domain semantic pa-
rameters as discussed in the next section. Figure 2
illustrates the capsule as part in the overall Activity
Service architecture. The left hand part illustrates the
capsule as part of the event sources residing as part of
a cloud computing environment.
Semantics describe the meaning of data and allow the
right interpretation of this data. One design concept
to introduce semantics to a (distributed) software sys-
tem is the use of semantic parameters, which enable a
system to deal with context-relevant information. The
concept of semantic parameters has been extensively
used in the definition of ADBMS. We utilize this well
established definition as the foundation for our Activ-
ity Service which considers the following categories
of parameters:
Transport Semantic Parameters (TSP) describe
how data is transferred and allow the usage of het-
erogeneous transport technologies as they appear
in cloud environments. Simplified, TSPs allow in
a technology independent way to specify all re-
quirements that must be fulfilled by the underly-
ing transport technology like for example the need
for confidential event communication or the guar-
antee that events are delivered exactly once and in
order of their occurrence.
Event Semantic Parameters (ESP) describe the
interpretation of events and their payload from a
non-domain specific perspective. They describe
general aspects of an event like for example the
exact semantic of the given event timestamp or the
lifetime of the event. These parameters are heav-
ily influenced by the semantic parameters known
from ADBMS.
Domain-Specific Parameters (DSP) describe the
meaning of events in the application domain and
are not defined as part of the Activity Service but
allow the delivery of domain-specific information
within the event signaling.
In the remainder of the paper we will focus on the
event semantic parameters and their link to the seman-
tic definition of ADBMS.
4.1 Event Semantic Parameters
Event semantic parameters describe the non domain
specific semantic context of an event. An event itself
just contains some workload data like the temperature
read from a sensor and some contextual information
like a timestamp. However as the data needs some ba-
sic meta information to allow the processing without
detailed knowledge about the event source itself as it
was discussed during the introduction for the various
meanings of a simple timestamp. For the Activity Ser-
vice we aim to base the definition of this meta infor-
mation on the semantic definition of ADBMS and the
extensions towards distributed event based notifica-
tion in (Koschel, 1999). In the following paragraphs
we will discuss those parameters from the perspective
of our Activity Service for cloud based environments.
The signaling point describes if an event was
raised before the triggering state change happens
(pre), after the state has already taken place (post)
or the event replaces the actual state change by only
giving this notification (instead). We consider all
three parameters as a valid option with the change that
for the signaling point pre we can not guarantee that
given rules are actually triggered by such an event be-
fore the triggering activity is executed.
The granularity indicates the granularity of an
event as it can represent a simple singular state change
or an aggregation of multiple initial events or state
changes, therefore having another granularity. From
the perspective of the Activity Service we support the
same granularities as they are defined for ADBMS:
instance oriented where each single state change is
considered as a single event and set oriented where
multiple state changes are considered as one event.
The net effect indicates if the event triggering ac-
tivity had any actual effect and is strongly motivated
by transaction handling in database systems. As we
are currently not supporting transaction handling, our
model does not yet handle this parameter.
The life span defines how long an event is valid
for processing. We consider the same two values (im-
plicit, explicit) for the specification of the life span.
The consumption policy describes the order how
events are processed. (Koschel, 1999) defined four
policies. Chronicle, events should be processed by the
order of the event creation. Recent, the last received
event should be processed only. Continuous, the order
of receiving is the order of processing (FIFO). And
cumulative, events are processed as one whole group.
We consider the same values but have a special focus
on the details of ordered handling as it requires some
effort in a distributed system where events are prone
to arrive unordered. Therefore we expect some exten-
sion to the traditional ADBMS model.
The coupling mode is also one parameter for
transactional behaviors in database systems. It in-
dicates if the event happened within the transaction
(coupled) or not (decoupled). It defines also if an
event is thrown immediate or at the end of the trans-
action (deferred). In our current work we don’t cover
transaction handling explicitly and thus consider only
the deferred decoupled value.
The strategy defines how the rule execution is
triggered if multiple rules would be triggered by an
event. The ADBMS semantic definition considers the
following values: parallel, all matching rules are fired
in an unpredictable order; arbitrary, one matching
rule is picked randomly; priority, the rules have pri-
orities and the rule with the highest priority is fired;
static, a static order is given by an administrator; dy-
namic, the order is generated in runtime. In gen-
eral we aim to support all of the available parameters,
however with one important difference. As for a dis-
tributed event processing system it is usually the case
that multiple rule execution components exist and a
global ordering of the rule executions would be hard
to achieve. Thus we consider the given attributes per
processing component and not on a global scope. So
on a global scope we only support the parallel strategy
and allow a detailed specification per component.
4.2 Semantic Parameter Annotation
The Activity Service defines capsules as the glue be-
tween a raw event sender and the Activity Service
components. Aside from their task to translate data
formats, the capsule is responsible for the annotation
of the generated events with the semantic parameters.
As the capsule is specific to an event producer, it has
the knowledge to assign the parameters. Thus the
event source specific knowledge is encapsulated and
the the Activity Service is based on the generalized
semantic definitions.
Current cloud services for event processing lack a
well defined and vendor independent API and seman-
tics definition, which results in a high risk of a ven-
dor lock-in. With our Activity Service concept we
address these challenges by providing a generalized
event communication and processing service that can
bridge the gaps between multiple provider specific
proprietary services. It introduces a solid semantic
definition based on three categories: transport, event
and domain semantic parameters. The discussions
showed that the semantic of ADBMS can be used
as foundation for the event semantic parameters but
also showed the importance of the transport seman-
tic parameters due to the distribution in a cloud en-
vironment. The next step will thus be the definition
of these parameters. Our current implementation ef-
forts are for the moment mostly focused on overcom-
ing technological hurdles but based on our prototype
we will realize the aforementioned semantic param-
eters to provide working system that can be used to
evaluate the concepts for real world scenarios.
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