Real Time Access to Multiple GPS Tracks
Karol Waga, Andrei Tabarcea, Radu Mariescu-Istodor and Pasi Fränti
Speech and Image Processing Unit, School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, GPS Tracks, Trajectory Storage and Visualization.
Abstract: Increasing availability of mobile devices with GPS receiver gives users the possibility to record and share a
variety of location-based data, including GPS tracks. We describe a complete real-time system for
acquisition, storage, querying, retrieval and visualization of GPS tracks. The main problems faced are how
to store the data, how to access and how to visualize large amount of data. We propose to reduce the
quantity of the data to be visualized, without affecting visualization quality. In order to achieve this, our
system uses a fast polygonal approximation algorithm for different map scales along with a bounding box
Mobile devices with geo-positioning facilitate the
acquisition of location-based data. This allows
people to track their outdoor movements while
performing physical exercises or when traveling.
Companies can manage their geographical
information in real-time (Martín et al., 2008) and
track the movement of their own vehicles in order to
solve problems such as fleet management (Jakobs et
al., 2001) or traffic congestion (McCullough et al.,
2011). The collected tracks are usually uploaded to
an online system in order to be viewed, managed
and analyzed. However, accessing and visualizing
large amount of data is time consuming.
We present MOPSI Routes, a complete system
for storage, retrieval and visualization of GPS tracks
that overcomes the most common disadvantages of
similar systems. For example, existing real-time web
based systems, such as and, do not have the possibility
to plot large number of points and tracks on the map.
In such cases, displaying becomes slow and
visualizing overlapping tracks is difficult. Other
solutions, such as TopoFusion (Morris et al., 2004),
propose combining and intersecting GPS tracks in
order to create trails and minimize the data needed to
be displayed, although the goal, creating a GPS
network of trails, is different. Our solution is to
display all the recorded tracks in real time by
reducing the number of points that are plotted. This
is done by fast multi-resolution polygonal
approximation algorithm described in (Chen et al.,
2012), which achieves better approximation result
than the existing competitive methods. Furthermore,
we minimize the time needed for drawing by using a
bounding box solution for plotting only the points
that are visible to the user.
MOPSI Routes is available as a part of MOPSI
services ( and addresses the issues of
storage, querying, retrieval and visualization of GPS
tracks, first described in (Waga et al., 2012b). Users
voluntarily upload their GPS tracks using our mobile
application, which is available for most modern
mobile operating systems (Android, Windows
Phone, iOS and Symbian).
Similar research projects include GeoLife
(Zheng et al., 2008), the system presented in
(Alahakone et al., 2009) and StarTrack
(Ananthanarayanan et al., 2009).
GeoLife (Zheng et al., 2008) is a project which
focuses on visualization, organization, fast retrieval
and understanding of GPS track logs. The main goal
of the project is understanding people lives based on
raw GPS data. The main contribution is visualizing
GPS data over digital maps by indexing the GPS
trajectories based on uploading behavior of users.
Similarly to MOPSI Routes, tracks are searched
using spatial range and time query.
The tool described in (Alahakone et al., 2009) is
used for manipulating, integrating and displaying
geographical referenced information. The main
purposes for the tool are path planning and
navigation of mobile objects. The tool can be used in
Waga K., Tabarcea A., Mariescu-Istodor R. and Fränti P..
Real Time Access to Multiple GPS Tracks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004370102930299
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 293-299
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Typical Workflow of MOPSI Routes.
several applications such as: tracking, fleet
management, security management and industrial
robot navigation. Similarly to our system, a spatial
database is used for storing tracks and points and
Google Maps API to display the tracks. It presents a
general approach in handling GPS data and it can be
used in a variety of applications that use track
recording, navigation and track planning. It requires
that the user selects the points and defines the tracks,
whereas our application automatically detects and
segments the tracks.
StarTrack (Ananthanarayanan et al., 2009) and
its improved version (Haridasan et al., 2010)
describe tracks of coordinates as high-level
abstraction for various types of location-based
applications. The system supports recording,
comparison, clustering and querying tracks.
Experimental results show that the system is
efficient and scalable up to 10.000 tracks. The
improved version was extended to operate on
collections of tracks, delay query executions and
permit caching of query results. Other improvements
are canonicalization based on road networks, and
use of track trees for similarity.
MOPSI Routes can be accessed at The typical workflow of the
system is presented in Fig. 1, whereas Fig. 2 shows
example of tracks collection from one user.
In the first step, user selects the tracks to be
displayed by several criteria such as time, location,
duration and length. Tracks that match the criteria
are retrieved from database and processed before
displaying to the user. During the processing phase,
the points belonging to the retrieved tracks undergo
approximation process that reduces the number of
points needed for the specific map scales. Points that
are outside the visible area of the map are omitted by
applying a bounding box. In the final step, the
remaining points are shown on the map and the user
can browse through them using map view (panning
and zooming) or using list view to see additional
information and statistics of each route.
Figure 2: Example of user tracks collection.
2.1 Data Acquisition and Storage
MOPSI allows collecting tracking data using
smartphones. The mobile application records the
user’s location and timestamp at a predefined
interval (usually 1-4 seconds). The data is saved to
database on server immediately if internet
connection is available, or buffered on the device if
internet connection is not available or the application
is in offline mode.
Tracks are first saved as individual points in the
database, and track objects are created and updated
real time when new points are received. Each track
object contains not only the points but includes
several basic statistics such as start and end time,
bounding box and number of points. Segmentation
and classification statistics are also stored. Analysis
and classification of GPS tracks is described in
details in (Waga et al., 2012a). Furthermore, each
track is stored in its original and in a simplified form
with reduced number of points. The approximated
tracks are computed for 5 different zoom levels in
order to speed up the visualization process. This
limits the number of points drawn on the map
without losing significant information about the
shape of the GPS track. The analyzed and the
approximated tracks are computed immediately
when the points are uploaded.
The tracks are created and updated real time and
tracking points are handled immediately after they
have been uploaded. This process requires
maintaining and updating track statistics and
information constantly when user is recording a new
track. To ensure this, there is a process running
constantly on server that checks periodically (every
1 minute) if any track needs to be updated. When
new tracking points are uploaded, they are either
used for creating a new track object or merged with
the existing points and inserted into list of the track’s
points in time order. The existing tracks are updated
in the case that new tracking points belonging to an
older track are received with significant delay
caused, for example, by poor internet connection.
2.2 Different Map Scales
The tracks recorded in our system carry far more
data than needed for visualization. Full data is
needed for analysis, and therefore, complete GPS
tracks must be stored. However, in the rendering
process for a web browser, reduced number of points
is sufficient to present the shape of track to user. We
apply here a multi-resolution polygonal
approximation algorithm described in (Chen et al.,
2012). The algorithm is fast and achieves good
quality approximation of the tracks. It is applied to
every track and returns approximation of a track in 5
different map scales. The algorithm time complexity
is O(N) (Chen et al., 2012) and the results are stored
to avoid running algorithm repeatedly when the
same track is displayed again.
Figure 3 shows an example of the original and
approximated tracks. The original track contains 575
points and it is approximated in different map scales
with 44, 13, and 6 points respectively. Suitable
approximation error tolerance is selected for each
map scale, and the visualization quality is not
affected by the approximation, but rendering time is
reduced significantly.
Figure 3: Visualization of a sample track.
2.3 Bounding Box
The purpose of the bounding box is to draw on the
map only the points that are visible to user, see Fig.
4. Therefore, we select only points that user will see
using the current map scale and location (bounding
box of the map) at the moment of query. In addition,
we draw also points that are outside the bounding
box, but within immediate neighborhood (50%
extension of screen size). In this way, we allow fast
panning and zooming.
The bounding box is implemented as a function
that gets coordinate of north, east, south and west of
the map visible on the screen. Map scale is also
passed, so that points from the correct
approximation can be selected. The function is
applied to every track and for every point it checks if
the point lies inside the bounding box. Time
complexity of the bounding box is linear and it is
computed entirely on server.
Original track
of 575 points
Visualized for
scale 1
d by 13 points
d by 6 points
Visualized for
scale 2
Visualized for
scale 3
Figure 4: How the bounding box works (from top to
bottom): what user sees on screen, what is drawn on map,
all tracks selected.
2.4 Displaying Tracks on Map
In MOPSI, we use Google Maps to visualize the
data (see Fig. 5). However, user can select different
type of maps that are displayed as overlay over
Google Maps. We support OpenStreetMaps and
detailed orienteering maps in Joensuu area where
most MOPSI users come from.
There are several search options available. The
main search criterion is time, thus only tracks in the
selected time period are shown. In addition, other
criteria can be applied. For example, tracks can be
filtered by minimum and maximum length and
duration. Moreover, it is possible to search for tracks
that start and end around a certain location.
Figure 5: Displaying tracks on the map.
We measure the time spent between sending request
to the system and presenting the result to the user.
The time elapsed from user’s query to the time of
displaying the tracks on the screen using our system
is compared with the same system that does not have
In all measurements, we ignore the time needed
for data transfer. However, in weak internet access
this might become bottleneck, and therefore, we
design the system so that it minimizes data transfer.
That allows using the system on computers with
slower internet connection as well as on tablets that
usually have limited bandwidth.
Table 1: Collections used for our experiments.
User Tracks Points
Pasi 784 1,216,039 8,535 669
Karol 650 1,015,939 9,655 442
Radu 429 613,684 4,604 188
We present measurements for 3 sample users from
Table 1. The original tracks consist of large number
of points. In MOPSI, there are users having over one
million points, which shows the need for reducing
the number of points being displayed as none of the
browser could handle such large number of points
(Chen et al., 2009). In Table 2, we show the number
of points from the original tracks within the selected
time period and the number of points from the
approximated tracks. The zoom level of the map is
selected in such manner that all the tracks are visible
on the map.
Figure 6 presents the time needed to display
tracks in a selected period for three test users. The
process is divided into three phases: querying
database, computing bounding box and drawing in
browser. Results show that the time needed for
showing all the tracks of the user with the biggest
collection is about 2.5 seconds.
Table 2: Number of points in original (left) and in the
approximated tracks (right) in the selected time period for
user Pasi.
Original Approximated
all 1,216,039 9,064
year 424,709 3,088
month 46,669 331
week 11,204 903
recent 3,328 141
Figure 7 shows average time percentages spent in
each of the three phases. Querying data takes most
of the time. Calculating bounding box is a fast
process that additionally speeds up drawing tracks
on map, so that it takes only 14% of time.
The approximation algorithm is necessary to
reduce the number of points displayed. Without it, it
is not possible to display all tracks because the web
browser would crash. The number of points
browsers can handle depends on available resources.
Displaying thousands of points significantly slows
down web browsers. Nevertheless, even if browser
can display all the points in tracks, the time needed
for the process increases.
Table 3: Size of files (in bytes) with original and
approximated tracks for user Karol.
Original Approximated
week 14.000 148
month 346.000 2280
year 4.056.000 69.000
all 11.595.000 129.000
Bigger number of points slows down the bounding
box algorithm and often leads to memory issues.
Moreover, approximation algorithm reduces files
sizes as shown in Table 3 and preserves bandwidth
used to retrieve data from server.
Figure 6: Display times of track collection for users Pasi,
Karol and Radu.
Figure 7: Average time percentage used for performing
each operation of the system.
recent week month year all
recent week month year all
recent week month year all
query boundingbox browser
Experiments show that applying bounding box
decreases time needed to draw tracks on map. Fig. 8
shows a sample case from the experiments. In this
case the same set of tracks was requested at the same
zoom level, but the map was focused in two
different places, Finland and Poland. In Finland the
collection of tracks is big, whereas in Poland there
are only several tracks available. Because of
applying the bounding box solution, not all the
tracks have to be displayed and the time to show the
tracks when map shows fewer tracks (Poland area) is
significantly shorter. Figure 8 also shows how
reducing number of points affects the display time.
Figure 8: Example of querying the same track collection
the same zoom level and focused in Finland (large
collection, top) and Poland (small collection, bottom).
In comparison with the existing web based systems
for visualizing GPS tracks, our system can display
data consisting of significantly more points. For
example, a track with about 10.000 points is
displayed by our system in 1 second whereas GPS
visualizer ( and GMapGis
( need approximately 5 seconds.
Moreover, user interaction is not slowed down in our
system, when large number of points being is
We presented a complete real time system to
collect and visualize GPS tracks. Our motivation is
to offer a system that is capable of handling large
amount of GPS data so that user can access them in
real time. The results show that our system is
efficient even with large point collection. The most
important part is the algorithm reducing the number
of points to be displayed. Combined with a bounding
box solution, the requested tracks can be accessed
within about 2.5 seconds and the collection can be
panned and zoomed with insignificant delay. The
developed system can be used as a basis for more
advanced analysis of GPS tracks, such as similarity
and movement type detection.
Although, the system is efficient, there are still
ways to improve it. For instance, now we reduce the
number of points of one track only, but not when
multiple tracks are overlapped. Further improvement
could be achieved by clustering partial track
segments. Moreover, the query phase should be
optimized to minimize time needed to retrieve data.
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