HelpMe!: A Serious Game for Rehabilitation
of Children Affected by CVI
Matteo Ciman
, Ombretta Gaggi
, Laura Nota
, Luisa Pinello
, Nicola Riparelli
and Teresa Maria Sgaramella
Dept. of Mathematics, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Dept. of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
University Center for Research and Services on Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Pediatric Low Vision Center of the Veneto Region, Dept. of Women’s and Children’s Healths,
University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Serious Games, Game-based Rehabilitation, HTML5, Web Technologies.
CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment) is the leading cause of visual impairment in the United States and the
Western Europe. Due to the high number of different inabilities that children could have when affected by
CVI, it is crucial for the rehabilitation process to start from a good assessment, especially at early ages. In
this paper we present HelpMe!, a serious game to improve the rehabilitation process for these children with a
system able to adapt the exercises to each particular child and to his/her improvements. The system integrates
an eye tracker system to correctly measure the performances of the child and his/her capability to watch and
touch a moving object at the same time.
Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI)
is a disability that
entails a visual deficit, due to a brain damage (Roman-
Lantzy, 2007). People affected by this disability need
that an object is moving to be able to see it, have a
reduced ocular field and ocular delay, and they find
difficulties to understand complex images. Moreover
they are not able to see and touch an object at the same
time: they usually watch the object first, and then they
try to touch it, often loosing the eye contact. A child
affected by CVI can experience all (or a set of) this
difficulties, with different level of graveness. In addi-
tion, since this disability is originated into the brain,
these children could often experience other disorders,
i.e. motor disabilities.
As shown by Malkowicz at al., an early interven-
tion can increase the possibility for children to drasti-
cally reduce the effects of this disability (Malkowicz
et al., 2006). For this reason, it is very important to
identify this problem at early ages, to perform a diag-
nosis and a personalized rehabilitation program.
A good diagnosis can be achieved only with the
total collaboration and attention of the patient. It is
Also known as Cortical Visual Impairment.
not easy to capture children attention during a visual
acuity test, because test exercises (like Lea symbols)
are extremely boring and children usually do not pay
much attention to the questions of the doctor and so to
the answers they give. As a result, the diagnosis may
become inaccurate.
In this paper we propose a game for a personalized
rehabilitation of children affected by CVI. We pro-
pose the serious games paradigm to get attention and
a touch interface for a more natural interaction with
the system. The use of a serious game allows to obtain
as much attention as possible from the child and to
reduce the drop-out-from-therapy phenomenon: the
more the child has fun, the more attention he/she will
pay to the game-exercises and he/she will spend much
more time doing the rehabilitation exercises.
The game interface must be fluid to adapt itself to
different situations: the child could play the game us-
ing different devices, e.g., a tablet, a computer with
or without a touch monitor, etc. The game must work
even in absence of the network connection. Finally
the game must be configurable to adapt itself to any
child with different difficulties, and must evolve to-
gether with the improvement of the child.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses background and related works. The usage sce-
Ciman M., Gaggi O., Nota L., Pinello L., Riparelli N. and Sgaramella T..
HelpMe!: A Serious Game for Rehabilitation of Children Affected by CVI.
DOI: 10.5220/0004371002570262
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
narios and the developed game are presented in Sec-
tion 3 and Section 4. The architecture of the system is
defined in Section 5. Section 6 discusses implemen-
tation issues. Finally, we conclude in Section 7.
When we talk about serious games, we talk about
games or applications which are developed not only
for fun, but to hide, under the games, some exercises
to develop particular skills of the user. Actually there
are a lot of different applications of serious games,
e. g., military field, educational field or governmental
field (Michael and Chen, 2006).
Serious games are becoming very important, ei-
ther for doctors, e. g., for their training or to simulate
real-life experiences, and for patients, e. g., to hide
rehabilitative exercises under a game. Esteban at al.
developed a system to combine 3D computer simula-
tion to the learning process for new doctors, to teach
them particular procedures (Esteban et al., 2011).
Other approaches show the goodness of the us-
age of serious games with children. De Bortoli and
Gaggi showed how a visual acuity test can be hidden
under a much more interesting game, with the conse-
quence that children pay much more attention to the
exercises, and so to the answer for the doctor, with
the result that the diagnosis will be more accurate (De
Bortoli and Gaggi, 2011).
Other authors ((Di Loreto and Gouaich, 2011),
(Gaggi et al., 2012)) showed that not expensive
equipment and serious games can open opportunities
for home rehabilitation, reducing the drop-out-from-
therapy phenomenon, even with children, and for re-
habilitation programs that could last several months.
To the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to
use a game for rehabilitation of children affected by
CVI was carried out by Laura Campa
na of the Junior
Blind of America. She has shown, that if traditional
rehabilitation tools are replaced by iPads with some
simple games, even without any specific goal and
which are not created for this particular kind of chil-
dren (i. e., Bubbles Magic) that present some words
or pictures and play different sounds, the result is that
the child is attracted by the pictures and the sounds
on the device, he/she pays lot of attention to the tablet
and to what happens on the screen (Campa
na, 2012).
Tap-n-see Zoo is an application specific for children
with CVI which moves a teddy bear on the screen and
plays a sound when the child taps on it.
Our solution improves this first approach since it
integrates the serious game with an eye-tracker sys-
tem to record the child’s eyes movement during the re-
habilitation program and to better measure his/her im-
provements and it proposes a game to train a specific
skill: the problem-solving capabilities of the child.
Our goal is to train the ability to see and touch an
object at the same time. This kind of rehabilitation
requires a long period of training, which must be per-
formed every day, therefore not only in the hospital,
but also at child’s home.
To measure if the training process has a positive
result, the doctor needs a precise way to measure the
performance of the children during all the rehabilita-
tion program. For this reason, we need to be able to
acquire as much data as possible about the behavior
of the child, therefore our system uses an eye-tracker
system to record the eyes gaze during all the game
session. Two problems arise: the eye tracker system
costs, therefore we cannot assume that every child has
it at home. Moreover, it requires a sufficiently illumi-
nated environment with a neutral background.
Since the rehabilitation program, for being effec-
tive, needs to be performed almost every day, we must
allow the child to play the game with any device. For
this reason,the application has to be portable over sev-
eral platforms and devices, e.g. with different screen
resolutions, and must support different input methods,
e.g. touch interfaces and standard input interfaces.
Further, the system has to be robust to the absence
of a component, i.e., the eye tracker system, in order
to reduce the minimum cost of the needed equipment,
and to the absence of Internet connectivity, to allow
children to play the game even with a tablet. Even
in this cases, the system has to collect data, though
incomplete, but still sufficient for further analysis.
For this reasons, our system was developed to be
adaptable to any possible scenario, without the need
to develop different specific-scenario applications. As
well known, web interfaces are the best candidates to
ensure the highest portability over different devices.
The developed game was called Help Me! and has
two goals: to train the ability to see and touch an ob-
ject at the same time and to train the problem-solving
capabilities of the child.
The location of the game is the North Pole, in par-
ticular at Santa Claus’ laboratory. The child has to
help a pixie to fill, on time, the bag of Santa Claus
with proper gifts. Each level of the game has a differ-
ent family of objects as target, e. g., “musical instru-
ments”, “clothes for dolls”, “cars” and so on, each of
which is composed by a set of different images that
show objects belonging to that particular family.
HelpMe! proposes to the child a set of images;
the child has to discriminate between target images,
i. e. images that belong to the target family, and dis-
tractors, i. e., images which belong to other fami-
lies, putting the firsts inside the Santa Claus’ bag, and
throwing out of the screen the last ones. Therefore,
the main tasks that the child has to complete are to
understand what is presented on the screen, to decide
the operation to perform and to move the object in the
right position, i. e., in the bag or out of the screen.
The game is challenging for children affected by
CVI because the first operation requires the child to
be able to focus on an object, the second one involves
his/her problem-solving capabilities, and the last op-
eration requires the child to be able to see and touch
an object at the same time. To avoid that the child be-
comes more interested on the background image in-
stead of the objects presented on the screen, we try
to keep the background image as easier as possible,
avoiding the usage of lot of details.
Every level is described inside the system by a
target family, the number of target images and dis-
tractors which compose that level and the maximum
amount of time (in seconds) the child can use to give
an answer. The system allows to configure every level
with a sequence of images, both target and distractors,
organized according to a specific pattern defined by
the doctor and to adapt these pattern for each child.
Furthermore, the system provides a lot of sounds
and audio to guide the child during the game, i.e. to
give the first instructions, to tell to the child which is
the target family of each level, to provide live feed-
back about child behavior and choices etc.
If the child fails to discriminate one of the images
of a particular level, the game asks to the child to re-
peat that level. After three failures in the same level,
the game proposes the next level anyway.
The design of the system architecture has been deeply
influenced by the requirement, discussed in Section 3,
that the system can be used in very different scenarios,
and has to transform its user interfaces gracefully, in
order to adapt itself to the different characteristics of
each environment and to remain usable by all the chil-
dren with any kind of devices. We must note here that
the system does not need to provide all its features in
all situations, but it must be robust to the absence of
some component, e. g., even if the eye tracker is not
available when a child is at home, the system must
provide the possibility to play the game even with the
child computer or tablet. In this case the system will
record only the touch interactions of the child and not
the movement of the eyes.
For this reason, the system has been structured in
four different components, following a client-server
architecture. In particular our system includes:
1. a server, which manages, synchronizes and stores
data produced from the other components;
2. an eye-tracker system that produces information
relative to eyes position;
3. the user interface for the children, i. e., a compo-
nent responsible to present the game and manage
child interactions;
4. the user interface for the doctor, i. e., a compo-
nent which is able to present data collected on the
child performances. Moreover, it gives to the doc-
tor the possibility to change the game behavior to
better adapt it to a specific patient.
All the components have been developed as much
independent as possible, so that they can be removed,
or replaced in the future. This is particular important
both to adapt the system to particular situations, e. g.,
the absence of the eye tracker system or if the child
uses a tablet instead of a computer to perform his/her
rehabilitation exercises, and to allow an easy recon-
figuration of the system. As an example, we use an
open source eye tracker system. Commercially avail-
able eye tracker systems are more accurate but also
more expensive. If the budget allows to buy one of
this system, it can be easily integrated in our system.
The server component is the more important com-
ponent of the system. It must be accessible through
the net in order to receive and manage the packets
from the other components. It even stores several in-
formation, like child performances or game settings.
The eye-tracker system is responsible to manage
all the tasks necessary to determine where the child
is watching on the screen during the exercises. The
system is composed by a ThorLab web cam (Thor-
labs, 2012), two infrared lamps and a software de-
veloper by the ITU GazeGroup from Denmark (ITU
GazeGroup, 2012) that analyzes the information that
comes from the camera.
Before the tracking process, the software requires
a calibration step in which the system asks the child
to focus on some specific points of the screen, defined
by the software itself. We use some funny pictures, in-
stead of a red dot in the original software, to maintain
Figure 1: System architecture implemented for HelpMe!
the serious game paradigm also in this phase.
Users interfaces are managed by two specific com-
ponents: a client for the child to play the game, and
one for the doctor to manage the game settings and to
provide online information about children behavior.
Given the particular type of users, children af-
fected by CVI, the choice of the interaction modal-
ity is very important. As shown by Forlines at al.,
the touch interfaces are a really natural paradigm
for children; indeed they interact with the screen as
they would interact with a real object (Forlines et al.,
2007). For this reason, the interaction method pre-
ferred for the children interface component is a touch
interface, to better involve the children to the game
and naturalize the interaction with it, through a tablet
or a touch monitor. However, it is possible to interact
with a mouse if a touch device is not available.
As discussed in Section 3, to address portability, the
game and the child interface must be usable on any
device. For this reason, the application has been de-
veloped as a Rich Internet Application (RIA), a web
application that works with lots of data elaborated
both by the client and the server, exchanged in an
asynchronous way, with a look and feel similar to
desktop application.
Our application has been developed using the new
HTML5 standard, that does not requires to download
a specific plugin, but only to use a browser that sup-
ports it. Unfortunately, not all the versions of the
browsers support HTML5 standard, but its support is
widespread over the actual browsers
Another requirement for this system was to take
up little space, so that it can be used in a doctor’s
Internet Explorer v. 9 (current 10), Chrome v. 10 (cur-
rent 23), Firefox v. 3.6 (current 17), Safari v. 5 (current 6)
and Opera v. 11.1 (current 12.1)
office. For this reason, we managed to use the min-
imum number of computers and other devices. The
final architecture of the system is composed, when all
the components are available, by the server and two
computers, one dedicated only for the child (which
could be replaced by a tablet) and one for the doc-
tor interface and the eye-tracker system (the last one
will work in background), as shown in Figure 1. We
cannot use only one device, because, even if we do
not consider performances degradation, this solution
would require to the doctor and the child to compete
to get the focus on their own window to interact with
the proper software interface.
6.1 Communication Protocol
The client-server communication is based on a sim-
ple protocol of packets exchanging encoded into the
JSON format. Every packet is composed by a “type”
field, which specifies which is the meaning of that
packet, e. g., “ready to play” or “game settings”, and
other fields, that depends on the “type” field, e. g.,
“data”, “time”, “pos top” or “pos left”, that contain
the real information of that packet.
Communication between the clients and the server
has been developed using WebSocket API, a new fea-
ture of HTML5 which allows to defines a new com-
munication protocol that creates a full-duplex single
socket connection between server and client (IETF,
Internet Engineering Task Force, 2012).
The WebSocket protocol is implemented, at client
side, by the browser, therefore, we only needed to de-
velop a server. At the time of the development of this
project, a only Java implementation of the server sup-
ported the last specification of the WebSocket hand-
shake and the WebSocket protocol. For this reason,
the server component was written in Java 7.
The usage of the WebSocket protocol provides
several improvements in real-time application per-
formances. Firstly, it reduces the amount of over-
head introduced in each information packet, reduc-
ing the throughput necessary to send all the packets.
Secondly, it reduces latency, because after the initial
handshake between the client and the server, every
time the server has new data for the client it can send it
immediately, without waiting for a new request from
the client (like the polling technique).
The use of WebSocket allows to provide to the
doctor a real-time feedback about the behavior of the
child, with information packets sent every 40 ms (lim-
ited by eye-tracker performances). Figure 2 shows
the doctor interface: the server receives, records and
sends to the doctor client the movements of the image
(the red line), of the user touch (the light green line)
Figure 2: Simple feedback of child interaction with the sys-
tem provided to the doctor in real-time way
and of the gaze (the black line) along the time. In this
way, the doctor is able to watch what is happening on
the child side, viewing where the child is touching,
how he/she is moving the image on the screen, and
where he/she is watching. Furthermore, we provide
several summary information about child choices and
interaction with the game.
6.2 Data Storage
The doctor can consult data during the child exercises
or offline, for further analysis. For each session game
a .ini file stores information about the used device, the
screen size, etc. Information about the image position
on the screen, the touch interaction of the child and
where the eyes are watching on the screen are stored
into three different text files, in which each entry, i.
e., a packet, follows the pattern hT, le f t, topi where
T is the timestamp, and left and top contains the left
position and the top position of the recorded element
(the touch position, the center of the image or where
the eyes are watching) on the screen.
Even the exercises settings used by the doctor for
each child are stored in the server with an XML file
(every child has his own settings associated), provid-
ing the possibility to the doctor to use several times
the same exercise with the same child, avoiding him
to insert every time the same settings (this is particular
important for performances analysis for the doctor).
6.3 Portability Issues
To improve the portability of the system, we use other
two important features of HTML5: local storage and
cache manifest. When a cache manifest file is asso-
ciated to an HTML page, the browser reads this files
and downloads all the files listed in its cache, that are
all the files necessary to provide the requested page.
In this way, we have a performance improvement (the
browser does not need to download all the file ev-
ery time) and the browser can provide the application
even without Internet connectivity.
The Internet connectivity is necessary only to send
to the server the information stored during the reha-
bilitation made at home. The server receives this in-
formation, saves them and calculates an evaluation of
each exercise. All the information are stored in the
database to provide to the doctor the possibility to
watch a simulation of the rehabilitation program per-
formed by the user and his/her progress.
At the current state of art, browsers available on
tablet are not able to reproduce mode than one audio
at the same time, for this reason, we used the Phone-
Gap (Adobe Systems, 2012) framework to carry out
the conversion from a web application to a native ap-
plication for any available tablet.
The application has been successfully tested with
Chrome from version 14.0, Firefox from version 11.0,
Safari from version 5.0 and Opera from version 12.0.
6.4 Synchronization of the Components
The goal of the system is to train the child and to pro-
vide information useful to the doctor. This informa-
tion are: the image position, where the child is touch-
ing and where he/she is watching on the screen. This
information comes from two different sources: the
first two from the client dedicated to the child inter-
action, and the last one from the eye-tracker compo-
nent. Therefore, the main task of the server is to syn-
chronize and store this information during the session
game, in order to avoid loss of data.
To align all the packets along a common time line,
every packet is timestamped with a value T , repre-
senting the offset with referent to a common initial
time zero which represents the beginning of the game
or the beginning of the eye-gaze tracking.
Due to the natural difference between clocks in
different autonomous computers, the starting time for
the game and the eye-tracking software will be differ-
ent. But this different times have to represent the same
UCT time, in order to start their operation at the same
moment. In this way, if two packets have the same T
(or with a difference less than 40ms) the information
provided are relative to the same moment.
The server calculates the starting time for every
session of the game using its own clock (basically, five
seconds after the entire system is ready to start). Then
it converts the starting time to the corresponding time
for the each client. At this point, the two clients can
start their job at the time received by the server. Every
clients calculate the T values based on the start time
value received by the server.
The algorithm used to calculate the starting times
for the two clients is based on the work by Sichitiu
and Veerarittiphan, that defines the time of a client
as a linear function of the server time based on two
parameters, previously calculated during a synchro-
nization phase where lots of packets that contains
time information are exchanged between server and
client (Sichitiu and Veerarittiphan, 2003). We use
500 packet for the estimation of the Round Trip Time
(RTT). This synchronization step usually requires less
then a minute
and must be performed only once for
each client, the first time it is connected to the system.
This paper presents a system for rehabilitation of chil-
dren affected by CVI with a serious game, called
HelpMe!. The game aims at training the problem
solving capabilities of these children and their ability
to watch, touch and move an object at the same time.
To the best of our knowledge, this system represents
the first integration of an eye-tracker system with a
serious game to train some capabilities. The game is
adaptable to any kind of device, and robust to the ab-
sence of internet connection. Unfortunately, even if
the game can be played, potentially, in any device, we
must note that devices with very small screen, like the
cell phones, strongly reduce the usability of the game.
We asked to an oculist and two psychologists to
review the system, in order to evaluate the usability
of the game for children affected by CVI. They sug-
gested to remove some details from the background
image of the game, initially crowded with gifts and
Christmas decorations, that may act as distractors for
children affected by CVI that can experience some
difficulties in understanding the image itself and in
recognizing the object to analyze for the game. This
suggestion has been implemented in the system.
Moreover, a small group of children, with the
same age of the target users, but not affected by CVI,
play with the game, without the eye tracker system. In
this second test, we wanted to study if the children got
engaged with the game, and the result was positive.
The use of HTML5 standard and the PhoneGap
framework has deeply influenced the development of
The time required for the synchronization phase de-
pends on the network bandwidth. We made some test using
LAN, but since this process is performed only once for each
client, this value does not affected the overall performance
of the system.
the project since they allow to develop a unique ap-
plication that can be made available on line, or built
for different devices without the need to re-implement
the game into another programming language.
Future works will be dedicated to study the pre-
cision of the system, which may depend on the cali-
bration step. In this step, the system asks to the child
to focus on an image placed in five different places of
the screen, the four corners and its midpoint. Depend-
ing on the graveness of CVI, some children could not
perform precisely the calibration step, reducing the
quality of the eye gaze calculated. We plan to add
an evaluation system of the training phase, in order to
provide a measure of the precision of the child.
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