Energy Sustainability in Cooperating Clouds
Antonio Celesti, Antonio Puliafito, Francesco Tusa and Massimo Villari
a degli Studi di Messina, Facolt
a di Ingegneria, Contrada di Dio, S. Agata, 98166 Messina, Italy
Cloud Computing, Federation, Virtual Infrastructure Management, Energy Sustainability, Photovoltaic
Systems, Renewable Energy, Energy Optimization.
Nowadays, cloud federation is paving the way toward new business scenarios in which it is possible to enforce
more flexible energy management strategies than in the past. Considering independent cloud providers, each
one is exclusively bounded to the specific energy supplier powering its datacenter. The situation radically
change if we consider a federation of cloud providers each one powered by both a conventional energy supplier
and a renewable energy generator. In such a context the opportune relocation of computational workload
among providers can lead to a global energy sustainability policy for the whole federation. In this work, we
investigate the advantages, constrains, and issues for the achievement of such a sustainable environment.
Federation is the next frontier of cloud comput-
ing. Throughout the federation, different small and
medium Cloud providers belonging to different orga-
nizations, can join each other to achieve a common
goal, usually represented by the optimization of their
The basic idea is that a Cloud provider has not
infinite resources. In order to achieve target busi-
ness scenarios a Cloud provider may need a flexi-
ble infrastructure. Federation allows Cloud providers
to achieve such a resilient infrastructure asking ad-
ditional resources to other federation-enabled Cloud
Providers. Cloud federation is much more than the
mere use of resources provided by a mega-provider.
From a political point of view, the term federa-
tion refers to a type of system organization character-
ized by a joining of partially “self-governing” entities
united by a “central government”. In a federation,
each self-governing status of the component entities
is typically independent and may not be altered by a
unilateral decision of the “central government”.
Besides cloud mega-providers, also smaller/
medium providers are becoming popular even though
the virtualization infrastructures they have deployed
in their datacenters cannot directly compete with the
bigger counterparts. A way to overcome these re-
source limitations is represented by the promotion of
federation mechanisms among small/medium cloud
providers. This allows to pick up the advantages of
other form of economic model considering societies,
universities, research centers and organizations that
commonly do not fully use the resources of their own
physical infrastructures.
In this work, we focus on an innovative sustain-
able federated cloud scenario in which resources are
relocated between cloud providers whose datacenters
are partially powered by renewable energy generator
systems. The federation is seen as a way for reduc-
ing energy costs (Energy Cost Saving), but at the
same time a possibility to reduce the CO
(Energy Sustainability). Here we discuss strategies
and policies it is possible to apply in federated cloud
environments for achieving the just mentioned goals.
Specifically our assessment is aimed at the design of
an Energy Manager, to be included in whichever Vir-
tual Infrastructure Manager as well OpenStack, Open-
Nebula and Cloud Stack.
The manuscript is organized as follows. Section
2 introduce how an energy sustainability strategy can
be applied to a federated cloud environment. The en-
ergy consumption of a datacenter is affected by dif-
ferent factors including the Power contribution for
the Information Technology (IT) equipment (P
), the
Power contribution for the Electrical (POW) equip-
ments (P
), and the Power contribution for the
Cooling (COOL) equipments (P
). To this regards
several energy considerations about cloud datacenters
are discussed in Section 3. As said before, a deci-
sion algorithm for sustainable federated clouds is pre-
sented in Section 4. Section 5 discusses related works.
Celesti A., Puliafito A., Tusa F. and Villari M..
Energy Sustainability in Cooperating Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0004371200830089
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 83-89
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Section 6 summarizes conclusions and lights to the
Federation brings new business opportunities for
clouds. In fact, besides the traditional market where
cloud providers offer cloud-based services to their
clients, federation triggers a new market where cloud
providers can buy and/or sell computing/storage ca-
pabilities and services from/to other clouds. A cloud
provider can decide to lend resources to other clouds
when it realizes that its datacenter is under-utilized at
given times. Typically, datacenters are under-utilized
during the night and over-utilized during the morning.
Therefore, as the datacenter cannot be turned off, the
cloud provider may decide to turn the problem into a
business opportunity.
As federation enables cloud providers to relocate
their services on other peers belonging to the system,
in our opinion, it is possible to carry out more flexible
energy-aware scenarios than the past, when we con-
sidered independent non-federated clouds. Two pos-
sible alternative energy-aware scenarios are: Energy
Cost Saving and Energy Sustainability.
Figure 1: Example of Sustainable Federated Cloud Envi-
The main contribution of this work is to propose
a possible approach for the achievement of such an
environment. Our approach is based on the following
idea: “moving the computation toward the more sus-
tainable available cloud datacenter”. This statement
is motivated by the following assumptions:
1. Often, the renewable energy generator systems
produce more energy than necessary.
2. It is very hard to store the exceeded produced re-
newable energy (e.g., in batteries).
3. Alternatively, it is becoming very difficult to put
the exceeded produced renewable energy in pub-
lic electric grids. This practice is becoming a
problem for Energy suppliers as it implies uncon-
trolled power surges which are hard to be man-
aged. As this problem is becoming more and more
sensitive, the energy suppliers are becoming to be
reluctant to absorb energy produced by private re-
newable energy generator systems.
4. As consequence of 1), 2), and 3) often the ex-
ceeded produced renewable energy is wasted.
5. Consequently, it is easier to move the computa-
tion toward a datacenter powered by a renewable
energy generator system with a high large avail-
ability of energy than moving the “green energy”
toward the datacenter where the computing has to
take place.
If we consider a set of datacenters with these features,
a sustainable federated cloud environment can allow
to save money, maximizing the use of “green energy”
and reducing the level of carbon dioxide.
An example of such a scenario is depicted in Fig-
ure 1. The sustainable federated cloud ecosystem in-
cludes four cloud providers: Messina, Sidnay, S
Paulo, and Stuttgard. The electricity suppliers A, B,
C, and D are independent companies that provide en-
ergy at different costs. In our scenario, the datacenter
of each cloud providers is meanly powered by a pri-
vate renewable energy generator system as primary
source of energy. When the primary source of energy
is not enough to power the datacenter, the cloud uses
the energy of its Electricity Supplier. In addition, each
cloud is federated with each other in order to take the
advantages of service relocation and resource consol-
idation. Further details regarding how federate cloud
architecture are out of scope of this work. Further de-
tails can be found in Section 5.
Each cloud provider joins the federation in or-
der to move its computation in other federated clouds
where the production of “green energy” is maximum.
In simple terms, we move the computation load to-
wards the more efficient renewable energy generators
(in term of produced electricity) maximizing the uti-
lization of the federated clouds in which the workload
has been transferred. Considering Figure 1, the four
clouds have different latitudes. According to a given
period (due to time zone and month), each renew-
able energy generator system that primarily powers
each cloud datacenter can have different energy effi-
ciency compared to each other. These different con-
ditions can depend by different factors according to
the adopted source of renewable energy. For exam-
ple the amount of energy produced by a photovoltaic
system depends on the solar radiance which is differ-
ent hour by hour, day by day, and month by month.
In addition, the energy production of a photovoltaic
system is also affected by the weather and climate
condictions. For simplicity, let us consider the time
zone, when the time of Messina is 17:00, the time of
ao Paulo is 13:00. In this situation, in S
ao Paulo the
solar radiance of the sun is stronger then the one in
Messina. On the other hand, considering both cities
in July, the temperature of Messina will be proba-
bly higher than the one in S
ao Paulo. Further similar
consideration can be made considering the latitude of
the two cities. This scenario implies that if a cloud
provider wants to enforce energy sustainability poli-
cies on its own datacenter, it relocate its services into
other federated cloud providers, chosen according the
aforementioned energy consideration. For reasons of
Quality of Service (QoS), let us suppose that each
cloud provider of the federation has replicated in ad-
vance part of its services into other federated clouds.
Considering a federation of Infrastructure as Service
(IaaS) clouds, service replication means copying Vir-
tual Machines (VMs) disk-image into other federated
providers. In this way the cloud providers that wants
to apply energy sustainability policies can turn off the
blade center hosting its VMs and turn on the copies
of these VMs pre-arranged into other federated cloud
datacenters, where the renewable energy production
is maximum according to temperature, latitude, and
time zone.
The first step for the achievement of a Sustainable
Cloud Federation is to better understand the main fac-
tors affecting the total power consumption of a data-
center. As already introduced these factors are P
, and P
is related to the total power consumption of the
IT equipment such as: CPUs, Storage (i.e., Hard
Disk, Tapes, Optical Disks, etc.), RAM, Switches and
Router, Monitors.
regards the total power consumption of the
Electrical equipment, for example, including: UPS
(Uninterruptible Power Supply), PSU (Power Supply
Unit), PDU (Power Distribution Unit), Cable (cop-
per wires characterized by an electrical resistance),
Lights, Batteries.
refers cooling equipment including for exam-
ple: Chiller. responsible for making the GAP among
the external (outdoor) and internal (indoor) tempera-
tures, FANs, regarding the Control Room Air Condi-
tioning (CRAC) or to equipment used to discard the
heat in the external ambient, Pumps, responsible for
moving the refrigerant substance (or water) inside the
distribution pipes, Valves, Unit of Control.
The entire cooling system of a datacenter can be
referred also as HVAC (i.e, Heating, Ventilating,
Air-Conditioning) or HVAC(R) (Heating, Ventilating,
Air-Conditioning, and Refrigerating). Consequently,
the total power consumption of a datacenter can be
defined as:
= P
+ P
+ P
Figure 2 shows the total amount of energy consump-
tion of a datacenter. The percentages of the total
power spent in a datacenter can be roughly distributed
as follows:
= 50%; P
= 20%; P
= 30%. (2)
Figure 2: Typical Consumption of Energy inside a Datacen-
and P
are strongly related to the transistors
performances. In fact, currently, they have a physical
limits that it is not possible to be overcame. However,
recent studies are trying to break such limits and the
expectation is that future innovation can bring to more
performance equipment from the point of view of the
energy consumption. In this direction, a recent and in-
teresting dissertation was conducted in The Optimist,
the Pessimist, and the Global Race to Exascale in 20
Megawatt (Tolentino and Cameron, 2012). Consid-
ering the aforementioned assumption, particular con-
sideration deserves P
. We believe that P
have a big role in the energy consumption studies in
the ICT field. In fact, at present P
is the parame-
ter easier to optimize and how it is described later in
this manuscript, cloud federation can help to achieve
this goal.
In order to model a sustainable federated cloud en-
vironment, we consider the datacenter of each cloud
provider as a black box which acts an ideal refrigera-
tion machine also known as the Carnot Engine. The
performances of this ideal model is only affected by
the temperatures: the black box needs to be cooled
as much as depending on the environment where it
is placed. Moreover we consider that in such a black
box there are both energy coming in, and heat that has
to be discarded in the external environment.
Considering the First Law of Thermodynamic
about the conservation of energy, we have the fol-
lowing equation (see Eq. 3) that states any compo-
nent/device connected to the Electric Grid transform
the energy from one form to other ones (Conservation
of Energy).
= W + Q (3)
Where P
is the input power over the time (i.e., in
hours), W is the energy spent for mechanical works
and Q is the energy release as Heat. In a datacenter,
is the electric power delivered through copper ca-
bles, W is the energy for producing movements (Com-
pressor of a Chiller, FANs, Hard Disk with rotors, Op-
tical Readers, etc.). Finally Q is the Heat produced by
components, lights, motors, compressors. In a data-
center, if we assume the P
and/or P
, the contri-
bution to W is negligible. The Compressor in a chiller
) catch a lot of energy, but its work is useful for
expelling Heat from inside the datacenter to the out-
side (environment). Using the theoretical analysis of
the Thermodynamic model, it is possible to demon-
strate that for a Carnot Engine, the Energy Q is linked
to the Temperature T .
The measurement of goodness of a datacenter is
given by a number called Power Usage Effective-
ness (PUE). It is expressed as the ratio from the total
amount of energy consumed as input respect to good
part of energy used for IT computations. Values of
PUE equals to 1 correspond to an energy efficiency
of 100%.
The increasing of the PU E value, corresponds to a
greater weight of either P
or P
(or both). Typical PUE values for a datacenter are
greater than 1 and corresponds to 2-2.5.
Looking at Figure 3, it is possible to know how a
datacenter cooling system works. Although the Fig-
ure refers to an actual datacenter existing in Messina,
it may represent the general installation of a working
environment. The Figure shows two graphs (in the top
and bottom part of the DC) highlighting how the tem-
perature ranges with both Free Cooling and HVAC
Plants respect to the real distance from the datacenter
(HeatPath). Looking at the Free Cooling situation in
particular, it is possible to remark that the temperature
of the BladeCenter (T
) should be guaranteed ac-
cording to the external temperature (T
). This can
be accomplished only when the climate conditions of
a site allow this configuration. HVAC and Free Cool-
Figure 3: The representation of a Datacenter: it is the real
installation of the DC in Messina. The APC CUBE uses the
HVAC cooling.
ing performances are both environment Temperature
Hence, considering a sustainable federated cloud
environment the PU E of two different cloud datacen-
ters with the same equipment, but placed in two dif-
ferent regions, may assume different values. The en-
vironment temperature of each region affects the re-
sulting PUE depending on the adopted cooling tech-
Considering both the scenario previously described in
Section 2 and the considerations already pointed out
in this work, in the following we are going to intro-
duce a simple algorithm designed to address the prob-
lem of establishing the best site on which a given ser-
vice has to be deployed for minimizing both energy
consumption and costs, on the strength of the actual
environmental data collected on each.
We assume a given workload has to be executed in
our four-sites federated scenario in a given time: we
know how many resources will be needed to accom-
plish that task and how many free computational slots
will be available on each site. For each one, we also
assume to know the availability of the instantaneous
amount of electrical power produced from the photo
voltaic equipment, the amount of electrical power ab-
sorbed from the HVAC(R) (or free cooling system)
and that one used for achieving the computation (there
will be also other contribution that will be explained
in the following).
If we want to find a method for optimizing compu-
tation respect to costs, we have to identify an analytic
approach able to put together all the parameters char-
acterizing the scenario. Since energy providers apply
their fares on the actual amount of consumed kWh,
our analytic model will take into account the energy
contributions as mean value of the electrical power
over a time interval. In order to have a good snapshot
of the energy production/absorption when the com-
puting element placement have to be performed, in
our case this interval corresponds to one hour.
Looking at the scenario depicted in Figure 1,
and paying attention to the aforementioned consider-
ations, we might assume the energy consumption of
each site is represented from the Eq. 5
(T, G,s) =
(s) + E
(T ) + E
(T, G)] (5)
where each energy term represents the pro-
duced/absorbed medium power in a time interval of
one hour and is expressed in kWh. E
(T, G) is the
amount of power grid energy needed from a given site
and is related to the other energy contribution terms
appearing in the formula. According to this latter, it
will depend on the external temperature T where the
site operates, the G factor describing the availability
of the renewable green energy source (e.g, sun radi-
ation, wind intensity, etc.) and the s parameter asso-
ciated to the number of computational unit allocated
(e.g. virtual machines) on that site.
In this specific work, we are assuming each dat-
acenter can rely on a green energy source. For the
sake of simplicity, we can restrict our considerations
to a scenario where each site takes advantage of just
renewable photovoltaic energy. As consequence, we
can associate the G factor to the sun radiation factor
of the energy plant of a given site. According to the
above mentioned assumption, The remaining terms of
the expression in order are: E
, a non-constant fac-
tor associated to the energy needed from a data cen-
ter to perform the computation for a given service
that depends on the number s of computational slot
to be allocated; E
(T ) an energy factor associated
to the HVAC(R) system (or free cooling system) that
depends on the external temperature T characterizing
the area where the site is working (it is related to the
measured PUE for that site); E
is the constant fac-
tor associated to the energy consumption of the power
supply equipment of the data center; finally the last
term E
(T, G) is a function of both external temper-
ature T and sun radiation factor G, related to the mean
energy amount made available from the photo voltaic
system of that site in the time interval of one hour.
If we consider that each site retrieves its electri-
cal power from a different provider, we might esti-
mate the costs needed in terms of electrical power to
achieve a workload execution according to the applied
fares for kWh. With this assumption and starting from
the Eq. 5, you can obtain a new expression 6 related
to the energy expenses associated to each site func-
(T, G,s, c) = E
(T, G,s) · c (6)
In order to cut costs, the organization of our sce-
nario relying on four different computational sites,
can select the one for which the cost values associated
to expression 6 is minimum for a given set of parame-
ters (i.e. temperature T , sun radiation G, needed com-
putational slots s and fare f ). To achieve this goal,
we can consider data related to those parameters is
collected from a sensor network on each site period-
ically. Depending on these obtained values a table is
built considering the mean values of the retrieved pa-
Taking into account such an approach, this par-
ticular module of the VIM operating on the datacen-
ters, will take care of computing the costs for each
site relying on the physical measurements collected
from the available sensors and stored in the table. An
example is reported in Table 1. A simple algorithm
implemented within the Energy Manager will be able
to choose the most convenient site (in terms of energy
consumption) where allocate the computation associ-
ated to a given service.
If two different sites are characterized from the
same cost values in a given time, the algorithm im-
plemented within the Energy Manager will evaluate
also the amount of photo voltaic energy made avail-
able from each site, finally preferring the one where
this factor is the greatest. In some situations where en-
ergy sustainability is preponderant on cost optimiza-
tion, the same algorithm could be applied in a differ-
ent way: the site(s) where the photo voltaic energy
production is the greatest is first chosen and, in the
case of more sites producing the same photo voltaic
energy amount, from the retrieved set, the site where
the overall costs are the lowest will be finally selected
for allocating the services.
The algorithm could be implemented creating a
complementary module for the VIM (Energy Man-
ager) that retrieves needed data from the sensor net-
work available in each computational site, computing
the associated values of energy contributions (con-
sidering the instantaneous electrical power values re-
trieved in that moment) and storing them on the table
until the next data refresh (after one hour). We de-
signed the Energy Manager having in mind the pos-
sibility to include it in whichever Virtual Infrastruc-
ture Manager as well OpenStack, OpenNebula and
Cloud Stack. When one of these VIMs has to al-
locate a new set of s virtual machines for a given
Table 1: Data retrieved from 4 different sites that will be given as input for the VIM Energy Manager.
Site Temperature
(T [°C])
Sun Radi-
ation (G
Energy Grid
Fare (c [$])
Photo Voltaic
[kW h]
Slots (s) PUE Costs
Site 1 35 20 0.08 100 120 3.7 10
Site 2 30 18 0.09 150 90 3.2 13
Site 3 18 14 0.07 80 70 1.2 10
Site 4 23 15 0.08 80 75 2.5 15
service, together with snapshot of physical resource
availability of each site (reported in Table 1), it will
also invoke the Energy Manager to retrieve informa-
tion on the most convenient site to which deploy the
allocation either in terms of cost minimization or en-
ergy sustainability. Since each site can offer a limited
number of computational slots, if the virtual machine
number needed for a given service are greater than the
maximum availability for a site, the load will be split
across more sites still considering the satisfaction of
the same requirements (cost minimization or energy
Looking at Table 1, if we suppose executing a ser-
vice that needs 100 virtual machines, in the first case
of cost optimization, the site selected by the Energy
Manager will be one between Site 1 or Site 3 (as they
guarantee the lowest energy costs: respectively 10 $
and 13 $). The final choice will lead to Site 1 since his
photo voltaic energy availability (100 kWh) is greater
than the one offered by Site 3 (80 kWh). The E
availability in this situation is preponderant: although
the temperature in Site 3 is 18 °C and allows free cool-
ing as refrigeration methods, the C
costs coming
from Eq. 6 are still more convenient on Site 1 where
the “free cost” energy is offered by the photo voltaic
equipment. Furthermore, Site 1 has the availability
of s = 120 computational slots and is able to directly
satisfy the requested service demand. Otherwise the
computation would be split among textitSite 1 and
Site 3.
Still looking at the same table in the alternative sit-
uation we have mentioned before (energy sustainabil-
ity optimization), the first set of selected sites will be
formed by Site 3 and Site 4 (either offering the same
amount of E
= 80 kWh). This time, the final choice
will fall on Site 3 as it is able to offer lower grid en-
ergy costs than Site 4 (10 $ against 15 $). Differently
from the previous case, the available computational
slots of this site is lower than the needed ones. In this
case, 70 of the requested VMs will be deployed on
Site 3 while the remaining ones on Site 4.
As reported in the table, the HVAC(R) system of
each data center is characterized in terms of efficiency
through the PUE (the values in the table refers to a
mean value of the coefficient in the time interval of
one hour). High PUE values are associated to bet-
ter refrigerator systems that allows to use less electri-
cal power to push out heat from the data center. The
PUE values are tightly related the E
(T ) values
contributing in Eq. 5. The best efficiency in terms
of energy spent for cooling is achieved on the site 3,
where thanks to the low external environmental tem-
perature, it is possible to use the free cooling tech-
nique thus reaching a PUE = 1.2.
In the section hereby, the early part analyzes works
falling into energy saving and green energy topics
aimed at datacenter. While in latter part several works
dealing with cloud and federation are reported.
The work we highlight just below show as the
problematic we are trying to address is an hot topic
indeed. Many works dealing with datacenters and
sustainability exist in the scientific literature, however
our contribution tries to give an answer in the are of
cooperating clouds.
The work in (Wang et al., 2011) highlights an in-
novative cooling strategy that leverages thermal stor-
age to cut the electricity bill for cooling. The authors
claimed the system does not cause servers in a dat-
acenter to overheat. They worked on Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to consider the realistic ther-
mal dynamics in a datacenter with 1120 servers.
A Workload Distribution for Internet datacenters
is proposed in (Abbasi et al., 2010), where the server
provisioning algorithm is aware of the temperature
distribution in a DC. The authors try to find a way
where the utilization constraints (in term of capacity
and performance constrains) are satisfied and energy
consumption is minimized.
Modeling a thermal behavior of a datacenter is a
challenging work due to the high number of physi-
cal parameters need to be considered. An interest-
ing model along with a close-loop control system is
described in (Zhou and Wang, 2011). The authors
assessed a datacenter with many CRACs. The inlet
temperature of many racks is investigated for accom-
plishing the Partition in Zone of a datacenter for an
efficient decentralized control.
5.1 Cloud and Federation
In this paragraph, we provide an overview of cur-
rently existing solutions in the field of Cloud Federa-
tion, taking into account initiatives born in academia
and major research projects. Most of the work in the
field concerns the study of architectural models able
to efficiently support the collaboration between dif-
ferent cloud providers focusing on various aspects of
the federation.
In our previous work (Celesti et al., 2010)
we describe an architectural solution for federation
by means of a Cross-Cloud Federation Manager
(CCFM), a software component in charge of exe-
cuting the three main functionalities required for a
federation. In particular, the component explicitly
manages: i) the discovery phase in which informa-
tion about other clouds are received and sent, ii) the
match-making phase performing the best choice of
the provider according to some utility measure and
iii) the authentication phase creating a secure channel
between the federated clouds.
In (Buyya et al., 2010), the authors propose a
more articulated model for federation composed of
three main components. A Cloud Coordinator man-
ages a specific cloud and acts as interface for the ex-
ternal clouds by exposing well-defined cloud opera-
tions. The Cloud Exchange component implements
the functionality of a registry by storing all necessary
information characterizing cloud providers together
with demands and offers for computational resources.
The dissertation in (Kiani et al., 2012) describes
the large-scale context provisioning. The authors re-
marked that the adoption of context-aware applica-
tions and services has proved elusive so far, due to
multi-faceted challenges in cloud computing area. In-
deed existing context aware systems are not ideally
placed to meet the domain objectives, and facilitate
their use in the emerging cloud computing scenarios.
The use of a predominant focus upon designing for
static topologies of the interacting distributed com-
ponents. Presumptions of a single administrative do-
main or authority and context provisioning within a
single administrative, geographic or network domain.
Nowadays, a sensitive problem is finding the right
combination between high performance datacenter
and energy sustainability. In this work, considering a
scenario of cloud federation, we proposed a method-
ology for enabling sustainable cooperating clouds.
Considering photovoltaic energy generation systems,
our approach is based on an energy and temperature-
driven strategies in which the computation workload
of a cloud is moved toward the most efficient sus-
tainable federated cloud. According to such a strat-
egy and considering a federated CLEVER-based sce-
nario, we defined an algorithm for the management of
VM allocation according to energy and temperature-
driven policies. In future works, we plan to consider
also heterogeneous cooperating clouds.
Abbasi, Z., Varsamopoulos, G., and Gupta, S. K. S. (2010).
Thermal aware server provisioning and workload dis-
tribution for internet data centers. In HPDC, pages
Buyya, R., Ranjan, R., and Calheiros, R. N. (2010). Inter-
cloud: Utility-oriented federation of cloud computing
environments for scaling of application services. In
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP 2010, pages 21–23. Springer.
Celesti, A., Tusa, F., Villari, M., and Puliafito, A. (2010).
Three-phase cross-cloud federation model: The cloud
sso authentication. In Proceedings of the 2010 Sec-
ond International Conference on Advances in Future
Internet, AFIN ’10, pages 94–101, Washington, DC,
USA. IEEE Computer Society.
Kiani, L., Anjum, A., Bessis, N., and Hill, R. (2012). Large-
scale context provisioning. In 2012 Sixth Interna-
tional Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Soft-
ware Intensive Systems, CISIS 2012.
Tolentino, M. E. and Cameron, K. W. (2012). The optimist,
the pessimist, and the global race to exascale in 20
megawatts. IEEE Computer, 45(1):95–97.
Wang, Y., Wang, X., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Leveraging
thermal storage to cut the electricity bill for datacen-
ter cooling. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on
Power-Aware Computing and Systems, HotPower ’11,
pages 8:1–8:5, New York, NY, USA. ACM.
Zhou, R. and Wang, Z. (2011). Modeling and control for
cooling management of data centers with hot aisle
containment. In ASME 2011 International Mechan-
ical Engineering Congress & Exposition.