plishing the Partition in Zone of a datacenter for an
efficient decentralized control.
5.1 Cloud and Federation
In this paragraph, we provide an overview of cur-
rently existing solutions in the field of Cloud Federa-
tion, taking into account initiatives born in academia
and major research projects. Most of the work in the
field concerns the study of architectural models able
to efficiently support the collaboration between dif-
ferent cloud providers focusing on various aspects of
the federation.
In our previous work (Celesti et al., 2010)
we describe an architectural solution for federation
by means of a Cross-Cloud Federation Manager
(CCFM), a software component in charge of exe-
cuting the three main functionalities required for a
federation. In particular, the component explicitly
manages: i) the discovery phase in which informa-
tion about other clouds are received and sent, ii) the
match-making phase performing the best choice of
the provider according to some utility measure and
iii) the authentication phase creating a secure channel
between the federated clouds.
In (Buyya et al., 2010), the authors propose a
more articulated model for federation composed of
three main components. A Cloud Coordinator man-
ages a specific cloud and acts as interface for the ex-
ternal clouds by exposing well-defined cloud opera-
tions. The Cloud Exchange component implements
the functionality of a registry by storing all necessary
information characterizing cloud providers together
with demands and offers for computational resources.
The dissertation in (Kiani et al., 2012) describes
the large-scale context provisioning. The authors re-
marked that the adoption of context-aware applica-
tions and services has proved elusive so far, due to
multi-faceted challenges in cloud computing area. In-
deed existing context aware systems are not ideally
placed to meet the domain objectives, and facilitate
their use in the emerging cloud computing scenarios.
The use of a predominant focus upon designing for
static topologies of the interacting distributed com-
ponents. Presumptions of a single administrative do-
main or authority and context provisioning within a
single administrative, geographic or network domain.
Nowadays, a sensitive problem is finding the right
combination between high performance datacenter
and energy sustainability. In this work, considering a
scenario of cloud federation, we proposed a method-
ology for enabling sustainable cooperating clouds.
Considering photovoltaic energy generation systems,
our approach is based on an energy and temperature-
driven strategies in which the computation workload
of a cloud is moved toward the most efficient sus-
tainable federated cloud. According to such a strat-
egy and considering a federated CLEVER-based sce-
nario, we defined an algorithm for the management of
VM allocation according to energy and temperature-
driven policies. In future works, we plan to consider
also heterogeneous cooperating clouds.
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