application have been presented in the past, the most
notable one being CoScripter(Leshed et al., 2008).
While also CoScripter makes use of social software
tools to share the interaction sequences, the similari-
ties between the two approaches end there. In our ap-
proach a best practice is not determined by the inter-
action of a single actor with a web application but it is
(possibly) the result of the interplay between several
actors’ interactions. We also have a more refined way
to semantically enrich the information related to the
best practices and we provide a more general knowl-
edge framework of which what we presented is just a
The maturity of the project is another difference
between CoScripter and our work. We have not tested
yet our proof-of-concept implementation with a large
community, while CoScripter has been successfully
adopted by thousands and thousands of users. A full
evaluation of our approach cannot prescind from such
a real-world analysis. Thus, this will be the next step
of our research. We are planning to deploy our solu-
tion in an enterprise context; at the same time we plan
to open the access to the software tools to the broad
public in order to create other feedback channels.
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itoring users’ interactions with the social software
tools and with WikiRecPlay we can collect a signif-
icant amount of data that can be mined in order to ex-
tract further knowledge. These and other interesting
research ideas - such as improving the recommender
system, integrating profiles and sophisticated visual-
izations processes embodied by sequences - can en-
rich the approach we proposed in this paper.
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