Making Data Citable
A Web-based System for the Registration of Social and Economics Science Data
Dimitar Dimitrov, Erdal Baran and Dennis Wegener
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8, 50667 Cologne, Germany
Keywords: Citable Research Data, DOI, Registration Agency, Information System.
Abstract: Reliable identification and citation of research datasets, used to answer particular research questions, is
currently limited. Even with well agreed standards, classic bibliographic methods of data citation have their
limits when research datasets have been used several times or are stored in different locations. In this paper,
we present the web-based information system da|ra, which aims at addressing this issue. We introduce a
technical architecture which allows the registration of metadata of research datasets. The system allows a
user to get a DOI name for these datasets, to search for registered datasets and to resolve DOI names. To-
day, our system is used by 12 publication agents and includes more than 6,000 research datasets that can be
searched and cited using their DOI name.
Today, we are experiencing an explosion of data,
since producing data has become very easy and
inexpensive. This is not only true for the common
Internet user who, e.g., writes blogs and publishes
photos, but also for the scientific community. Dif-
ferent tools support producing research datasets of
various types. However, the exact citation and refer-
encing of these datasets poses a problem for re-
searchers and thus limits, e.g., the reproducibility of
experiments on scientific data. This is surprising, as
the possibility of getting citations for datasets would
intrinsically encourage researchers to publish their
data to earn reputation and acknowledgement.
A solution to this problem is the use of persistent
identifiers for datasets as, e.g., offered by the DOI
(Digital Object Identifier) system (DOI Foundation,
2012). In cooperation with DataCite (DataCite,
2012), an international initiative to establish easier
access to research data, the Leibniz institutions
GESIS (GESIS, 2012) and ZBW (ZWB, 2012) offer
DOI registration for social science and economic
data in Germany. The registration agency for social
and economics science data da|ra (http://www.da- aims at developing an infrastructure to attach
DOI names to research data and make them findable
and citable (Hausstein and Zenk-Möltgen, 2011).
In this paper, we present the current web-based
information system for the registration and retrieval
of social and economic science data, which was
developed in the da|ra project. The key objective of
the system is to capture metadata of social and eco-
nomic datasets, making them citable by registering a
DOI names as persistent identifier, and making them
searchable on the Web. The data centres that register
data, also called publication agents, are responsible
for providing the metadata and specifying the correct
landing page for resolution, as well as for taking
care of their up-to-dateness. da|ra is responsible for
the DOI registration and the metadata maintenance.
The remainder of the paper is as follows: An
overview over prior and related work is given in
Section 2. Section 3 introduces the domain-specific
metadata schema of the da|ra system. In Section 4
we present the da|ra system architecture and intro-
duce the process for the registration of a dataset with
da|ra. Finally, Section 5 concludes and presents an
Data available on the Web can be very dynamic and
often changes over time. However, this can be a
curse if we want the data to be accessible and re-
usable. Thus, we can attach a reference to the data
that can be resolved and points to the recent location
of the data. Such a reference is called persistent
identifier (PID). The most important properties of a
Dimitrov D., Baran E. and Wegener D..
Making Data Citable - A Web-based System for the Registration of Social and Economics Science Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004371601550159
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 155-159
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
persistent identifier are uniqueness, which can be
addressed by defining namespaces or using special
identifier generation strategies, and resolvability,
which means that the identifier can be resolved per-
sistently. Further important properties in the context
of PID systems are, e.g. the association of metadata
with the identifier, the ability to incorporate legacy
identifiers or identifiers of other types, or the han-
dling of versioning, granularity and management of
the PIDs (Ball and Duke, 2012). In general, we can
distinguish two categories among the systems as-
signing persistent identifiers: systems that store
metadata associated with the PID and systems that
do not store metadata. The main part of the systems
storing metadata has a basic metadata schema,
which often consists of Dublin Core elements.
The DOI Foundation provides a managed resolu-
tion system for identifiers. A DOI name may be
represented as a URL by prefacing the string to the DOI of the document (e.g.,
the DOI name 10.4232/1.11380, can be resolved by
One of the biggest PID systems is Crossref
(Crossref, 2012), which is mainly registering DOI
names for different literature types. DataCite is reg-
istering DOI names, but their focus is on PIDs for
datasets. DataCite also provides a very general
metadata schema for datasets of all types. Further-
more, several institutions exist, e.g. national librar-
ies, which allow registration of URNs (Daigle et al.,
2002) for publications. We build our system on the
services provided by DataCite, since the purpose of
DataCite is to promote science and research, which
perfectly matches our use cases. Thus, we use DOI
names as PIDs (Hausstein, 2012).
The main goal of the da|ra information system is the
registration of scientific social and economic da-
tasets and to allow for searching for metadata of
research datasets. Typical data in social sciences is
empirical primary data from survey research, histor-
ical social research and texts for content analyses.
The typical economics data is statistical data collect-
ed with surveys of individuals, companies or states
but also data representing experiment results.
The main requirements when developing the
da|ra metadata schema to describe the data were the
following: (1) Interoperability with other standards
such as the DDI metadata specification (DDI, 2012)
and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI); (2)
Quality assurance of metadata; (3) Sustainability,
e.g. the availability for semantic web applications.
The metadata schema of da|ra is implemented as
XML Schema Definition (Hausstein et al., 2012) and
is partially based on the metadata schema of the
Metadata store of DataCite (Starr et al., 2011). As
we are interfacing with the DataCite services, we
incorporated all required fields of the metadata store
schema in our schema, but also adapted and intro-
duced new fields. The following fields are consid-
ered as the minimal set of fields required for a cita-
tion of a dataset: Title; Principal Investigator; Publi-
cation Agent; DOI; URL; Publication Date. Since
da|ra does not store the data itself but only the
metadata, the mandatory field ‘Availability’ addi-
tionally holds information about the access status of
the dataset.
The da|ra schema includes 28 optional fields to
give users the possibility to describe social and eco-
nomic science data in detail, e.g. by fields such as
Data Collector, Sampled Universe, Sampling, Tem-
poral Coverage, Time Dimension, Collection Mode,
Data, and Publication. These additional fields also
increase the visibility of the datasets and make them
easier to be found by a domain expert.
In the da|ra system, editing of metadata is sup-
ported by controlled vocabularies in order to support
quality assurance and standardization. Hence, some
fields of the da|ra metadata schema accept only
values from controlled vocabularies from the social
and economic sciences, such as TheSoz (Thesaurus
Social Sciences) (Zapilko et al., 2012) or STW
(Thesaurus for Economics)
(Gastmeyer, 1998). For
each controlled field there exists also a free text field
to increase flexibility.
Versioning and granularity are issues in the con-
text of persistent identifiers. In da|ra, we offer a
comprehensive versioning mechanism and let the
publication agents decide how to use it. For exam-
ple, publication agents can register a new DOI name
for each version of the metadata or update the exist-
ing metadata in order to, e.g., remove typos. Publica-
tion agents are also free to decide on the granularity
of the datasets, which means that it is also possible
to assign a DOI name for a package, e.g. a CD con-
taining several datasets.
In this section, we give an overview over the archi-
tecture of the da|ra information system. The architec-
ture of our system is visualized in Figure 1. On the
left, we see the two types of user groups, Publication
Agents and Researchers. The main difference be-
tween these is that the researcher cannot create or
edit a dataset. On the right, the external services
interacting with da|ra - the DOI resolution and
Metadata Store services - are visualized. In the mid-
dle, the details of the frontend and the backend of
our system are visualized. The main frontend com-
ponents are Search, Create/Edit/Upload, and DOI
resolution. In the following, we present the details of
the internal components and how they interface with
the external services.
4.1 Create, Edit & Upload
A publication agent can use the da|ra frontend to
create and then edit a dataset. To create a dataset one
has to fill out the create form, which covers the basic
metadata fields. After that the data is saved as a
dataset and, if chosen by the publication agent, reg-
istered. Then, the dataset can be edited and the addi-
tional domain-specific metadata fields can be filled
out in the edit form. When creating a dataset, one
can choose whether to provide a DOI proposal or to
let the system generate one. As mentioned before,
versioning is crucial in the context of PIDs. With our
system, a publication agent selects either to use only
a ‘Study ID’ and let the system generate the ‘Ver-
sion’, or to provide both manually, or to let the sys-
tem generate both.
The importer and study service are the only ser-
vices that have reading and writing access to the
da|ra database. These two services are supporting the
‘create/edit and upload’ components offered in the
frontend. The study service supports the form-based
data manipulation. The importer service takes an
XML based data description valid with the dara.xsd
as input. This request will create an entry in our
database if there does not yet exist an entry with the
given ‘Study ID’ and ‘Version’. Otherwise, it will
update the existing entry. The importer service can
be used via the frontend by a form for XML upload,
or via the service API.
The DOI registration is performed by the registry
service. The registry service acts as a proxy of the
services of the metadata store. These provide the
functionality for ‘DOI registration’ and ‘metadata
upload’. In addition, they can be used to set the
status of a DOI name ‘inactive’ to deactivate a DOI,
e.g. if the landing page of the DOI is unreachable.
When registering a DOI, two key-value pairs with
DOI name and URL have to be passed. If the DOI
name already exists, it will be reminted. Otherwise it
will be registered. The metadata upload stores a new
version of the metadata for a given DOI. It takes an
Figure 1: Technical overview of the da|ra information system.
XML, which is valid against the Metadata Store
schema, as input.
4.2 Search & Doi Resolution
The search component is supported by the search
service through the Solr framework. We offer quick
and advanced search forms. The quick search is
performed over all metadata fields. In the advanced
search, one can narrow the search by stating explicit-
ly the title, DOI, version, principal investigator,
publication date or data centre (publication agent).
Furthermore, the search result of a request can be
filtered/narrowed with facets, which allows faster
and easier finding of specific information about a
dataset. We defined seven facets: Data Center, Prin-
cipal Investigator, Data Collector, Collection Mode,
Keywords, Availability and Publication Date.
The structure of the Solr index is given through
the Solr indexing schema. In this schema, we de-
fined the advanced and faceted search fields as static
fields and all other as dynamic fields. In addition, for
the quick search, we defined also a static field called
default search. All dynamic and static fields are
copied to this field to perform a quick overall search.
Every new dataset created by da|ra is integrated
into the Solr index by the search service. In addition,
the search service manages updates. Depending on
whether logged-in or not, the user gets different
search results. For a non-logged user, we present
only the registered datasets. The logged-in user gets
additionally his/her own not yet registered datasets
as search result.
The DOI resolution component is based on a ser-
vice that is used to resolve a given DOI name, pro-
vided by the DOI Foundation.
Reproducibility of research processes is essential for
every science discipline. Often, the reproduction of a
research process is impossible without the primary
data that was used in the process. The da|ra system
supports the demand for the ability to find and to
precisely cite primary data. In this paper, we
presented the architecture of the da|ra information
system, which allows registering and citing datasets
by using DOIs as persistent identifiers. It is based on
the da|ra metadata schema, which matches the needs
of the social science and economics to describe their
datasets. The da|ra information system is
implemented using the Grails framework and is
publicly available at (see Figure
2 for a screenshot). Today, our system is already
used by 12 publication agents and includes more
than 6,000 registered research datasets that can be
cited using their DOI. Based on the resolution statis-
tics from DataCite, we can see that the DOIs are
frequently used: in total, about 10700 registered
DOIs of the datasets in our system are resolved per
month; these covered 4170 unique DOIs (average
over July-September 2012).In future work, we will
focus on linking the datasets in our system with
other repositories, e.g. literature repositories. For
doing so, techniques from InFoLiS (Boland et al.,
2012) could be integrated.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the da|ra system.
This work is jointly funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG) and GESIS as part of the da|ra
project. We would like to thank the members of the
da|ra team for their comments and support.
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