Web Forums Change Analysis
Tomasz Kaczmarek and Dawid Grzegorz W˛eckowski
Department of Information Systems, Pozna´n University of Economics, Pozna´n, Poland
Web Crawler, Web Forum, Web Page Changes.
In this paper we present results from an experiment conducted on over 27 900 web pages gathered every
2 hours over 22 days from 16 forums (4256 independent crawls), to investigate how these web pages evolve
over time. The results of the experiment became a basis for design choices for a focused incremental crawler,
that will be specialized for efficient gathering of documents from web forums, maintaining high freshness of
the local collection of obtained pages. The data analysis shows, that forums differ from generic web portals
and identifying places in the source navigational structure, where new documents occur more often, would
allow to improve the crawler’s performance and the collection freshness.
This article reports on the results of experiment con-
ducted on 16 web forums crawled for web pages. The
experiments were conducted to gather data concern-
ing web page changes. On one hand we would like
to validate the results obtained previously in simi-
lar experiments, but for a slightly different conditions
(more general web sites and less granular data). On
the other hand we are looking for the clues about the
possible patterns present in web page change data.
Our main motivation for analysing the data is to
improve over existing results in web crawler design
and in particular approaches to scheduling web pages
for revisitation in subsequent (or incremental) crawls.
The goal for crawling would be to capture new infor-
mation published on the forum as early as possible,
without overburdening the crawler infrastructure and
the target websites with unnecessary fetches.
The work related to our concerns several areas that
have much in common: research on the Web structure
and its changes, methods of change detection, incre-
mental crawler design issues and websites navigation
issues including crawling specific types of websites
(focused crawling).
2.1 Web Structure and Changes
We base our work on seminal papers by Cho
and Garcia-Molina (Cho and Garcia-Molina, 2000),
where they made similar investigation of web page
evolution in order to design a better incremental
crawler. They conducted their analysis on a large col-
lection of web pages (over 500 000) and conclude that
pages change on average every 10 days (with 1 day
granularity of measurement) with significant differ-
ences between commercial and less business oriented
pages. Secondly, they found that web pages’ changes
follow the mathematical model of Poisson process,
which is used for sequences of random events hap-
pening independently with fixed rate over time.
The same authors continue their work to refine
the mathematical model for estimating frequency of
change and optimize the access time for incremen-
tal crawler in (Cho and Garcia-Molina, 2003). Their
experiments show, that using the right estimates the
performance of the web crawler can be significantly
improved, resulting in more changes being detected.
Further work on exploiting knowledge of the web
page changes characteristics focuses on optimisation
of the crawler. The work of Baeza-Yates and col-
leagues from 2005 (Baeza-Yates et al., 2005) dis-
cusses strategies for prioritizing web page download.
They focus on strategies that take into account web
page importance (calculated mainly using Pagerank).
They concluded, that using the right strategy it is pos-
sible to find the high quality pages sooner, than with
breadth-first strategy for example.
Kaczmarek T. and W˛eckowski D..
Web Forums Change Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004373201050110
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 105-110
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Another analysis of web page change evolution
patterns was presented in (Adar et al., 2009b). The
analysis was conducted on a finer grain than the
whole-page comparison because structural elements
of web pages were analysed. Each of 55 000 URLs
sampled based on user visits in this study was crawled
on a hourly basis which allowed also for detailed anal-
ysis of the time of changes. The findings of this study
are that the rates of change were higher than in previ-
ously reported experiments (averages in the range of
tens of hours), with a large portion of pages chang-
ing more than hourly. Detailed content and structure
analyses identified stable and dynamic content within
each page. Using the same data set the Authors re-
ported also in (Adar et al., 2009a) the discovered res-
onance between user behaviour patterns (frequency of
visits or returns to the page) and the page change pat-
In (Ben Saad and Gançarski, 2011) the Authors
took another approach and tried to identify periodic
patterns of change on the monitored web pages, in or-
der for the crawler to be able to predict the exact time
when the change is most likely to occur on a given
URL. The research is based on observations that for
some frequently updated web pages (several times per
day) the periodic activity can be detected. The ap-
proach was applied for web archiving to improve the
quality of the web archive.
2.2 Methods of Change Detection
The method of change detection can be crucial for
crawling web forums and adjusting revisiting strat-
egy for keeping the local collection of web pages
copies up-to-date. One of the simplest solution is
the use the document digest to compare subsequent
versions of a page. This method is efficient, how-
ever the disadvantage of such approach is that both
small and large changes are equal. The fact of modifi-
cation can be also established upon the information
in HTTP header Last-Modified, although in case
of dynamically generated web pages the information
can be unreliable. Several other solutions were devel-
oped for more robust change detection and descrip-
tion. One of the first solutions designed for HTML
documents comparison is HtmlDiff program, devel-
oped at AT&T Bell Laboratories (Douglis and Ball,
1996; Douglis et al., 1998). It takes advantage of the
algorithm proposed by Hirshberg to solve the longest
common subsequence (LCS) problem (Hirschberg,
1977). Rocco, Buttler and Liu (Rocco et al., 2003;
Buttler et al., 2004) introduced mechanism called
Page Digest for storing and processing web docu-
ments. Page Digest introduces a clean separation of
the content of a web page and the page structure,
and can operate in linear time, with 75% improve-
ment as compared to other solutions. The analysis of
well known document similarity metrics (byte-wise
comparison, TF-IDF cosine distance, word distance,
edit distance, and w-shingling) was also performed
in (Kwon et al., 2006). On a structural level of HTML
documents (Adar et al., 2009b) presented algorithms
for describing DOM tree elements modifications as
well as persistence of structural blocks. Several re-
cent studies make use of visual features of web pages
to detect and measure changes (Saad and Gançarski,
2010; Law et al., 2012).
2.3 Incremental Crawler Design
The work by Cho on web page evolution, as men-
tioned earlier (Cho and Garcia-Molina, 2000), al-
lowed them to formulate certain clues for incremen-
tal crawler design. Significant changes in the rate
of change between different pages (large number of
them did not change over the whole 4 month period
of the experiment) suggests that crawling should be
guided by the rate of change of the web page, not
to waste the resources on pages that change less fre-
quently. Secondly, the Poisson process model for
web page changes suggests a strategy for incremen-
tal crawling, which depends on estimation of which
pages are likely to change in a given time period ac-
cording to the process model and history of changes,
and scheduling them first for crawling.
A number of other approaches to prioritize pages
in the crawl queue were proposed, that take into ac-
count factors other than the frequency of changes of
the web page. As (Liu et al., 2011) reports, measures
of page importance stemming from web graph struc-
ture (like in-degree or PageRank) were successfully
evaluated. Web page topic, web site structure or even
direct mining of user interest from the search engine
log were also proposed as factors to take into consid-
eration when crawling the Web.
2.4 Focused Crawling
There were several efforts aiming at development of
methods and building web crawlers, focusing on re-
trieval of specific web pages.
A focused crawling for collecting mainly novel
pages can be established with the use of novelty mea-
sure proposed in (Toyoda and Kitsuregawa, 2006). It
can be used to find emergent information according
to some topical range, e.g. a user’s interest. A fo-
cused crawler can use the distribution of the novelty
measure calculated for current local collection of web
pages, to adjust revisitation strategy, and explore the
areas of the Web that most probably contain novelties.
(Baeza-Yates and Castillo, 2007) discussed the
most common ways of defining the range of pages to
be retrieved from the infinite Web. One can download
purely static pages or use only one set of parameters
in the URL, alternatively pages can be collected until
specified total / per domain amount or until reaching
certain number of levels per web site. Authors pro-
pose various models of random surfing in a generic
unbounded web site and they show the main areas of
focus for a web crawler by analyzing how deep the
users generally go into the web site.
Recently many solutions deal with web page re-
trieval from web forums. (Cai et al., 2008) proposed
an intelligent forum crawler, called iRobot, which is
able to choose traversal paths for visiting different
types of pages, by analysing content and structure of
a forum web site. The crawler tries to reconstruct the
forum’s sitemap, with the use of preliminary sampling
of web pages from the site and grouping them accord-
ing to content layout characteristics. The sitemap al-
lows iRobot to select an optimal path for web page
retrieval, including only informative pages, discard-
ing duplicates and invalid ones.
(Yang et al., 2009) studied incremental crawling
of web forums. They showed that traditional ap-
proaches to crawling web pages may be insufficient
in terms of forums sites, which have different char-
acteristics than general web sites and contain inter-
relationships between pages. Determining revisiting
strategy based on individual pages change frequency
can be inefficient, because within web forums each
list of threads or list of posts is split among several
pages, implying that one change in a list can cause
modification of all related pages. Thus, a list-wise
crawling strategy was proposed, after reconstructing
a forum linking structure, posts, that are spread across
different pages but are from the same thread, can be
concatenated and a regression model of change can be
applied for a whole thread.
FoCUS (Forum Crawler Under Supervision) was
presented in (Jiang et al., 2012). Their goal was
to build a forum crawler for visiting only relevant
content with minimal overhead. FoCUS design was
based on the observation, that, despite being gen-
erated by various software engines, having different
styles and structures, web forums have similar, so
called, implicit navigation paths, represented by spe-
cific URLs, that connect entry pages and thread pages.
Authors reduced the forum crawling problem, to the
problem of recognition of URL type, and enabled the
crawler to learn regular expression patterns of the im-
plicit navigation paths. It was showed that, with the
use of robust page classifier, even small training set
can be enough for a large scale forum crawling.
2.5 Motivation
As evident from the above literature review, there is
abundance of methods for scheduling web pages for
retrieval. However we would like to validate the ba-
sic assumptions and see what are the actual patterns
of web page changes on web forums, which are our
target. The experiments are performed to further re-
fine the scheduling methods based on the web page
changes or propose some hybrid approach, which
would take into account a larger number of factors,
leading to even better crawler performance.
3.1 What is a Change?
To analyze the data we had to define the notion of
page change. The data that we gathered at certain
time points contained three types of information: the
page was not available under a given URL (marked
N/A), the page was available and did not change in
comparison to the previous fetch of the page from a
given URL even by a single byte (marked as 0), or the
page was available and comparison with the previous
fetch revealed a change (even if only by a single bit)
marked as 1. The latter case includes also a situa-
tion, when the page was collected for the first time,
or it was not available under a given URL previously,
but at certain point in time a non-empty content was
fetched from this URL.
Therefore several situations may occur in practice:
N/A-N/A – page not available previously and in a
subsequent fetch, no change
N/A-1 page not available previously, but content
fetched in a subsequent round
1-1 page changed previously and in a subse-
quent fetch
1-N/A – page was available previously but disap-
peared in a subsequent fetch
1-0 page was available previously, and did not
0-0 page was available previously and still did
not change
0-N/A – page was available and disappeared
0-1 – page was available and changed in a subse-
quent fetch
Out of all possibilities one (N/A-0) could not occur in
our data set.
The motivation for this method of counting
changes is that we wanted to distinguish between the
pages that appeared and did not change later and the
pages that appeared and disappeared immediately (or
even later in time).
3.2 Data Set Characteristics
For our studies we have chosen 16 different Polish
forum sites, which were periodically crawled during
the experiment. After each crawl, a new snapshot was
created, that consisted of files fetched from a given
web site. The files were stored in a raw form for the
ease of further analysis and comparison.
We wanted to achieve a reasonably high granu-
larity of fetches, so the web pages from specified
sites were retrieved every 2 hours. As the experiment
lasted for 23 days (2012-05-05 2012-05-27), this
gave us a sample of 266 snapshots for each forum site.
The total number of unique URLs that were visited is
27958, including web pages that were discovered dur-
ing the experiment, as well as pages that, after initial
retrieval, were found unavailable later on. To deter-
mine the existence of change (as described in 3.1) we
used data from 649705 successful fetch events that
were conducted.
Similarly to the (Cho and Garcia-Molina, 2000),
we used an active crawling technique with a page
window. Using active crawling, a program robot
(crawler) visits selected web pages periodically and
each version of a page is stored for further analysis
and change detection. Active crawling can be too ob-
trusive for web sites being monitored, especially if the
fetch frequency is high. Nevertheless, we chose this
approach because it provides more reliable statistics
and can be more precisely customised in terms of fre-
quency of visits and the scope of monitoring.
In our case the selection of web pages to be visited
depends on the structure of a given web site. For each
web site the crawler starts with a predefined main
page, and conducts breadth-first search for available
web pages. All pages that can be found not deeper
than on the fifth level of the web site, are perceived
as a page window for that site. The page window can
change during the consecutive crawls some pages
can be created ore moved to an appropriate level, and
thus can be added to the page window; other ones can
be removed from the window as they become unavail-
able or as they are moved deeper in the web site struc-
This method of crawling for the depth of ve al-
lowed us to finish each crawl before the time point to
start the subsequent crawl. Obviously, we could ex-
tend the depth of the crawl, but given our infrastruc-
ture limitations, it would require extending the time
span between subsequent crawls as well. Our initial
experiments indicated, that for the depth of 6 or more,
the number of pages retrieved in each crawl raises sig-
nificantly, which was expected.
Our studies show some interesting features of web fo-
rum sites that were monitored. The 1 shows the num-
ber of new and deleted web pages, that were found
during the experiment period, aggregated on daily ba-
sis. The data indicate a very high change rate of the
local collection there was more than 1000 new pages
on average every day, and a similar amount of web
pages were found to be no longer available. As the
average amount of web pages in the local collection
was 3028, that means every day 1/3 of the collection
was replaced by new pages.
It can be seen, that the number of both, the new
and the deleted web pages, prove to have weekly fluc-
tuation, with the peak in the middle of the week, and
decreasing at the weekends.
New pages count
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
May 05 May 08 May 11 May 14 May 17 May 20 May 23 May 26
Figure 1: Number of new URLs over the experiment period
per day.
The 2 shows the results of our experiment con-
cerning average change frequency of retrieved web
pages. As it can be seen, a significant percent of
pages change very often — 30.42% of monitored web
pages changed every 2 hours or more often on aver-
age, 50.41% at least every 4 hours on average and
87.96% every day or more often on average.
To analyze how quickly the local collection be-
comes out of date, we measured the time from the
first fetch of each web page to its first change after-
wards. A snapshot of web pages that was retrieved
from web forums, became obsolete in a short time
after 2 hours, 40.49% of web pages were out of date,
after 4 hours – it was 63.6%, and it took only 12 hours
for 80.56% of web pages to be outdated.
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500
Percentage of pages (%)
Change frequency (h)
Figure 2: Percent of pages with a given change frequency
rate (log scale).
We also calculated the lifespan of web pages in
several ranges, as the time span between the first date
and the last date when the content was available un-
der a given URL, regardless of its changes and pos-
sible disappearances in the meantime. The data pre-
sented in 1 indicates that a large number of pages has
relatively short lifespan (over 40% disappears within
4 hours). At the same time almost 25% of pages
lives longer than one day. Obviously our crawling ap-
proach with page window could affect these results to
an unknown extent.
Table 1: Lifespan of web pages.
Time Percentage
0-2 h 27.82%
2-4 h 14.9%
4-8 h 8.16%
8-12 h 8.54%
12-24 h 16.44%
1 day – 1 week 14.16%
> 1 week 9.95%
Finally, we analysed the relation between fre-
quency of changes and possible web page behaviour
patterns approximated by the standard deviation of
the frequency of changes. We have found that the
pages that change frequently (with averages between
1 to 10 hours) present consistent behaviour in terms of
their frequency of changes. The higher average time
span between subsequent changes, the less consis-
tent behaviour one page presents - standard deviations
tend to fan out for higher averages. This might be an
evidence for low predictability of web page change
patterns and randomness of the change occurrences.
We speculate, that the group of pages that changes
often and consistently include the “front” of the web
forum, where new information is published, while the
other group of pages, that change much less often,
consist of pages that are updated, removed or com-
mented. A relatively broad range of most frequently
changing pages indicates also, that the new posts
pushing back the old ones create artificial change no-
tifications perceived on the web page level. To cap-
ture actual changes of content more in depth analysis
of the pages is necessary.
Over 30 % pages are worth visiting more often than
every 2 hours, and over 50 % of pages are worth visit-
ing more often than every 4 hours. The open question
is how much of these 30 % are changed due to scripts
generating the page, without any actual new content.
However, regardless of the answer to this question,
which would require another experiment with much
higher granularity of fetches, it seems that for instant
monitoring of forums it is essential to identify fre-
quently changing pages, in order to capture new con-
tent as soon as it appears, and be able to increase the
freshness of the collection.
Our main motivation to conduct the experiments was
to check, whether existing incremental crawling ap-
proaches are justified and sufficient for dealing with
web forums. The data that we obtained indicate, that
if large scale forum crawling is to be performed, high
frequency of changes of the web pages has to be taken
into account. Our goal for crawling is to be able to
capture new information as early as possible. Since
large majority of web pages changes within 24 hours
it is necessary for the crawler to revisit URLs much
more often. Given the usual situation of limited net-
work bandwidth and the necessary politeness policy
to avoid overburdening of target web servers it is es-
sential to guide the crawl towards the resources that
change more often and are of particular relevance.
However, randomness of the web page change pro-
cess causes, that basing web page revisit on an es-
timate of web page change frequency might not be
sufficient. Other factors could be taken into account,
such as a day of a week or a forum structure. Com-
bining information about the frequency of changes to-
gether with information about the structure of a web
site as a graph could indicate places in the graph,
where new information is actually published. At the
same time it would allow to optimize the revisit policy
to be able to visit most relevant URLs on a less-than-
hour basis.
The work published in this article was supported by
the project titled: “Ego Virtual Identity”, financed
by the Polish National Centre of Research and Devel-
opment (NCBiR), contract no. NR11-0037-10.
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