Using Web Services and Mobile Devices to Reuse on Requirements
Karla Donato Fook
, Irlanilson Rodrigues Santos
Maxwellen Nayra Silva Castro
and Zair Abdelouahab
Department of Informatics, Maranhão Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology (IFMA),
São Luís-MA, Brazil
Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís-MA, Brazil
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Reuse, MROBJER, Mobile Application.
Abstract: Agility in software specification has been a key feature aimed by development teams. An important concept
in this context is reuse. MROBJER is a method that supports goals and scenarios reuse through analogies
among complex software systems. FROBJER is computational tool which was developed to support
MROBJER application. However, this tool performs reuse in a standalone way using a local database. This
paper presents a platform which involves Web service and a mobile application to improve FROBJER
architecture. This approach allows MROBJER to run in a mobile platform through FROBJERMobile
Software specification includes the requirement
engineering phase which aims to improve software
product analysis and modeling. This phase includes
activities to elicit software requirements
(Sommerville, 2006). A requirement is a description
of something the system is able to carry out to reach
its goals (Pfleeger, 2001).
One challenge is to get more accurate
requirements allowing good understanding of what
is expected in a new application (Pressman et al.,
2005); (Sommerville, 2006). Requirements
representation may often be subject to redundancies,
inconsistencies and misunderstandings. As it
demands a notable effort from the developer,
researchers propose solutions for this phase to
promote the understanding, management and
maintenance of requirements set describing the new
system. Reuse brings several benefits to the
development and may lead to software with more
Aiming to reuse requirements, Fook and
Abdelouahab (2001) propose a goal reuse method
called MROBJER. A computational tool was
developed to support method application,
FROBJER. The early version was developed in
Desktop platform. The massive mobile devices use
and Web technologies in application development
platforms demanded for an FROBJER architecture
expansion. This expansion provides more flexibility,
mobility and decentralization in MROBJER
application. Requirements engineer can apply the
method anywhere by Internet from a mobile phone,
for instance. Our main motivation is to provide a
tool which allows method application in a large-
This paper presents FROBJERMobile
architecture. The expansion will take to new
perspectives to the requirements engineers, and
MROBJER application may occur more widely.
Researchers proposed several methods to discovery,
management and maintenance of requirements over
the years. Some examples are GORE – Goal Driven
Requirements Engineering, KAOS – Knowledge
Acquisition in Automated Specification (Dardenne
et al., 1993), and ESPRIT CREWS (Rolland et al.,
1998). Many Methods do consider software tools to
discover, analyze and verify requirements, but only a
Donato Fook K., Rodrigues Santos I., Nayra Silva Castro M. and Abdelouahab Z..
Using Web Services and Mobile Devices to Reuse on Requirements Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0004373704970500
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 497-500
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
few consider software tools aiming for requirements
Many authors refer to software system functional
requirements as goals. Sem and Hemachandram
(2012) present goals as a method to identify
requirements during the requirement engineering
phase. Rocco (2002) asserts that software goals
settle guidelines to organize what is being needed by
Based on this perspective, Fook and
Abdelouahab (2001) proposed a goal reuse method
for requirements engineering, MROBJER. This
method focuses on improving requirements
elicitation, analysis and validation. Authors develop
FROBJER, a computational tool to apply
MROBJER. Differently from the proposed tools, the
reuse is the focus of FROBJER.
The goal reuse method for Requirement
Engineering, MROBJER, allows the goals and
scenarios reuse through complex applications
analogy. Authors consider that clients can easily list
goals to be reached in their tasks.
First, requirement engineers map a structure to
compare applications from the same or different
Domains, and then they identify the goals. In this
method reuse is not restricted to systems from the
same domain, but they also include systems from
different domains. There are different mapping
levels, such as software domain and the subdomain.
Following, the application is mapped as
functional aggregations set. Generic goals are also
identified with their respective scenarios.
Requirements engineers list goals considered
generic, the ones which may be common to other
applications. The approach proposes a generic goals
N = {Domain, “Description”, Main
Verb, Main Object, <Parameter> [0..n]}, where:
N: is the Goal identification number;
Description: is goal brief description;
n: number of goal parameters.
The verb and the main object of a generic goal
are identified. The generic goals contain variable
parts and are labeled parameters. They are identified
by determinants < >. Once the generic goals are
formatted, requirements engineer inserts all the
structure into a repository. Figure 1 shows the
structure mapping which allows goals reuse.
Figure 1: MROBJER Process (Castro and Fook, 2011).
The reuse happens whenever a new application uses
one or more generic goal from the repository.
Generic goals and scenarios can be partial or totally
reused by the new application. In case of partial use,
a parameterization process occurs. After reusing the
new application specific goals are included into
repository. The FROBJER produces a document
which can serve as a basis to the new application
Requirements Document. For more details on
MROBJER application, it is suggested to read Fook
and Abdelouahab (2001).
Although MROBJER may be applied in
way, it becomes difficult to keep mapped
structures in simple text documents due to
information amount in these files. Thus there is a
tool to support MROBJER, FROBJER. This
program improves the method application through a
database repository instead of text document.
Besides, it supports best application of goals and
scenarios parameterization during partial reuse. Next
section presents FROBJER architecture.
Once the new application is mapped, FROBJER
allows the requirements engineer to apply
MROBJER in a short time.
Despite this advantage, FROBJER Desktop
version does not allow for more than one engineer to
use the method application in different locations at
the same time. Thus, authors proposed an expansion
of FROBJER architecture. They developed
FROBJERMobile software to support a distributed
way of MROBJER application. This approach
makes available the mapped structures in a Web
server repository. The analysts may access the
repository from mobile devices when visiting
clients, for instance. This feature removes local
barriers, and requirements engineers can work from
anywhere. There are three layers in this architecture
expansion as shown below.
Figure 2: FROBJER expanded architecture.
FROBJER architecture involves Desktop, Web and
Mobile Layers. The Desktop layer is part of the
FROBJER original architecture where the local
repository is kept in a local repository. The Web
layer and Mobile layer are part of FROBJER
architecture expansion. The Web layer includes the
Web repository, the Web application and the Web
service. The Mobile layer consists of an application
developed to mobile devices.
FROBJER, Web service and FROBJERMobile
Android applications were developed in Java
(Armstrong et al., 2003); (Android Portal, 2012);
(Mednieks et al., 2011). Local and Web repository
are MySQL databases. Each layer will be described
in the following sessions.
4.1 Desktop Layer
The Desktop layer consists of an FROBJER Desktop
version which allows the standalone use by the
client. Its interface provides all mapped structures
visualization. It is also possible partial or total reuse
of generic goals and its scenarios. This application
produces a document with new application goals.
4.2 Web Layer
The Web layer is an intermediate layer, and includes
a Web repository, a Web service, and a Web
application. The Web application synchronizes the
local repository with the Web repository while the
Web service intermediates this repository and the
mobile application. The Web service access the Web
repository for querying and updating from mobile
4.3 Mobile Layer
The Mobile layer includes the application which
allows many Requirement Engineers to access
mapped structures in the Web repository from
mobile devices. They may be in different geographic
locations to access the Web repository in real time,
this way providing flexibility, mobility and new
work perspectives.
This application, called FROBJERMobile, was
developed in the Android platform using Java
Programming Language (Armstrong et al., 2003);
(Chappell and Jewel, 2002). Figures 3, 4 and 5 show
some interfaces of the mobile layer application.
Figure 3: FROBJERMobile Interface.
Figure 3 shows interface to select an application and
its mapping. Thereby it will be able to analyze
generic goals and perform reuse.
Figure below shows a selected goal is shown in
this interface to be reused. The items between “< >”
are the parameters which may be altered in case of
partial reuse. For each generic goal to be reused
there is an available scenario.
Figure 4: FROBJERMobile – Goal visualization.
Figure 5 shows the FROBJERMobile interface to
manage these scenarios.
Figure 5: FROBJERMobile – Scenarios.
The scenarios describe a generic goal in the Web
repository. In this case the user may select the one to
be reused.
This text presented the FROBJER architecture
expansion. This new architecture allows a new way
to apply MROBJER through mobile devices
application, FROBJERMobile. Now, requirements
engineers are able to elicit and reuse requirements
using a cellular phone.
It is believed that this new way will bring out
flexibility and resources to help up with the complex
specification activity.
Special thanks go to CNPq (National Counsel of
Technological and Scientific Development); and to
FAPEMA (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do
Maranhão) for partially supporting this research.
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